TD the Alicorn Princess

by BronyWriter

No Way

Every single eye in the field was on our dear old friend Aepnet, and he knew it. Being outed as the "mastermind" behind the sacking of the two border towns in front of three goddesses of pony kind, a fourth princess, four guard captains, and the army of one of said goddesses that just took out a griffin raider army without so much as a scratch? Bus. Ted.

So, what do I think of all of this? That this Aepnet moron was behind all of it just to figure out what kind of ruler I was going to be? Hoo boy, you'd better believe that I was not happy. If my glare had physical power behind it, it would have begun leveling mountains. Aepnet was in for it now, and I don't think that he had any illusions about that.

Our dear chicken-y ruler audibly gulped and alternated his glances between the four of us princesses, and I can say beyond the shadow of a doubt that the rest of them were just as mad as I was. "Er... i-it's a lie." Aepnet whispered. "Sinosis is simply lying to you to lessen his own punishment, I swear it."

"Really?!" I stomped towards Aepnet and flared out my wings. "Well, that's easily cleared up, then! I'll just send Lieutenant Rapids to the fort to collect every single scrap of paper that Sinosis wrote on, and if none of them are from you then I'll know he's lying."

"I hid them!" I turned my head to see Sinosis crawling towards me, but Lieutenant Rapids put a wing blade to his neck and he froze. He sat back down on the ground, but looked me directly in the eye. "I hid them in a place where you'll never find them! Set me free and I'll show you where!"

I smirked at him and shook my head. "Don't think so, buddy. You've plea bargained enough. If the documents you've described are there, my army will tear down the fort log by log looking for them. We'll find them."

"You will not do such a thing in Griffonian territory!" Aepnet snarled. I turned back to face him and he now, in a frankly ballsy move, had his wings spread. "You already moved your army into my country once, Antares! You will not do it again!"

"Oh? Won't we?"

Yeesh. The pure venom behind Celestia's voice freaked me out a little bit inside, so Aepnet stood no chance against it. His wings drooped and one of his eyes twitched, but he could not bring himself to turn and face her. I couldn't really blame him, as mad as I was. The looks of pure fury that Celestia and Luna both were giving him would have struck him dead on the spot if they had such powers. Heck, maybe they did and just weren't willing to do such a thing. Either way, Aepnet could have no illusions about how bad this had gotten for him.

"You hired a group of slavers to capture a hundred of my subjects for the sole purpose of figuring out what kind of ruler Princess Antares really is?" Celestia took a few steps towards Aepnet. They couldn't be heard, even though nobody else was making any noise at all. "That. Is. An act of war, Aepnet."

Aepnet let out a small squeak and I saw his pupils shrink down to pinpricks. Even Kathyrine's normally smug smile was completely gone, and she had taken a few steps away from her father. I think she thinks he's about to be incinerated and doesn't want any of her feathers singed off in the blast.

Well Aepnet did finally manage to speak again after a few seconds of flapping his beak up and down like a fish out of water. He managed to fold his wings back at his side and scoot away from Celestia. I think he thought that he'd be safer around an angry me than an angry Celestia.

"I-it's a lie, I assure you," he said quietly. "Celestia, I assure you that I had no more to do with it than you did. Sinosis acted of his own accord independent of my wishes."

"I pray for your sake that he did," Luna growled, coming up on Aepnet's other side. Kathyrine flinched when she saw Luna approach and ran towards me of all ponies, hiding behind me while Celestia and Luna stared down Aepnet. I couldn't blame her. I wouldn't want to be even indirectly in Aepnet's position either, and I think she thought that she might be in some trouble as his daughter. "If that is true, then you have no reason to fear a small team led by Princess Antares and Lieutenant Rapids going into the fortress to search for any such documents. You may even have griffins of your own close by! Refusal gives support to the fact that you had something to do with it!"

"I will not allow it, I say!" Aepnet snarled. "Let us just be done with this! I will take the raiders back to Griffonia to stand trial by our laws and we will both go our separate ways on the matter!"

"A claim such as his cannot go unheeded, Aepnet, no matter how uncomfortable you are with having Equestrian soldiers within your borders." Celestia walked up beside Aepnet, really highlighting their height differences. He was a good five or so inches shorter than she, and it would take all of three seconds for Celestia to leave him as a scorch mark on the ground. "We will be investigating the matter quite thoroughly, and we will find out the truth of it. Should it be discovered that you were behind it, there will be severe consequences."

Aepnet fluttered his wings again and took a step forwards away from Celestia, but still did not make eye contact with her. "You wouldn't want to go to war, Celestia. Your ponies don't know war! It would break a four hundred year old treaty between our nations! W-we have weapons that can hurt alicorns!"

"Oh Dad, just shut up and give them whatever they want," Kathyrine muttered, but it was really far too late for that. Aepnet had already crossed a big line with Celestia and Luna. Even Cadance was starting to back away from the three of them.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME?!" Celestia screeched, the power of the Royal Canterlot Voice nearly blowing off some of Aepnet's feathers. Said turkey king yelped and sat on the ground, covering his head with his arms. "YOU WILL NOT SPEAK TO ME IN SUCH A MANNER, AEPNET! I AM CELESTIA, THE WRATH OF THE SUN, AND I WILL NOT BE THREATENED BY THE LIKES OF YOU!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Aepnet squeaked. He flared out one of his wings as if to use it as a shield against Celestia and covered his head with the other. "Y-you can look in the fort for the documents! I don't want to go to war with you; just leave me be!"

Wow, if he hadn't more than likely brought this on himself I'd almost feel sorry for the guy. I know I'd feel bad if he was innocent, but if there really were documents in the fort incriminating him in the whole thing, then he brought the whole thing down upon his own head and deserves no sympathy. Besides, it's true what Luna said: if no such letters exist then he has nothing to fear from letting us search the fort for an hour or two. Not allowing us to at least take a cursory glance around the fort, and taking the raiders for himself when by all rights they're ours to deal with? Looks mighty suspicious to me, and I knew that Celestia and Luna agreed.

Well, now that Aepnet was willing to do whatever we wanted him to do, he folded his wings and raised his head, still not willing to make eye contact with any of us princesses, but not cowering either. Celestia too had calmed down, and her own wings were folded at her side once more. She had moved in front of Aepnet and was staring down at him, unmoving.

"Here is what will happen. Princess Antares will take a hoof picked token force of her guard to the fortress of Sinosis and she will search it top-to-bottom. Any evidence that you had anything to do with what happened today will not be ignored."

Aepnet gasped for breath and quickly nodded his head. "Y-yes, Princess Celestia. I will not interfere."

"Good." Celestia turned to me and nodded to Lieutenant Rapids. "You may take whomever you desire to search for any documents linking Aepnet to this. Let me know if you find anything."

I inclined my head in a small bow and beckoned Lieutenant Rapids to me. She saluted and beckoned two guards to follow her while I instructed Captain Blaze on how to handle the griffin prisoners. We took two more guards and were about to go off to the fort when I saw somebody coming up to me out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head and saw Kathyrine coming up to me with two griffin knights. Lieutenant Rapids glared at her and fluttered her wing blades, but I signaled for her to stand down.

"Something up?" I asked when Kathyrine was close enough.

"Yeah, I'm coming with you." Kathyrine motioned to the forest. "I don't trust whatever's out there, and I want to make sure that this gets handled right. I know my dad won't get it done correctly, so I want to make sure that it does."

I raised my eyebrow and glanced over at Lieutenant Rapids who shrugged. I tilted my head in a return shrug and looked back at Kathyrine. "Okay, so you want the job to get done correctly, huh? What does that mean for you exactly? How do I know you're not going to try to find the evidence first then smudge it or destroy it?"

"How do I know that you're not just going to go plant something?!" Kathyrine retorted. "You could be out to ruin my dad's name in front of both of our nations!"

"If you'll pardon me for saying so, he's already done that by cowering in front of Celestia and not cooperating," I responded flatly. "Still..." I shrugged. "I know that I'm not going out to sabotage him in any way, so you can come along if you'd like." Kathyrine nodded and began walking, but I held out a hoof and stopped her. "But you have to call me the second you see something. We're out here to find something on your dad. If it's there and I find out that you've destroyed it, you're as guilty as he is, understand?"

Kathyrine scowled at me, but nodded. "Yeah. Whatever. Let's just get this over with, okay?"

I nodded, and the group began walking into the forest. Given that there were only nine of us instead of a few hundred, the going was a lot faster, especially since we were in a hurry to get back to the fort. Both of us wanted to be done with this as soon as possible. After a few minutes of silence, I glanced over at Kathyrine and smirked at her. "You know I don't want it to be your dad any more than you do, right?"

Kathyrine turned her head to me, her eyebrow raised. "Oh yeah? Why's that?"

I scoffed quietly and nodded. "Yeah. Put yourself in my position: you've only been a literal goddess for a little while, and a situation arises where some of your subjects are kidnapped by slavers, and you have to go get them. Would you like the situation to be that some dumb slaver just got bold and in over his head, or a foreign ruler who is putting you through a test, and how he interacts with you depends on how you do?"

Kathyrine bobbled her head in an affirming nod. "I can see that." She gave a scoff of her own. "I thought I was going to have to find out about that myself for a moment. I thought your dear Princess Celestia was going to obliterate my dad, making me... uh..." Kathyrine stopped in her tracks and put one of her claws on her head. She took several deep breaths and leaned her head against a nearby tree. "Uh... hold on a minute."

I frowned and motioned for my soldiers to stop. They obeyed, allowing me to walk up to Kathyrine. "You okay?"

Kathyrine waved my words away and gave a single nod. "Yeah. Yeah now I am. It's just kinda hitting me how close I came to becoming empress of all Griffonia, that's all." She took another deep breath and put her claw down to look up at me. "You're new, so you might not know, but the second the old emperor dies, the griffin next in line is the new ruler. No formal ceremony, no meetings, the heir is the new griffin automatically. It's a dynasty preservation law that my grandfather or great-grandfather, or somegriffin like that, thought up. So the moment my dad became a scorch mark on the ground, I'm the new empress of Griffonia, and let me tell you something, Antares... heh... I do not want that right now. I did not wake up this morning expecting to be an empress starting up a war by sundown."

I flinched back and flattened my ears as the implications of that for both of our countries hit me. Heck, the whole planet might have been affected by that one. The griffin emperor killed on Equestrian soil after he possibly ordered the kidnapping of a hundred ponies, and his heir, the now empress, is right there? Ouch. I'd have really picked the perfect time to ascend there. I thanked my lucky stars that Celestia was a little more level-headed than that. Still, not to disrespect a favorite Earth comedian of mine, but my guardian angel must be an alcoholic.

Seeing that Kathyrine was still a little shaken up by seeing Celestia like that, I gave her a comforting smile and put a hoof on her shoulder. "Look, if it helps, she was never going to. One, she's not that stupid politically, and two, she values life too much. You're talking with a guy who punched her three times, the third time resulting in a full-on brawl between the two of us, and she never thought about it. I doubt she was going to ever hurt your father. Besides, we don't have proof yet."

"Yeah." Kathyrine took another deep breath and ran a claw through her head feathers. "Yeah, I guess. Let's just get to the fort and get this settled once and for..." Kathyrine's worried expression faded, and was replaced with a vaguely confused one. "Wait, did you say 'guy?' You're a princess, right?"

I paused for a moment while I figured what she was getting at. When it clicked, I grimaced and began walking back towards the fort, my guard falling in behind me. Kathyrine took wing to catch up to me, and when I glanced at her I could see the beginnings of what I could assume was her trademark smirk on her face. "Yeah, you're a girl, right? Unless Equestria is an even more backwards country than I surmised and 'princess' is a gender neutral term."

I growled quietly and shot Kathyrine a glare. "I was male before I ascended. I was blasted by the Elements of Harmony after helping write some new magic in my human form, human being the species that I was before ascending to a pony goddess of untold power."

To see the sparkle in Kathyrine's eyes, one would have thought that I just told her that I was erasing everything that had happened today. Her face split into a wide grin, and she flew into the air to hover on her back so she could look at me while flying. "So... you were a male human, or whatever you were called, and now you got blasted by pretty jewelry and you're a girl pony now?"

"Yes, and I would thank you not to--"

"Oh this is too rich!" she crowed. "I mean, I've had some pretty boy nobles try to hit on me, so I know how much you guys like your shlongs." Kathyrine cackled and rubbed her claws together. "Oh boy, that must hurt."

It occurs to me that I haven't been trying hard enough to get my gender back. I'll have to focus on that when I have some free time, though I really don't have a lot. Having said that, I'm glad that Kathyrine didn't know Rocky Horror Picture Show, otherwise she'd probably start singing that at the top of her lungs. Having said that, when I look at her, I can still see a little bit of tension in her stance, as much as she's trying to hide it. Maybe her laughter is less about me specifically and more about everything that's happened today. I know when I'm stressed I tend to--

"Princess Antares, I see smoke!"

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Lieutenant Rapid's call, and I looked into the sky where I saw her pointing. Sure enough, a plume of black smoke was bellowing from the distance, and it didn't take a genius to figure out where it was coming from specifically. I gasped and spread my wings. "Come on! We've got to move!"

The rest of the group needed no second prompting. They kicked into overdrive to make it to the fortress before everything we could be looking for was destroyed. Heck, worst case scenario the fire spread and got out of control, burning the whole darned forest down. That wouldn't be very good.

With our increased speed we reached our destination after another five minutes. To my horror, my fears about the source of the smoke was confirmed.

The fort was on fire.