//------------------------------// // Sky's Arrival // Story: Apple Wedding // by Rakoon1 //------------------------------// Fluttershy was in a forest a little remote from Ponyville. Her squirrel friends had told her that one of their friends was injured and she was there to help. She finished to treat its injured paw and after that, she told it: "Okay, now you have to wait a week to have your paw totally good. Don’t make too much effort until then, okay?" The squirrel that she'd been treating gave some squeaks and then Fluttershy replied: "You're welcome. The pleasure was all mine. But if you want to thank someone, thank your squirrel friends. They are the ones who came to warn me about you." The other squirrels embraced their friend, doing lots of squeaks, and Fluttershy watched them happy. It was then that an intense purple light that frightened Fluttershy and the squirrels came out of nowhere. The poor animals, trembling, squealed and placed behind Fluttershy. "Oh, don’t be afraid" she said. "Maybe it's nothing. I... I'll go see what it is." Afraid, she advanced cautiously towards the purple light that disappeared seconds later in an explosion of light and, hidden in the bushes, she observed. She then saw a pegasus stallion on the floor, apparently unconscious. He had a soft orange coat and a moderate yellow mane with two soft yellow strands around the face. His Cutie Mark was a helmet over two crossed swords. Fluttershy prepared herself to go help him when she saw him starting to get up, what caused her to remain in her place. The stallion stood up and opened his eyes, revealing moderate dark blue eyes. He looked at himself carefully and then said: "I can’t believe it... I'm really a pony. And on top of that a Pegasus." He flapped the wings to take flight, but only lifted a few inches before losing strength and land. "I think I still have to practice" he said. "Now, Sky, focus yourself on your purpose." When he said "Sky", Fluttershy got even closer. She had heard that name before, but it couldn’t be... "I have to find her. And when I find her, we will be together and nobody will separate us again. Wait for me, Bloom. I'm coming." Fluttershy became blank and breathless. That pegasus was talking about Cherry Blossom. So he could only be... Sky, Cherry’s former boyfriend. Gasping, she stepped back, but ended up breaking a twig. Sky heard that and approached the place where Fluttershy was, but when he got there, he saw no one. It should have been just his imagination. He then walked away, determined to start looking for Bloom. Fluttershy was on top of a tree, waiting for him to depart. When he did it, she came down with the help of her wings and then said: "I have to go warn the others." She then flew as fast as she could to Ponyville, where she reached the library, entering quickly and finding Twilight packing some books on the shelves at the top, flying. When she saw Fluttershy, she said while landing: "Fluttershy, are you okay? You look a little nervous." "Twilight, I saw something... in the forest... and I... and I..." "Fluttershy, calm down" Twilight asked. "Take a deep breath and tell me what you saw." Fluttershy took several deep breaths and then said: "I saw Sky." "Sky?" Twilight repeated. "But of course. Everypony can see the sky." "No, it's not what I mean" Fluttershy said. "I mean Sky. The Sky of... of... Bloom... I mean... of Cherry Blossom..." "Wait a pony minute" Twilight asked. "Are you talking about Sky? That boyfriend that Cherry Blossom left when she came to Equestria?" Fluttershy nodded. "But that's impossible" Twilight said. "But I can assure you he is here, Twilight" Fluttershy said. "He is a pegasus and he seemed very surprised to be one. And he said he had to find Bloom and I heard him say his own name when he was talking to himself..." "Fluttershy, calm down" Twilight said. "Let me think. He couldn’t get into our reality all by himself, so how did he do that?" "Maybe we should call our..." Fluttershy began timidly. "That's it, we need to call our friends" Twilight said. "We should get together to find a solution." "But maybe it's better not tell..." "It’s better not tell to Cherry" Twilight said. "She is so well with Big Mac and this would just shake their relationship. Spike!" The little dragon came downstairs and asked: "Yes, Twilight?" "Take a note" she said. Spike just took a parchment and a quill and said: "Ready." "My dear friends, please, I need you to come to the library immediately. Something happened and you need to know. Don’t say nothing to Cherry. With love, Twilight. You got it, Spike?" "You bet" he said, finishing the writing. "Now, make three copies and send the four to Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie and Rainbow" Twilight asked. "You got it" Spike said, doing a salute. Spike did it and then sent the letters with his magical fire. It was not long until they hear the door knocking and all her friends came in. "What happened, darling?" Rarity asked as she entered. "Your letter seemed to be urgent." "Is it something exciting?" Pinkie asked, always energetic. "Or is it something awful or something really, really, really scary..." She was stopped by Applejack who put her hoof over her mouth to prevent her from continuing to talk and asked: "Why did ya say tah not tell tah Cherry?" Applejack said. "Yes, has this something to do with her?" Rainbow said. "You could say so" Twilight replied. Twilight then began to tell everypony what Fluttershy had seen and heard. When she finished, all became astonished. "Wait a bit" Applejack said. "He's here? Right here? In Equestria? " Twilight and Fluttershy waved. "But how is that possible?" Rarity asked. "Yes, he could only come here through that very bright portal that only us and the Lord of Order can open and that can only be done only once in each century, and if my memory is right, and it is almost never wrong, that moment is only in a long, long, long, long time" Pinkie Pie said, all in one fell swoop. "Are you sure it was him, Fluttershy?" Rarity asked. "Well, I'm not sure" Fluttershy said. "But I heard him say his name and that he had to find Bloom. Well, I think the only Bloom I know is Cherry Blossom." "But are you really, really sure?" Pinkie Pie asked. "It's just that sometimes we hear things that ultimately is not what they seem to be. And sometimes we also see things that..." "What does it matter?" Applejack asked. "Don't ya realize what's at stake here? If that Sky is here fer Cherry, so he will ruin things between her an’ mah brother." "Applejack is right" Rainbow Dash said. "We must to do something. And fast." "Well, I can tell you where he is and we can watch the village to see if he arrives" Fluttershy said shyly. "Maybe we can convince him quietly to leave Big Mac and Cherry alone and..." "He will not let them be just because we ask" Rainbow said. “Rainbow is right" Applejack said. "We have tah get him tah leave, whether he wants it or not." "Personally, I expect violence won’t be necessary" Rarity said. "Maybe we can convince him to come out in a civilized manner." "Or maybe we can bribe him with cake and chocolates" Pinkie suggested, making everypony look at her. "What? It works with me." "Guys, guys" Twilight said. "Settle down a bit. You can’t start now to propose solutions to a problem like this." "What do ya want us tah do, Twilight?" Applejack asked. "Yeah, what is that egghead thinking about?" Rainbow Dash asked, while flying alongside Twilight, gently tapping her hoof on Twilight's head. "To begin with, we shouldn’t solve anything until we realize what is happening" Twilight replied, pushing Rainbow Dash’s hoof. "For example, getting to know how Sky was able to get here." "Oh, please, Twilight, Ah think it's pretty obvious" Applejack said. "Well of course, it’s clear that it was the Lord of Order" Rainbow said, while Applejack waved. "As Pinkie said, only he and we can open the gate." "Yes, but she also said that the spell can only be done once per century" Twilight contradicted. "Twilight is right" Rarity said. "But he could have left him come jest fer some time" Applejack said. "Maybe, but the Lord of Order would hardly allow Sky to put even a hoof in Equestria" Twilight continued. "Have you forgotten that he loves to keep things in constant balance? He says that only allows visits between realities under certain conditions. Still, do you think that he would let Sky come, knowing that he should still love Cherry? Not to mention he doesn’t like him at all. I just didn’t call Cherry to not worry her so much, given that we don’t know very well what is happening, but I think we have to tell her." "Yes, Twilight is right" Rainbow said. "It’s our duty as friends inform her about what is going on?" "Are ya crazy?" Applejack said. "We can’t do that?" “Wait, are you suggesting to lie to her?” Rainbow Dash asked. “The honest Applejack wants to lie to her future sister-in-law? It’s unbelievable!” "But, Applejack, if Sky and Cherry meet each other without telling her first, things could become far worse" Twilight said. "But if ya warn her, we run tha risk of her havin’ tha desire tah return tah her ex" Applejack said. "Applejack, you seem to doubt about Cherry Blossom’s love by Big McIntosh" Rarity noted. "It's not that, but Ah don’t want tah risk of having mah brother getting’ hurt again" Applejack said. "It was enough tha troubl’d period of Cherry’s doubts about wantin’ or not tah return tah her world. She can be mah friend, but Big McIntosh is mah brother and Ah worry a lot with him." "AJ, if your brother like Cherry that much as you are trying to say, so he is able to fight for her" Rainbow said. "Okay, now I'm confused" Pinkie Pie said. "We will or not tell Cherry that Sky is here?" "I think it’s best we talk to..." Fluttershy began. "I think we have to talk to the Lord of Order" Twilight said. "Only him can explain all this." "Yes, but how will we contact him?" Rarity asked. "The Lord of Order is a very busy and illustrious figure and it must be very hard to make an appointment." "Maybe we should use..." Fluttershy began. "Hey, what if you use the Elements of Harmony?" Spike asked. "After all, they are one of the most powerful magic of the Order, right?" "Good idea, Spike!" Twilight congratulated, hugging her little dragon. "You’re a genius!" "Tell me something I already don’t know" he replied, looking at his claws. "Yes, Spike" Fluttershy said. "It was… a wonderful idea." Twilight used her magic to remove the Elements of Harmony, which were inside of the rectangular glass case, and handed the necklaces over to their respective matching holders and then placed her crown in her own head. The six placed themselves in a circle and Twilight said: "Okay, girls, I'll try a simple summoning spell and concentrate in the Lord of Order. Let's see if it works." The six mares concentrated themselves and then Twilight focused her magic and her horn began to glow, followed by her element. The other elements began to shine and the six ponies rose in the air. Then a rainbow began to connect the elements and when the two ends of the rainbow came to Twilight, they run around her, hitting the Element of Magic which released a huge colorful glow that dazzled the room, forcing Spike to cover his eyes, and when it ceased, they saw that in the middle of the circle stood the Lord of Order. "Girls, I know I have an amazing personality and I'm very interesting, but can I know the reason you called me?" the Lord of Order asked. Slightly intimidated by the Lord of Order, Spike said: "You know, I think I'll go upstairs... so you can talk more… freely." And he hurriedly climbed up the stairs. "That baby dragon really needs to gain a little more courage" the Lord of Order said. "So what do you want to talk about with me?" He then noticed the ponies’ serious face. "For your faces, I can see that is not a very good thing" he noted. "Answer to a question" Twilight asked. “By chance, was it you who brought Sky to Equestria?" Rainbow asked, approaching the Lord of Order, flying, and putting up face-to-face with him. "What are you talking about?" the Lord of Order asked, gesturing and carrying Rainbow Dash back to where she was. "Sky appear’d here in Equestria" Applejack answered. "Fluttershy saw him appear." "Who are you talking about?" the Lord of Order asked. "You know, that really cute guy who was before Cherry's boyfriend" Pinkie said. Upon hearing that, the Lord of Order began to laugh, and he was about to lose control in himself for rolling on the floor laughing. "Oh, Pinkie Pie, you are so funny" the Lord of Order said, still controlling the laughter. "Do you really think I was going to help that spoiled prince, a person whom I dislike a lot, to come here? It was really a good joke." "Wait, so it was not you who brought him to Equestria?" Twilight asked, seriously. That did the Lord of Order stop laughing and ask: "Wait, are you really serious?" "Wait, now that I said it, you believe it?" Twilight asked. "No offense, my dear, but you're not a pony that makes a lot of jokes. You're more the type that turns a fun time in a very boring time." That made Twilight load the brow. "But now let’s talk about the main issue here" the Lord of Order said. "That you are saying is impossible. Sky can’t be here in Equestria. The only way to get in without the spell is forcing the entry and I would feel if one aspiring knight had crossed through realities. And if I didn’t feel that, I would feel if he were in Equestria, which is not happening." "Well, no offense… my lord" Fluttershy said, with even more intimidated for be talking with the Lord of Order. "But I saw him appear. He seemed to be… surprised for being a pony and he said he had to find Bloom." "If you say so, my dear Fluttershy, it’s because it’s the purest truth" the Lord of Order said. "But the last part was enough to realize it. After all, Sky is completely obsessed for Bloom. But what I don’t understand is how he managed to fool me. No one can fool me.” "Well, there's always a first time for everything" Rainbow replied, with a certain mocking tone. That did the Lord of Order look at her in such harsh way that made her shrink, giving nervous giggles. "Oh, Lord of Order, sorry, I don’t want to somehow ruin your reasoning" Rarity said. "Yes, Rarity, what you have to say?" the Lord of Order asked. "But is there a way for he could have gotten in on Equestria without you notice and without cheating you?" she asked. "I mean, Sky could have asked for help to someone who could..." "Another person?" the Lord of Order repeated, thoughtfully. "No, that would not make sense.” Then an epiphany reached the Lord of Order, which began to say: "Making sense... Of course! He could have asked for help. But the only person who can do this is... But no, he wouldn’t dare. He is not so stupid to commit such a crazy thing. But on second thought, he's really so dumb and desperate thar he was very able to do that. But how was he able to do such a thing?" The six mares exchanged confused glances between themselves and Applejack asked: "Who are ya talkin' about?" "I think I know how he got that and the reason I can’t feel him" the Lord of Order replied. "Okay, don’t leave us in expectation" Rainbow said. "Tell us." "Oh, oh, is it something totally completely exciting and fun?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Far from it" the Lord of Order answered. "Far from it. Think about someone with a magic that is opposite to mine, but equal." Although the others didn’t realize who he was talking about, Twilight just thought for a few seconds before realizing. "Wait, are you trying to say it was..." she began. "It’s exactly what you are thinking, Princess" the Lord of Order said. "My treacherous brother, the Lord of Chaos. He used probably the opposite magic of the Elements of Harmony to bring him to Equestria: the Elements of Chaos.” Seeing the confused look of the mares, he clarified: "Any good magic, any one, has a dark side. The more good it is, the more evil is its dark side. These Elements of Chaos are the evil version of the Elements of Harmony, corresponding to its opposite." He turned to Applejack, continuing: "Applejack, your opposite element is deceit" turned to Pinkie Pie. "Pinkie, yours is anger" turned to Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, yours is cruelty" turned to Rarity. "Rarity, yours is selfishness" turned to Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow, yours is betrayal" then turned to Twilight. "And finally, yours, Princess Twilight Sparkle, just like your element, the last one is the most powerful of all opposite elements: black magic." The mares exchanged glances with each other. And then Twilight asked: "What can we do?" "I unfortunately can’t do anything" the Lord of Order said. "If I can’t feel Sky, it's because he accepted the Elements of Chaos and, because of that, he was corrupted. He now no longer belongs to the Order, but to the Chaos. I can’t drag him out of here, simply because I don’t have power over him. But you on the other hand..." "We what?" Applejack said. "Well, now that Sky no longer belongs to the Order, we just have to make him see the light again. And you, my dears, can make this light come from you. " "You mean..." Twilight began, thinking of the right words to say. "You mean we can use our elements to corrupt Sky again." "Well, havin in count how you are connected to the Elements of Harmony, you can make Sky accept them. So, you" pointed to Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity and Rainbow Dash" have a new mission: you have make to Sky be honest again, show him kindness, show him the joy of smiling, making him commit an act of generosity and prove he still holds loyalty." They waved to him. "And me?" Twilight asked. "What I have to do." "Your mission, my dear, is different from the others’" the Lord of Order replied. "Different and more important. Your element is the one that is not visible to others, is an element that resides within and, at the right time, you will know how to use it." And having said this, he disappeared. The six mares looked at each other, thinking about the mission they have now. Not much distance away, Sky managed to get out of the forest and then looked ahead and saw Ponyville. He smiled and said: "I can feel you're there, Bloom" Sky said. "Wait for me, my love. Soon you will be mine again." And, briefly, a black shadow invaded Sky’s eyes.