//------------------------------// // Chapter 9 // Story: The Animation Bureau // by Chaotic Dreams //------------------------------// Chapter 9 “Hang on!” Lauren shouted over the reality-winds gushing through the void. To say such a thing was hardly necessary, as the ponies and Bugs could do little more than cling to the tattered ropes with their teeth as the shrieking roars of the nothingness clawed at them like a raspy beast of un-being. To look at the void was like being blind—it was truly nothingness itself, the absence of all colors and shapes and anything resembling light. That is not to say it was black either, for even ‘black’ is something; it is an idea, a manifestation of fear. This was nothing, nothing at all, and even the absence of color was sucked away into it, never to be seen again. Fluttershy had never been so scared in her life, but the knowledge that her friends’ lives depended on her being brave right now kept her strong, wings flapping furiously against the tug of the back hole. Rainbow Dash did the same, utilizing all of her strength to steer the group away from the hole, anywhere else, but in the deepest part of the multicolored pegasus’ heart she feared even her speed would not be enough. But, try as they might, the void was relentless—and it was the force of the death of a thousand worlds against the weighed-down wing beats of two small, frightened ponies. Like baby birds trying to resist the fury of a hurricane, the ponies were fighting a losing battle. “Can’t—hold—on—much—longer—” Rainbow gasped, straining against the pull of the void with a force that felt like it was ripping her wings out of their very sockets. For all she knew, it very well could be. “Don’t you DARE give up!” The group, shielding their eyes from the blade-like winds, looked up to see a fiery determination in the eyes of the pony they had least expected it from. Though given how she had come through for her friends in the arena, maybe they shouldn’t have been that surprised after all. “We CAN do this!” Fluttershy called encouragingly to Rainbow Dash, and the cyan pegasus nodded her head in confirmation. If Fluttershy could do this, then no matter how hard it was, so could she—besides, she wasn’t about to let herself be beaten. Her cutie mark was based on determination AND winning, after all—and winning right now meant beating the void. “Let’s GO!” Rainbow Dash roared, and Fluttershy zoomed alongside her as the two skyrocketed away from the edge of nothingness. The void seemed to roar with fury at its lost meal, only pulling at them all the harder, but the ponies refused to give up. The team could see more than blindness now, more than their own small candle in the darkness, as the multitude of worlds falling into the black hole rushed passed them. The group skirted this one and that, barrel-rolling under and over the mountaintops and rivers of the doomed universes as their planets screamed out in deathly fear. “We need to find a world beyond the event horizon!” Lauren called to the two pegasi. “Try to find one that isn’t moving!” “There!” Fluttershy yelled victoriously, pointing a hoof towards a shining orb of stars and planets that didn’t appear to have been touched by the pull of the void. In fact, on the far horizon, no worlds seemed to have yet been affected, meaning that the event horizon was just below them. “Brace yourselves!” Lauren commanded as the world came rising up to meet them. “We’re entering a world through its world-wall! There won’t be the protection of a portal! There’s no telling what could happen!” “You mean we might not even be able to get in?!” Rainbow Dash asked in horror. “We flew all this way to meet a dead end?!” “We’ll be able to pass through, all right,” Lauren answered. “But a world-wall is the most concentrated section of Animated radiation in an entire world other than its core. With that much Animated radiation, we could come out the other side perfectly fine or face the force of ten-thousand nuclear explosions!” Before Lauren could explain what a nuclear explosion was, though—and the ponies surmised that one would be pretty bad, let alone ten-thousand—the team slammed through the world wall and into a whole new universe. . . . “…Oh, my HEAD…” Lauren moaned, coughing slightly as if something was stuck in her throat. To tell the truth, she did feel a little hoarse. Maybe she’d inadvertently swallowed something when they crash-landed in…whatever world this was. Lauren only hoped that the metallic taste in her mouth was left over from whatever she’d swallowed—probably some rocks or something, she couldn’t bare it if she’d swallowed dirt, or worse, depending on where they’d landed—rather than blood. Lauren put a hand down on the soft grass of the this new land and tried to raise herself up, but fell back down instantly, still coughing profusely. And something hadn’t felt right when she did—her hand, the feel of her body— “I can’t believe it…” Twilight breathed in awe. “This is…it can’t be…” “It is!” Fluttershy jumped for joy. “We’re back in Equestria! Lauren, the world we landed in is—” Fluttershy got no further when she screamed. “What is it—” Rarity inquired with concern, turning to face whatever Fluttershy had seen, and screamed as well. “What?” Lauren asked, getting worried herself now, painfully opening her eyes at last to see her pony friends and Bugs looking down at her with a mixture of awe and fear. “What is it?” “Uh, Lauren…?” Bugs asked. “Do you…feel alright?” “To tell you the truth, I’ve never had such a rush of adrenaline in all my life. But on top of that, I feel really, really weird,” Lauren admitted with a shaky laugh. She tried to raise herself up off the ground again, but her hands still felt all wrong. Lauren shot a look at them to see what the matter was and screamed herself. Lauren’s brain was unable to understand what her eyes were seeing, which was saying something, since her eyes were now much larger and could thus see far more of the new world she’d awoken to, and the new body she’d awoken into. “H-how—is this—HOOVES?!” Lauren bolted upright, towering over the ponies who cowered momentarily in fear while Bugs took an uneasy step back. Lauren stared down at where her hands used to be, which had been replaced with hooves at the ends of two long, slender white legs. Two additional legs supported Lauren’s tight, thin body in the back, also stomping the ground wildly with hooves as the new pony struggled to maintain her balance on a quadruped frame. “What the buck happened to me?!” Lauren shouted, then paused when she realized what she’d said. Instead of the word Lauren had been thinking, the word that had come out was ‘buck.’ “What the hay? Fudge?! Darn it! I can’t even curse?!” “Most modern Animation IS censored,” Bugs pointed out. “And as this is what I assume to be the undiscovered world these little ponies hail from, that would include them. Now, back in MY day, we could say whatever we wanted…” “BUT WHY AM I A HORSE?!” Lauren demanded angrily, stomping a front hoof and snorting. “Technically, I think you’re a pony,” Rainbow Dash breathed. “And you look just like—” “Lauren, you said anything could happen when we passed through the Animated radiation of the world-wall, right?” Twilight cut in hurriedly. “I think ‘anything’ just happened. I think when you passed through, you became fitted to this world, to Equestria…” “But why didn’t it affect anypony else?!” Lauren wanted to know. Then, realizing what she had just said, “I mean anyo—anybo—anyp-p-p-ONY?! I can’t even say those two simple words?! They’re not even offensive!” “Must be the linguistics of the show,” Bugs explained. “You’ve been fit to character.” “But I’m not a character! I’m not even Animated!” Lauren protested heatedly. “I’m a human being!” “Not anymore,” Bugs said, smiling. “The Animated radiation must have turned you into an Animated being. You’re one of us now, Lauren! No more need to hang out with those anarchist humans!” “But…but I…” Lauren trailed off. It was true, humanity had never done anything good for her—except her parents, before the rest of humanity took them away from her all those years ago—but did that mean she had already turned her back on them? Even if Lauren had, she had been BORN a human, had been a human her whole life. How could that all just end so suddenly? There had to be a way to change back, right? But did she even want to? Wait, where had THAT come from?! Of course Lauren wanted to change back! She knew who she was, and she knew what she was. She was a friend to the Animated, but that didn’t mean she had to BE one, did it? And…and… But try as she might, Lauren saw less and less reason why she really should be concerned with changing back. Would saving the worlds really be that much harder as a pony than as a human? Sure, humans had determination and ingenuity—but so did many Animated beings, even if not to the extent that the humans did. And Animated beings never died, never really felt any true pain…they weren’t cruel, they lacked even the capacity to be truly vicious (well, most of them did, anyway)…and they had never hurt her. Never once had an Animated being ever hurt Lauren, not like the humans had. And now she was no longer part of that race of prejudiced imperialists with superiority complexes, as she’d always called the anti-Animated faction that currently ruled the world governments. Not all humans were bad, far from it—most were just misguided—but, to tell the truth, it was humanity that had hurt Lauren, not the Animated. And now she WAS one. Lauren stood still for a moment, deep in thought. Was there any real reason she would want to go back to humanity? Surely Lauren could find some way to free her Animated friends trapped in the Toon Towns on Earth, just as she could as a human Animation Agent. And saving the worlds would surely get them free anyway, wouldn’t it? If Lauren and her team did that, the world governments wouldn’t deny her the freedom of her Animated friends, or even of all Animated beings in all Toon Towns worldwide, would they? The more Lauren thought about it, the more being Animated truly did seem to be better than being human. But Craig’s not Animated. Lauren stopped, startled. No, Craig WASN’T Animated. And Craig loved her, and Lauren loved him. And just because Lauren had become Animated through going through the world-wall didn’t mean Craig could become Animated as well, and she didn’t want to have to ask such a big sacrifice of anyone anyway. Truly anything could happen with a concentration of so much Animated radiation, and Lauren knew the likelihood of the event that changed her being duplicated were in the zillions-to-ones range. The radiation could just as easily kill Craig as do anything else, just as it could have done to Lauren. And with that, Lauren made up her mind—there had to be a way to reverse this thing that had been done to her. There had to be a way to become human again. If not for her, then for Craig. “Lauren, you alright there, sugar cube?” Applejack wondered. “You kind a’ zoned out there for a sec.” “Yes, I’m alright,” Lauren answered, breaking out of her thoughts. “It’s just a little shocking, is all.” “I’m sure it must be,” Twilight agreed. “I mean, on top of becoming a pony—” “You’re an alicorn!” Rainbow Dash finished what she had been trying to say earlier. “You look just like Princess Celestia!” “Who?” Lauren inquired. “She’s the ruler of Equestria with her sister Princess Luna,” Pinkie explained. “They’re earth ponies and pegasi and unicorns all in one!” “You mean, I have wings?” Lauren realized, turning to see that, indeed, feathery appendages were folded neatly at her side. Lauren hadn’t even noticed them before, but with a single thought they twitched, and then with another thought Lauren found she could even make them spread out as if she was about to take flight. Which, Lauren also realized, she probably could do now. “And a horn, darling,” Rarity indicated with a pointed hoof, looking up admiration at the long pearly sword pointing proudly out of Lauren’s scarlet mane. Lauren crossed her eyes in an attempt to look at it, but gave up when all she could see was a blur that made her dizzy. Spotting a pond in the clearing nearby, Lauren trotted uncertainly over on her four new legs, Bugs and the shorter-legged ponies hurrying to keep up. Peering in, Lauren got a good look at herself for the first time. There was indeed a tall, shimmering horn emanating from Lauren’s skull, easily three times the length of Twilight’s or Rarity’s. Lauren stared at her horn’s reflection down a short muzzle, which she opened experimentally to see her larger equine tongue and all-molar teeth. It looked like it would be nothing but vegetarian dishes from now on, or at least until she could get changed back to normal. IF she could get changed back to normal… NO! Lauren scolded herself for thinking like that. There had to be a way, and once this was all over with Lauren would find it, and she and Craig would be happy together. She hoped. Lauren shook her head to dislodge the unpleasant thoughts and turned to see a dark spot on her otherwise snowy-white coat, right above her hind leg. It was a small symbol, much like the ones adorning the flanks of each of the smaller ponies. Lauren hadn’t paid them much mind at first, but over time she had come to realize that each symbol represented an aspect of the pony who bore it—Twilight had the magical starburst, Rarity the sparkling diamonds, Applejack the apples, Rainbow Dash the multicolored lightning, Fluttershy the gentle butterflies, and Pinkie Pie the party balloons. What was it the ponies had called them? Cutie marks? Lauren looked eagerly to see what aspect of herself would be reflected. But, instead of one of the many items an Animation Agent used, or even some kind of symbol relating to how she was a friend to Animation, all Lauren saw was a quill and an inkwell. Lauren’s erect equine ears drooped slightly. What was a quill and inkwell supposed to reflect about her? “Lauren, I didn’t know you were a writer,” Twilight commented, seeing Lauren’s cutie mark for the first time as well. “Wait, what’s wrong?” “I’m not a writer,” Lauren said. “I don’t know what this is supposed to signify.” “But...Cutie marks always show a pony’s special talent,” Pinkie Pie pointed out. “…don’t they?” “I thought so,” Twilight observed. “But maybe since Lauren was originally human, her cutie mark means something else?” “Like what?” Lauren asked. “I’ll have to look into it,” Twilight admitted. “But I do have some great books on cutie marks at the Ponyville Library, and there are even more references to them in the Canterlot Archives! We can meet up with Princess Celestia there too, I’m sure she could explain it!” “Remember, though, we have a schedule to keep,” Lauren said uncertainly. “Every moment we don’t spend looking for these First Ones is another moment the Earth might get sucked into the black hole and destroy reality.” “Oh, yeah,” Twilight realized. “So…how DO we look for these First Ones, anyway?” “Good question,” Lauren said. “I don’t even remember hearing any rumors around the Bureau about entities called the ‘First Ones.’” “Maybe we could look into the libraries for them?” Twilight wondered hopefully. “I mean, if they’re some kind of cosmic entities capable of closing that…thing…we just escaped, then surely there’ll be information about them somewhere. You can’t keep that much power a secret.” “True,” Lauren agreed. “But that’s what worries me. If they’re so powerful, how come none of us have ever heard of them?” “Maybe they’re just so old that they’d be stuck in the ancient histories sections,” Twilight surmised. “They might have even been dismissed as mythologies if they’re really, really, REALLY old.” “That’s a good point,” Lauren reasoned. “The library it is, then.” Twilight squealed with glee. “Alright, libraries are fine and all, but where in the world are we?” Rainbow Dash wondered. “I recognize this as Equestria, but I don’t recognize it as much else. We could be anywhere!” “Actually, I do recognize this place,” Rarity spoke, staring up at the trees in the clearing all around them. “I couldn’t ever forget such dreadfulness!” “What do you mean?” Applejack asked. “Don’t you all remember?” Rarity inquired, but the rest of the ponies simply shook their heads, leaving Lauren and Bugs just as confused. “Why, this is somewhere in the Everfree Forest! I’d recognize those ghastly trees anywhere!” “You’re right!” Twilight realized. “This IS the Everfree Forest! I can feel the anomalous nature of the place. Nature is taking care of itself…ugh, it gives me the creeps!” “Nature being nature gives you the creeps?” Lauren echoed. “Am I missing something here?” “Only if I am,” Bugs added. “Everypony knows that nature is taken care of by ponies,” Rainbow Dash explained. “Wait…do humans not take care of nature on Earth? Or do bunnies not do it in your world, Bugs?” “Not really,” Lauren replied. “Nature actually takes care of itself in most worlds.” “That is so weird,” Pinkie Pie commented. “Could you imagine clouds raining whenever they wanted to?” “Anyway, which way to the libraries from here?” Lauren asked, trying to get the team back on the task at hoof. At han—hannnn—ugh, she couldn’t even think those words?! “I’ll check!” Rainbow Dash announced, launching skyward. Once she had cleared the treetops (and a few clouds), Rainbow scanned the environment and then dashed back down to earth, pointing with a hoof. “It’s that way to Ponyville.” The team set off, Lauren trying to walk slower with her longer legs so that the rest could keep up, though walking on four legs in the first place was just as much a challenge. Lauren had to admit that the woods were indeed creepy, though for her it was not because of the reasons the ponies had expressed. Every rustling shadow, every distant animal call was laced with the wild, untamable fury of nature, refusing to allow civilization to ever penetrate its boundaries. Even the ponies, the natural inhabitants of this land who lived in harmony with nature, where trespassers here, and the Forest knew it and wanted them out. It was almost as if a living, breathing entity was always just out of sight, lurking at the corners of one’s eyes, willing them with a palpable animosity to get out and never return. The team was only too glad to oblige, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief when the sunlight shining down through the dark leaves overhead began to grow brighter as the trees thinned out and gave way to a lush meadow. Not too far off they could all see a small schoolhouse and the adjacent playground, and beyond that down a winding dirt road, the tiny village of Ponyville itself. “You’re going to love Ponyville, Lauren! There’s so much to do and so many smiling, friendly faces to meet! Oh, I know, I should throw you a welcome party at Sugar Cube Corner!” Pinkie Pie rambled on. “There’ll be cakes and sweets and goodies and fizzy soda!” “But will Ponyville love me?” Lauren wondered aloud. “You guys said I was an ‘alicorn,’ and from the sound of it that’s not a common thing here in Equestria.” “Actually, the only alicorns are the Princesses,” Twilight admitted. “So, this might be…interesting.” “What do you mean?” Lauren inquired. “Everypony is going to think you’re a Princess too,” Twilight explained. “The royals are always alicorns. In fact, there’s never been an alicorn who wasn’t royalty.” “What exactly is an alicorn?” Lauren questioned, beginning to feel a little uneasy. “What makes them so special that they’re always rulers, besides the fact that they’re three ponies in one? That on its own doesn’t sound all that different from anypony else.” “Well, it wouldn’t be,” Twilight went on. “But you’re right in thinking that alicorns are more than three ponies in one. The main difference between an alicorn and a regular pony is their magic. Princess Celestia raises the Sun every morning, and Princess Luna brings out the night. And on top of that, they’re kind of…immortal.” “What?” Lauren stopped, and the ponies behind her almost ran into her. “You mean this is one of the worlds where Animated beings can actually die?” “Yes, but most only die of old age,” Twilight finished. “The Princesses, though, have lived for thousands of years already, and they don’t look a day older from millennia to millennia.” “That doesn’t sound like royalty,” Lauren voiced. “It sounds like godhood. I don’t want to be a god! They have all those responsibilities, and they have to watch all of their friends…” Lauren couldn’t finish, couldn’t speak her fear that she would be forced to live on as Disney had as everypony she ever knew and loved died around her. Humans hardly lived a hundred years if they were extremely fortunate, and according to these ponies millennia were nothing to alicorns. Would Lauren have to watch as Craig withered and grew old and eventually turned to dust while she remained ageless and trapped in the world of the living? No! There had to be a way to change back, before any of that happened. There HAD to be. “It…well…it is,” Twilight admitted, seeing no other way around it. “The Princesses are an integral part of Equestria, just as Discord is their antithesis. This world can’t run without them. And Celestia has told me how she gets lonely from year to year, rejected by time as the rest of us are forced to float down its endless river of mortality.” “I can’t stay like this,” Lauren spoke, voicing her concern to the team for the first time. “There has to be a way to change me back to a human. I don’t want to be left behind by everypony!” “Don’t worry, Lauren!” Fluttershy consoled. “You said that most Animated beings live forever, right? You won’t be lonely with your other Animated friends, and besides, we’re not going anywhere for a long, long time.” “Fluttershy’s right,” Rainbow Dash agreed. “We’ll stick by you for as long as we got!” “But…Craig…” Lauren sniffed, lowering her head. “What about him?” “Oh, I hadn’t thought of that,” Applejack realized with the rest. “If he’s stuck as a human and you’re stuck as an alicorn pony, then…” “I’m sure we’ll find a way to change you back,” Twilight insisted, placing a consoling hoof on Lauren. “We can look into it at the libraries as well, and even if we don’t find anything, I’m sure the First Ones can help when we find them! If they’re powerful enough to close the rift, then surely they can reverse the effects of the Animated radiation!” “You’re right,” Lauren said determinedly. “The First Ones could change me back, if we don’t find a way to do so sooner.” “In the meantime, though, why don’t you give being Animated a chance?” Bugs suggested. “At least until we do find these First Ones. It doesn’t have to be all bad—being Animated is great!” “Indeed,” Rarity spoke up. “Trying to enjoy your new form while it lasts would be far better than only focusing on its downsides.” “You’re right,” Lauren repeated. “You all are. I’m sorry, it’s just, I thought I might have to lose you all and Craig, and that’s just something I couldn’t face. Thank you, all of you.” “That’s what friends are for!” Bugs announced, patting Lauren on the back. “Now, about this library…” “Oh!” Twilight perked up instantly. “It’s right down the road!” The lavender unicorn hurried off, the others following close behind, into Ponyville. Before they reached the outskirts, though, Twilight realized something and stopped abruptly. “One more thing before anypony sees you,” Twilight said to Lauren. “Try not to use your magic until we get a better understanding of your…condition. Young unicorns often have trouble controlling their magic and we don’t know what’ll happen if magic equal to Celestia’s or Luna’s gets out of hoof.” “Good idea,” Lauren nodded. “Though to be honest, I wouldn’t know how to use this horn if my life depended on it.” Which it wouldn’t, now that she was immortal. No, don’t think like that. Everything will be fine—just focus on finding the First Ones for now. “Alright, everypony ready?” Twilight asked the team, and everyone nodded their heads. “Then let’s go!” Twilight marched into town, the others following her to the library. They didn’t get far before they saw the first of the townsfolk. “Hey, Mrs. Cake!” Pinkie shouted as a blue and pink earth pony stepped out of what appeared—and smelled—to be a large bakery. The earth pony turned abruptly and gasped. “Pinkie Pie?” Mrs. Cake blurted, her face awash with shock. Then, shaking herself out of her surprise, the earth pony rushed over to see her employee and boarder and her friends. “Where have you been?! Where have all of you been?! All of Equestria’s been looking for you, the Princesses—” Mrs. Cake stopped when she realized who else had been added to Pinkie’s group of friends. The tall, bipedal bunny would have been unnerving enough in itself, but the tall, white figure standing over all of them made Mrs. Cake’s eyes go wide. She instantly dropped to the ground in a low bow. “Oh, I’m so sorry your majesty, I didn’t see you,” Mrs. Cake belted in a rush, still cowering. “I’m not a Princess,” Lauren told her kindly. When Mrs. Cake didn’t get up, Lauren looked uncertainly to her friends, who shrugged their shoulders, equally at a loss as to what to do. “Uh, arise, my subject.” Mrs. Cake complied, never taking her eyes off of Lauren. “Mrs. Cake?” Twilight tried to break into Mrs. Cake’s spellbound stare. “This is Lauren; she’s a friend of ours from…far away. And you really don’t have to bow or anything. Lauren is telling the truth about not being a Princess. Speaking of which, what were you saying about the Princesses?” “Oh, right,” Mrs. Cake shook her head to clear her thoughts, turning to Twilight. “Celestia and Luna have been worried sick, and all Equestria with them. All of you just disappeared!” “I didn’t even think about that,” Twilight realized, smacking he face with her hoof. “We’ve been gone without an explanation for all this time! Poor Celestia, we have to let her know we’re all okay right away!” “You can,” Mrs. Cake smiled. “She and Luna are actually at your library, Twilight, along with half the Royal Guard. They’re all looking for clues to your disappearance. Where have you all been, anyway?” “It’s a long story,” Twilight replied. “But we better tell it to the Princesses first. Come on, everypony! And thanks, Mrs. Cake!” Twilight rushed off in the direction of her library, Lauren and the rest in hot pursuit, leaving a thoroughly confused Mrs. Cake to watch them depart in a cloud of dust. Rounding a building in Ponyville’s Town Square, Twilight ran right into a web of yellow tape surrounding her library home. The tape all read PONY POLICE LINE, DO NOT CROSS, and several ponies of the Royal Guard were milling about and looking official. “What was that?” came a voice from inside the hollow tree in response to Twilight’s collision with the tape, which had sent her rebounding off the rubbery slingshots into the rest of the group and caused them all to end up in a tumbled heap. Twilight’s eyes lit up when she heard the voice, and she quickly untangled herself from the pile to rush up and meet the voice’s owner as she trotted out of the tree. “Twilight! You’re here! You’re all here!” “Yes, Princess!” Twilight agreed, bouncing up and down eagerly in front of her mentor. “We’re so sorry we had to leave without telling you—it was an emergency—” “I’m sure it was,” Celestia smiled. “I’m just glad to have you all back, but it would be good to hear your story. An emergency, you say? What does it concern?” “The very existence of all Equestria, and more,” Twilight answered gravely. A flash of fear lit up the crowned alicorn’s eyes. “Come inside,” Celestia said, ushering the ponies still disentangling themselves from the pile into the tree. They all complied one by one as they were freed, until Bugs and Lauren, who had been at the bottom, finally stood up and dusted themselves off. When Celestia saw these last two, her eyes went even wider and moistened. The solar Princess’ jaw dropped. “I can’t believe it…Is that, is that really you…Mother?” . . .