Dark Paradise: the TwiLuna Group Collab

by Habanc

Alive - Drizzle Quill

Written by: Drizzle Quill


She had never felt more alive.

Wind and adrenaline whipped through her mane, through her pelt, through her blood and bones and her very being. Her wings sliced silently and effortlessly through the air, beating every few seconds in uneven patterns to keep her suspended in the sky like a puppet hanging from strings.

The night sky enveloped her in darkness, stars twinkling like little fireflies in front of her, little fireflies she could try to reach out and touch with one hoof but fail every time. Little fireflies that lit her way.

“Do you like it?” she heard over the adrenaline – a voice snapping her out of her trance, a voice dragging her back down to reality. Turning her head to the left she saw the dark blue figure making even pace with her, occasionally pulling ahead but never too far.

She laughed. “Yes!”

Luna pulled up so that she was side by side with the newly coronated princess. “You truly have not experienced the thrill of flying in the nighttime before now?”

Twilight shook her head, heart still pounding as she did a small nose-dive before quickly snapping her wings open once again and pulling up next to Luna. “I never realized how beautiful it is in the nighttime sky.”

Luna simply smiled.

What followed was much like a dance – a dance in the night sky. A dance of wings and hooves and horns and stars; a dance of twirling, a dance of rolling, a dance of bodies pressing against each other and muzzles touching as they slowly touched down to the soft grass below. Blue eyes met violet. Luna moved forward first.

When their muzzles finally met in a locked kiss, wings pressing around each other’s bodies, so close each could feel the other’s heartbeat, that was when Twilight Sparkle truly felt alive.