Itty-Bitty Bite Size Stories

by gallagsp the corgi


Rainbow Dash cowered under the table, doing her best to hide. Twilight Sparkle just sat in the middle of the room, the charred remains of a book lying in front of her. She looked surprisingly calm, after all, Rainbow Dash did accidentally fry the book with lightning.

"Rainbow... remember when I said not to use lightning in the library, even to practice your tricks?"


"I thought so." Twilight stood up, Rainbow Dash curled into a ball, making herself as small as possible. "And did you follow my instructions?"


"Correct." She came closer, leaning down to look Rainbow in the eye. "I would appreciate it if you would listen to the rules I set. They exist for a reason, and that was an irreplaceable ancient tome, one that could have very well held the secrets to life itself, not to mention it being worth BILLIONS of bits, and you destroyed it."

Rainbow Dash swallowed hard, fighting back tears.

"I'll give you ten seconds to run, after that, you're dead meat." Twilight said, her horn beginning to glow with white light.

"Okay!" Rainbow Dash yelled, shooting through the window and putting as much space between her and the librarian as possible. The resulting explosion ten seconds later could be heard all across Equestria.