Sweetie Brick

by shortskirtsandexplosions


Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo trotted through the bombed-out ruins of Fillydelphia, carrying heavy backpacks over their mud-stained flanks.

"Unnngh... this bites..." Scootaloo kicked at one of several hundred bits of rubble. The chunk of asphalt bounced across the streets full of abandoned wagons and overgrown grass. "How much further 'til we meet up with the Fire-whatsits?"

"Beats the heck out of me," Rainbow Dash grunted as she climbed over an overturned bus. "I'm only in it for the payment. Once I turn you in, I'm going back to Bostrot and getting on with my miserable life."

"Honestly, Rainbow, that can't be all that you care about!" Scootaloo looked at her with a pitiable expression. "I mean, you've sacrificed so much to get me this far!"

"Meh." Rainbow frowned as she inspected a nearby flower shop, its glass exterior smashed in over a decade ago.

"Really! I mean it!" Scootaloo gulped. "Thank you so much for all that you've done for me. I mean, after what happened back there, with... with Tank..."

"Enough talking..." Rainbow Dash muttered.

"But, I know that he meant a lot to you and you were best buds for a long time and--"

"Shut up!" Rainbow Dash barked, turning to snarl at the wincing foal. "I already told you, kid! We do not bring up Tank!"

Scootaloo sniffled, her face long and sad. "O... Okay..."

"Hrmmm..." Rainbow Dash leaned towards the smashed window, squinting. "Buckin' A..."

"What is it?"

"Clickers. Two of them."

"Oh crud!" Scootaloo scrunched tight behind a crumpled newsstand. "You serious?"

"Calm down. We can take them out," Rainbow Dash droned. "Besides, it's our only way to the other side of the city."

"But... but... what if they bite you, I mean?!"

"Not if we don't shut up and be careful about it!" Rainbow Dash squatted low before the shop window and motioned Scootaloo forward. She kept her ruby eyes locked on one of two zombie ponies lurching around the shop interior while it hissed and spat out mists of spores from its mutated, mushroomy head. "One of them is close by. Remember what we practiced?"

"Mmmhmm!" Scootaloo nodded vigorously.

"Good." Rainbow Dash held her hoof out. "Gimme a brick."

Shuddering, Scootaloo fumbled with her backpack, reached deep inside, and pulled out Sweetie Belle. She quietly hoofed her over to the surly pegasus. "Here ya go..."

"Let's get this over with." Rainbow Dash licked her lips, pulled her body back, and tossed Sweetie Belle hard into the shop.

The petite unicorn spun a few times before weightedly impacting with the zombie pony's skull. Mushroom blades fell loose as the creature doubled over in pain.

"Rrrrrrgh!" Clamping a pipe beneath her teeth, Rainbow Dash rushed in and bashed the clicker's skull in.

"Behind you!" Scootaloo squeaked.

Rainbow Dash spun in time to block the attack of a second zombie. Snarling, she bucked the thing against the wall and pounced on it, beating its mushy brains out with the dripping-wet pipe.

"Jesus, Rainbow!"