//------------------------------// // Chapter 14: Return of the King // Story: Refracted Love // by Silentpegasus //------------------------------// Chapter 14 Return of the King The red stallion’s eyes opened to see a crystal ceiling hanging over head. He looked down at his chest and saw that he had a massive bandage over the puncture wound. The events at the fair came rushing back to him and immediately shot up. He let out a cry of pure pain as he did. The door suddenly burst open to reveal a teary eyed Twilight and Cadence. The two rushed over to his side and hugged him. “Oh thank Celestia!” Twilight said. “We were so worried about you!” She said as she cried into his shoulder. “How do you feel?” Cadence asked. “Lousy.” He said as he hung his head in shame. He slammed his left hoof on the nightstand that was sitting beside him. The small table cracked in half and the two mares jumped back. “I failed again!” “Failed what?” “Sombra’s back! I had this one chance to bring him down for good and as always something went wrong and everything got bucked!” He yelled as the other ponies poked their heads into the room. Twilight let out a sigh and put a hoof on his shoulder. “Years of planning right down the crapper!” “Wait you knew that he was gonna return?” Cadence asked. “Knew it? I planned on it!” The ponies all looked at him in shock. “Why didn’t you tell us?” A gruff voice said. The red stallion looked over to see Shining Armor with a bandage on his nose. “If I did then you would have tried to stop my plan.” He said in a flat tone. “What is this ‘plan?’” Twilight yelled in frustration. The red stallion let out a sigh and summoned the large crystal he had while he was in the prison. “This is a shard of the Crystal Heart.” The ponies all looked at the shard. “I turned it into a type of purification crystal. Once they were extracting the dark magic I had absorbed over the years I would consume this and then it would purify every trace of Sombra’s influence.” The ponies all looked at one another in shock. “That seems like a good plan.” Sweetie Belle chimed. “No, it isn’t.” Twilight said in a stern tone. “Why not? Sombra’s magic would be destroyed and-” “If somepony fuses their magic with the Crystal Heart then they’ll die!” Twilight yelled. Everypony looked at one another in shock. A long silence fell over the room and their heads turned towards the bedridden stallion. “That was the plan.” The ponies all looked at the red stallion in shock. Twilight raised a hoof and quickly slapped him across the face. The red stallion looked at the now crying mare. “You’d throw your life away that easily?” “I spent years planning this.” He said with a sigh. “It was the only way I could save everyone and pay for my mistake.” “What mistake?” Applebloom asked. “For not stopping my brother when I had the chance.” He said in a flat tone. “So Sombra is your brother.” Cadence said in a low tone. “My older half brother to be exact.” The ponies all let out a gasp. “He’s older by about three years.” Shining then stepped forward. “Why didn’t you tell any of us this?” “Oh yeah great idea.” He said in a sarcastic tone. “Hey Captain Armor guess what? I’m the younger brother of possibly the most evil Unicorn to ever walk the face of Equestria!” He said with a dead panned expression. “Valid point.” He said with a sigh. “So who are you really?” Twilight asked. “Vermillion Garnet. I’m one thousand eighteen years old and heir to the Crystal Throne.” The ponies all gulped and looked at him in shock. “So, you’re royalty?” Applebloom asked. “Yup.” He said as he tried to get out of bed. As he stood up he was stopped by a lavender hoof. “Oh no you don’t! Where do you think you’re going?” She asked. “To finish the job.” He said in a flat tone. “Sombra is still weak, so now is the best time to strike.” “But your plan failed.” Rumble said. “Plan A did. I still have plan B.” “Which is?” Geode the held the shard in his hoof. “Find Sombra and ram this shard down his throat.” He said in a rough tone. “This way I won’t die and the world is safe.” He said as he got to his hooves. Vermillion felt a large wave of pain and staggered for a moment. He was then wrapped in a light pink aura and placed back on the bed and several straps wrapped around his body. “On no you don’t!” Cadence said in a stern tone. “You’re in no condition to do anything reckless.” She said as her eyes narrowed. The young stallion’s horn glowed and tried to break free. “Magic proof restraints. You won’t be going anywhere for a while.” The stallion grunted and bore holes through the guard captain. “Since we have some time on our hooves, I suggest that you start talking.” Shining said in a flat tone. “Shining he just got stabbed-” The lavender mare was cut off as the injured Unicorn raised his hoof as far as it could go. “It’s fine Twilight. A wise stallion once said, ‘know thy enemy’ and no pony knows Sombra better than me.” Geode cracked his neck and sat up straight. “What do you want to know?” “Why is Sombra so....evil?” Sweetie Belle asked. “That’s easy. When the heir to the throne, or in this case heirs, reach the age of ten they are put in front of the Crystal Heart and are exposed to the raw power of the Empire.” He said in an explanatory tone. “What happens then?” Shining asked. “Some are inspired, some run away and sometimes they go mad with power, like Sombra.” He said in a low tone. “What about you?” Applebloom asked. “Me? Scared me half to death, been running ever since.” He said with a huff. “That’s only half the story.” He said with a sigh. “I think that we have a right to know.” Shining said in a flat tone. “Even when we were younger Sombra always had a dark outlook on life. When it was time for my father to name an heir, usually it was the older sibling and since Sombra is older than me, we both though that it was going to be him.” “Okay and?” Dash said. “Instead, he named me.” The ponies all let out a gasp. “Needless to say, Sombra was outraged and humiliated. He vanished from the castle that night and went missing for a while.” “So he got all jealous? What a drama Queen or King in this instance.” Rarity said. “I think he was more upset that I’m only his half brother.” The ponies then all leaned in closer to the stallion. “You see, Sombra’s mother died in giving birth to him. My father, King Lapis wasn’t handling it well.” “So what happened?” Twilight asked. “From what he told me, he met my mother while roaming the streets disguised as a common pony.” The stallion chuckled. “He did that all the time to see first hoof how his subjects were doing.” “He sounds like a really nice stallion.” Sweetie said. “Records say that the Crystal Heart shined the brightest when King Lapis was on the throne.” Cadence said with a smile. “I also recall Aunt Celestia talking about his kindness towards all of his subjects.” “That’s dad.” Vermillion said with a smile. “Anyway, one day a mare by the name of Ruby Heliotrope asked to see the royal gems to get new ideas for her growing jewelry business.” He said with a grin. “My father being the gentle soul he was granted her request. The two eventually became friends, then a relation ship and then...well, you know.” He said as he blushed. “Sombra was a pure Unicorn while I's half Crystal Pony.” Vermillion stated. “After I was exposed to the Heart I saw many images.” “What did you see?” Shining asked. “Sombra’s rise to power and the vanishing of an empire.” He said with a sigh. “I convinced myself that it was a mistake. Now I’m paying the price.” “You knew what would happen?” Shining bellowed. “I thought it was a nightmare!” He yelled. “By the time I realized it wasn’t,” He said as he hung his head. “it was too late.” Applebloom put a hoof on his shoulder. “While my father was on his death bed, he told me of a defense mechanism he built into the empire.” “What mechanism?” Shining asked. “You’re a soldier shining, when you have an infected wound what do you do?” The guard stallion thought for a moment and his eyes shrank. “You isolate it from the rest of the body.” The ponies connected the dots and gulped. “You were the one who sealed the empire?” Shining asked. “Correct.” “Why?” “I had no choice.” He said in a low tone. “Sombra’s influence was spreading to the borders and I had to stop him.” Another wave of pane ensnared his body. “Okay, I think that’s enough for now.” Cadence said. “We need to figure out what to do about Sombra.” “I told you, I’ll-” “You’ve done more than enough.” Twilight said as she put a hoof on his shoulder. “We can handle Sombra.” “Yeah dude, take a break.” Rumble said. “But-” “We’ve taken on Nightmare Moon, sealed Discord, kicked every Changeling out of Canterlot and we rescued the Crystal Heart.” Dash stated. “We got this.” Vermillion hung his head and let out a sigh in defeat. Twilight put a hoof on his shoulder and gave a weak smile. “Just rest. We can handle this.” The door opened to reveal a teal crystal mare with a white nurse cap sitting on top of her mane. “Okay everypony, he needs his rest.” She said with a sigh. The group nodded and slowly made their way out of the room. Applebloom gave him a quick peck on the cheek before leaving. Vermillion sighed and hung his head in shame. The red stallion laid his head on the pillow and eventually fell asleep. Hours later, a purple crystal mare with a white nurse cap sitting on top of her mane. As she approached the room with two guards standing outside with spears at their sides. The two guards looked at the mare and allowed her to pass. The mare gave them a friendly nod and entered the room. The nurse trotted over to the sleeping red stallion and smirked. She tapped him on the shoulder and he stirred. “Rise and shine little brother.” Vermillion’s eyes snapped open and his mouth was immediately covered by a hoof. The nurse’s form started to crumble to reveal a familiar black stallion. “Shhh!” He said as the stallion struggled in his restraints. “Oh please, if I wanted to kill you then I would have already.” He said as he slowly pulled his hoof away. “What do you want?” Vermillion said in a rough tone. “Just to talk. That’s all.” He said in a hushed tone. “You may be a thorn in my side, but you’re still my little brother and your eyes may yet be opened to the truth.” “What truth?” “That this country, this world is rotten.” Sombra hissed. “Government officials that get away with the most horrid of acts and getting away with nothing more that a slap on the wrist.” He said in a dark tone. “Like you.” “I am nothing like them.” He said as he glared at his brother. “I tried to create a society where everypony was treated equally and remained where they belonged.” “Beneath your hoof.” Vermillion spat out. “I made this country strong! I built it and raised it higher!” “Nothing should be built on the backs of slaves.” Sombra scoffed. “You sound just like that old fool.” “He was your father too Sombra.” Vermillion stated. “Just turn yourself in and maybe-” “What? They’ll go easy on me?” He said with a laugh. “I doubt it.” He said as he leaned in closer to the bound stallion. “I’m offering you a choice. The same choice I gave you all those years ago.” He said with a grin. “Join me. We were meant to rule together.” “Rule maybe, not dominate.” Vermillion said. “Now that the other’s know the truth, they will come to hate you as they did me.” Vermillion gulped. “I am you and you are me.”
 “I’m nothing like you!” “Oh really?” Sombra said with a laugh. “Tell me then, how did it feel?” Vermillion gulped. “Tell me how it felt to seal away an entire empire.” The red stallion bit his lip. “An entire civilization gone in a blink of an eye. You must have felt like god.” “Shut up!” Vermillion said. The door burst open and the guards had their spears drawn. Sombra’s red horn flared and trapped the two guards in black crystal. “Think about it little brother.” He said with an evil grin. “Oh, and be sure to keep your eye on the news.” “What did you do?” “Absolutely nothing,” He said as he trotted over to the window and opened it up. “yet.” The door burst open revealing the guard Captain and the Crystal Princess. “Until next time.” He said before turning into a shadow and flying out of the window. Shining raced towards the window and shot several bolts of magic at the shadow before it vanished from sight. Cadence ran towards Vermillion and put a hoof on his shoulder. “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” “No, he just wanted to talk.” “Why?” Shining asked. “He’s still my brother.” He said with a sigh. “He’s a monster and-” “I know what he is Captain!” He yelled. “I tried to talk him into giving himself in, but he refused.” He said as he hung his head in shame. Cadence sighed as Shining trotted over to him. “It’s obvious that you’re not safe here.” “I’m not safe anywhere.” He said with a sigh. “Sombra know’s the Empire like that back of his hoof.” “Then we need to get you on the first train out.” “I ran away once and I haven’t stopped since.” Vermillion yelled. “I’m not running away again.” Shining bit his lip and sighed. “Okay, I won’t stop you.” He said as he undid the braces. Vermillion got to his hooves and started to walk out of the room. He felt a blunt object strike the back of his head and a grunt of pain. “Really Shining?” Vermillion said. “I thought that Twi would mention my diamond hard skeleton.” He said as he turned to look at the guard Captain who slowly got to his hooves. “She did.” Vermillion then felt a shocking sensation go through his body before blacking out. A guard stallion with his horn glowing caught the falling Prince. “Sorry about this Geode, but it’s for your own good.” “What did you do?” Cadence yelled. “I sent a small jolt of my magic into his system.” The guard stallion said. “He’ll be fine in a few hours.” Cadence glared at her husband with fire in her eyes. “It was the only way to get him out of the Empire safely.” He said with a sigh. Cadence glared at her husband. She looked at the knocked out red Unicorn and sighed. “Alright, I see your point.” She said as she hung her head. “I guess it is for the best until this whole ordeal is taken care of.” The stallion nodded and hoisted the red Unicorn on his back. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vermillion slowly opened his eyes to see Applebloom sitting on a chair fast asleep in a corner. The stallion looked at his surroundings and clutched his head in pain. The groan caused the yellow mare to stir and she let out a yawn. She saw her colt friend rubbing his eyes and made her way over to him. “Ugh.” Was all he let out as the door opened to reveal the other five ponies he grew up with. “How do you feel dude?” Rumble asked. “Like crap, it feels like the room is moving.” He said as he clutched his head. “Well, that’s to be expected.” Pip said in a nervous tone. The stallion quickly got to his hooves and pulled the curtains aside. His jaw dropped when he saw the woods passing by at an alarming rate and the sound of a train whistle filling his ears. “We went through Trottingham five minutes ago.” Damn you Armor! The stallion thought to himself “How long was I out for?” “About twelve hours.” Sweetie said. Vermillion sighed and put his head in his hooves. “So, you’re really a Prince?” Scootaloo asked. “Yeah, I am.” Applebloom walked up to him and scowled. “Why didn’t ya tell me?” “How was I supposed to tell you that I’m Sombra’s half brother?” He fired back. “I didn’t want ponies to know. Now he’s back and I’m running away....again.” Applebloom hugged him and ran a hoof through his mane. “You need to chill man.” Rumble said. “Shining Armor, Princess Cadence and the Elements can handle him.” “Not to mention, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia.” Pip stated. “The element’s, three Alicorns and the Captain of the royal guard.” Vermillion pondered. “The ultimate team,” The group all smiled. “and it still won’t be enough.” “How can you say that?” Scootaloo said. “Look, the only reason that Celestia and Luna beat him before was because he split his power in half. Now that he’s back to full strength, not even they can handle him!” He protested. “How do you know?” “I’m his brother, it’s my job to know.” The ponies then heard a hard knock on the door. “Come in.” A golden armored guard poked his head in and looked at the group. “There’s something you all should see.” He said with a gulp. The six ponies followed him out into the main car where a T.V. was set up and was getting a feed from the Crystal Empire. Vermillion’s eyes shrank as he saw the shadowy stallion with a grin on his face. “Good morning everypony, My name is King Sombra.” He said with a wicked grin. “Some of you may have heard of me. Anyway, I’ll just be interrupting your regularly scheduled programing for just a moment.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The door to the crystal throne room burst open to reveal Shining Armor and Princess Cadence. The two looked at the Crystal throne to see the dark stallion sitting on the throne with a malicious grin on his face. The two looked around to see several large transmitter crystals floating in the air. “Right on cue.” He said with a laugh. “Now all of Equestria can see you fall.” “You’re under arrest Sombra! Yield!” Shining bellowed. The dark stallion roared in laughter at his words. “Oh I’m so scared.” He said in a mocking tone. “Just hide behind your wife and do whatever it is that you do Armor.” He said as he waved him off. Shining’s horn glowed and let lose a volley of spells at the stallion. The dark King turned his body to shadow and rushed towards him. Sombra clenched his hoof and slammed it into the side of the white stallion’s helmet. The force from the punch caused a massive dent and the young Prince to go flying against the wall. “Shining!” Cadence yelled. She glared at the dark stallion with tears running down her face. Sombra made the ‘bring it on gesture’ with his hoof. Cadence’s horn flared and a bright pink crystal staff appeared before her. “Now we’re gonna have some fun!” Sombra yelled as a jet black scythe appeared in his dark grip. The two rushed towards each other and locked blow for blow. Sombra saw an opening and managed to cut the pink Alicorn’s cheek. Cadence took a few steps back and wiped the blood off her face. The two continued to fight and were met with stalemate after stalemate. Cadence was panting and she could feel her magic beginning to weaken. Sombra smirked and took note of it. “What’s wrong Cadie? Running out of steam?” He said in a mocking tone. “Maybe you should send that deadbeat of a husband to fight for you?” Cadence gritted her teeth at the stallion. No pony insults her husband and gets away with it. She charged forward and slammed the staff into the scythe. Sombra’s horn glowed black and shot a massive beam at the Alicorn. The blast struck Cadence and black crystal encased her. “Time to break up this party.” He said as he raised the scythe and swung. A white blur came between the weapon and the helpless Princess. Red blood splashed across the dark King’s face and the crystal’s surface. The long black blade was going through the guard Captain’s left side and sticking out his right. Like fish caught on a hook. Sombra stood the scythe upwards and shook his head. “Pity, I wanted to play with him a little bit longer.” He said with a sigh. “Oh well.” The dark stallion swung the blade and the guard was sent flying into the wall. The dark King then heard a loud cracking noise. He turned around to see the Crystal Princess breaking free. Her eyes were glowing with magic. He felt her gaze pierce his very soul and he could see the river of tears that were streaming down her face. Magic swirled around her and her horn had a casing of lightning around it. “You monster!” She yelled as the rest of the prison broke free. Sombra grinned and laughed like a mad pony. “Yes, this is what I’ve been waiting for!” He yelled. “Those eyes filled with anger, that hatred radiating from you, that power!” Sombra licked his lips and grinned. “Exquisite!” Cadence’s horn flared and thousands of swords appeared in the air. All pointing towards the dark King. She launched them all at once and hopefully destroy the dark stallion. Sombra’s horn glowed and a massive wall of black crystal shielded him. The stallion turned to his shadow form and rushed towards the enraged Alicorn. Sombra was eye to eye with her and he shot a bolt of dark magic into the pink pony’s horn. Cadence’s face shifted from enraged to fear filled. Her magic fizzled out and her eyes turned neon green with purple aura seeping from them. “N-no......Twilight........everyone.” Her mind was filled with images of death, the crumbling empire and the feeling of complete failure. Sombra then delivered a series of slashes and punches. Cadence recoiled and managed to break through the illusion only to be met with a dark hoof being slammed into her face. The pink mare felt her wings crack as she hit the back wall. She fell forwards and felt her face collide with the hard crystal floor. Sombra chuckled and levitated the pink mare up by her front hooves. The dark stallion grinned and put his hoof to the mare’s chin. Cadence spat a mouth full of blood in his face. “Looks like you’ve still got some fight in you.” He said as he slapped her across the face. “Did you really think that you could defeat me so easily?” He laughed. “Brave of you to face me alone, but also stupid.” “W-who said,” The mare said in a low tone. “I was alone?” Sombra raised an eyebrow before a purple magical bolt exploded over his head. Sombra jumped out of the cloud of smoke and looked to the far wall to see six mares wielding their Element’s of Harmony. “Oh how cute, you brought back up.” He said as he got in a fighting stance. “Just die you monster!” Twilight yelled. The group of mares all stood in formation. One by one their element’s started to glow with power and the air around them crackled with raw magic. A beam of pure rainbow’s shot from the center of the group and filled the room with light. Sombra shielded his eyes from the blast and was over taken by the light’s power. The light soon faded and the six mares started to pant heavily. Cadence slowly limped over to her fallen husband and cried over his body. Shining groaned in pain as he felt his wive’s weight on him. “Cadence.....your crying is making it hard for me to breathe.” He wheezed out. “Oh thank Celestia!” Twilight said as she ignited her horn. A purple aura enveloped the white stallion and his hooves started to heal. As the last of the wounds were sealed shut Twilight helped her bother to his hooves. “It’s over.” Cadence said with a sigh. “Oh I wouldn’t be so sure of that.” The group froze and a chill creeped down their spine. They saw their shadows stretching towards the center of the floor. The shades combined and took the form of the dark stallion. Twilight tried to focus what was left of her magic but was stopped as the group was trapped against the wall by jet black crystals that were holding them by their hooves. “Good try though.” “How is this possible?” Twilight said as she tried to break free. “The elements are supposed to destroy evil!” Sombra laughed and trotted over to the mare. “Since you’re the brains of the group I’ll keep it simple.” He said as he took a deep breath. “Instantaneous biological metacrisis.” The lavender mare thought for a moment before she made the connection. “Ah you figured it out then.” “What’s he talking about Twi?” Applejack asked. “I was born out of your little Geode.” He said as he put a hoof under the lavender mare’s chin. “The elements sensed the piece of your ‘son’ within me and therefore your attack was ineffective.” He said with a laugh. “Oh this is just dreamy. Six elements of Harmony, a Princess and a captain.” He said with a laugh. “This isn’t even the main event yet!” “What are you talking about?” Shining barked. “You see, I’ve been broadcasting this through those transmission crystals.” He said as he walked over to Cadence. “The entire world just watched me thrash you all around.” His horn glowed and one of the massive gems hovered in front of him. “I can just imagine the look on Tia and Luna’s face. I do hope you all have been paying attention, cause this is where it get’s interesting and I must thank you Cadence. My plan couldn’t have come to fruition without you.” “What are you talking about?” She spat out. “You do know that this entire kingdom is made of a compound called creeping rock correct?” “So?” Shining yelled. “So thick headed.” Sombra said as he face hoofed. “You see Creeping rock responds to the magic of the empire. In this case it’s used for transmitting images,” He then threw on an evil smirk as he levitated one of the large gems in front of the group. “lets say somepony wanted it for a.....different purpose.” The group all gasped. “Now I hope that all of you at home are paying attention. This is going to be...spectacular!” The image then shifted to a thriving city. “Behold the massive city of Stalliongrad.” The black stallion then held up his hoof. “Behold the power I possess!” As he slammed his hoof down on the floor, the ponies watched in horror as the transmission gem in the center of the city crash landed. As the gem hit the earth spikes of jet black crystal started sprouting up from the ground. Houses were destroyed, tree’s were uprooted and ponies were being impaled. Ponies all around the world watched in horror at the display. When the dust settled, the entire city was now a forest of black crystals and the rivers were filed with blood. “One again I must thank you Princess Cadence!” He said with a laugh. “Thank you for being the complete dupe that you are!” Cadence was shaken to the core and hung her head in shame. “Oh and Celestia,” He said turning back to the large gem. “if I see any of your troops poking around my borders then so help me, I will activate all of them.” The group gasped at the words. “Any attempt to tamper with the gems will automatically result in detonation. Even I don’t have control of that part.” He said with a shrug. “My demands are simple, Stay out of the Crystal Empire’s affairs and your cities will be spared.” “I suppose you’re thinking, ‘why doesn’t he want more?’” He said with a sigh. “I only want what’s rightfully mine.” He said in a flat tone. “You have one hour until I activate another one and trust me Princess I have so many targets.” His horn flared and several gems showed different locations. “Like the hustle and bustling city of Manehattan, or the majestic city of Canterlot.” His grin then widened as he thought of something. “Possibly the quaint little town of Ponyville.” The mares all gasped at the words. “The choice is yours Celestia, you have one hour. Don’t keep me waiting.” His horn flared and the transmission was cut out. The dark stallion let out a sigh and walked back over to his throne. His horn glowed and the entire decor was changed to pitch black. “It’s good to be the King.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The T.V. screen in the train car was then shattered by a red magic bolt hitting the glass surface. The five friends saw the red Unicorn huffing and puffing as his horn glowed a dark red. “That bucking monster!” He yelled. “All those ponies.” Sweetie Belle said as she cried on Rumble’s shoulder. “Applejack.” The farmer said with tears in her eyes. “Are they-” “Sombra would want them alive.” Vermillion stated. “W-why?” Pip said. “Leverage probably.” Vermillion said as he slumped to the ground. Applebloom wrapped him in a warm hug trying to comfort him. “It’s all my fault.” “No it ain’t!” She yelled. “You’re not him!” “It’s my fault that this happened! If I had been able to take my shot then-” His face was met by a firm yellow hoof. “Finish that sentence and I’ll buck ya into next Tuesday.” She said with tears in her eyes. “Right now, we gotta think of something.” “Like what?” Rumble said. “If any of Celestia’s guards go anywhere near him he’ll just blow up another town!” “Last time I checked we ain’t guards!” Scootaloo yelled. “We gotta do something!” Vermilion put a hoof to his chin and thought. “There may be one thing.” He said as the group looked at him. “If we can lure Sombra away from the heart his magic will decrease in strength, maybe enough for me to take him out.” “How are we gonna get in there though?” Sweetie asked. “I may be able to access one of my old tunnels.” “How are we gonna find out way once inside the castle?” Ruble asked. “I remember helping Shining armor plan escape routes.” Pip piped up. “We’re not guards they’ll destroy us!” Scootaloo said. “No we’re not guards,” the red stallion started. “we’re Crusaders.” The ponies all looked at one another. “I don’t expect any of you to come with me,” He said with a sigh. “but even I know I cant do this alone.” He said as he bit his lip. “You won’t have to.” Applebloom said with a smile. “Ah’m with ya all the way.” She said as she put her hoof on his. “Count me in to.” Rumble said. “Same.” Sweetie said. “Aye!” Pip said in his pirate accent. “This is the worst idea ever, of all time.” Scootaloo said. “But breaking stuff and causing trouble is what we Crusaders do best right?” She said as she joined the huddle. “Hey guard!” Rumble yelled. “Stop this crazy thing!” “Aye sir.” The guard said with a chuckle. The train pulled to a stop in the next town and the six exited the train. The group gathered the supplies they’d need for the long road ahead of them. Geode looked out on top of a hill and saw the sun starting to rise. He looked at his companions and nodded. “Cutie Mark Crusader Operation: Save The Crystal Empire is Go!” With determination in their hearts and the fate of the world on their shoulders, the six friends started their final crusade.