//------------------------------// // Pregnant?! // Story: The Married Life // by Legacy55 //------------------------------// AN: I suggest reading Love and Hatred and An Unlikely Couple before reading this. It isn't needed, but I would highly recommend it. “Hmmm…” A pony in a pristine white lab coat straightened his thick glasses as he tried to read the chart in front of him. “Well, I think I know the solution to your little problem, dear Princess!” “Well, what is it, doctor?” Celestia turned away from a rather boring medical poster that insisted on good flossing. The office they were in was rather cramped and sparsely decorated, and aside from the poster, there were only a few medical tools along a lonely table. There was but a single window, offering a rather boring view of the always busy city. Needless to say, Celestia could think of a at least a dozen other places she’d rather be at… “You see…” The doctor threw the chart onto the table before turning to her with a grin. “The reason for your nausea, vomiting and fatigue is because… you’re pregnant!” The Princess’s jaw dropped and she looked at him with a horrified look. “P-p-pregnant? A-are you sure?!” “Yes! At least three months, from what I can tell. I congratulate you! You must be so happy right now!” “B-but I thought I was just putting on a little bit of weight!” Celestia stated, gently shaking her large belly. “Nope, I’m absolutely sure you’re pregnant! The blood tests clearly show evidence, and your symptoms all point towards it!” Celestia let out a groan as she rubbed her head with one hoof. Pregnant! I can hardly believe it! Now that I think about it, it explains an awful lot… But what is Discord going to say? And Luna? I can’t break this news to them! “So, come back here in… say… a week, and we can do some more tests. I’ll check on how the baby is doing, and I’ll get you some medication.” The doctor turned back to his chart to jot down a few things. “Medication?” “Oh, yes, you’ll need it for the migraines.” “Migraines?” “Yes. Horrible, mind splitting headaches that will make you want to smash your head off the wall to try and stop the pain!” He said with a smile. Oh, boy. Sounds like fun… “Um, right… in light of all this, I have a lot to do now. Thank you, doctor, for the news, even if it’s not what I was expecting… Or wanting…” “No problem! I can’t wait for the day the baby comes, it’ll be so exciting!” The doctor said with a genuine enthusiasm in his voice. Celestia nodded at him before leaving the cramped office. As she began making her way back to the castle, she tried to formulate a plan on how to break the news. She knew that Discord wasn’t going to take this well… --------------------- “…And our harvest is even worst then last year’s! We need more rain!” “How many bleeding times do I have to tell you?! We don’t have enough weather ponies to get the job done! We can’t get rain to every damn farm that asks for it!” Discord sighed as he leaned back in his chair. It was yet another boring meeting, with two boring ponies arguing about some boring thing… It was just so… boring! “Well, maybe if you weather ponies spent more time working instead of sleeping, you’d be able to!” A large, gruff looking Pegasus snarled as the earth pony across from him rebutted. “Ah, you earth ponies know nothing about work! All you do is spend your time digging in the damn dirt while we Pegasus bust our wings making it rain!” The brown earth pony let out an exhausted sigh. “Prince Discord, what do you think of the situation?” “Huh?” Discord snapped out of his daydream and looked at the earth pony with an annoyed expression. He had been having a rather fun fantasy of causing some chaos and mayhem. “Oh, well I think that… uh… what are you two babbling about again?” The two ponies sighed and rolled their eyes at the Draconequus. As they returned to their heated debate Discord glanced out the window. The room offered an amazing view of Canterlot, but it did little to increase his mood. He couldn’t stand this Canterlot life; it was far too orderly and organized for his tastes. What he would give for even a day of good old chaos… But he did have to admit, there were perks to this new life. Aside from all the boring meetings and stuck up ponies, he had Celestia. His wife, who was always there to make him happy. After all those years of basking in loneliness and anger, he had finally found what he had always wanted. The mare that had been on his mind since the day he saw her. She should be here in about an hour… He said silently to himself, the thought bringing a small smile to his face. I certainly hope these two shut up soon… I can’t stand another minute of their annoying drabble… --------------------- Luna flicked her mane out of her face as she waited at the Castle gate impatiently. Her sister always knew how to annoy her, and this instance was no different. “Celestia, there you are! I’ve been waiting here since noon!” The moon princess yelled upon the sight of her sister’s flowing mane. Celestia sighed upon the sight of her sister, slightly picking up the pace as she walked. How she wished she could just teleport, but ‘doctors orders’... Before she had been able to leave the clinic, the doctor had caught up with her. He had lectured her about making sure to use as little magic as possible, as it could affect the baby in such early stages. Of course, this only threw another burden onto her already overloaded shoulders. Being pregnant wasn’t easy; she was beginning to learn that first hoof. “What, Luna?” Celestia snapped, not being in the mood to deal with her sister. “It’s about Discord…” Luna replied, now following her sister as they entered the castle grounds. “Oh? What did he do this time…” “Well, he thought it would be funny to turn all of my guards into moths. They’ve eaten all of my finest clothes and bed sheets! I’ve had enough of that Draconequus!” Celestia let out an exhausted sigh. “Can’t you two handle this on your own? I’m very busy myself you know! I don’t have the time to keep you two from fighting…” “But you’re the only one he listens to!” Luna pouted. “He’s pulled at least a dozen pranks on me since you two married, and I can’t take it anymore!” “Why me?” Celestia mumbled to herself, frowning as she glanced up at the sun. “Fine, I’ll talk to him about it if you stop bothering me...” Upon hearing her sisters response, Luna grinned. “I knew I could count on you, sister. See you at dinner!” She teleported away, leaving the sun princess alone in the courtyard. She really wasn’t looking forward to walking up the seemingly endless flight of stairs to her bedroom… ---------------------------- The only sound that echoed through the oversized dining hall was the clinking of silverware as they ate. The servants had set up their meal as always and left them to eat in peace. Well, relative peace. There was never peace when Discord was around. “Ow! Discord, stop flicking peas at me!” Luna said with an annoyed look as she placed her silverware down for the fifth time. “What? That wasn’t me! Why do you always blame everything on me?” Discord replied with an innocent face as he jabbed his steak with a fork. “You’re the only one eating peas!” Luna yelled, pointing an accusing hoof at his plate. “See, Celestia? This is what I mean!” “Hmph?” Celestia said, her mouth completely stuffed with food. For some reason she was starving and had already gone through two plates of food. She supposed this was yet another annoying symptom of pregnancy. Speaking of pregnancy, she had to break the news to these two… And soon… Discord frowned. “This steak is undercooked. Those chefs are never going to get it right.” He threw his knife and fork to the side, pushing away the slightly raw cut of beef with a dissatisfied look. Celestia swallowed the chunk of food in her mouth. “Well, ponies don’t normally eat meat! In fact, you made that steak appear in the first place, why didn’t you just cook it yourself?!” “Do you really expect me to do everything? I am a prince after all…” Discord crossed his arms, trying to give off somewhat of a royal atmosphere. Celestia rolled her eyes at him before viciously digging into the next plate of food that had just been placed in front of her. There was a long awkward silence between them, the only sounds being that of Celestia filling her face. “So, Luna… Have you seen your guards lately?” Discord finally broke the silence, stifling back a laugh. Luna gritted her teeth, “You know, I’m beginning to think you haven’t changed at all…” “Of course I’ve changed! I don’t make ponies suffer anymore! Only you!” He chuckled, his laugher only serving to anger her further. “Discord… Annoy me once more and I swear what I did to you after the wedding will look like heaven…” Luna stated, trying her best to restrain her growing anger. The Draconequus could tell that she was on the verge of snapping; maybe this was the time to stop… What am I thinking?! I can’t pass up a chance like this! Discord spotted a servant with a triple layered chocolate cake making his way over to the table. He grinned mischievously at the chaos he was about to wreak. Just as the pony was passing Luna, the Draconequus snapped his fingers causing him to fall flat on his face. The large cake flew from his back and they all watched, almost as if in slow motion, as it fell directly on Luna, splattering frosting and chocolate all over her. Discord broke out in a storm of laughter while Celestia looked at her now cake covered sister with wide eyes. She was going to snap, and it wasn’t going to be pretty. “DISCORD!” Luna roared as she jumped across the oversized table. She sent plates and drinks crashing to the floor as she lunged at the spirit of disharmony. He let out an awkward laugh, and just as she was going to assault him with her flailing hooves he snapped his fingers and vanished. “Sister… Call up the funeral planner; we’re going to need one when I get my hooves on him…” ---------------------- “You’re done it already? But I just gave you that book last week!” A lavender unicorn said with genuine surprise. The pegasus beside her responded with a smile. “Well, come on, Twilight! I couldn’t put it down! Honestly, they’re just getting better and better!” It was perfect weather for a walk, and that was just what Twilight had done. However, she hadn’t expected to run into her friend who desperately wanted to borrow yet another book. Rainbow had already gone through half of the Daring Doo series, and she kept speeding through them faster every time. Before long, there wouldn’t be any left, and the unicorn knew just the series she was going to recommend next. “Fine, I’ll get you the next book… But maybe you should try and slow down… savor them a bit, you know?” “Yeah, yeah… Just get me the next one!” Rainbow Dash said impatiently, and Twilight just shook her head playfully. The two started the walk back through Ponyville, heading towards the tree that served as her humble abode. A loud pop startled both of them, and they relaxed upon the sight of the Draconequus. “Twilight, Rainbow Dash, how good to see you two girls again!” He smiled, looking at them with his crazy, mismatched eyes. He had now become a common sight in Ponyville, and no longer did ponies run at the sight of him. “What did you do this time?” Rainbow Dash asked, not surprised in the least that he had suddenly shown up. “Oh, just annoying Luna as always… I really think I did it this time though; I haven’t seen her that angry since the wedding…” Twilight rolled her eyes at him. “You know, Discord; you should really stop bothering them so much. Keep annoying them and they’ll throw you out of the castle.” “Like they would ever do that! Celestia loves me far too much to just throw me to the curb. Luna on the other hand…” Discord followed the two as they continued their walk through Ponyville. He got no odd stares from any of the citizens. In fact, some of them even waved to him. He would visit the town often, as he found it much more amusing then Canterlot. “So Twilight, what do you have planned for this fine evening?” Discord suddenly asked after a few minutes of silence. “Oh,” The unicorn said, taken back by the sudden question. “Well, after I lend this book to Rainbow, I was going to reorganize the library again. Why? You don’t tend to really care about other ponies’ personal lives…” “Well, I can’t exactly go back to the castle anytime soon. I should probably wait a few hours for this to all blow over, as Luna should be calm by then. I think…” “I’m not letting you organize the library with me, if that’s what you mean…” Twilight responded with a cross look. “Oh, come on! It’ll be fun! I promise I won’t annoy you, or ruin anything!” Discord pleaded with his best grin. After looking at the Draconequus for a few seconds she sighed. “Fine… Just promise to not mess anything up…” Rainbow elbowed her playfully and whispered in her ear. “Your library is going to be a train wreck after he gets finished with it!” “Well,” Twilight replied with a cruel smile. “Remember, I can always tell Princess Luna where he's hiding...” ---------------------------- Celestia glanced up at the now-dark sky. Her sister had just brought the moon out, and she thought she might take in some of the cool night air. She stood on her balcony gazing at the many stars and the bright, magnificent moon that hung in the sky. Her mind kept continually going over how she was going to break the news to her husband and sister. She already knew what their reactions were going to be, and they would only serve in making this whole thing more painful. Well… I suppose I should be happy about this. I'm going to be bringing a child into this world and as a mare that’s one of the greatest things I can do. I can’t exactly deny this either, because it’s happening no matter what I want... I simply have to accept it… I’ll tell Discord about it whenever he gets back, though I doubt he’s going to take the news easily…