Wings for a Pony 2: The Brotherhood of Shadows

by Lonely Shadow

Chapter 3

Clay and Firefly were still sleeping soundly in their bed as the sun barely started to shine through their window. Gradually however they both became aware of a pressure at the end of their bed, and then heard a small filly’s voice.

“Mommy… Daddy, wake up!” Star said excitedly. Clay and Firefly both groaned slightly, as it was still too early for them to even think about getting up. “Come on!” The filly whined, nudging her father slightly “You said you’d be up for our birthday!”

“We did… but we never said we’d be up this early,” Clay muttered as he turned over onto his side.

“Mommy, make Daddy get up!” Star demanded, walking over to her mother.

“We’re too tired right now sweetie, go play with your brother,” Firefly groaned. Star huffed for a moment before jumping down from the bed and walking to the room which she shared with her brother. Star also shared her birthday with her brother Bolt, due to her not having an official birthday; she didn’t mind because she loved her brother and they shared many things in their life already. Star walked into her bedroom and saw her brother awake and sitting in his bed.

“Did you get them up?” Bolt asked her.

“No, they’re still sleeping,” Star pouted. A smirk crept onto Bolts face.

“Well then, I guess we’ll have to try harder.”

“No Bolt, I don’t want to make them upset,” Star said quietly as her brother jumped from his bed.

“Do you want your presents or not?” Star thought for a moment and then nodded. Together, they snuck into their parent’s room and climbed onto a nearby chair, facing their still-sleeping parents.

“Ready?” Bolt asked.

“Ready,” Star replied as Bolt began counting.

“One… two… three… Geronimo!” Bolt and Star jumped from the chair and landed squarely on their parents. Clay and Firefly awoke startled and looked at the bed to see their two children sitting between them.

“Star, Bolt, what in Celestia’s name are you two doing!?” Firefly asked, still startled.

“Playing,” Bolt said innocently.

“You did tell me to play with Bolt,” Star added.

“You weren’t playing; you were trying to wake up your Mom and Dad,” Clay said crossly. “You know what happens when you wake us up early.” Clay frowned at his two foals.

“Are we… grounded?” Star asked nervously.

No…” Clay looked to his wife and they both smirked.

“You get attacked by… the bed monsters!” Before the two foals could react Firefly had grabbed Firebolt and begun tickling him.

“Mmm, you look delicious!” Firefly said as she started nibbling his stomach and made fake eating sounds. Bolt started to laugh and squirm as he was attacked by his mother.

“S-s-s-Star! R-r-r-run for it!” he laughed uncontrollably.

Clay made a grab for Star but she ducked and hopped off the bed.

“Get back here!” Clay shouted as he got out of his bed and began chasing his daughter down the hall.

Star screamed as she saw her father chase her, and ran down the stairs to take shelter under the coffee table.

“Hmmm… where could that filly have gone?” Clay heard a giggle as he finished talking. Star saw her father’s legs pace back and forth as she tried to stifle her laughter; she saw her father disappear from view and waited patiently. Suddenly she felt her tail being grabbed and she was then pulled out from under the table.

“Goth yah!” Clay said through a mouthful of hair. Star squealed and then suddenly she vanished before reappearing a few feet away from him. “Hey!” Clay shouted as he continued chasing her. Star tried to run, but she was soon caught and then she began to laugh loudly as her father began fake eating her stomach.

“Daddy! P-p-please stop! I’m- I’m- I’m going to wet myself!” She laughed, tears running down her face.

“Say you’re sorry for waking us up!” Clay teased, before tickling her with his hooves.

“Daddy, p-please I’m begging you! S-s-s-stop!” Star pleaded.

“Not until you say you’re sorry!” Clay replied, still tickling the little unicorn.

“Daddy stop!” she shouted until suddenly a bright red flash erupted from her horn, sending Clay flying back into a wall with a loud bang. Clay slumped to the ground his head spinning from the pain of the impact. “Daddy!” Star cried out as she got up and ran over to him.

“What’s going on down…?” Firefly stopped when she saw her husband up against a wall; she flew down the stairs and landed by his side “Clay are you all right?! What happened?!”

“I… I think I tickled Star a little too much.” Clay groaned, rubbing the back of his head. There was a small sniffle and they both looked to see Star with tears running down her face.

“I’m… *sniff* I’m sorry Mommy… I didn’t mean to.” She hung her head allowing large tears to fall to the ground. “I didn’t mean to hurt Daddy… I… I just wanted him to stop tickling me.” She sobbed. “Please… please don’t be mad Daddy.” As she cried Clay got up and walked slowly up to her and then sat down again before giving her a tight hug to show that he wasn’t angry.

“It’s OK,” he whispered. “I know you didn’t mean to do it.” He began to stroke the back of her mane as she sobbed into his chest.

“I’m…*sniff* I’m sorry, Daddy,” Star sniffled. Clay kissed the top of her head and squeezed her tighter. “Do… do you still love me Daddy?” she asked sadly.

“Of course I still love you, he reassured her. “I could never stop loving you sweetie.” She looked up at him, still crying slightly, but when she saw her father smiling at her she wiped her eyes and smiled back. “I love you Star,” he said softly.

“We both love you sweetie,” Firefly said as she walked over and hugged her.

“I love you too Mommy, and Daddy,” Star said happily, feeling the tight embrace of her parents.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door; Clay released Star and got up to answer the door while Firefly stayed with her. As Clay opened the door he was greeted by the sight of his mother and uncle.

“Mom, Uncle Comet, glad you guys made it!” He gave his mother a small kiss on the cheek and his uncle a hug as they walked in.

“Grandma, Grandpa!” Star said happily as she ran up to them and nuzzled their legs.

“Hey Squirt! Happy birthday.” Dash ruffled Star’s mane. “Where’s your brother?” Dash got her answer when a red blur came running down the stairs towards them.

“Grandma, Grandpa!” Bolt shouted excitedly.

“Hey champ, good to see you!” Comet lifted Bolt and allowed the small colt to hug his neck lovingly.

“I thought I told you to tell your kids not to call me Grandma,” Dash muttered to Clay.

“I did. But they refuse to listen,” Clay sighed.

“Don’t get me wrong, I love them Clay, but… it makes me feel old,” Dash sighed as Clay chuckled slightly.

“Are you going to do the sonic rainboom for us Grandma Dash?” Star asked, looking hopeful.

“For you kids I’d do a double sonic rainboom,” she replied with some pride.

“Oh wow! Can we see it, can we?” Bolt said, bouncing up and down.

“Maybe later when everypony gets here. That way everyone can see how awesome I am.” Comet rolled his eyes.

After about an hour passed there was another knock at the door; Firefly was the one to answer it this time and was met with a light brown stallion with a vest and pocket chain. His hair was jet black, and his eyes were light brown.

“Dad!” Firefly shouted in surprise.

“Hello sweetheart,” he replied, giving his daughter a tight hug.

“I didn’t expect to see you here. Canterlot is a long way from Ponyville.”

“You think I would miss something as important as my grandchildren’s birthday?” Jasper chuckled.

“No it’s just… I’m glad you made it Dad.” Jasper looked slightly saddened.

“Listen… I know that when you were growing up that I wasn’t always there for you, and I missed more than a few birthdays… but I want to make up for that.” Firefly looked her father in the eye.

“It’s okay Dad… you were busy, I understand.”

“No. That’s no excuse, you should be more important to me than any job out there. And so should the rest of my family.” Firefly smiled and kissed her father on the cheek.

“Thank you Daddy.” She allowed her father to step inside and join the others.

The house was beginning to fill with chatter and childish laughter. Soon however there was another knock. Dash was the one to answer this time, to greet Twilight and the others.

“Guys I’m glad you made it.”

“Of course we made it. We wouldn’t miss out seeing our favorite niece and nephew,” Twilight replied, walking in with Pinkie Pie behind her with her party cannon.

“Oh, no,” Jasper and Comet said in unison. As they predicted, Pinkie pulled the cord and various party decorations shot out, making the living room look more party-worthy.

“Now it’s a party!” Pinkie said joyfully; Star and Bolt laughed in unison as they were covered in confetti.

“Sorry if we were a little late darling, but I simply couldn’t find the right shade of eye liner to go with my eyes,” Rarity apologized as her coltfriend Germane followed behind her.

“You don’t need make-up Aunt Rarity, you’re always pretty,” Star said to the older unicorn.

“Oh Star, that’s very sweet of you to say. And you’re a very pretty filly yourself. Why soon stallions will be asking your hoof in marriage wherever you go,” she replied with some drama.

“Not if I have anything to say about it,” Clay muttered to his wife. Germane walked up to Firefly, smiling broadly.

“Germane… it’s good to see you again,” Firefly said, smiling.

“It’s good to see you too Firefly.” Germane and Firefly gave each other a small hug. “It’s hard to believe that you used to be no taller than my knee, now I see this beautiful mare in front of me with her husband and two foals… where did the time go?” Germane sighed.

“You couldn’t be my butler forever Germane, I had to grow up sometime.” Germane gave a small smile.

“I may not be your butler anymore, but I hope you still consider me your friend.” Firefly gave him another hug.

“Always Germane… always.” Firefly released him and stepped back.

“I can’t thank you enough for finding Rarity for me Firefly, I couldn’t be happier,” he said, glancing at Rarity.
“Well it’s the least I could do for helping me find my love,” Firefly replied.

“Where’s Cousin Spike?” Bolt asked, looking around.

“Sorry sweetie, but Spike had some business in Canterlot,” Twilight said sadly as Star and Bolt lowered their heads. “But he wanted me to tell you both he wishes you a happy birthday,” she continued. Star and Bolt smiled slightly.

“Whoo doggy! I can’t believe these little foals are already 5 years old, seems like just yesterday Ah was busy chasing them around the barn,” Applejack said, pulling her niece and nephew into a tight hug.

“Aunt Applejack,” Bolt said, looking up at her, “does Daddy have to work with you on the farm today?”

“Nah, Ah gave your pappy the day off so he can be here for your birthday.” The two foals looked at their dad happily.

“Yay! Daddy’s off today!” they shouted in unison.

The foals had little time to celebrate, as there was yet another knock at the door. Clay walked over and opened the door to see Dinky and Sky on the other side.

“Hi Clay. Did we miss the party?” Dinky asked.

“Nope, it’s just getting started.” He stepped aside allowing them to pass by.

“Uncle Sky! Aunt Dinky!” the two foals said happily.

“Hey you two!” Sky said, bumping his hoof with Bolt’s while Dinky nuzzled Star’s face.

“Happy birthday,” Dinky said warmly as the foals looked at them.

“How are things in the Royal Army, Uncle Sky?” Bolt asked.

“Well… to be honest it’s pretty boring. But the armor and the benefits are cool though. Are you planning on becoming a guard, Bolt?”

“Nope! I’m going to be a Wonderbolt just like my Mommy!”

“And I’m sure you’ll be one of the best there is,” Dinky said smiling.

“What about you Star? What do you want to be when you grow up?” Sky asked her.

“I don’t know. Aunt Twilight said that I could make a good librarian since I love books so much.” Sky smiled.

“Well I’m sure whatever you decide on you’ll be a natural.”

“Thanks Uncle Sky.” She nuzzled his leg.

“You’re welcome. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to talk to your dad about something.” Sky left Dinky with the foals and approached Clay. “Quite the turnout huh?” he said casually.

“Yeah, I can’t believe how much my family has grown over the years. Used to be just my mom and aunts, now my uncle shows up to be my guardian and help out with my mom, Firefly’s father is my father-in-law, my two kids and my family back in Manehatten, and now you and Dinky.” Sky look slightly startled.

‘You… consider us… me… as family?”

“Well… maybe not in traditional sense, but yeah.” Sky looked uncertainly at Clay.

“I’m surprised that you would even go that far, given our history.”

“Sky… you said that you wanted a fresh start and I believe you, and apparently so does Dinky.” They looked back to see Dinky playing with Star and Bolt, making Sky smile. “She misses you Sky,” Clay said quietly.

“I know… I want to be with her more often, but with all the unicorn disappearances, Prince Shining has been making sure that Canterlot and Ponyville are doubly protected.” Sky sighed. “I love her so much Clay… I can’t imagine my life without her now.” He looked at Clay. “In fact… I’ve been thinking about asking her to marry me soon.” Clay looked at him, slightly shocked.

“You’re that smitten?” Sky simply nodded. “Well then, I hope she says yes.” Sky smiled.

“What about your mom and uncle? Are they together too? I mean he may be your uncle, but he’s not her sister.”

“No, they just live together so they can be close to me, Firefly, and the kids. But I don’t think they actually have… those kind of feelings for each other.” Sky smirked.

“I don’t know Clay, your uncle alone with a pegasus mare… seems to me like they would start getting ‘close’ after a while.” Clay raised an eyebrow.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Oh, nothing,” Sky said casually

Several hours had passed and during that time even more ponies arrived for the party. Spitfire and Soarin, along with their teenage son Flash and their daughter Swift, had stopped by along with the adult Cutie Mark Crusaders, who had decided to open a business where they could help colts and fillies find their special talents. Since the living room had become slightly cramped they decided to move the party outside and leave the presents for later. As the whole party moved outside they were glad for the slight isolation of the house; having four Wonderbolts plus an ex-Wonderbolt captain would have drawn a lot of attention. Spitfire and Soarin were catching up with Rainbow Dash and Firefly.

“I can’t believe you guys made it,” Firefly said, sounding surprised.

“Well Rainbow still has some pull as the Wonderbolt captain, and when we heard that one of our team members was having a birthday for their two kids how could we say no? Besides Rainbow said that her friend Applejack would be bringing some of her big apple pies!” Soarin said enthusiastically.

“You look good Firefly; it’s not easy having two kids,” Spitfire commented.

“You would know,” Rainbow replied.

“Yeah… and you’re still the sexiest mare I’ve ever seen… maybe we can find a cloud later and…” Soarin said slyly.

“Soarin… not in front of the kids,” Spitfire said, blushing.

“What? Our kids are old enough to know about…”

“I meant the little kids you apple brain,” she hissed. Soarin had only noticed that Star and Bolt were standing behind them.

“Oh… um…. yeah. Um, so Bolt your mother says that you’re planning to become a Wonderbolt huh?” Soarin asked the colt.

“Yeah, some day… I’m going to be just like you, and Mommy!”

“I know you will kid. Just keep following that dream and someday it’ll come true,” Spitfire said encouragingly.

“Was working at Sweet Apple Acres Daddy’s dream?” Star asked.

“No, your father had a different dream when we met,” Firefly replied.

“What was it?” she asked.

“To have wings,” Rainbow said. Suddenly Star and Bolt started laughing.

“What’s so funny?” Firefly asked.

“Daddy can’t have wings, he’s an earth pony!” Bolt said, chuckling.

“Yeah, Daddy can’t fly!” Star giggled.

“Well…” Firefly began but was soon cut off by Twilight.

“Attention everypony! It’s time to cut the cake!” The crowd gathered around the large cake that had been brought by Pinkie Pie, while Clay and Firefly placed their children by their birthday cake.

“Make a wish! Make a wish!” Pinkie shouted excitedly.

“Must you say that every time we get to this part?” Twilight asked.

“It’s my most favorite part of a birthday party!” Pinkie shouted.

The whole crowd watched as the two foals concentrated and then looked to each other, counting in unison.

“One…two…three!” They each inhaled a lungful of air and blew as hard as they could, and the candles were extinguished in an instant. Clay and the others applauded the foals and then began to cut the cake, making sure that everypony got a slice, and being careful that Star and Bolt got the biggest pieces. After they had finished eating, Rainbow Dash decided to end the party quite literally with a bang as she soared into the air and performed a double sonic rainboom. The two foals stared in complete bewilderment as they sat next to their parents.


Night had arrived and soon the excitement was beginning to die down; the party had moved back indoors where Star and Bolt began opening their presents. The gifts ranged from books from Twilight, a Stetson hat and lasso from Applejack, a make-it-yourself cookbook from Pinkie, a junior Wonderbolt jumpsuit for Firebolt from Soarin and a pair of autographed Wonderbolt goggles from Spitfire for Star, a beautiful dress for Star from Rarity, capes from the Cutie Mark Crusaders, two toy jousting armor sets from Dash and Comet, a butterfly habitat from Fluttershy, a book on flying from Sky for Bolt, another on magic for Star from Dinky, and finally from their parents they received passes that would allow them to visit Canterlot Castle next week. Both Bolt and Star were ecstatic at the thought of going to the castle and possibly seeing the princesses.

After the gifts were unwrapped, Star and Bolt thanked the others as everypony started heading for home. As Dash and Comet said good bye to Clay and Firefly said goodbye to her father and Germane, they noticed that Evening Star and Firebolt looked exhausted from the exciting day. Firefly picked them up and carried them to their beds, pulling the sheets back and tucking them in. “Did you two have fun today?” she asked them.

“It was the best birthday ever,” Bolt said sleepily.

Firefly smiled as Star turned her head towards the window. “Look Mommy!” Firefly looked to the window and saw several fireflies dancing outside. “Fireflies just like you,” Star giggled.

Firefly walked to the window and opened it; she reached a hoof out and allowed one to land on her, then walked back to her children. They watched the small bug glow as it perched on her hoof.

“Mommy, why doesn’t Grandpa call you your real name?” asked Bolt.

“What?” she asked, confused.

“Grandpa Jasper calls you Philomena instead of Firefly.”

“Oh… well that’s kind of a long story sweetheart, but when I was your age my mother would call me her ‘little firefly’ when they danced around my bedroom window. So that’s what I decided to call myself.”

“Like now?” Star asked.

“Yes, like now,” she chuckled.

“Tell us a story Mommy,” Star said softly.

“Which one do you want to hear?” she asked as she stroked her daughter’s mane.

“Something about a princess and a knight.”

“All right… let’s see…” Firefly tried to think of any stories that fit what they wanted, but couldn’t remember any. Then she had an idea.

“Once upon a time there was a beautiful pegasus princess who was locked away in a castle by her father. She loved her father and he loved her, but the king was afraid that if the princess left the castle she would be hurt like the queen was years ago. One day she snuck out to try flying and become just like her mother and see the world. But when she left, she hurt herself and fell into a lake where she almost drowned. But she didn’t… and when she woke up she saw the most handsome knight she had ever seen. But the knight was very shy and ran away before she could thank him properly, so she flew back to her castle and dreamed of the day she would meet her knight again.” Star and Bolt’s eyes began to droop.

“Then one day the knight found his courage thanks to a beautiful wizard unicorn, and flew to the castle to tell the princess how he felt about her. They met each other in secret over the next three days and the princess was very happy… but the knight was sad.” Star and Bolt looked at their mother curiously. “He was sad because he knew that his wings would not last forever and he was afraid that the princess would stop loving him when she found out he was not really a pegasus pony. So on his last day the knight tried to tell her the truth, but a dark knight exposed his secret before he could tell the princess… and she was heartbroken, and so was the knight. But the very next day the princess realized that she didn’t care if he could fly or not, so she left the castle and looked for the knight. But it was the knight’s last day with his wings and he was very sad… and do you know what the princess did?” The two foals shook their heads. “She kissed him to let him know that she still loved him very much.”

“What happened next?” Star said sleepily, but with interest.

“Well, they got married and moved to a small cottage in a small quiet town, and they had two beautiful foals, a brave and handsome prince,” she kissed the top of Bolt’s head, “and a smart and beautiful princess.” She kissed the top of Star’s head next. “And they all lived happily ever after.”

“That was good story Mommy,” Star mumbled as she started to fall asleep.

“I’m glad you liked it, now go to sleep.” Firefly got off the bed and walked to the window again.

“Mommy, was that a true story?” Star asked as Firefly looked back at her daughter.

“Every word,” she whispered as Star finally fell asleep with a peaceful smile on her face.

Firefly reached the window and allowed the firefly to join the others; as she watched it join with another slightly larger firefly, she couldn’t help but think about the day she met Clay and how he made her feel. She looked to the two fireflies as they flew off into the distance and then shut the window again, leaving the nightlight on. Firefly gave one last happy glance at her two sleeping foals, then left the room to find Clay waiting outside the door.

“How are the kids?” he asked.

“They’re both asleep; they wanted a bedtime story,” she whispered as she slowly closed the door.

“Which one did you tell them?”

“Oh… just a story about a strong, brave, and handsome earth pony knight rescuing a princess.” She nuzzled his neck.

“Sounds like a good story,” Clay replied, nuzzling her back as they both shut their eyes.

“I love you, my handsome knight,” she whispered as she rested her head on his shoulder.

“And I love you, my beautiful princess,” Clay whispered back as he rested his head on hers.