Sparkle Dash Family: TMP Stories

by ssjgokillo

Meet the Parents (Part 1)

The Sparkle Dash Family

Prompt 371: Meeting the parents

Disclaimer:  I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

        Scootaloo stared out the window at the landscape, watching it fly by as she tried to deal with her feelings.  She felt itchy all over, and it had very little to do with the blue dress Rarity had made for her.  She couldn’t seem to sit still, and she kept playing with the hem of her clothes as she tried to take her mind off of what was coming.

        She was travelling with her family to Canterlot.  They were on there way to meet with her adoptive mother’s parents.  Twilight Sparkle had been eager to introduce Scootaloo to her parents.  They had put it off while everypony got settled in to their new lives, but now there was no way to not go through with it without seeming rude.

        So now Scootaloo found herself feeling like she was barrelling towards her destiny.  Deep in the logical part of her mind she knew that was silly.  She was just going to meet a couple of older ponies.  But another part of her mind, the part that had always wanted to be part of a family, couldn’t help but panic at the upcoming meeting with her new grandparents.

        Would they like her?  Or would they hate her?  They probably would.  Twilight was their daughter, and she was a little young to already be a mother.  Would they resent her for that?  All she could imagine was disapproving glares and faces fixed in an angry snarl.

        “You okay there Scootaloo?”  Scootaloo jumped in her seat at the sound of Spike’s voice.  She had been lost in thought, and hadn’t even noticed the dragon talking to her.

        “Me?”  Scootaloo laughed, hoping it didn’t sound as nervous as she thought it did, “I’m fine.  I just... I don’t like trains!  Yeah, they’re so... train-like?”  She offered weakly.

        Spike looked at her for a second before shrugging and turning back to the book he’d brought along.  Scootaloo have an inward sigh of relief, glad that the dragon hadn’t pressed her on it.  She knew that talking about things would only make her even more nervous.

        She had been getting along pretty well with her new family.  Things had been a little rocky at first, but now everything had seemed to work out.  What if Twilight’s parents changed that?  What if they hated Scootaloo so much that they made Twilight chose between her and them?

        Her thoughts got progressively darker as the trip wore on.  By the time the train had finally pulled into the Canterlot depot Scootaloo was quite convinced that meeting Twilight’s parents was going to cause a blood feud between unicorns and pegasi, casting Equestria into a horrible civil war that would last for hundred of years.

        “Heya Squirt!  You just gonna sit there all day?”  Rainbow Dash’s voice broke Scootlaoo from the day-nightmare she was having.  She looked around to see her family standing by the exit to the train.

        “Hey!  Wait for me!”  She cried, scrambling off her seat and running to catch up with her family.

        The ponies and dragon made there way through the crowds milling about the train station.  Scootaloo kept shying away from the unicorns in the crowd, her violent visions of war still dancing in her mind.

        She was so busy worrying about her upcoming meeting she couldn’t pay attention to Twilight as the unicorn have a short tour of her hometown.  Scootaloo nodded along, not even quite half-listening as Twilight showed them her favorite bookstore.

        They walked the streets of Canterlot for what seemed like hours to Scootaloo.  Each step they took closer to their destination caused her stomach to twist into a tightening knot.  When they finally approached a house and Twilight knocked on the door, Scootaloo wasn’t sure whether she should feel relieved that this was almost over, or if she should be running as fast as she could back to the train station.

        The door opened, revealing a mare that could have easily passed as the mother to both Twilight and Rarity, even though the two weren’t related.  She looked very similar to Twilight, except her fur was grey and her two-toned purple and white mane curled at the end.  She smiled brightly as she took in the sight of Twilight and quickly grabbed her in a hug.

        “Twilight!  You’re finally here.  We’ve been waiting all day for you, your father was starting to wonder if he should go down to the train station to wait for you.”  The mare said.

        Twilight laughed.  “Oh come on mom, you know there’s only a few trains that go between Canterlot and Ponyville.  We got here as soon as we could.”

        The mare shared in Twilight’s laughter before looking over her shoulder.  Scootaloo saw the mare’s eyes widen when she saw the rest of them standing behind Twilight.  “Oh my!  Where are my manners?  Come in all of you.”  The mare said, holding the door open and motioning them into the house.

        Scootaloo lagged behind, letting Spike enter the house before her.  With a nervous gulp, she finally crossed the threshold, shutting her eyes and waiting for the screaming to start.

        When nothing happened she opened her eyes.  The house was... homey.  That was the only word she could think of to describe it.  Twilight and Spike kept the library mostly clean and tidy, but this house had a sense of being lived in.  There were papers on the stand by the door, and pictures hanging on the wall down the hallway.  The coat rack next to the door held coats and scarves of various colors, and there was an umbrella lying on the ground next to it.

        Twilight’s mom led them down the hallway and to the left, to what Scootaloo assumed was a family room.  Sitting on a chair was a blue furred unicorn stallion, with a darker blue mane.  He had a book hovering in front of him, which lowered quickly when he heard the sound of hoofsteps entering the room.

        “Twiley!”  The stallion said, dropping his book and leaping to his hooves.  Twilight once again found herself pulled into a hug.  “It’s about time you got here kiddo!  You were starting to make your mother worried.”

        Twilight’s mom rolled her eyes and gave a shake of her head.  She sat down on the couch and motioned for everyone else to take a seat.

        “So,”  The stallion said as he let go of Twilight and took a step closer to Scootaloo, “is this our new granddaughter?”  

        Scootaloo was currently envying Tank’s ability to pull his head into his shell.  It was going to start any second now.  They were going to hate her and then Twilight would hate her and then Rainbow Dash would hate her and...
        “Oh she is just adorable!”  The stallion said, whisking Scootaloo off the ground and tossing her up into the air.  Scootaloo gave a panicked shriek as her hooves left the ground, her wings buzzing uselessly as she tried to keep herself from falling.  Her fall was cut short as she was suddenly back in the forehooves of the stallion, who laughed and ruffled her mane.

        Twilight laughed at her father’s antics.  “Mom, dad, this is Scootaloo.  Scootaloo, these are my parents, Night Light,” She said, pointing at the stallion, “and Twilight Velvet.”  She said, pointing at the mare.

        “Night Light is right, you are just the cutest little filly ever!”  Twilight Velvet said.  She had hopped off the couch and was currently standing next to Scootaloo.

        Scootaloo couldn’t believe.  They weren’t mad at her?  And...

        “Hey!” She cried in indignation, “I’m not cute!”

        Her outburst brought forth a wave of laughter from Night Light and Twilight Velvet.  Night Light once again ruffled her mane, causing Scootaloo to step away from him and run a hoof through her mane.

        “You were right Twiley, she’s a little firecracker!”  Night Light said, chuckling at the glare Scootaloo was shooting at him.

        “So Scootaloo, tell us a little bit about yourself.  We’ve been waiting far too long to meet you since Twilight sent us the letter saying she was going to adopt you.”  Twilight Velvet said.

        “You... you both don’t hate me?”  Scootaloo asked, her mind still trying to process the reality that was so much different from her expectations.

        Night Light and Twilight Velvet exchanged a confused glance, one that was mirrored by Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Spike.  “Hate you?  How on earth could we hate such a precious little filly?”  Twilight Velvet asked.

        “Because I... Twilight is...”  Scootaloo couldn’t finish her thought.  Why exactly had she thought that Twilight’s parents would hate her?  She was so busy being nervous about meeting her parents that she had just let her fears run wild.  “Ummm... I, I guess I was just being a little silly.”  Scootaloo said.

        Night Light smiled at that, and for the third time in less than an hour Scootaloo found her mane being ruffled by the stallion.  “Ah, so you’re already taking after Twilight I see.  She always used to get worked up about the smallest things.  Did she ever tell you about the first quiz she had to take after she got into Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns?”

        Twilight gasped, her eyes going wide as she stared at her father.  “Daaaaaad!  You promised not to tell anypony about that.”

        Twilight Velvet smirked at Twilight’s reaction.  “Oh hush, we finally have a granddaughter to dote on, we can tell her silly stories about her mom.”

        Twilight’s face burned with embarrassment.  Rainbow Dash laughed at her expense, causing Twilight to glare at her.

        “Just remember Dashie, we’re visiting your parents next week!”  Twilight growled at the pegasus.  Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened and she gave an audible gulp.

        Scootaloo smiled as she finally started to relax.  Night Light began to tell his tale, while Twilight Velvet went over the plans they had for the day with Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash.  She couldn’t help but think that, having grandparents was actually pretty cool.