//------------------------------// // Tomorrow is the Anniversary // Story: Sparkle Dash Family: TMP Stories // by ssjgokillo //------------------------------// The Sparkle Dash Family Prompt 364: Tomorrow is the Anniversary Disclaimer:  I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic         Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle snuggled closely together in the bed they shared.  Their manes were still wet from a recent shower, having to get clean after Rainbow Dash’s latest prank had backfired, covering both of the mares in ink.  Despite the failed prank both mares were smiling happily at each other.         “So, tomorrow it’ll already have been a whole year huh?”  Rainbow Dash asked.         “I know, it seems like time has just flown by.”  Twilight responded as she snuggled deeper into Rainbow Dash’s embrace. Rainbow Dash felt her body relax as a feeling of bliss stole over her.  She always felt that warm fluttery feeling in her chest whenever she just got to cuddle with Twilight.  She didn’t even try to hide the fact anymore.  She might have denied it a year ago, but now there were very few things she found to be as cool as being nuzzled up against Twilight, their fur intermingling and providing warmth that was at least 20% better than Celestia’s sun. Twilight tilted her head to look into Rainbow’s eyes, being sure to avoid jabbing the pegasus with her horn as she did.  That was something they had learned to avoid early on in their relationship.  Nothing quite killed a romantic mood like being poked in the snout by a unicorn horn. The two were lost in each other’s eyes, both smiling that small content smile that showed everything was right in the world.  It was always like this during the nights they could spend together.  The hectic pace of the day just melted away as they found time to just spend relaxing with each other. “So I was thinking...”  Rainbow Dash said, still staring at Twilight with eyes full of adoration, “Since it’ll have been a year tomorrow, we should do something special to celebrate!” “What did you have in mind?”  Twilight asked. “I was thinking we could take Spike and Scootaloo to the Crystal Empire.  Maybe catch a jousting match, and we can eat at that restaurant Cadance was telling us about.” Twilight nodded.  “I bet they’d both love that.  Especially once Scootaloo hears that you’re still the jousting champion there.”  Twilight giggled at the thought.  Scootaloo was always impressed with Rainbow’s accomplishments.  She’d probably try to convince her friends to attempt “Cutie Mark Crusaders Jousters” afterwards. Rainbow gave Twilight a roguish grin that never failed to bring a blush to the unicorn’s cheeks.  “Let’s keep that a secret.  I was going to see if Cadance could arrange for me to joust during one of the matches.” Twilight rolled her eyes, though the smile remained on her face.  “Of course.  I’ll have Spike send her a letter tomorrow morning before we go to the train station.” Rainbow gave Twilight a peck on her lips.  “Thanks Twi.  Oh, we should totally get a cake from Pinkie Pie too!” “I don’t know Dashie.  Don’t you think Pinkie Pie might be upset if we don’t let her throw a party for this?”  Twilight asked. Rainbow Dash chuckled.  “Nah, she’ll probably still throw a party.  Besides, what kind of celebration would it be without a cake?” Twilight just smiled.  She didn’t think Scootaloo would mind one way or another really, but it was no use trying to talk Rainbow out of things like this. “Alright,”  She said, “But we’ll have to wake up early if we want to give Pinkie Pie enough time to bake a cake before we’ll need to leave for the Crystal Empire.” A frown tugged at Rainbow Dash’s face at the thought of waking up early.  “Awww man.  I hate waking up early.  You’re lucky I love you guys Twi.” Twilight just shook her head before giving Rainbow Dash a kiss.  It lasted for a few moments, nothing intense or lustful, just a loving kiss.  “I know Dashie.  I feel like the luckiest mare in the world having you in my life.  I feel lucky that we have such a wonderful daughter. I feel lucky that we have a wonderful friend like Spike.  I’ve never been happier in my entire life.” Rainbow’s face was a red as the streak in her mane.  Only Twilight.  She was the only pony who could ever get these reactions from her, and that just made Rainbow Dash love her even more.  “Pfft, I’m the lucky one Twi.  You have to put up with me, when I get to be around your awesomeness all the time!” Twilight felt heat rush up her cheeks.  Just like she did whenever Rainbow Dash called her “awesome”.  She still felt the word was a little vague, but she knew what it meant to Rainbow Dash.  “Well then, how about we just both say we’re lucky?”  She offered. Rainbow Dash leaned forward and pressed her lips against Twilight’s.  She tightened the embrace she had on the mare, causing Twilight to close her eyes and moan happily. “Sounds good Twi.  Now, let’s get some sleep.  If I’m going to have to wake up early then I’ll need all the sleep I can get.”  Rainbow said after pulling away from the kiss. Twilight opened her eyes, and the way they sparkled as she looked at Rainbow Dash almost made the pegasus completely forget about sleep.  The purple mare leaned forward and gave a quick kiss on the tip of Rainbow Dash’s nose, before laying back down and snuggling into the pegasus again. “Sounds good.  Good night Dashie.  I love you.”  Twilight said as she yawned sleepily. “I love you too Twi...”  Rainbow Dash said, wrapping one wing around the unicorn.  Her wing would feel all prickly after being stuck like that all night, but she knew Twilight enjoyed it, so it was worth it. Just like everything she’d done ever since she and Twilight got together.  It seemed like having the unicorn in her life just made everything better.  She had no doubt that celebrating the anniversary of Scootaloo’s adoption tomorrow. And maybe, while they were visiting the Crystal Empire, Rainbow Dash could make a stop at that jewelry store Cadance had also told her about.  After all, she had enough bits saved up, she had the plan.  Now she just needed the ring.