Sparkle Dash Family: TMP Stories

by ssjgokillo


The Sparkle Dash Family

Prompt # 357:  Falling asleep at really odd moments (Special rule:  Luna is not allowed to be featured, mentioned, or alluded to today)

Disclaimer:  I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

        “ZzzzNo, the leyline matrices aren’t set up correctly...”  Pinkie Pie watched in amusement as Twilight Sparkle walked past Sugarcube Corner, mumbling something about mattresses .  The unicorn was walking slowly with her head down and her eyes closed.  If Pinkie Pie hadn’t known better, she would have thought that Twilight Sparkle was sleeping.  But that would just be silly!  If she was sleeping, she’d be all snuggled up in bed, not wandering the streets of Ponyville.

        Maybe Twilight was tired!  That would explain why she would be talking about mattresses.  Maybe her mattress was really lumpy and uncomfortable, so she was going to get a new one.  Or-or maybe Twilight had accidently cast a spell that made her mattress come to life, and now she had to chase it down or she’d never be able to sleep again!

        Worried over the future of her studious friend’s sleep schedule, Pinkie Pie was just about to volunteer to help Twilight find the rogue mattress.  Before she had a chance to call out to Twilight however, the unicorn’s horn lit up with energy, and Twilight teleported away.

        Well, she must’ve figured out where the mattress had gone!  Crisis averted, Pinkie Pie bounced merrily back into Sugarcube Corner.  She’d have to bake Twilight a “congratulation on stopping your evil mattress” cupcake.


        A similar scene was playing out throughout the day in Ponyville.  Ponies would see Twilight Sparkle wandering down the streets, head down and eyes closed.  The unicorn would mumble something, and then teleport away.

        In any other town this may have seemed odd.  To the residents of Ponyville it was just another daily dose of crazy.  Most ponies who lived in Ponyville had learned long ago not to question it when something strange happened  

        So the fact that Twilight Sparkle was randomly teleporting around Ponyville drew very minimal interest from its residents.

        Her friends however were a different matter.

        “Whaddaya think she’s doin?”  Applejack asked Rarity.  The two had been chatting pleasantly at Applejack’s stand when they had seen Twilight shuffle by.  Once again her horn had flared, and Twilight teleported a little further down the road.

        “I haven’t the faintest idea.”  Rarity said.  She watched Twilight teleport back the way she had come from.  “Do you suppose she’s doing some kind of experiment?”

        “How should I know?  I just asked you!”  Applejack said.  Twilight walked past the stand again, mumbling something under her breath before teleporting away.  Both Applejack and Rarity’s eyes widened as they saw Twilight teleport onto the roof of a nearby house.  Twilight took a few steps forward, coming dangerously close to the edge, before her horn flared and she teleported somewhere out of sight.

        “Do... do you think we should see if she needs help?”  Rarity asked in a shaken voice.

        Applejack nodded her head and flipped the sign on her stand to the side that said “closed”.  “I reckon so.  I don’t know what’s gotten into her, but that mare is going to hurt herself like that.”

        “Applejack, Rarity!”  The raspy voice of Rainbow Dash called down from the sky.  The cerulean pegasus swooped down, landing in front of the two mares.  “Have you guys seen Twilight?”  She asked.  

        Rainbow Dash was looking panicky, her eyes wide and darting around.  “Ya okay there sugarcube?”  Applejack asked in concern.

        “I’m fine!  It’s Twilight we need to be worried about!”  Rainbow Dash said, her volume rising.

        “We just saw her darling.  She was teleporting around the market before she teleported away.”  Rarity said.

        “Oh ponyfeathers, she’s teleporting now!  No wonder I haven’t been able to find her!”  Rainbow Dash threw her forelegs up in the air in exasperation.  

        “What’s going on Rainbow, why’s Twi teleporting with her eyes closed?”  Applejack asked.

        “She’s like...sleepwalking or something.  Sleep teleporting I guess?  She’s been working on some super secret project all week and hasn’t gotten any sleep.  Spike finally had enough and forced her to get some sleep, then when I went to check up on her she was gone!”  Rainbow Dash was hopping in place, her wings twitching with the need to move and find her missing marefriend.

        “Oh... oh my.  She could seriously hurt herself like that.  I didn’t even know it was possible to teleport while you were asleep.”  Rarity said.

        “I know!  That’s why we gotta find her quick!”  Rainbow Dash said.

        “Well then we need to stop gabbin here and go find her!  Rainbow, you take the skies, see if you can find her from the air.  Rares, you go towards the east end of town, I’ll go west.  If we find her, we’ll bring her back to the library.”  Applejack said.

        Rainbow Dash and Rarity nodded, and the three mares moved into action; Rainbow flying into the air and Applejack and Rarity galloping in opposite directions.


        Scootaloo watched as Applebloom and Sweetie Belle set up the gear for their latest cutie mark venture: Cutie Mark Crusaders Time Travelers!  They had gotten the idea from hearing Twilight tell the story about how she traveled to the past to try and warn her past self not to worry about the future.  

        While they didn’t have the magical power to be able to cast a spell like that, Scootaloo had remembered one of the comic books she read that had the hero travel to the future by going really fast.  So the Cutie Mark Crusaders had bought some fireworks and were currently trying to attach the various rockets to Scootaloo’s scooter.  They figured that between Scootaloo’s wingpower and about twenty rockets, they should be able to go fast enough to travel through time.

        “We’re almost done here Scoots, you about ready?”  Applebloom asked as she finished tying another rocket to Scootaloo’s scooter.

        “Yep!  This is going to get us our cutie marks for su-”  Scootaloo’s response died out as a flash of lavender light filled her vision.  She blinked it away to see her adoptive mother, Twilight Sparkle, standing nearby.

        The three Crusaders exchanged a curious look, as Twilight began walking by them.  Her head was hanging down, and her eyes were closed.  It also kind of sounded like she was snoring, but that couldn’t be... could it?

        “Oh hey Twilight!  Do ya think you could help us finish tying these rockets onto Scootaloo’s scooter?  We’re gonna try and go back in time!”  Applebloom asked.

        Twilight didn’t respond.  She just kept walking forward, as though she hadn’t even heard them.  The three Crusaders exchanged another look, this one of confusion.  Why would Twilight ignore them?

        “Uh, Twilight?  You okay?”  Scootaloo asked.

        Twilight’s ear twitched at the sound of Scootaloo’s voice.  She turned and opened a bleary eye towards the orange filly.  “Scootaloo?”  She mumbled, taking slow steps towards her adoptive daughter.

        Sweetie Belle and Applebloom had both stopped their work to watch as Twilight made her way over to Scootaloo, who simply stood her ground in confusion.

        “Twilight?  Uh, what’re you doing Twilight... Twilight!  HEY WAIT A SEC!  CUT THAT OUT”


        It was a very worried and annoyed Rainbow Dash that was now following Rarity and Applejack towards Ponyville Park.  Apparently Applejack had found Twilight, but that was all she would say.  She said that Rainbow Dash had to see her for herself.  She was smiling when she said it, so Twilight was obviously okay, but why all the secrecy?

        As they drew closer to what she assumed was their destination she could hear the laughter of Sweetie Belle and Applebloom.  There was something else too.. it sounded like Scootaloo was grumbling at her friends about something.

        Then Rainbow Dash saw it, and her heart melted at the sight.

        There, laying in the grass in the middle of the park, was the missing Twilight Sparkle.  She had her forehooves wrapped around Scootaloo, and was currently cuddling her like a little orange teddy bear, nuzzling her cheek every now and again.

        “Seriously guys!  Help me out here!”  Scootaloo whined in embarrassment.  A blush was covering her face, as Twilight nuzzled her in her sleep again.

        “Awww but Scootaloo, you both just look so cute!”  Sweetie Belle said.

        “Besides Scoots, if she didn’t wake up from all the racket you’ve been making, what makes you think we can wake her up?”  Applebloom said, smirking at the trapped pegasus.

        Rainbow Dash smiled happily to herself as she headed towards the three fillies.  Twilight was okay, and the two most important girls in her life were being adorable together... even if she would never admit to that out loud.  She really wished she had brought a camera with her.  She’d love to have a picture of this.

        “Heya Squirt, I see you found our missing egghead!”  Rainbow said as she trotted up to her the trapped filly.

        “Rainbow Dash!  Quick, you gotta get her off me, she’s being all huggy and mushy and stuff!  What’ll I do if any of the other kids see-”  Once again Scootaloo found herself cut off, as a clicking sound echoed through the area and a flash came from nearby.

        Scootaloo’s eyes widened in horror as she turned to see Shady Daze, the current photographer of the Foal Free Press, with a camera hanging around his neck.  He gave Scootaloo a grin, before running off towards the schoolhouse.

        “I’m doomed...”  Scootaloo said in a voice devoid of emotion.

        “Hey Kid!  I’ll give you three bits for a copy of that picture!”  Rainbow Dash called out to the retreating colt.

        “Traitor”  Scootaloo mumbled, causing her friends and Rainbow Dash to laugh.  She then blushed again, as Twilight tightened her grip around her and gave a happy sigh.  

        “Come on squirt, let’s get you and sleepyhead here home.”  Rainbow Dash said.  She pulled Scootaloo out of Twilight’s embrace, grinning at the pout Twilight adopted in her sleep as she searched for her missing cuddles.  

        Scootaloo sighed as she was finally freed from her cuddly prison.  That was so totally uncool!  There was no way she was ever going to let that happen again!

        Well.. at least not too often.