//------------------------------// // Uplifted // Story: Sparkle Dash Family: TMP Stories // by ssjgokillo //------------------------------// The Sparkle Dash Family Prompt # 355: One (or more) of the mane six’s pets is now a pony. Disclaimer:  I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic         It was another average day in the town of Ponyville, which meant of course that six of its residents were currently out trying to stop the catastrophe of the day.  Apparently somepony had disturbed a nest of harpies out in the Everfree Forest, and the angry bird-like creatures had come to Ponyville to get their revenge.         The crisis was mostly taken care, with the bearers of the Elements of Harmony escorting the last of the harpies back to their homes in the forest.  This of course meant that Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle were not in the library.         This mean that Scootaloo had plenty of time to accomplish her goal.         Getting the basement door unlocked was easy enough.  She’d seen Spike and Twilight remove the key from its hiding place often enough since she’d moved in, after being adopted by Twilight and Rainbow Dash.           It was one of the first rules Twilight had told her about, the first of what seemed to be a nearly endless list.  Not a metaphorical list mind you, but an actual list that was kept in the back of a book Twilight had especially made for Scootaloo, that covered things like how to reshelve the library books if needed, to what foods were acceptable for a snack.  Of course, Twilight had told her that it was mostly just guidelines, but that the rules were the important bit, as a lot of them were there for her safety.         Safety schmafety!  How dangerous could a basement be?  Anyways, it was just too perfect an opportunity to get some revenge.  Scootaloo was still a little miffed at Twilight for sticking her in an orphanage, even if it did end up with Scootaloo being adopted by the coolest mare in town.  And her marefriend of course.         So Scootaloo snuck down the stairs into the basement, her mind trying to work out a plan to prank the studious unicorn.  Nothing major, Twilight had been really nice to her since the adoption, and she didn’t want to make Rainbow Dash mad.  Just a little something like rearranging the labels on some of her vials or something.         She stopped at the bottom of the stairs and surveyed the room.  It looked like something out of a mad-scientist’s dream.  There were phials and beakers of strange liquid, test tubes and coils and all kinds of other things Scootaloo couldn’t name.         What exactly did Twilight do down here?         Undeterred, Scootaloo began inspecting some of the beakers and phials on the various work tables.  Each one was labeled in Twilight’s neat hornwriting.  She wasn’t sure what any of them were though.  After all, she really hoped that the beaker of grayish sludge that said “Eye of Newt” wasn’t really made of eyes...         Scootaloo began to have second thoughts on her plan.  Perhaps just sticking a whoopee cushion under Twilight’s chair would be good enough.  She didn’t know what any of this stuff did, and if she switched around the labels, Twilight might get hurt if she mixed the wrong things together.         Giving her first idea up as a bad one, Scootaloo decided to run back upstairs to retrieve her whoopee cushion, when something caught her eye.  It was a beaker full of some kind of glowing blue liquid.  It was actually glowing enough to cast a bit of blue light on its surroundings.  Curious, Scootaloo approached the table, hopping up on the nearby chair to get a better look at the strange liquid.         She leaned closer, trying to get a better look at what the label said in the dim lighting.         “Who?”  The voice that sounded next to her startled Scootaloo so badly that she actually jumped, losing her footing on the chair.  Scootaloo scrambled her hooves in the air, trying to find purchase on something to keep from falling.  As she did, her hoof collided with the beaker of blue liquid, causing it to fly off the table and smash onto the ground, even as a small shape was seen diving after it.         Scootaloo fell to the ground with a “oomph”.  She groaned, and rubbed her sore flank.  Before she could wonder what had happened, she heard a coughing sound coming from nearby.  She looked over towards where the potion had fallen, to see wisps of blue smoke fading into the air.  Standing amidst the potion mess, was a brown coated pegasus stallion with a tawny colored mane.         “W-who are you?”  Scootaloo asked nervously.  She had never seen this stallion in Ponyville before, she’d have been sure to remember if she had.  After all, how many full grown stallions were there without their cutie mark?         “Who?”  The stallion responded in a very familiar voice.  Scootaloo couldn’t quite place it though.  Besides, if she’d never seen him before, how could his voice sound familiar?         “You!  And what are you doing here anyways?  The library is a public place but the basement is off limits!”  Scootaloo said.  She was already going to be in enough trouble when Twilight found out she had broken her experiment.  She didn’t need some random stallion messing things up even more.         “It is indeed off limits little Scootaloo, as Twilight has told you for your own safety.  So I cannot help but wonder what you are doing down here if you know that.”  The stallion said.         “Wha?  How do you know what Twilight told me?  Who are you anyways?”  Scootaloo asked in annoyance.         The stallion looked confused, and opened his mouth before quickly snapping it shut.  His eyes crossed as he seemed to be trying to look down his muzzle, before turning his head and looking over his body.  He raised one hoof up to his face and waved it, his eyes going wide.         “I see.  It is no wonder you do not recognize me, I wouldn’t even recognize myself.”  The stallion said, setting his hoof back down on the ground.  “I suppose reintroductions are in order then.  My name is Owlowiscious, Twilight Sparkle’s pet owl.”           The look of skepticism was clear on Scootaloo’s face.  “Really?  That’s the best you can come up with?”  She asked, not sounding at all impressed.         “Ah, yes.  I believe you are referring to the change in my appearance correct?  I must confess that I am just as confused as you.  I flew down here when I saw the door was open, and tried to gain your attention.  I tried to save the potion you knocked off the table, but was a tad too late to catch it.  I can only theorize that whatever that potion was, it is responsible for my current transformation.”  The pony claiming to be Owlowiscious said.         “Oh yeah!  Then tell me something only Owlowiscious would know!”  Scootaloo challenged.         “Well, I say that is a difficult one.  After all, we’ve only known each other for a short while since you’ve moved in.  There isn’t very much that we would both know in any kind of confidence.”  Owlowiscious seemed to think on the matter for a bit.  Finally, he smiled in triumph before looking back at Scootaloo.  “I know, how about the fact that you like to make a nest out of the blankets that Rainbow Dash sleeps with when nopony is home?”         Scootaloo’s eyes widened even as a blush crossed her face.  Nopony could know that!  She always made sure all the doors were locked and the blinds were drawn whenever she did that.           She chuckled weakly at that.  Perhaps this story wasn’t so farfetched after all.  “Heheh... yeah, so you’re Owlowiscious then...”  Then Scootaloo’s face went blank, and her eyes widened with fear.  “I.. I turned Twilight’s owl into a pony!  I am sooooo doomed!”  She said.         “Now now, no need to fret so much about it, Twilight will understand.  And we don’t even know if this condition is permanent.  Besides I must confess, I find it rather nice to be able to converse with you in a way that somepony can understand.”  He gave Scootaloo a small grin, “As much fun as it is to say ‘Who’ all the time, it does make for some very one sided conversations.”         Scootaloo laughed weakly at Owlowiscious’ joke, not quite convinced that Twilight wasn’t going to concoct some horrible punishment for her.         “Well, since we have this chance to talk, I must ask, what exactly were you doing down here young Scootaloo?”  Owlowiscious asked.         “I... I was thinking of setting up a prank... to get Twilight back for sticking me in the orphanage.”  Scootaloo admitted.  No sense in trying to hide it, she figured accidentally turning somepony’s pet into a pony was bad enough.         To her surprise, Owlowiscious didn’t glare at her or start reprimanding her.  He brought a hoof up to his muzzle and stroked it, seemingly in thought.  “Ah yes, I remember that.  Twilight was quite distraught to find out you had been living on your own this entire time.”  He said.         “I was fine on my own.  She didn’t have to stick her nose into it!”  Scootaloo said angrily.         Owlowiscious looked at Scootaloo, but if he was surprised at her tone he didn’t show it.  “I see.  May I tell you something in confidence?”  He asked Scootaloo.  Scootaloo just stared at him blankly in response, causing the owl turned stallion to sigh.  “Can you keep a secret?”  He asked again.         “Ohhh!  Yeah, I can do that!” Scootaloo said, even as she wondered why he hadn’t simply asked that in the first place.         “The day that Twilight found out about your plight, that you had been living on your own for so long... she cried.  She came back here and cried until Rainbow Dash came over, and even then she seemed quite upset.”  Owlowiscious said.  He was staring into Scootaloo’s eyes, trying to convey how serious he was, “She spent most of that night depressed, feeling she had somehow failed you for not noticing sooner.”         Owlowiscious sat on his haunches, before continuing his story.  “She stayed like that the entire night.  It wasn’t until the next morning, when she broached the subject of adopting you to Rainbow Dash, that she seemed to break out of her depression.”         Scootaloo was stunned. “You... you mean Twilight was the one who wanted to adopt me?”         Owlowiscious nodded his head.  “She was the first one to bring up the subject yes.  Rainbow Dash agreed to it almost immediately, but it was Twilight who had thought of it.”  He smiled softly at the filly, as the memories of that day ran through his mind.  “Both of them were quite happy at the thought of bringing you into the family.  So, while I can understand your frustration with Twilight for having been put into the orphanage, I would ask that you try not to be too hard on her.”         Scootaloo felt tears forming in her eyes.  How could she have been so stupid?!  Even now, she could remember Rainbow Dash telling her that the adoption had actually been Twilight’s idea.  She had been too excited to really pay attention before, but now...         And this was the pony that Scootaloo wanted petty revenge on?  She hadn’t felt this bad since the day after the manticore incident.         Scootaloo closed her eyes and wiped the tears away.  She’d have to apologize to Twilight.  The mare had only been looking out for her after all.  And besides...         Twilight was her mom too, wasn’t she?         Scootaloo felt a little warm at that thought.  Sure, Twilight wasn’t as cool as Rainbow Dash, but it was thanks to her that Scootaloo had a home now.  She could at least be respectful to her.         Scootaloo opened her eyes again, only to blink in surprise.  The stallion, Owlowiscious, was gone.         “Owlowiscious?”  Scootaloo called out.  She felt a weight land softly on her back, talons resting gently near her wings.         “Who?”  The familiar hoot of the owl came.  She turned her head to see Owlowiscious standing on her back, staring at her with his wide eyes.         “Heheh, I guess you’re back to normal then?”  She said in relief.  She’d still tell Twilight what happened, but it was good to know that the owl hadn’t been permanently affected by her mistake.  “Hey... I don’t suppose we could keep the whole ‘trying to prank Twilight’ thing between us could we?”  She asked hopefully.         “Who?”  Owlowiscious responded, before winking at Scootaloo.  Scootaloo smiled, and began trotting up the stairs, even as she heard the front door to the library open.         “Scoots?  We’re back!”  Rainbow Dash’s voice called from the main room.         Scootaloo sighed.  It was time to face the music.