House that Heartbreak Rebuilt

by Jet_Black1980

A Dressing Problems

Chapter 12

A Dressing Problems.

The sounds of a pencil busily scratching on a piece of paper could be heard from down the hallway as Rarity came back from talking with the driver. Quietly, she peered back into the room. Heartbreak was still there, only now she had moved her sitting pillow more in front of the mirror and bobbing her head up and down. Here eyes were darting from the paper to the mirror and back again.

Rarity giggled to herself. The focused face of determination of an artist was a wonder to behold. The subtle lines of delight at something going right, the furrows of frustration when things went wrong, and the joy of actually accomplishing something. Heartbreak paused and looked at her reflection in the mirror again. There was one of those furrows of frustration.

Rarity suddenly felt a bit ill as she watched Heartbreak lift her hoof up. There, in that hole she had drilled, was a pencil of sorts. Rarity couldn’t believe that somepony would willingly do that to themselves! A hoof wasn’t just something that a pony did that to!

“Hooves are your livelihood! The state of your hooves reflect how much you care about yourself and others! And the way that it looks just jammed in at an angle like that...How can she stand it?!” Rarity peered at the drawing the best she could from the hallway. Despite how odd it looked, she had to admit that Heartbreak was doing a pretty decent job drawing. “Especially, since according to Twilight, she’s had the one thing that let her express herself taken away! Why, when Discord took my horn away-

“Are you going to come into the room or continue to stand there, staring?”

“Eek!” Rarity jumped in surprise as Heartbreak posed her question.

She glanced over from her drawing spot. “I guess there is some advantage to having a wider field of vision. Being more aware of when others are watching you...”

Rarity walked into the room. “I’m terribly sorry, I didn’t mean to stare, it’s just-”

“You don’t have to explain yourself, Rarity. You have a p-p-pony with a mechanical pencil embedded into her hoof, laying in your...” She looked around for a moment. “Sewing room? With the design of this place, I haven’t a clue where the living room is.”

“My beautique doesn’t have a living room, darling,” she explained. “There’s a kitchen in back, an office and study area. Upstairs is my bedroom and bathroom areas. And then there is the attic on the third floor for storage.”
Heartbreak nodded and muttered a mm-hmm before frowning at her drawing. She lifted her hoof up again and tapped the top. The mechanical pencil seemed to spring to life with a whirring sound, the tip of it pulled in and then was replaced with a white nubby thing. Rarity cocked her head. “Did...did...”

“My eraser,” Heartbreak said, lightly brushing the eraser on the paper. “Having this thing be a multitasker was the smartest thing I thought of when I was...out of it. In retrospect, the dumbest thing of course was drilling the hole in my hoof.” She shook her head. She tapped the top of the pencil, and it turned back into a pencil. Rarity looked over the rough sketch as Heartbreak blew away her eraser crumbs. “Uhm...fet...I didn’t mean to make a mess, I’ll clean-”

Rarity fought the urge to make a deal about it. “Don’t think anything about it, darling!” She said waving a hoof and picking them up in a glow of her magic. She peered over Heartbreak’s shoulder trying to get a view at what she was drawing.

“You know,” Heartbreak said pausing her drawing. “For a pony who was just talking about manners-”

Rarity pulled back. “I wasn’t interrupting your concentration was I?” She asked apologetically.

Heartbreak shook her head. “No, just kind of invading my space, that’s all.” She blinked. “No offense.”

“Uhm, none taken,” Rarity replied. “But, if you don’t mind me asking, what is it that you’re drawing?”

“I don’t mind,” she focused on the mirror and then started to make faces at it. “I’m practicing drawing myself...again. It was hard enough to do self-portraits before all this.”

Rarity looked over Heartbreak’s shoulder again. Some of the lines looked a bit crude and the proportions were a bit off. She lifted a hoof and bit her lip. “I so want to correct a few things! But an artist’s work is a part of their soul! Part of their being! Part of-

“Dangnabit,” Heartbreak said glaring at the paper. “Rarity?”

Rarity backed away. “You want me to give you some space?”

“No, can you help me? Something about this just doesn’t look right and I could really use an artproofer here,” she replied looking up.


Rarity looks at me completely confused, and I can’t blame her. I mean after yesterday’s bit of, ‘whining’ at each other and the way I usually am, well, I would be confused too.

I’m going to put it on an account of me drawing. Everything seems...well, not all together better, but a little more ok when I am drawing, writing, telling a story or maybe even reading. It takes my mind and keeps it focused on something else rather than my usual angst fests. I sorta forget that I have hooves for a moment.

Well, just for a moment. I think I like drawing and writing better than telling a story or reading to others. The sound of, ‘my,’ voice really irritates me. Heh, and I’m sure it really irritates Mi too.

Rarity is still looking at me with that rather overly emotional expression. “You want moi to assist you?”

Ugh, that face is making feel all sorts of weirdness. “If you wouldn’t mind. I used to have an artproofer that would go over my lines to make sure things looked neat and clean. She did some inking for some of my sketches too.”

Rarity flips her mane and prances a bit. “I would love to!”

“Just as long as you calm down a bit. Geez.” I roll my eyes.

“Right, so...” She picks up my sketchbook and looks it over. “Can I use your pencil or should I use my own?”

I look at the mechanical pencil in my hoof nervously. “Uhm, if you wouldn’t mind, please use your own.”


Rarity and I have been going back and forth on a simple drawing for a while now. I smack my lips and eye the clock. Holy shit! Forty-Five minutes?!

Well... At least it was forty-five minutes well spent. And not even a single mention of any terribly girly topics. Nothing that I was afraid of at all! Things seem to have gone better than I expected here.

“So, as long as you keep-” Rarity begins.

“I know, practicing, I am sure to get better.” Crap, is that a smile coming from my face? Do I stop in fear of it getting weird or keep going? “I almost always asked if others drew, if they had somewhere where they kept their artwork, if I could look and then would encourage them to keep drawing...even if they thought that their work sucked.”

Rarity gives me a sympathetic smile. “Self-criticism is the bane of any artist’s existence.” Her eyes light up. “Speaking of looking at others artwork...” She pulls out a few sheets of paper off the shelf. “I was wondering if you could take a look at some of mine.”

I grimace a little. Most likely these are going to be drawings of dresses. And seriously, I know jack shit about style. All I know is how to draw what I see or what I can imagine. I don’t care if the fabrics fold and look all pretty, just that it looks good. Then again, she’s spent three-quarters of an hour with my sulky-butt without much complaint. That’s got to count for something right? Besides, I haven’t looked at someone else’s artwork in forever. Well, forever in internet terms. I’m used to looking at artwork non-stop, where a click of a mouse can take me to anyone’s gallery. A little something fresh would be nice. “Sure, why not? I mean it’s sure to be something interesting.” The papers float in front of me. “So, what do we have h-”

I am cut off in mid sentence. And I can feel my left eye starting to twitch. Fuck, I need to fight that urge off really badly now. Really, really badly. What could be so horrible that I need to bite my tongue?


Alright, so dresses aren’t bad to look at. I was expecting dresses! Fuck, there are dresses all around me on the pony mannequins! But what is sending me into some twitches is the fact that there is a certain pony drawn in these dresses.

“Now, as you can see, I’ve been taking some inspiration from a great number of different places. But I decided to go with four different dresses for a variety of occasions. A casual dress, a formal dress, a full on gown and finally...” She looks around and gives me a rather sly looking grin. “An experimental, risqué-outfit.” I think my mouth is open and I’m not fighting the twitching of my eye. “Well! What do you think? Be honest now!” I continue to hold my mouth open and try to process words out of it. She looks at me a bit nervously. “Is there something wrong darling?”

“Huh? Oh! Right...What do I think about them.” I nod my head slowly. “They are very... interesting. Uhm. Yeah, interesting...nice...designs.”

Her eyes go sad. “Is there something wrong?”


“Are the colours off?” She asks.

“No, I think the colours are... nice.” Aaaaand I’ve turned into Fluttershy again.

“Is the risqué one too much? I will admit that it is one of the very few that I have ever done.”

I squeak something out and then facehoof. “Alright. Being. Honest.” I don’t look at her while I try to explain what I need to explain. “Alright, don’t get me wrong, Rarity. These are very nicely designed dresses and all.”

“Buuuut...?” She says her tone turning worried.

“But normally you don’t do your drawings in colour do you?” I ask.

“Well, not normally, but there were details that I wanted to get out, and colour was the only way that I could really make this whole thing pop!” She replies.

“Right, so then, I have one question, if I may ask. And please don’t take offense to it or feel like I am trying to hurt your feelings here.”

She looks at me with begging eyes and her head tilted forward. “H.B., you let me into a most intimate realm of yours and allowed me to assist you with your artistic skills, I doubt that there could be anything you could say that would offend me or hurt my feelings.”

Don’t be so sure about that,” I think to myself. “Right. It isn’t the dresses themselves. You did a..uhm...wonderful job designing them. It’s the p-p-pony in question that you drew wearing them.”
She blinks. “Oh? You noticed that?” She asks smiling.

“Yes. Yes I did.” Fuck, how do I put this delicately? After all, I did promise Twilight and Spike I would try to get along with her. “Why does she have a brown mane, blue eyes, and a tan coat?”

“Well, isn’t obvious?”

Please don’t say what I think you are going to say, Rarity. Please, please, please, please don’t say-

“I had a wonderful idea of trying to design a dress for you!” She replies gleefully.
