//------------------------------// // Chapter 11: Gather, Oh Light of the Stars! // Story: Magical Pony Lyrical Twilight // by PurpleProse //------------------------------// Fate was…happy. It wasn’t a feeling she was particularly used too. True, she had memories of happier times, of playing with Arf and studying under Linith, but they were muted and faded. She was happy for the first time in what felt like a long time. Twilight’s friends had gathered around her, talking to her without any obvious animosity towards her earlier actions. The clashing voices were overwhelming, to say the least. “Darling, you are simply adorable when you’re not all serious and brooding. I must get you into my shop…” “Ah’m glad to see yer alright after that big hullabaloo the other night. Applebloom threw a fit when she found out…” “Good to see you’re alright, pipsqueak! Maybe with you around I’ll have someone that’s actually challenging…” “It’s so super awesome to meet you Fate! You know, at first I thought you were a super meany-mean pants but then…” “Okay everypony!” Twilight shouted over the din. “Let’s all give Fate a little room to breathe.” Fate blushed, feeling a little grateful for Twilight’s intervention. “Sorry there darlin’,” Applejack smiled, sitting beside Fate. “Ah guess everypony’s just happy tah meet ya without ya bein’ all angry an’ such.” Fate blushed brighter, ducking her head down as Arf leaned down, hugging her arm around her withers. “Hey!” Pinkie Pie slid on her back, looking up at Fate’s downcast face. “Why the glum face?” “I…I really should apologize… for everything.” Pinkie frowned and scooted away, getting to her feet. A sense of quiet settled over the room as Fate shivered. “I’d like to apologize to everyone here for my behavior. I’m sorry for causing so many problems, and hurting you. I…” Fate inhaled and looked up nervously. “I hope you can forgive me.” Fate almost stopped breathing when Fluttershy stepped forwards and embraced her. “Fate, there ain’t a single pony here that’s mad at ya.” Applejack took a seat, pointing a hoof at Fate for emphasis. “So don’t ya’ll start gettin’ all mopey on us.” “Everypony here wants to be your friend, Fate. The past doesn’t matter anymore.” Rarity flicked her hair out of her eyes for emphasis. “So cheer up!” Rainbow grinned. “You’re part of the group now! Besides, I need somepony that can keep up with me in the sky. Speaking of which, do you wanna have a race sometime?” Fate felt her lips turn up slowly as the happiness returned. “I think so. Thank you… all of you.” “You know what this calls for, don’t you?” Pinkie grinned. “What?” “A PARTY!” --- “So everything’s repaired?” Lindy nodded as she took a bite out of her sandwich. The mess hall was surprisingly empty. Then again, dinnertime was mostly over for the current watch, leaving Yuuno, Chrono and Lindy alone to talk over sandwiches and soup. “That’s correct,” Lindy replied before swallowing. “The faults in the Dimensional Drive’s wiring have been repaired, so we’re able to leave dimensional synchronization at any time. We’re not exactly combat-ready by any stretch of the imagination, but we should be able to limp along until we return to headquarters.” “That’s good.” Chrono reached over for the pepper, shaking some into his soup. The kitchen never seemed to get the seasoning right for his taste. “What’re our plans for Testarossa? I’m assuming we’re going to go after her after all.” “Is that such a good idea?” Yuuno set his rather meat-laden sandwich down, reaching for the salt as he spoke. “The last time Presea attacked, it almost cost you the ship.” “We don’t have much of a choice Yuuno.” Lindy sighed. “It would take too long for another ship to arrive from headquarters, and we’re the closest vessel to the coordinates Arf gave us. If Presea tries something, we‘ll be the only ones close enough to intervene.” “We’re not entirely defenseless, Yuuno.” Chrono pointed his spoon at the blonde boy. “We’ve got at least twenty Enforcers on board for support, plus me and the Captain.” “So you’re not taking Twilight with us?” Chrono paused, then exhaled. “Twilight…Twilight is a civilian. I couldn’t ask her to…” “You called her Twilight.” Yuuno smirked. “Huh?” “You called her Twilight, not ‘Miss Sparkle.’” Chrono grimaced. “So I did. What of it?” “Oh, nothing.” “Anyway, Miss Sparkle is a civilian. To include her in an operation like this would be…decidedly against regulation, no matter how talented she is.” “It’s also against regulations to have a possible suspect housed off-ship with a civilian instead of in the brig, Enforcer Harlaown.” Lindy smirked. “Or did you forget that?” Chrono blushed and glanced away. “If you don‘t mind, I think we should extend an invitation to her at the very least. And given her level of skill, having her on our side when we go after Presea would definitely help.” Lindy picked up her tea cup and looked at Chrono. “Any objections, Enforcer?” “No ma’am.” Chrono mumbled softly, poking at his soup. “Good.” Lindy took another bite of her sandwich, as though to emphasize her decision. “Is Amy still in the I-R room?” Chrono glanced up from his bowl. “She should be. Why?” “I was going to take her some food. Last thing she needs is to skip meals.” Chrono rose from his chair. “I’ll be back in a bit.” Yuuno watched Chrono pick up a few sandwiches and leave, the door hissing shut behind him. “Is he always like that?” He glanced up at the Captain as he asked. Lindy sighed. “Ever since he got out of training.” “Wow.” “I can’t blame him though. Being an Enforcer at that age and having that much responsibility…” Lindy shook her head. “I know he tries hard, but even he makes mistakes and…oversteps. I’m sure he’ll mellow out eventually.” “I can understand that.” Yuuno nibbled at his sandwich, thinking about Chrono‘s earlier clash with the Princesses. “Dealing with that much responsibility can be a bit much sometimes. Have you tried talking to him?” “I did, but it doesn’t really help much. I’m his commanding officer and his mother after all. It‘s a bit difficult to balance.” “How did you manage to swing that?” “I have a few contacts in the Navy. I figured that since this is his first official cruise as a Chief Enforcer, I could be there to keep an eye on him. Shows you how well that works.” “My condolences.” “Yeah.” Lindy exhaled and rose from her chair. “I should get back to the bridge. You’re welcome to stay the night aboard my ship if you want, Yuuno.” “Thank you, Captain.” Yuuno grinned. “As much as I appreciate Twilight’s hospitality, I won’t turn down a full sized bed.” --- “Right this way darling.” Fate winced as Rarity turned on the lights. It was late; the moon was already well up in the sky when Rarity had led her and Arf to Carousel Boutique. The ivory-coated unicorn hummed cheerily as she puttered about the bedroom, adjusting the pale lavender sheets on the four-poster bed. The bedroom was huge, filled not only with the large bed but with mannequins, bolts of fabric, and dozens of sketches attached to the walls. “You’ll be staying up here tonight. Bathroom is down the stairs and on your left.” “I’ll certainly sleep well tonight. I swear, I‘m never going to eat another slice of cake as long as I live.” Arf groaned, sitting down on the fluffy bed. “Ooh! Feather bed!” “Yes, yes, you and me both. It’s beyond me how Pinkie can provide so much cake and punch for her parties without bankrupting Sugar Cube Corner.” Rarity sighed as she turned towards Fate. “Any questions?” “Where are you going to sleep?” “Oh, I have a cot in my workshop I sometimes use when I have to work overnight on an order. Much easier than trying to climb up the stairs after a long, tiring day of creating couture. Besides,” Rarity reached over and touched Fate’s cheek, “you deserve a nice soft place to sleep. You are my guest, after all.” “Are you sure? I mean, it is your bed.” “I insist.” “If you say so…” Fate blushed, walking over to the bed and testing it with one hoof. It was indeed quite soft. “I still don’t understand why I couldn’t just sleep at the library. After all, Yuuno and Chrono weren’t there…” Fate turned, then stopped at Rarity’s thoughtful expression, her eyes narrowed and one hoof rubbing her chin. “Miss Rarity?” “Hmm?” Rarity blinked. “What was that? Oh, oh yes…” “Why couldn’t I…” “To be honest dear, I wanted to monopolize you a little. Could you hold still for just a bit?” Fate blinked as a measuring tape floated over to her, quickly snapping along her limbs and side as Rarity ‘hrrmed’ and ‘hummed.’ “What’re you…” Rarity shushed her softly. “Yes….I think I have just the fabric in mind…I do hope I still have some yellow topaz…” “Miss Rarity, wha-” The measuring tape slithered away, folding itself over Rarity’s neck like a scarf. “Just some measurements dear. I have far too much energy right now to rest on my laurels. If you need me, I’ll be downstairs. Sleep well!” Fate couldn’t get a word in as Rarity trotted off, humming cheerfully as she shut the door behind her. “Well, that was odd.” Arf stretched out on the bed with a loud yawn. “But at least she’s nice enough to let us stay the night here.” Fate nodded and climbed up onto the bed, letting Arf pull the covers over her. Fate smiled, closing her eyes as her familiar cuddled close under the sheet, letting the wolf-woman hug an arm over her body. “I missed you, Master.” Arf whispered softly. “I missed you too Arf.” Fate concentrated, dimming the lights as she pressed her nose against Arf’s chest. --- Twenty-five years of careful preparation would not be wasted. Presea leaned against the wall of the lift as it slid up through the Garden’s bulk. Fifteen years of training and planning, of disappointments and disgust on top of another ten of planning and building. And now, all of that hard work was teetering on the edge of collapse thanks to those blasted ponies and her idiot doll. The doors hissed open as the lift came to a stop. Presea stepped outwards into her destination, the room lit with clashing red and white lights. Her masterpiece sat in the center of the cavernous room. The HYDRA Reactor that powered the Garden of Time wasn’t like the prototype. No, this one was safe, with layers of safeguards around a caged dimensional schism. The great black machine stood in the room like a demented steel sunflower, its broad head raised upwards towards a non-existent sun. Soon enough the reactor would be used, along with the Jewel Seeds, to set right everything that had gone wrong in Presea’s life. It was an irony that wasn’t lost on her. However, there was one last thing it had to do before its destiny was met. Presea inhaled slowly, rising upwards under the power of her magic towards the great platform at the reactor’s top. As she flew, she could feel the ambient energy of the room slide along her skin like static, crackling along her black dress. She landed gracefully atop the reactor, her heeled shoes clanking against the sturdy metal covering. She counted her steps carefully, only stopping when she was in the center of the platform itself. She closed her eyes, extending her arms outwards as her Device materialized above her head, its core pulsing with light. What she was about to do was not wise. The sort of energy she was drawing on was fickle and dangerous, especially to someone as sick as she was. There was a very good chance that what she was about to do would cut short what little time she had left. It didn’t matter. Soon enough, she would be in Al-Hazard. What she did at this very moment didn’t matter because she would be cured, free from the cruelties of her broken body and even death itself. She closed her eyes, feeling her power surge as a spell circle spread around her feet, widening until it encompassed the entire platform. “Source beyond this world, I drink deep from your fountain.” Her voice only shook slightly as she spoke the aria for the spell. “Bathe me in your light and fill my body with your power.” And with a push of her will, she linked herself to the core. Her body arched and her eyes snapped open as she felt the energy pour into the very core of her being. Purple and white lightning arced over her body in long, snaking lines as the HYDRA responded. She felt like she had been set on fire, like her insides were boiling and straining to explode from her skin as the raw mana from the HYDRA flooded her. She screamed in agony as she cut herself loose, the spell dissolving as she collapsed onto the platform, her staff clattering beside her. She laid there, twitching violently as her body tried to recover from the amount of power that had coursed through it. Time seemed to crawl, until finally the hideously painful burning dulled into a quiet, pulsing heat, less of a bonfire and more like the heating element of a stove. A thin smile creased her purple-stained lips; she felt drunk on the power. She felt revitalized, even as she felt her linker core, the source of her magic, throb like a broken digit. All she needed to do was wait for the right opportunity… Her laughter began to echo off the walls of the reactor chamber. --- “What do you think?” Fate felt her cheeks grow rosy as she looked in the mirror, even as Rarity hovered just out of the way, looking at her expectantly through her red-framed glasses. The unicorn had surprised her that morning with the new outfit. The suit was made of glossy black and wine-red cotton that felt soft on her skin, with an elaborate, lace-like brocade that ran up her chest. The black cape was short, barely covering her flank and sides. The soft padded boots she was wearing were belted around her canons, with princess-cut yellow topazes set in the black cuffs. “I…I like it.” Fate glanced over at Rarity. “Is this what you were working on?” “Of course. Hold on.” Rarity narrowed her eyes as a broad black ribbon floated over from the cloth storage, quickly worming its way through Fate’s hair and pulling itself into an oversized black bow. “There! I must say dear, you are quite stunning. Most fillies simply don’t have the coat color to carry off darker shades, but I think you do. It’s a little somber, but the gloss catches the light just so, as does the topazes. I should work in darker colors more often…” “You didn’t have to do this, you know.” “Nonsense darling!” Rarity huffed. “It’s my duty to bring beauty and glamour to the world with my work! How could I turn down a chance to work with a gorgeous little filly like yourself?” Fate blushed even deeper at that. “But you stayed up all night…” “I’ve done far worse when I was under a deadline. Besides, I wanted to do it, as a gift between friends.” “A gift?” “Of course.” Rarity smiled faintly, pulling off her glasses. “Everypony deserves something nice once in a while.” Fate looked down. “I... I don’t know what to say.” She straightened a little as she felt Rarity nuzzle her neck. “Now now, enough of that. Look up, straighten your neck. Be proud of who you are.” Fate inhaled and straightened up, looking at herself in the mirror. Rarity grinned as she sidled up beside her. “Much better! That’s the sort of filly you should be; slender yet strong, graceful yet confident! Oh, I do hope you stay here, Fate.” Rarity pulled Fate close, hugging her softly. “You deserve all the nice things we can offer…” Fate felt her face grow hot. “Because of my past, you mean?” Rarity stopped, pouting slightly as she gave the question some thought. “I think so, yes. Is that so bad?” “I don’t expect to be pitied…” Fate muttered almost defensively. “Darling, this isn’t pity.” Rarity pulled her chin around to look her in the eyes. “This is sympathy and kindness. My friends and I want you to be happy, because everypony deserves a chance to be happy. And after what you’ve been through, you deserve a shot at that. New clothes, new friends, new surroundings, new life.” Fate blushed, looking down slightly. “Sorry. I guess old habits die hard.” “That’s alright. Now, how about some breakfast? Why don’t you go and fetch that sleepy pet wolf you call a familiar and I’ll make us something to eat. How do you feel about eggs?” “Eggs sound fine.” Fate headed towards the stairs, stopping at the first step and looking back as she head the front door chime as it opened. “Just a minute!” Rarity called from the kitchen. Fate heard her hoof steps as she walked towards the front of the store. “Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where every garment is chic, unique and- oh, hello Yuuno!” “Hi Rarity. Are Fate and Arf awake?” “Oh yes. Fate dear, would you come downstairs?” Fate turned around, trotting towards the sound of Rarity’s voice. Yuuno tilted his head slightly as he inspected her new clothing. “Your work, Rarity?” “It is! How did you guess?” Rarity preened a little, bouncing her curled mane atop one hoof. “Well, you do live in a clothing shop.” “Oh.” “It looks very nice on you Fate.” Fate blushed a little more. She wasn’t used to people complementing her appearance, or anything else about her, really. “T-thanks.” “I hope I’m not interrupting anything…” “Oh no, we were just about to have breakfast, once Arf gets up.” Rarity frowned. “Is there something wrong?” “No, nothing’s wrong. It’s just that Lindy’s people have located the remaining Jewel Seeds, and wanted to meet with me, Chrono, Twilight, Fate and Arf up on the ship.“ “Fantastic! Isn’t that great Fate?” “Yeah, great.” Fate glanced up at Yuuno curiously. “But why does Lindy want me up there?” “I’m sure she’ll explain. Go ahead and get breakfast.” --- The lights in the Arthra’s briefing room were dimmed when Twilight and Chrono entered, her hooves clicking on the glowing floor. The room‘s space was dominated by a large, slab-like rectangular table, its surface inlaid with what looked like wiring centered on a large projector hub. Lindy sat at its head in her chair, hands crossed before her. “Good to see you two are early.” Lindy smiled as Chrono reached under the table, unfolding one of the chairs and taking a seat. “Where’s Yuuno and the others?” “They should be on their way shortly. We only just now got here.” Twilight stood at the table, glancing down its length. “So, you say you’ve found the rest of the Jewel Seeds?” “Mhmm, though it’d be best to wait for the others to arrive before we begin the briefing.” There was a hiss as the door slid open, admitting Amy into the room. “Captain, I have the data ready from the scans.” “Good. Go ahead and get things ready.” Lindy glanced over at Twilight. “Sorry about the lack of seating. If you want, I could see if I could get something for you.” “It’s alright, I’m comfortable with standing.” “Alright.” Lindy nodded. “So, how was Fate?” “She’s alright. I think she’s still getting used to things. She seemed shocked when we all welcomed her with open arms.” “Given what we know, I wouldn’t be surprised.” Amy replied as she tapped on her data pad. “She probably didn’t know what to make of it.” “So I noticed.” Twilight turned as she head the door slide open again, Yuuno walking inside, followed by Fate and Arf. “Sorry we’re late.” “No, it’s quite alright. Please, join us at the table.” Amy squeaked as she saw Fate. “Fate! Your outfit! It’s so cute!” “Let me guess,” Twilight smiled, “Rarity gave you a makeover?” Fate nodded as Arf put her hands on her hips. “Now now, you’re embarrassing my Master.” Arf sniffed, her tail swishing. Amy giggled. “Sorry, sorry. It’s just…” “Maybe we should get on with the briefing?” Chrono interrupted as Yuuno and Arf took their seats. “Party pooper.” Amy stuck out her tongue at Chrono, eliciting a snicker from Lindy. “As you’re all aware by now,” Amy squared her shoulders as she tapped on her pad. “the Jewel Seeds fell to Equestria when the transport ship they were on was attacked. Originally, we presumed that the seeds had fallen in a localized area…” “The Everfree Forest.” Twilight offered. “Exactly. Using the search parameters Twilight provided to us with her Area Search spell, as well as the Arthra’s sensors, we started scanning the area in question. However, that yielded no results.” “So if the rest of the seeds aren’t in the forest,” Yuuno interrupted, “where are they?” “Funny you should say that. Originally, we were going to simply widen the scan until we picked something up. However, I also asked Twilight to show us the locations of the Seeds she had found.” Amy touched her pad, causing the projector on the table to light up. A holographic map popped up, showing a rough layout of the environment ranging from Canterlot all the way to Ponyville and the Everfree Forest. Tiny blue diamonds popped up on the map, hovering just over the landscape. “While most of the Seeds landed in the Everfree Forest, they also seem to follow a rough channel, running northwest to southeast.” A pair of red lines blinked into place, traveling parallel past Ponyville and through the Everfree. “That’s where I had our people scan for the remaining Seeds. As it turns out, the missing Seeds landed to the far southeast, near this desert region, here.” “I recognize that place.” Twilight leaned forward as the map moved towards what looked like rocky badlands. “That’s towards Appleloosa.” “The scans detected two main deposits, each within one hundred miles of each other. Thankfully, neither of the deposits seem to be near civilization, which means they likely haven’t activated, fingers crossed.” “That definitely makes things easier.” Twilight leaned on the table, her chin on one hoof. “So, what’s the plan, exactly?” “I propose that we divide you up into two teams. Yuuno and Chrono will take this deposit here, while you, Fate and Arf take care of the other one.” “I see.” Twilight glanced over at the filly. “What do you think, Fate?” “I don’t see anything wrong with that.” Fate replied quietly before turning to look at Lindy. “I’m just surprised you’re letting me accompany her. Why?” “To be honest, it’s mostly an exercise in trust.” Lindy steepled her fingers. “I’m willing to accept that you’re not fighting against us anymore, and that your earlier actions were because of your,” Lindy paused for a moment, then continued, “mother’s influence. However, I’d like further proof. We’ll be monitoring the situation, since the sensors are now calibrated to take Equestria’s ambient energy into account.” “So you don’t trust me?” Fate frowned. “It‘s not that we don‘t trust you, it‘s that…” Lindy sighed. “You have to understand Fate, this is for your sake as well as mine. The sensor data will provide proof that you’re working with us now in case someone questions the legitimacy of our actions today. Do you understand?” “I think so…” “What I think the Captain’s trying to say,” Twilight interrupted, “is that she wants to make sure everyone knows that you’re on our side now, that you don’t have any loyalties to… you-know-who.” “To my mother.” “Yes, her.” Fate exhaled and looked down, letting Arf wrap an arm around her neck in comfort. “Okay…” “Is everyone clear on what to do?” “I think so. It shouldn’t be all that difficult. We go down there, locate and seal the Seeds, then return here.” Twilight glanced back at Lindy. “Unless I’m missing something else.” “No, that sums it up.” Lindy nodded as the projector shut off. “Unless anyone has any objections, I think we should get underway.” --- Celestia’s sun poured down on the dry landscape, heating the pillars of stone and dry, caked-up sand. Aside from the rustle of the rare breeze and the lonely cries of desert birds, the vast expanse was eerily quiet. Twilight exhaled as she looked out over the heat-seared expanse from her vantage point atop one of the many rocky outcroppings. The teleportation spell from the Arthra had landed them about a mile away from the Jewel Seed’s location, mainly to prevent an accidental activation from the spell. Twilight shielded her eyes as she looked, feeling a few drops of sweat drip down her cheeks. At least she wasn’t dressed like Arf and Fate were. “Ugh. First the forest, now a desert.” Arf groused as she dismissed the black cape and half-skirt from her Barrier Jacket. “I’m so not designed for this sort of climate.” Fate sighed, her horn glowing a bright yellow as she drew her Device from its hiding place. “Twilight, we should get to work. The quicker we get done, the quicker we can get back to someplace cooler.” “You’re right. Tell you what; ice cream when we get back to Ponyville. My treat.” “I’m going to hold you to that.” Arf grinned. Twilight chuckled, telekinetically lifting Raising Heart up from its resting place against her chest. “Alright Raising Heart, let’s go. “You too, Bardiche.” Fate lifted the golden triangle up before her. “SET UP.” The two Devices chimed in unison as they activated. Energy wrapped around the two ponies as Fate’s clothing dissolved into motes of light. Bands of light wrapped around the pair, forming into their respective Barrier Jackets as the Devices assembled themselves with a loud series of clicks and hisses. “Much better.” Fate exhaled as her cape billowed out behind her, her hair back up in its familiar pig-tailed style. Bardiche hovered by her side in her telekinetic grip. “I was starting to miss my Barrier Jacket.” “It does suit you, I have to admit.” Twilight replied as an Area Search beacon popped into existence beside her and began to fly off. Fate followed as she and Arf took to the air, quickly followed by Twilight. “Say, Fate…” “Yes?” “Have you thought of what you’ll do after all this is over with?” Fate glanced over at her as the trio flew along. “What do you mean?” “I mean, what’re you going to do once this Jewel Seed business is done with? Your mother’s likely to be arrested and put away for her-” Twilight paused as Fate sighed, lowering her head. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.” “It’s alright. I figured this would happen once I got involved with you and the people at the Bureau. And no, I haven’t given it much thought…” Fate glanced upwards at the sky, a little wistfully. “I’ve lived all my life with my mother. I’ve never been on my own for any real length of time until now. I never gave the future much thought. I guess I never really needed to until all this started happening; you, your friends, the princesses… ” “You know, you and Arf are welcome to stay here.” Fate’s gaze snapped over to Twilight as the unicorn continued. “Given your talents, I’m pretty sure you could enroll in Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. And if you need a place to live, I could see if my parents would be willing to adopt you.” “I…” “I don’t want to impose.” Twilight added quickly. “I just… I think you’d fit in here really well, Fate. Just think about it, alright?” Fate nodded slowly. “I will. Thank you, Twilight.” “Hey! The beacon’s stopped.” Arf pointed downwards as the glowing sphere of light hovered over a low mesa. “That must be the location.” --- “Monitoring stations, status report.” Lindy called out as she entered the bridge, striding over to her seat above the various stations below. “All clear so far,” came the reply. “Enforcer Chrono and Yuuno Scrya have reached their targets, as have Fate Testarossa, Arf, and Twilight Sparkle.” Lindy nodded, watching the view screens hovering above her as the two teams went about their work. This should be the last of the Seeds. Lindy thought to herself as she leaned back in her chair. After this, we’ll just have to capture Presea Testarossa and head on back to HQ. Then the universe will be a little bit safer than it once was… “Dimensional spike!” The shout snapped her out of her thoughts. “We have an incoming dimensional warp, bearing in from coordinates 876C 4419 3312 D699 3583 A1460 779 F3125! High energy reaction!” “What!?” Lindy sat up, hands going to her console. “Where’s the destination!? Give me the destination coordinates!” “It’s heading right for site two!” “Outer dimensional barrier has been passed! I’m trying to get a visual.” Oh no. Not now… Lindy’s eyes snapped up to the view screens. Her hand went to her temple as she sent out a telepathic message. Twilight! Fate! Get out imm- There was a brilliant purple flash right before the feed went dead. “We’ve lost contact with Twilight and Fate! Some sort of barrier!” Lindy clenched her teeth. She hadn’t expected Presea to intervene directly like this. Yuuno! Chrono! Come in! I read you, Captain. Chrono’s telepathic reply was terse. What happened? There was an explosion… I think Presea is making her move. Make your way toward the others at full speed and see what you can do. Roger. En route. --- “We should mobilize the guard immediately.” Celestia stood quietly at the balcony as Luna snarled at her, her eyes distant and unfocused. The disturbance had pulled both the sisters away from their respective duties and to one of the private rooms near the throne room. “No…the guard will be of little help in this case.” Celestia replied absentmindedly. Her awareness poured down from the sun above as she looked over the desert. A large, geodesic dome of purple light had formed on the desert floor, arching up into the sky and cutting off a large chunk of the environment. She could see through it, feel the pressure of the tainted power roiling through the woven fabric of the spell. It was a powerful shield indeed, powerful enough to block even telepathic communication. “Then we should take the field, sister!” Luna stomped a hoof. “We should gird ourselves and intervene! Such a act deserves the fullest response we can bring to bear!” “No. As a rule, we-” “No?” Luna spun to face Celestia. “No!? We…I…I cannot believe this! Have a thousand years dampened the embers in thine spirit? Hast thou no desire to stand firm against such egress? Hast thine iron turned to naught but rust and dross?!” Celestia shook her head and turned to face Luna as the dark princess’s vocabulary took a turn for the archaic. “Calm down Luna.” “We shall not ‘calm down’, sister mine! We shall rally forth the guard and strike-” “Luna.” Celestia’s voice grew cooler, laden with an implied warning. “We will not stand idly by-” Celestia stomped one hoof, and the shadows in the room vanished. Luna took a step back as the world, for a brief moment, became so bright that only Luna’s eternal and unwavering shadow remained. All other darkness vanished under her sister’s radiance. Celestia’s eyes were like spheres of rose-colored light, her coat was lit with coronal fire, and her mane billowed in the colors of the solar wind. And as quickly as it came, the brilliance vanished. Lunas eyes slowly dilated from the sudden change of light levels, her breath coming in small, panicked breaths. “Now that I have your attention, sister,” Celestia’s tone was calm and even, “I’d like to finish. We’ll be doing no such thing unless it is absolutely necessary.” “”But…your student…” “Twilight can take care of things. I have faith in her.” Celestia turned back towards the window and smiled faintly. “This is the turning point, sister, for both her and Fate. Have a little faith in our subjects, sister.” --- Twilight grimaced as her shield disappeared, Raising Heart still raised in a defensive stance. The attack had come suddenly; one second, the sky was clear and blue, and then a bolt of purple lightning came down like an arrow from heaven and sent her and the others flying. The sky had taken on an odd purple-gray color, and Twilight could make out the faint shapes of hexagons among the mist. However, sunlight still filtered in, left oddly uncolored despite what it was passing through. “Is everyone alright? Fate? Arf?” Twilight called to the others. “We’re alright!” Arf shouted back, crouching in front of Fate, the smaller pony frozen in place as Arf’s shield spell dissipated. “What in the sweet ever-” “Mother.” Twilight followed Fate’s terrified gaze and froze as well. A human stood before them in the center of the mesa, her long gray-purple hair fluttering and twisting behind her in an invisible wind. Her eyes were wide, the pupils like thin slits of black amidst the glowing purple flame of the irises. Her skin was pale, almost pure white against her black dress. An aura of raw power flowed about her like a miasma as four Jewel Seeds orbited above her outstretched hand. “Mother?! That’s your mother?!” Twilight quickly moved in front of Fate, bringing her own staff to bear. She felt her hackles raise on the back of her neck as she stared at Presea Testarossa, a hint of fear trickling down her spine like cold water. This much power… the only time I’ve felt something like this was when I faced Nightmare Moon. What IS she?! “You must be Twilight Sparkle.” Presea’s voice was cold and icy, her smile snake-like as she held out her hand. A ball of light formed in her palm, resolving itself into a long staff, capped with a pulsing purple gemstone clasped in what appeared to be a winged eye. “The interloper. The one who ruined my little doll.” “T-that’s right.” Twilight centered herself and brandished her staff. “Presea Testarossa, on behalf of the government of Equestria and the Time-Space Administration Bureau, I ask you to lay-” “Shut up.” Presea swung her staff. Twilight felt her body lift up violently off the ground as she was thrown like a rag-doll to the side. Her Barrier Jacket took most of the impact, but the shock jarred her concentration. She grimaced, getting back to her feet, only for long purple chains to spring from nowhere, wrapping around her body and pinning her legs to her undercarriage. “Now, where was I…oh yes.” Presea turned back towards Arf and Fate, her voice almost sing-song. “Fate. Mother’s very disappointed in you, my dear. Mother’s very disappointed that you betrayed her and abandoned your mission like that. You have no idea how much you hurt mother, do you?” “Stay back, you witch!” Arf snarled. “And your little familiar. I thought you were dead.” Presea’s smile faltered slightly. “I’ll make sure of it next time. But you can wait your turn, you worthless fleabag.” Presea began to walk towards Fate, her face fixed in a half-smile half-grimace. “I said stay ba-AHH!” Arf found herself meeting a similar fate as she too was thrown aside, landing beside Twilight and promptly bound in chains, leaving Fate standing on her own. “Mother…I…” Fate pulled Bardiche close, stepping back from Presea. “What’s the matter, Fate? Did you lose your convictions? Did you decide that your mother wasn’t worth the cost?” “No! I…I just-” “Worthless little child! Useless, pathetic creature!” Presea’s voice rose into a shriek for a brief moment before she recovered her composure. “Mother is very disappointed in you. You abandoned her for those ponies and your pet. You abandoned the only person that’s ever been there for you. And this is how you repay her?” The staff glowed, warping into a long, violet colored whip. Presea’s arm snapped backwards, her eyes wide and her lips split in a manic grin. “Time for your punishment!” The whip snapped forwards. Twilight clenched her eyes shut in reflex… But nothing happened. Twilight slowly opened her eyes again, then stared as Fate stood there, trembling, with the whip caught in her telekinetic grip. “No.” Presea stared at her. Her mouth moved, but no words came out. “You’re wrong Mother.” Fate’s voice grew stronger as she spoke. “When I was hurt, Zecora tended my wounds. When I slept and when I cried, the Princesses held and comforted me. Pinkie Pie threw a party for me just because I was new to town. Fluttershy watched over my familiar. Rarity clothed me, Applejack offered a caring shoulder, Rainbow Dash wanted to fly with me and Twilight… Twilight offered me the chance to stay here. I am your daughter, Mother, but these ponies have shown me and Arf more love and respect than you ever have. I only wished that you‘d love me as much as they do.” Presea’s lips twisted into a sneer as she pulled her whip free of the telekinetic grip. “How could I love a doll like you? You’re not my daughter, and you never were.” Fate froze. “What?” “I created you, Fate. You’re nothing more than a copy,” Presea snarled, “a copy of my precious little Alicia.” “Your…precious…little…Alicia?” Fate repeated, stepping back. “I had such high hopes for you at first. You were supposed to be perfect, a perfect duplicate of my darling daughter.” The older mage balled her fists up, tears starting to drip down her cheeks. “I even gave you her memories, her precious, precious memories! But no! You insisted on being different! Your laugh wasn’t like hers! Your smile wasn’t like hers! You were left-handed instead of right! You looked like my Alicia, but you weren’t her! You weren’t her!” Presea slowly slumped onto the ground, landing on her knees, her staff clattering beside her, her hands going to her face as her shoulders shook. Fate stared at her, then slowly approached her. “Mother…” “Fate!” Arf shrieked. “It’s a trick! Get away from her!” Fate looked over towards Arf. “But Arf…gah!” Presea’s hands clenched around Fate’s throat, her eyes burning with rage. “Let me tell you something good, Fate,” Presea hissed through her teeth. “I’ve always hated you.” Fate struggled, pushing her hooves against Presea's forearms as the madwoman held her by the neck. I’ve got to help her. Raising Heart! Twilight sent a thought out to her staff as her horn lit up, pulling the Device close. Bind Break, full charge! "BIND BREAK.” There was a brilliant flash of energy as a shockwave traveled along Twilight’s body. The chains of energy binding her buckled, pressing outwards until they finally snapped. Twilight climbed to her feet and raised her staff. “Let her go Presea!” Presea turned to smile at Twilight. “Are you going to kill me, little pony?” Twilight stepped back slightly, then narrowed her eyes. “Divine Shooter.” Presea’s smile turned grimmer as the bolts of energy sprang into being. “Such loyalty,” she chirped mockingly as she let go of Fate’s neck, wrapping a hand in the filly’s mane and pulling her around like a shield. Fate cried out, tears dripping down her cheeks. “I said let her go! This is your last warning!” Twilight felt her heart pound in her chest. Could she really do it? The Divine Shooter could easily go around Fate, but Presea would have her shield up. And if she did fire… “Very well then. This doll can serve one last use.” Presea cooed as she waved a hand. The Jewel Seeds hovered over to her, the numerals on their surfaces burning. “Jewel Seeds, hear my desire. Turn my precious Fate into the doll she was, so that I can kill all those who would interfere!” Presea leered at Twilight as the unicorn’s eyes went wide. “Starting with Twilight Sparkle!” “NO!” Twilight let fly with her spell, only for the blasts to be swallowed up by the Seed’s activation. A pillar of light bloomed into the sky, almost drowning out Fate’s terrified scream. --- There was a brilliant flash of green light as Yuuno and Chrono landed from their transit. “What in the world is that thing?!” Yuuno stared up at the huge barrier, the dome glowing ominously as it caught the light. The interlinking hexagons hummed softly, pulsing with power that made Yuuno’s hair stand on end. Something about it felt…wrong. “I think it should be obvious.” Chrono crossed his arms, S2U held tightly in one hand. “It’s some sort of barrier. If this is Presea’s doing, then she’s far more dangerous than our records show.” “What do we do? Should we try to teleport inside it?” “I don’t think so. Shields of this caliber usually make it difficult to transit in and out of. Besides, we don’t know what’s going on inside there.” Chrono touched his forehead. Bridge, do you read me? We read you Chrono. Lindy’s voice replied. Do you have a visual from inside the shield? Negative. We can’t establish contact with the others inside either. I’m assuming that transit through shield isn’t going to work? You’ve assumed correctly. I don’t think anything’s getting in or out of that shield right now. Terrific. Chrono huffed softly. Wait, something’s happening… Chono! Get back! Get back from the shield now! Instinct and training took over. Chrono grabbed Yuuno by the collar and launched into the sky as a pillar of light blasted through the roof of the shield. The spell broke like a cheap glass bowl, shards of solidified mana spraying outwards and dissolving into motes of light. “Don’t tell me that’s…” Chron shielded his eyes against the brilliant light. “I think it is. Some fool activated the Jewel Seeds.” Yuuno stopped, pointing downwards as the last of the shield crumbled. “There!” --- Twilight blinked to clear her eyes from the afterimages brought on by the blinding light, only to freeze at what she saw. Fate, the pony she was familiar with, was frozen on the ground, covered in a thick layer of what looked like amber. Looming over her prone form was a human girl with blank red eyes, clad in a black leotard and thigh-high boots, a long, high-collared black cloak fluttering behind her. She was attractive, if a bit on the thin side, with long blonde hair pulled back in a pair of pig tails. It was the eyes that gave it away. Unlike Fate’s, the doll’s eyes were pupil-less pits of red. The doll crouched as Twilight watched, picking up Fate’s Device and brandishing it at her. “Fate?” Twilight’s voice faltered as the doll stared at her, dead-eyed and determined. “Hardly.” Presea smiled darkly as she stepped back from the doll. “This is just a simulacrum, created from the Jewel Seeds. A temporary measure, mind you, but a necessary one.” Presea’s smile turned into an angry frown as brilliant green chains of light whipped around her body, snaring her firmly. “Presea Testarossa!” Chrono shouted as he and Yuuno landed, the blonde archeologist keeping a tight grip on the binding chains. “You’re under arrest for your crimes, starting with your assault on a Bureau transport. Surrender immediately!” Chrono’s eyes narrowed as Presea turned, a low laugh coming from the mage’s throat. “Do you think I’m simply going to roll over and let you arrest me, little boy?” Presea clenched her fingers, a brilliant bullet of purple light streaking up from her palm and shattering the chains binding her, causing Yuuno to stumble back from the sudden slack. Chrono stepped forwards, holding his Device at the ready as Yuuno landed on his rear end. Twilight didn’t hear the rest as the false Fate lunged towards her, swinging Bardiche at her head. Twilight took to the air, her Flier Fin spell leaving behind a fluttering trail of down as she ascended. The unicorn could already feel the doll in pursuit, a faint crackle of static being the only sound coming from the fake human. I need to get higher. Get some maneuvering room… Twilight squeaked as the fake Fate flickered into being in front of her. Raising Heart clashed with Bardiche, sending sparks flying as the doll blocked Twilight’s flight path. --- Lindy bit her teeth against her lip as she watched the scenes play out on the monitors. “Ma’am!” One of her subordinates shouted up to her, “should we dispatch Enforcers to the site to assist?” “No.” Lindy let go of her lip, inhaling deeply to steady herself. “As tempting as that is, it’ll only provide more targets for Presea. We don’t have the sort of man power to take down an SS class mage.” Lindy sat down as she heard a soft grumble from the bridge crew. She didn’t like it either, but it was true. Most of the Enforcers were rank B and low rank A mages, nowhere near Presea’s caliber of magic. Even sheer numbers wouldn’t make up for that fact. It didn’t help her nerves that Chrono was down there, duking it out with a lunatic. “Captain?” Lindy’s eyes snapped over to her personal console as Amy’s voice piped up. “Amy?” “Could you have the sensors focus on Presea for a second? Something in the readings caught my attention.” “Sure. Sensors, focus your scans on Presea Testarossa.” Lindy relaxed back in her seat as she heard the affirmative reply, letting the images on the screen play out. Chrono was darting rapidly out of the way of Presea’s blasts, his own shots bouncing harmlessly off of the woman’s shields. Yuuno had flown off to try to free Arf from her bindings. And meanwhile, Twilight and a blonde haired girl were circling around each other in the empty sky, bolts of energy flashing through the intervening space like tiny comets. Neither one seeming to be able to connect their shots on the other. “I thought so. Captain! Something’s weird about Presea’s energy signature.” “Weird how?” Lindy focused her attention on the laughing mage, shivering at those eyes. Those were not the eyes of a sane woman. “It’s very unstable. Presea’s leaking a lot of mana with each spell she casts, far more than should be normal. The energy signatures for it are weird too. My guess is that she overcharged her Linker Core in order to get that much power.” Lindy winced. A mage’s Linker Core was the source of her mana, like a sort of magical bone marrow and circulatory system. For a mage to intentionally overload their body with mana would be hazardous in the extreme. Only someone truly desperate or crazy would go so far. Which said nothing good for Presea’s sanity. “What’re your observations then, Miss Limietta?” “Well, I’m not really good at strategy, but if Chrono can get Presea to exhaust herself, then Presea won’t have anything left. She’ll likely burn herself out completely. Then again, this is mostly theoretical…” “At this point, I’m willing to take theoretical.” Lindy raised her fingers to her temple. Chrono? Kind of busy Captain! The reply was terse and panicked. I know. Listen, Presea is leaking mana like a punctured water tank. You just need to outlast her! That’s harder than it sounds. Her shots are too fast! Just keep trying! What about Twilight?! Focus on keeping yourself alive! Lindy’s eyes flicked over to the other monitor. Twilight can handle herself… I hope. --- “DIVINE SHOOTER - PULSE SHOT!” Adrenaline thundered through Twilight’s veins as she swerved through the air, the wind whipping through her mane as she opened fire. A stream of Divine Shooter bullets sprayed towards the fake, the blasts sizzling as they streaked through the air, only to be met by the fake Fate’s Arc Saber. The hoop of energy sliced thorough the incoming barrage, only barely missing Twilight when she dove downwards. The fake zig-zagged towards her, trying to close to melee range as another scythe blade extended from Bardiche’s central core. Twilight pulled up sharply, pirouetting to face the doll. The sweeping scythe only met air as Twilight winked away, the purple unicorn reappearing behind Fate in mid-swing of her staff. The two weapons sprayed sparks as their hafts collided, the energy blade crackling just above Twilight‘s ears. Twilight stared up into those soulless eyes as she pushed back against Bardiche. She could hear the tell-tale crackle of energy as another Shooting spell formed. “PhOTon LanCeR, G-G-G-Get sET!” Bardiche’s voice was choppy and filled with static, as though the Device itself was trying to resist its copycat wielder. “COUNTER SHOT.” Raising Heart’s reply was cool and precise. Twilight clenched her teeth as the two spells collided, the Lancers exploding into bursts of violent static as they were intercepted. The two combatants spun in mid air, only for the fake Fate to lash out with a kick to Twilight’s midsection. The unicorn felt her breath whoosh out as she was knocked back. It felt like she’d been hit in the diaphragm by a baseball bat. She flared her limbs out, her Flier Fin wings whipping to recover as a familiar golden circle sprung up underneath the fake Fate’s feet. “R…Raising Heart!” Twilight coughed, bringing the staff around as its head dissolved, reforming into Shooting Mode. “DIVINE BUSTER!” “ThuNDER SMA-A-AshER” The two spells lanced outwards, pink light colliding with golden thunder, a massive explosion of sound and fury ripping through the air as the spells. The collision was brief as the yellow torrent of electricity began to swallow the Divine Buster. Twilight’s eyes went wide, the yellow energy growing closer with each second. She clenched her teeth, focused and disappeared, re appearing just barely out of the way as her own spell was cut short. The blast soared over the horizon, disappearing into the distance as the Thunder Smasher finished. That was too close… ACK! She threw up a shield just in time to intercept a set of Photon Lancers, the yellow blasts careening off the spell and slamming into the rock outcroppings below, demolishing them. Twilight inhaled deeply, trying to catch her breath as she watched the simulacra from behind her shield. The human Fate was watching her dispassionately, then broke its gaze to look down at its side. Thin streamers of electricity sparked and leapt up Bardiche’s shaft from its arm, causing the fake to shake it sharply. “Why…why is it letting me catch my breath?” Master, Raising Heart chimed telepathically, it appears to be having difficulty with its Device. This would be an opportune time to- “Divine Shooter!” Twilight hissed, Raising Heart’s core chiming in response as a dozen familiar bolts of energy sparked into existence. The fake raised its free arm up, a brilliant shield of light springing into existence to intercept the blasts. “Not this time. Raising Heart, Mode Three!” “WINKING SHOT!” The core lit up as the shots streaked out, winding around themselves as they flew. A few inches before they met the shield however, they disappeared in a flash of light, only to reappear inside the shield. There was a horrible noise, half girlish scream, half rending metal, as the blasts connected. Shards of crystalline material flew from the copy’s body, revealing an inner core of blue-white flame behind the false skin and artificial barrier jacket. “You may be stronger, faster, and more enduring than me,” Twilight grimaced as she brandished Raising Heart, its pronged tip aimed towards the fake, “but you’re nowhere near as smart and inventive as I am. Raising Heart!” “DIVINE SHOOTER - WINKING SHOT!” More projectiles flashed out. The fake swung its Device upwards, the scythe blade extending as she sliced at the incoming blasts. However, the shots merely blinked out of existence, reappearing mid-flight to collide with its body, sending more sprays of matter flying. Sweat dripped down Twilight’s brow as each shot launched, one after the other. The Winking Shot was effective, true, but trying to keep the spell active mid-warp was taxing, even for her. It didn’t help that she was circling as she fired, trying to keep mobile. Still, she was actually doing damage now; chunks of the thing’s skin had been blown away, and the thing was venting energy in thin streamers as it struggled to counter her barrage. “How much more…can we keep this up?” Twilight grimaced, trying to focus as one shot missed its mark, flashing too far past the fake and zinging into the ground below. Focus disrupted. Shifting calculation to core function for transit spell containment. Usable mana reserves at 60% and declining. We’re doing better than I thought. Twilight panted as Raising Heart took the stress of maintaining the spells mid-teleport off her hooves. Still feels like I’m running a marathon… Warning! Wide area effect spell detected! Twilight’s head jerked up as she heard an odd chiming noise. Golden spell circles blinked into existence, flickering around her and in the empty air. "What is that thing doing?!" Twilight looked around nervously as the circles blinked in and out with increasing frequency. The fake, fractured and wounded though it was, hovered there as still as a statue. A large spell circle spun itself into being beneath its feet as its cloak fluttered in an unseen wind. Even as it floated there, the exposed chunks of blue-white flame and light began to re-knit the fake’s body, patching the holes Twilight had punched in it. "Oh, you’ve got to be kiddi-" Master! Evade! Evade now! Evade what?! I don’t see- Twilight blinked as she heard a loud, crackling snap, right before she was lifted vertically, her limbs splayed out in four directions and bound by square-shaped bands of yellow light. This…isn’t good. Twilight stared as the copy of Fate spread its arms outwards. Firing loops began to rapidly form as dozens upon dozens of Photon Lancers sprang into being, swooping out to the left and right in a half-moon shaped firing line, each bolt aimed inwards at her. Twilight started to teleport, then paused. A wry smile played across her muzzle. You stop moving, you stop living, eh? Raising Heart, follow my lead… --- “Hurry up!” “I’m trying, but these chains are a lot stronger than most of the spells I’ve dealt with!” Yuuno hissed through gritted teeth. He couldn’t help but fight the feeling of helplessness as he poured his energy into his hands, doing his best to undo Presea’s binding chains. Twilight and Chrono were doing their best to fight and survive, and here he was, trying to free Arf and failing. “Twilight broke through these chains! Why can’t you?” Arf wriggled, rolling onto her back as she whined. “I’m not Twilight, alright?! I don’t have her level of power when it comes to these sorts of things…what?” Arf was staring upwards, causing Yuuno to look up as well. His eyes widened. Twilight! His telepathic call went out as he got to his feet. Twilight, I’m coming! Stay back Yuuno! That reply gave him pause. Twilight, you’re- I’m fine! Trust me, I’ll be alright. You focus on freeing Arf! Are you sure? I…think so. There was a brief pause. No, I know so. Trust me, I’ll be fine… But... Yuuno Scrya, trust me on this, I've got a plan! If you say so… Yuuno turned back towards Arf and steeled himself, digging his fingers around the chains. “Arf, I have an idea. On the count of three, I need you to transform into your wolf form, alright?” “If…you say so…” Arf growled, wincing as Yuuno tugged on the tight chains. “This is going to hurt, isn’t it?” “Probably. Alright, one! Two! Three!” --- Chrono panted as he crouched behind a large boulder, feeling his undershirt grow damp with sweat. He was used to fighting opponents that were more powerful than him; he was hardly the most powerful mage in the Enforcer program, and relied more on skill and training than raw power to get by. But Presea was making him look like a fool; every spell he launched at her shattered against her battleship-hull-like shields, while it took everything in his power to avoid her lightning-fast attack spells. Even then, there had been several close calls; his tattered barrier jacket and the wide lacerations along his arms attested to that. He dove to the ground as he heard the familiar sound of Presea’s spell go off, shielding his face with one arm as the top half of the boulder vanished in a blast of brilliant purple light. Dust and smoke drifted in the air as he heard Presea’s footsteps approach. “I have to admit, little Enforcer, you’re doing quite well.” The boulder flew off to the side, landing with a crash as Presea loomed over Chrono, her eyes like lambent coals. Chrono rolled onto his back, holding S2U up defensively, eyes narrowed at the glowing tip of Presea’s staff. “Once I deal with you, and your blonde friend, and that useless mutt, I won’t have anything to worry about.” Presea’s voice was slightly giddy, despite the noticeable drip of blood from one nostril. “I’ll have all the Jewel Seeds. Yes…and then… everything will be fine, once Alicia and I reach Al-Hazard.” “You really think that?” Chrono scooted backwards slowly, pulling himself with his elbows. “You really think that Al-Hazard exists?” “Oh yes.” Presea’s lips split in a half-smile half-rictus, her teeth bared as she limped slowly after Chrono. “Of course it exists! It must exist! Why shouldn’t it exist?” “It has to exist…” Presea leaned forwards, her body silhouetted in a steadily growing bloom of yellow light. Chrono glanced over the madwoman’s shoulder, then froze as he watched the scene unfold. Presea turned slowly to look as well, then laughed. “Such an obedient doll. Look at it, about to finish off that meddlesome pony…” She turned to look back at Chrono, energy gathering around the jewel of her staff. “Too bad you won’t be around to watch.” Chrono inhaled, then shouted out as an orange blur grabbed a hold of his coat, yanking him out of the way of the Photon Bullet. Presea snarled as she swung her staff around, a second blast lancing out after Chrono, only to be intercepted by a brilliant green shield. Arf slid to a halt behind the shield, glancing over her shoulder, “You got it, Yuuno?” Yuuno grimaced, bracing himself against the ground as he held back the blast, cracks lacing across his shield as he deflected the shot. “Got it. How’s Chrono?” “Just fine. Took you long enough, ferret boy.” Chrono chuckled as he got to his feet. “Sorry, he had his hands full with me.” Arf snickered, before turning back towards Presea and raising her fists up in a fighting stance. “Such a sweet sight, watching you all gather…gathered here together.” Presea panted, blood dripping down her chin. “No…concern for your…horse…friend?” “Twilight can handle herself.” Yuuno smirked, his shield reforming as he raised both hands in a defensive stance. “I’ve got faith in her.” --- It was like watching a horrible, horrible movie. Fate felt her eyes blink, even though they were shut, her awareness and her thoughts shunted into the copy made by the Jewel Seeds. She was unable to do anything as the doll fought against Twilight, the unicorn giving it everything she got in the mid-air duel to the death. All she could do was watch and hope for the best. She could feel it as the doll tugged on her brain, pulling out spells left and right as it threw raw power through Bardiche. The Device, to its credit, did its best to resist its false Master; the surges of energy and web of cracks forming along its surface attested to that. Yet despite everything, the fake had finally gotten the upper hand. Twilight was immobilized, and the doll was charging up for a final assault, one that would finish Twilight off. Twilight, please… you can’t give up now… Fate begged silently, not even sure her thoughts could reach her. Fight, struggle, do something! “PH-O-o-OTON laNCER - Ph-Ph-PHAlanX SHifT” Twilight! Her copy swung Bardiche down, leveling the tip at Twilight. NO! The Photon Lancers fired. One shot first, then two, then five, then ten, then a dozen, all in a steady barrage. It was like a horizontal rain storm as the blasts streamed inwards, curving and crackling, towards a single point. There were too many to shield from, and the sheer number would easily pummel a protection spell to its breaking point and beyond. Fate could only watch in horror as the projectiles rained inwards, the explosions turning the air around Twilight hazy with excess energy. The bombardment lasted for a solid ten seconds. No one could have survived that. Twilight…oh Twilight…I’m so sorry… Don’t be. Fate froze at that reply. The smoke slowly cleared, revealing Twilight as she hovered there, her horn glowing brilliantly as a pink sphere of energy rippled around her body. You... you can hear me?! Yeah...sorry to have worried you. How…how did you…? I had more than enough energy left to form a defensive barrier. I let the copy commit to the attack so I could keep it still enough for this! Fate vision swam as something jerked the clone upwards. A pink band of light had snapped around the thing’s free wrist, just as one snapped around Bardiche’s shaft. The two bindings flashed and grew wings, the binding around the copy’s wrist yanking it upwards while Bardiche was pulled down towards the ground. The wings dissolved soon enough, just as another set of bands locked around the thing’s other limbs, much like it had done to Twilight. For a brief moment, Fate wondered what Twilight was planning until she saw a brilliant pink glow. “The sun sets in the west, the moon rises in the east, and above me shines a glittering sky!” An aria? Twilight flew upwards, her arms spread wide as Raising Heart hovered before her in Sealing Form. A pink ribbon of light and magical runes swooped upwards in a vast circle, linking together to form a hoop big enough to surround a dozen of Twilight’s libraries. As it began to spin and rotate, the air began to glitter and glow. “Motes of light, gather forth in my name. Forge for me a sword of stardust, so that I may grasp victory!” Twilight swung her hooves up as energy began to collect within that hoop. The sphere of light started small, but then began to grow and grow, pulsing above Twilight’s head like a captive sun. “Gather, oh light of the stars!” Fate felt the copy struggle against its bindings, but the things held fast. It glared down at Twilight, even as the unicorn smiled back. “This is my trump card, Fate, my most powerful attack! And I’ve finally given it a name!” Twilight snared Raising Heart in her hooves and swung it forwards, holding it as though she were a human. A Mid-Childan spell circle sprang into being under her hooves as she called out the trigger for the spell. “STARLIGHT BREAKER!” The world turned pink for Fate, then went black. --- “And that’s why I wasn’t worried, Luna.” Luna stared at the pillar of pink light, feeling the raw power radiating off of it, even at such a distance. “Such power…” “Indeed.” There was a note of pride in Celestia’s voice. “And such a clever trick. Channeling ambient magical energy and converting it into a directed blast. A rather complicated spell given the amount of energy involved, but more than worth the effort.” “I worry more about its impact, should it strike a populated area…” Celestia hmmed. “Good point. I’ll have to warn Twilight not to aim at the ground…though she seems to be doing well in that regard.” --- Twilight slowly lowered herself to the ground, landing with a stumble as she did so. The spell had been rather effective: the simulacrum had taken the full brunt of the blast without any protection. The blast had all but annihilated the simulacrum in a single go. Not even four Seeds could withstand that much power being thrown at it all at once. “Fate…Fate?” She stumbled slightly as she approached the prone filly, kneeling down beside her as the last of the amber cocoon dissolved away. Fate was completely still, with only the faint flaring of her nostrils showing that she was still alive. The four Jewel Seeds laid about her prone form, their numbers still burning along their blue surfaces. “Just hold on for a little longer, alright Fate? I just need to seal these Seeds and get the others, and then we‘ll get you someplace safe.” Twilight rose to her feet slowly. The Starlight Breaker and her shielding had taken a lot out of her. However, she had just enough energy to… There was a bright purple flash of light as the Jewel Seeds streaked away from Twilight. “Hey!” Twilight hefted Raising Heart and gave chase, only to skid to a halt on a rocky outcropping. A few feet below, Presea Testarossa crouched, a small puddle of blood underneath her as she held her nose. The Seeds slid through her barrier, orbiting over her body as she breathed in and out raggedly. The mage was surrounded by Arf, Yuuno and Chrono, all of them looking more than a little battle scarred: Chrono was leaning on S2U, Yuuno looked like he could barely stand, and Arf was holding onto a wounded left arm. “Useless…even…her…copy…is…useless…” Presea’s voice was hoarse as she coughed, her once-glowing eyes having dimmed and grown dull. “Give it up Presea. You’ve lost.” Chrono growled, pushing himself to his feet. “You’ve got nothing left. Look at you, you can barely stand.” “Just... because… I can barely stand… doesn’t… mean… I’ve lost!” Presea snarled defiantly, raising her staff up. A Mid-Childan spell circle sprang into being beneath her, forming a beacon of light above her. “Stop her!” Yuuno shouted, looking up at Twilight. “She’s opening a transit gate!” Twilight swung Raising Heart forwards, shouting wordlessly as she summoned up what was left of her energy. A Divine Shot streaked forward, smashing into Presea’s barrier as the mage vanished in a flicker of purple light. “Sorry…I’m running on empty…” Twilight slumped, Raising Heart clattering on the ground beside her. “Ugh…damn.” Chrono spat on the ground where Presea had been kneeling. “She got away… and with four Jewel Seeds no less.” “If it’s any consolation Chrono, she doesn’t have all the Seeds.” Twilight smiled weakly. “And besides, Presea didn’t look like she was in any shape to use them… oh no!” She shot to her feet, turning back towards Fate’s slumped body. “Fate!” “I know… Arthra, come in…” Chrono slumped slightly. “Five to transit room. Have medical on standby to receive Fate Testarossa.” --- Presea felt the barrier claw at her body as she passed through dimensional space. She was weak, too weak to shield herself from the ravages of whatever magic shielded the world from D-Space. There was a crackle of energy as she landed in her throne room, her vision fading in and out from the strain on her body. Her nose wouldn’t stop bleeding, and she was pretty sure that the coppery taste in her mouth was from the same source. Slowly, she began to push herself up onto her hooves. Hooves? She glared at her new appendages in futile rage as she wobbled, trying to fight her nausea and dizziness. It didn’t matter. It was just one more thing to correct once she reached Al-Hazard… --- Images for ponies created using generalzoi's pony creator