//------------------------------// // Journals, Day 1 // Story: My Little Bubble Bath: Alicorns take very long bubble baths // by CosmicAfro //------------------------------// Start of Day 1 Luna’s Journal A treacherous beginning. For my own historical purposes, perhaps something to glaze over when I need something to revisit from my past, I have decided to take the account of the Bathroom War. What I had intended to be a fight- no, a mere ploy, to return my guards to proper employment status turned into an accidentally revealed scheme. It was revealed, to my person, that Celestia, my own sister, had been taking away funds I rightfully deserved from our parents and spending it on a bath. A bath. Not any bath, but something so grand and extravagant it would make the homeless vomit in disgust. Near everything is plated in gold, a metal so precious never having looked so foul, and this one room has more features than the Royal Courtroom. There’s even a tiny island in the center that has a massage chair. I won’t deny it works wonders, which is why I have covered it up for preservence. Ahh, how easily I get off track. The bath has been covered by an impregnable floor of bubbles and small structures of my own design litter the top of it in a game of Capture the Flag. It is actually an old, traditional game, though it has gone by many names in its life. We have declared a wager that if I win, I get the bath as my own which is fair in its own right. However, I also gambled with my own rightful possession, decreeing I would forgive all transgressions, financial or otherwise for this place, should Celestia win. I will not allow her the satisfaction of taking away from me and keeping it like a glorified schoolyard bully. With my two loyal guards, Poe and Eclipse (how I regret they are still rookies. But, this may prove to be a good practice time for war), we shall take victory! Celestia’s Journal Start of Day 1 A misunderstanding. Luna isn’t as sly as she’d like to think she is. Perhaps, being her older sister has given me the insight I need to over-power her emotional distress. I know now, in her tall tower, she is writing a journal as she always has done. I too will keep record, and prove to her my thoughts I have written down to sway her when the fight comes to its climax. Even this paper, to prove my clarity and that this isn’t some cheap trickery. Speaking of, I wish Luna had let me finished. In her bout of fiery passion, she didn’t give me the chance to speak after my involuntary “Oh.” I too was surprised at that, something so stupid doesn’t normally slip from my lips so easily. Keeping this bath was supposed to be for Luna’s return when she was safe and sound. Truth be told, the bath wasn’t completely finished, there was one thing missing that prevented me from telling her the complete truth, so I lied at the time and said it was something gained and developed overtime. Once the thing had arrived, I felt compelled to tell her then… But I figured letting her know the bath was in her name would have made a far better present for her birthday. When this battle is over, whether or I win or lose, I’ll go and flip the secret lever near the water gate. To think… those special occasion bath bubbles, saved after all these years, going to waste. Regardless, I have wagered this place, and I intend to fight as if it was real. When all is revealed, her mind, as the young might say, “will explode.” Or was it blown away? I can’t ever remember.