Stories in Stone, Memories of Twilight

by TDR

“.. and the moment to die...”

Stories in Stone
Memories of Twilight's

“.. and the moment to die...”

Jer'rahd awakes with a startled cry, flinging the blankets off of him as he thrashes. He sits up, panting, his eyes wide as he stares into the darkness. He glances down at his hooves and the dark blue blanket they are tangled in.

A soft yawn next to him causes him to turn his head as the mare at his side sits up slowly. Her platinum blue mane falls over her face and horn in a messy, yet somehow remarkably beautiful way.

“The nightmares again? We really are going to have to pay Aqua a visit to pay her back for that one of these days.” Luna yawns again. Her horn glows lightly, pulling her mane back out of her face. Her aqua eyes regard the gray unicorn beside her. “Are you alright, Jer'rahd?”

“I… what...” The memories came back to him slowly.

The Grand Galloping Gala had been a month ago. Much to Bleu's excitement, her plan had worked and he and Luna had become much closer, admitting fully what they felt for each other. Celestia was somewhat less than thrilled, but honestly, he never cared what she thought anyway.

The Dragon Empire had pressed for peace, as had many others after their failed attack on Equestria. Neither he nor Luna expected it would last long, though, but for now, the lack of conflict was rather nice.

“I think am alright, It...just seemed more real than usual this time,” Jer'rahd mutters, tensing up a little as Luna shifts closer to nuzzle against his neck, chuckling at his reaction to it.

“I would think by now you would be used to attention from me, but still you seem shocked at my touch.”

“I certainly hope I never get used to it. I would hate to think any attention from you could be considered ordinary.” Jer'rahd chuckles, turning to kiss her lightly.

Luna's magic pulls the blanket back over them both as she nuzzles against him, covering his exposed side and hiding the fanged chess knight of his cutie mark.


( The Crystal Kingdom.)

“Twili! We did it! Sombra's gone,” Shining shouts as a crystalline Twilight trots onto the balcony. “No thanks to that friend of yours. I think he was trying to sabotage everything. Why did he put that fake heart back outside, anyway?”

“Wasn't Boss,” Bleu growls from the doorway of the balcony, throwing the body of the changeling in a heap to Shining Armor’s hooves.

“We have bigger problems than just Sombra. The changelings are involved,” Twilight adds.

“Shit... I didn't need to hear that. I guess this, at least, explains why he was such a jerk on the walk from the train,” Shining grumbles. “Pretty sure all of them hate Cadence and me for the wedding fiasco.

“Uh, no, that was Boss alright,” Blue murmurers, rubbing her claw over the back of her head spines. “He can be a dick at times...”

“We think that he was captured when he went to fight off Sombra so we could make it to the city.” Twilight blinks as Shining rips the shredded saddle bag from the changeling, digging through the contents.

“Hey now; my kill, my loot!” Bleu snaps as Shining pulls out a shredded page and a few other objects that look like they came from the castle.

Shining glances up at the little dragon as he looks over the items.

“Bah. No orders, though here's the missing page from your book. So much for an easy answer,” Shining grumbles. “This is a scout. Oftentimes, they are on long missions away from the swarm and have orders for various situations.”

“What?” Twilight asks.

“Seriously, sis, an army of these things attacks Canterlot during my wedding and you don't think Princess Celestia and the guards would be doing everything they can to find out information on them? We found out quite a lot, though most of that information is back in Canterlot. Princess Celestia has her entire network hunting for these things’ home base. So far, all we know is it's somewhere south of Appleoosa.” Shining glances at Bleu and the claw marks crossing her scales. “You alright?”

“Nothing got through enough to even make me bleed, but he was trying,” Bleu grumbles.

“Well, I never heard about the Princess doing anything of the sort... wait, where’s Cadence?” Twilight asks.

“Down with the Crystal ponies. Crap, there may be more of them...” Shining growls, glancing up as a pair of crystalline pegasi fly down from the top of the tower and land on the balcony. “Twili, wait here. I'm going to go let her know what’s happening.”

Rainbow watches the unicorn as he dashes out, then looks from Twilight to the mangled body on the ground.

“I guess we didn't need to find you after all, Twilight,” Rainbow Dash comments. “Whoa, is that a changeling?”.

“Bleu, where’s the General?” Starfall asks, looking over the corpse. “Does he know about this thing?”

“Yer looking at him... or at least what was trying to be Boss. We think he never made it into the Empire,” Bleu explains.

“This is bad. Do you think he's … d…?” Rainbow Dash stops as Bleu growls at her.

“You don't know Boss, there, Captain Skittles. No bucking way some bit of smoke and roar is gonna take him out,” Bleu snarls, clutching at the necklace she wore like a lifeline.

“Actually, I think I have an idea how to find him,” Twilight states, looking at Bleu's claw.


“So General, when should we expect wedding invitations?” Starfall asks with a smirk as she dodges a blow from the training weapon.

The crack of wooden sword meeting wooden sword is her response as she barely manages to block the blow he aimed at

Jer'rahd growls, lashing out with the wooden sword again, having it blocked. He deflects a swing of Starfall's weapon with his shield and darts forward under the green panel, tagging the pegasus on the foreleg.

Starfall curses as Jer'rahd spits out the blade, waggling it in her face with his magic.

“The goal of taunts is to make your opponent mess up, not yourself,” Jer'rahd chuckles as Starfall snorts in annoyance.

“That's match.”

“Ah, give her a break, Boss. She just wants to see if she looks as good in a bridesmaid’s dress as she did in a wedding dress. Frankly, I know I would look stunning,” Bleu comments from the sidelines of the training area. “Twenty-five to fifteen. Starfall's buying drinks.”

“Buck it,” the pegasus growls.


The starry void greets her as she steps into the spell. Using the shard of the sword should allow her to follow the past by all the other blade shards connected to it, much as she had done before when learning of the five.

The void is strange this time. The two bright stars she is used to seeing are in the far distance. A glowing pair of pink and white stars she had not seen before are nearby, the light from them nearly intertwined.

She smiles, recognizing it as her brother’s and Cadence’s stars seemingly joined though the love they shared. This place grew more and more curious every time she was here. She tilts her head slightly, staring at a brilliant blue star before her and a slightly dimmer purple one to the side of it next to the multicolored blinking light she knows as Rainbow Dash's.

So Starfall and Bleu had them as well. One day she would discover the meaning of this place. But that was not the point now.

She turns her head, looking about, and spots the window she recognized as the Waning Moon.
There is no sign of any of the stars that worried her, though a sickly black void ringed in red flickers in and out of existence. Sombra? Well, that was more bad news that he was not destroyed, but it did not help her find Jer'rahd.

She turns, looking at the windows before her that are connected to the shard she is using. Rhede, Starfall, Velkorn, Bleu, and Luna's... for once, she was not really interested in these particular views. The Waning Moon and the shard that was

Jer'rahd's are her prime interest. She dives into the Waning Moon's window.


The blade sings as it cuts through the air. This is the second time its master had used it in a thousand years and the weapon seemed to be jubilant to be used for what it was made for.

Jer'rahd dodges to the side, a tendril of black smoke tearing the ground up where he had been. He couldn't fight this thing; his weapon was being avoided and even if he could connect, there was no solid form to cut. His shields were effective at stopping it for a moment, but it quickly flowed around the energy. He would buy the others a bit more time before making a dash for the dome himself. That, at least, seemed to keep it at bay.


He glances back to see Twilight charging towards him.

“I told you to go with the others. Didn't Bleu grab you?!” Jer shouts, dodging another attack as the smoke moved around his shield.

“I'm here to help you!” Twilight yells back, drawing the Brilliant Dawn and lashing out at the tendrils of smoke trying to hit

“I don't need help. Now... shit,” Jer curses, raising a shield to block an attack on the purple unicorn as the creature notices her and lashes out.

He tries to move closer to the clearly brain-dead unicorn to make sure he only needed to focus on blocking one set of attacks. The smoke creature seemed intent on keeping the pair separated. Twilight was not helping either, practically running away from him in her pathetic attempts to dodge.

A blow from the smoke monster manages to get past his shield and knock the purple pony to the ground. Jer'rahd curses, rushing to stand over the fallen unicorn, his shields flashing to life as he focuses on defense until she gets back to her hooves. The Waning Moon falls as his magic leaves it to focus on shields. The weapon bounces off the ice and lands at the base of a jutting ice stalagmite.

“Damn it! Celestia told me to watch out for your sorry flank and here you are trying to throw it away. How ‘bout you listen for a cha... uurrrk!” Jer'rahd begins to yell, but a sharp pain at his side stops his rant.

He glances down to see a black blade of some sort jutting from Twilight's forehoof stabbing into his side. The black coloration quickly runs along her form to reveal some sort of strange bug-like pony creature lying in the snow. The blade retracts from his side with a spray of blood, sinking back into the creature’s foreleg. Jer'rahd growl, whirling to smash the thing, but a dark tendril of smoke slams into him, flinging him through the air to crash though a pillar of ice. Jer'rahd curses as he slides to a stop, feeling like he was just hit with a runaway cart.

“Leave the sword. Neither of us can touch it anyway. Make haste, little one; it will not be long before they send someone to find him. Locate the Crystal Heart and bring it to me. Do not let them succeed,” a deep voice rumbles.

Jer'rahd winces, trying to sit up. He winces again as his legs are kicked out from under him and he looks up into his own face staring down at him with a malicious grin.

“What the buck?” he manages before the changeling slams its hoof into his face, making the world go black.


Twilight pulls back with a gasp, shaking her head.

Bleu glances up from the book she had been reading as Twilight gasps. Rarity and Princess Cadence look on as well. She doesn’t see Pinkie, her brother, or Starfall.

“Did you find him?” Bleu asks.

“Not yet. It looks like he was captured. I know where his sword is, though; we are going to need to get that back. Rainbow, you and Bleu head back to where we were first attacked and look at the base of some of the snow spikes in the area; it should be there under a broken one, I think.

“On it. Come on, Bleu, let’s find that thing,” Rainbow shouts as she takes off.

Bleu looks at Twilight before taking to the air as well, following Rainbow Dash.

“Twilight, what do we do now?” Rarity asks.

“Where are the others?” Twilight asks as she stretches a bit.

“Your brother is hunting changelings and Starfall found a weapon smith and is trying to have him craft some weapon she can use. Pinkie Pie is running about making sure every crystal pony is still having a good time,” Rarity replies. “I am still lamenting the loss of that gorgeous crystalline form. Oh, why did it have to be temporary?”

Cadence chuckles as Twilight sighs. “I just came here to check on you before I head to bed for a looooong while, Twilight. Don't hesitate to wake me up if something else happens, though, okay?” Cadence mutters between yawns. “Try not to let anything happen for at least a few hours?”

“I will, though there shouldn't be anything else,” Twilight replies. “I still have to find Jer'rahd. So long as he is wearing that amulet, it should not be that hard to find. Then I need to send a letter to the Princess informing her of what’s happening.”

“That is a rather useful spell. You are going to have to teach it to me one of these days.” Cadence nods as she trots out of the room with a final yawn.


“Seems Celestia is doing rather well for herself now that we managed to get the dragons off Equestria's back. Make's my job a heck of a lot harder, though,” Rhede grumble,s looking down at the table and the half-full mug resting before him.

“How could peace make your job harder, Rhede?” Jer'rahd chuckles, downing another shot. He pauses to stare at the empty glass curiously, not really feeling anything.

“More work on the ambassadorial side of things. It doesn't make it any easier when she's paired me to Velkorn,” Rhede mutters. “Much as I enjoy her company, that zebra tagging along with me kinda makes me inflexible in what I can do while away.”

“Inflexible? That can’t be right; you told all the mares in the bar differently the other night...” Velkorn laughs out, already red-faced and giddy from the alcohol.

Jer'rahd watches as she and Rhede start a bit of banter. Starfall and Bleu are at the bar laughing about something that
Starcloud, the bartender, said. Something was wrong here, though. His friends were enjoying themselves and he was content with their company, but something was nagging him. It bothered him to the point where he was not enjoying himself as much as he should be.

The door to the bar swings open, admitting Princess Luna. Whatever doubts he had about what was wrong were pushed aside as she made her way over to him, leaning down to kiss his muzzle lightly.

He ignored the catcalls from Rhede and the laughter of his friends and the other bar patrons. Luna flushes a little at the attention, though that only makes her look cuter. In her presence, he could not remember what was bothering him.


Rhede sighs, slamming his head into the book. He needs a drink. The last thousand years in Equestria had been one big mess of politics. It is giving him a headache of epic proportions. It also doesn’t help that most of what Twilight has in her library are books on magic and legends. It had gone a great deal smoother when Spike was here; that little dragon seemed to know where every useful tome is, and even some that Rhede was sure had not been on the shelves when he looked them over.

Of course, the little dragon had also been pissy about being left behind and had stormed off when Rhede had brought it up to try and smooth over any brewing trouble. He had been tempted to go after him, but it really was not any of his business; the issue with the dragonling was between Spike and Twilight. He had enough to worry about without trying to play mediator for the two. Besides, he was just getting started on this book about them Twilight wrote. Hopefully, it had painted him in a flattering light.

Velkorn is another one who has been helping with the headache. It is clear the spell that originally tied her to him was gone; while she is still rather friendly towards him, she is also a great deal colder than he was used to. To be honest, he almost finds himself wishing for the infatuated zebra to return, though it is still better this way. A whole new time period, she could easily find somepony who would treat her right in this time. Maybe that massive decedent of his, Big Mac. She had been spending a great deal of time in the hospital with him.

He winces at that thought and blinks. Is he jealous of a farm pony? Oh yeah, he needs a drink, though mostly, he just needs to concentrate on something and ignore the past; it’s not as if he can change anything now.


“Ahhh, hello again, little dragonling. Back for more of my tasty gems?” the earth pony shouts, waving a hoof as Spike trundles up.

“Hmm? Oh hey, Lodestone. Nah, not today; not really hungry,” Spike mumbles, pausing before the market stall.

When he left the library, he had been mad, but the longer he had walked, the less angry he had become and the more depressed he became. There’s this great adventure going on in an unknown land and he is stuck here playing foal sitter to an oversexed earth pony from a thousand years in the past. He had not been paying attention to where he was going while he mused and his feet had followed a familiar path to the market square before he realized it.

“That's too bad; I was hoping for a bit of business today. With Miss Rarity gone and you not hungry, I might as well close up for the day,” Lodestone sighs, tossing his head and flicking his mottled gray and black mane out of his eyes.


“Hmmmmm. You look rather down, my boy.” The dirt colored earth pony regards the dragonling curiously, rubbing his hoof along the underside of his scruffy chin. “Tell yah what, no sense in having a sad customer. It's bad for my shops image. You remember when you asked me where I got the gems? Well, I am going to go meet him in a bit, since I’m closing early. If you want to tag along, I don't think my supplier would mind. He seemed curious when I said someone was interested in where he got his gems.”

“Huh, what?” Spike blinks, looking up at the pony. “I didn't really mean it; I was just making conversation.”

“Oh, not so curious, then?”

“Well, maybe a little. I am kinda curious how you work. I mean, these gems are cheaper than anywhere else.”

“Hah anyway, if yah want tah tag along, feel free,” Lodestone chuckles. “Got a little meeting spot outside of town. He prefers living alone, has me bring him a paper and supplies every so often. Doesn't seem to like crowds.”

“Kinda like Zecora, then?”

“Yeah, I suppose so. She occasional stops by too tah buy a few things for her potions; mostly pearls, though. Mighty hard to get those. But for such an attractive mare, I cut her a bit of a deal on them regardless.”
Spike sighs, ignoring the pony as he rambles on about Zecora for a while. Lodestone is a fairly nice guy, but he seems to always be attracted to mares that are his exact opposite.

“So you up for it, kid? Shouldn’t take more than an hour or two.”

“Sure, why not? Beats going back to the library.”


Velkorn is amazed. There are new technologies and new cures that she had not even considered. Granted, there were new diseases and illnesses popping up just as often as the cures were developed, but the speed with which these were countered is astounding. The hospital, the machines, the way medication and cures are prepared and found is unbelievable.

If Zecora was correct and all of this had come from the books she left her nephew...

She still had not been wont to believe it, but two major things pointed out the truth in her descendant’s words. The Queen’s Cross, a red plus on a white backdrop, is the most recognized medical symbol in the world of today. The second most recognizable are a multitude of variations of her cutie mark.

The caduceus adorning her flank is an old zebra shamanistic symbol, one that is used often to mark medicine or a healer. Long after most had forgotten its meaning, it became her cutie mark when she discovered her gift for treating the sick and injured. Now, a thousand years later, it is almost as common as the Queen’s Cross as a symbol for doctors and pharmacists.

While most of the doctors know Zecora from some of the work she did in gathering rare plants, as well as her knowledge of obscure and unusual sicknesses, none of them are willing to believe Velkorn is who Zecora said she is.

To tell the truth, that they were willing to let her stay and watch how some of their treatments went is enough for her. She does not care about recognition. That the hospital had a massive medical library was a great help as well. Most of the books even show how to treat injuries with magic and without it. Many of the newer terms confuse her, though Zecora stayed with her to help out.

Still, there is no way she can learn a thousand years’ worth of medical knowledge in the short time she would have to study it before the others return and the hunt begins again for the ones who escaped, particularly if she was going to help the one named Applejack with what she wanted.

There is also another matter that she was trying very hard not to dwell on: Rhede. Now that the spell is gone, she is unsure what to think of him. At first, she had been of the opinion that she only befriended the others because of him, though she soon realized that she met and became friends with Jer'rahd before she even knew Rhede existed. Bleu was very difficult not to like. She had empathy for Luna and Starfall's situations and despite her disagreements with their methods, she rather liked the pair of them.

Once all that had been settled in her mind, she had felt a good deal better at realizing it was not just for Rhede that she had done everything.

Then there was Rhede himself. She still has a lingering feeling that she had lost something when it came to him. She no longer has the desire to pursue him as she had before. She could easily recall all the times he had wronged her, and yet, there was also all the times he had gone out of his way to try and help her.

With no compulsion, she is unsure exactly how she views him anymore. She wants to be angry at him, but she had found she could not hold onto it for long. In truth, while he might have been a reason she had chosen to be sealed for a thousand years, he was not the only reason. While she is not happy to have lost what little family she had in the past, she knew he is by far worse off in that regard, despite how well he has been hiding it.

This is not something she should be dwelling on now. She still has much to learn before she would be of any use to her friends in this time.


Twilight curses silently to herself as she floats in the void of stars. She glares at the window before her; something is blocking her ability to view what is happening right now. Every time she had tried, she was either shown blackness or thrown back to watching Jer'rahd get knocked out by the changeling. She knew how to adjust the spell to supposedly get past that sort of thing, but… wait....

She glides back, looking at the windows to the other shards, and then to Jer'rahd's window. It is dark, much darker than the
others, and she had been so focused on it that she had not seen it was a different shade. This is Sombra's magic, it has to be. She drifts around the window, looking at it from all sides and comparing it to the others before growling lightly. Her eyes close, her horn starts to glow, and the coloration of her power changes to black again. Her eyes snap open, green light flaring from them.

The other windows brighten considerably, though the darkness seems to fade from Jer'rahd's window and she quickly slips into it, not sure of how long she can keep the dark energy going like this.


Jer'rahd groans, slowly lifting his head. His left eye is swollen shut and his body won't move properly. Thankfully, there had been no dreams. Of course the reality is just as bad.

He is in some sort of ice cavern, light filtering in through the crack in the ice above, illuminating the whole place with a blue and white coloration. He seems to be in a central chamber with several tunnels that lead away in front of him. He can feel a gentle, if frigid, breeze against his face and guesses the tunnel directly ahead of him is the way out. Granted, it does not seem like he would get a chance to use that information.

He is encased in a strange black crystal all the way up to his neck. He can barely turn his head as it is, his horn is studded with the black crystals, and to top it off, he has no idea where his sword is. He briefly attempts to cast a spell, seeking to make a grab for his weapon if he can, or at least pick up a rock to try and chip his way free of his bondage.
He flinches as his attempt fails, a sharp stab of pain running through his horn the only reward for the effort.


“Ahhh, finally awake, I see. Good; I wish to speak with you, pony,” a deep voice rumbles from behind him.

Jer'rahd turns his head as best as can, though the jagged crystals about his neck jab into his flesh, preventing much movement. Thankfully, the shadowy form moves into his line of sight, settling down in front of him. The head of a pony seems mounted on a body of smoke. A red horn juts from its skull and green glowing eyes regard the trapped unicorn.

“And who the buck are you?” Jer'rahd growls. “And what's with the weird accent?”

“Hmm, more vulgar than I had expected from a bearer of an Element, but you do not seem of noble blood, so I should have expected no less. Granted, your attitude may well be justified in this situation, so I shall let it slide for the moment. My name… never mind my name; I am known as King Sombra now. What I went as before no longer matters.”

“So you're the one trying to conquer the empire, eh?”

“I am simply taking back what is mine: that which was stolen from me not once, but twice by Aviana and then her successors. And now, once again, the kingdom of Equestria seeks to stop me. I will have what is mine to end my love’s suffering.”

Jer'rahd growls at hearing the name. “That name... you know her. Who the buck is Aviana? Why the hell is it every time I’m up to my neck in shit, that's the name that gets dropped!?”

Sombra seems taken aback by the rage Jer'rahd is displaying, but he recovers quickly. “Hmmmm, another who is pissed at her existence. You and the dragon would be quite close in your mindset if he still lived. A bearer of Honesty dragged down by the lies of one he believed in.”

“Back on the subject, Sombra, who the buck is Avaiana?!”

“Here I thought I was the one to be asking things, but no matter; I will humor you. It may reveal more of what I wish to know.

She is my love's little sister, one quite jealous of the power we shared, the one who cursed us, and sealed us away along with the dragon, though that poor beast only sought to make things right. Tartarus was not kind to him. Not as if it was kind to any of us, but he was young and soft when he was sealed. When he emerged, ripping his way across dimensions with his bare claws, he was naught but a creature of rage and death, hell-bent on revenge. He wanted her blood more than any of us. We both followed him, fought with him to escape. My love was dragged back and I was thrown clear along with the beast.

A greater torture I have never endured than to be apart from her. Revenge was not coming for any of us. The one we sought was far gone from the world.”

“Who was she?”

“My love, or the one you hate so much? Never mind, it matters little. It is my turn to ask the questions. You are a bearer of an Element; Loyalty, if I am sensing correctly. You have a great deal of power within you, a great deal of energy, a great deal of love, though there is a darkness about you as well. Proof that you, too, sought the books, and used their power. Perhaps you loved a goddess as well?”

Jer'rahd narrows his eyes and Sombra smiles at the reaction.

“Perhaps you will tide my Crystal over until I can retrieve the heart, a gift of sorts to apologize for not being able to save her for all those years. “

“If you were going to feed me to someone, why bother to tell me a damn thing?”

“Because if my plan works out, there will be no need of her to feed from you. Millennium upon millennium of power, all fueled by love and hope reside in that crystal. I started on it long ago before Aviana banished us. The foals stole it after my defeat and are using it for something as pathetic as a defense system. The crystal ponies have lost much of their ability since my first fall; they forget their true purpose.”

“I thought it was sort of a feel-good energy or whatever.”

“No, nothing of the sort. The empire was more of a... canary in a coal mine, I believe was the term. While what happens in the empire can be felt across the lands, the reverse is true as well. Those functions have been left to the crystal, despite its original purpose to aid my love. If I can acquire it, I can save her and perhaps the rest of the swarm as well.”

“Swarm? What are you talking about?”

Sombra sighs. “If I fail, you will find out once she drains you. It is a side effect of her feeding that makes the swarm, but one that cannot be helped. With the power inside you, you should last her some time.”

“That still doesn't explain why you are bothering to explain all of this.”

“You are insurance. If I succeed, then you and many others will be freed. If I fail, you will be a food source to sate her until I can recover, if I recover. If you are turned, the power you have will be turned as well and you will make a potent ally for the swarm. I do not wish to be the bad guy in all this. I am simply doing what must be done.”

“Not the bad guy? How the buck does attacking an empire you enslaved and feeding ponies to something not scream out
‘hey, I’m the bad guy here?’” snaps Jer'rahd.

“You bear, or bore, the element of Loyalty. What would you do to save the one you love more than anything else?” Sombra notes Jer'rahd's flinch at that. “Or should I ask what have you done? Something worse than what I am? It seems we are somewhat of kindred spirits in that way... I expect you would do anything for the one you are sworn to as well.“
Sombra glances back and sighs softly as the crystal starts to grow up over Jer'rahd’s head. “You had best pray that I acquire the Crystal Heart, Bearer of Loyalty....”

Sombra floats off as a massive black-armored form crawls into the cave. Its legs and wings are full of holes and spines run down its back. A great horned head with wide bug-like eyes stares down at the trapped pony. Jer'rahd squirms as the crystals rise higher. The creature may have once been a dragon, though it looked more like a mutant bug of some kind now.

“Take him to the hive. Tell your queen he is a gift from me, and I will join her there as soon as I can,” Sombra orders.
The dragon changeling’s response is lost as the black crystal covers Jer'rahd's head.


Twilight yanks back all the way out of the spell, her eyes wide. What the heck was going on here? What did Aviana do to them? Chrysalis and Sombra were in Tartarus and got free? Who was the dragon?

“Welcome back, sparkle butt. We found his sword; you find out where Boss is?” Bleu asks from where she sits on the table, the Waning Moon resting before her.

Twilight blinks, looking up from the amulet as Bleu scoops it up and puts it back over her neck.

Rainbow Dash turns her head to the pair of them, clearly curious herself. “Found the sword right where you said it would be, Twi. I hope you have some more good news.”

“The changelings have him,” Twilight sighs. Dash winces and Bleu tilts her head curiously. “Bleu, I need to send a message to the Princess.”


Starfall snorts as she looks over the weapons in the store with a disapproving glare.

“Problem, ma’am?” the shop keeper asks. He is a white crystal pony with a blacksmith’s anvil as a cutie mark who had introduced himself as Quartz when she came in.

“I thought you said you sold weapons. All I am seeing are these stupid crystal decorations that look like weapons. If I wanted a show piece, I could have gotten something in Canterlot. What the heck are you trying to pull with this shit? I thought the empire had seen battle and was actually able to make a decent blade?”

Quartz glares at Starfall before flinging open the small door of his counter and storming over to her. The white crystal pony is a little taller than her and has no problems shoving his face into hers.

“If you had not helped save the empire, mare, I would beat the tar outta you and throw you from my shop on your flank for that insult,” Quartz snarls. “I don't give a shit what you think about my weapons. I know that there's not a damn weapon better on the planet than what I make.”

“All I see are some tourist trinkets made out of the same crap as the rest of the city. You might as well be selling snow globes. Most of this shit looks ready to fall apart the moment you hit something harder than a sponge,” Starfall retorts, not backing down in the slightest. “I don't buy for a moment this colored glass is better than a common steel blade, and most of those I’ve seen in this era are shit too. I was hoping a shop from an older time might have something worth a damn.”

“Yer getting dangerously close tah making me forget my manners, mare.”

“Good, you should be ashamed for shilling this crap. You say they're better; prove it!”

The crystal pony grins. “Now that's the challenge I was waiting fer.”

He trots away, leaving Starfall standing there blinking. He ducks back behind his counter and pulls out a large blue crystal ax. He trots past her again and out the back door with a muffled order shouted around his ax's grip for her to follow.

She follows, curious as to what the pony is doing. Behind the shop is a strange garden of some sort, filled with towering crystals as well as a normal smithy to the side. It is towards this he trots, setting the ax down atop the anvil before heading back further into the smithy. She follows along, looking at the strange shards of crystal growing in the garden and wondering what the point of them is. A loud clang brings her attention back to Quartz as he yanks a sledgehammer from under a pile of scrap metal.

“Now watch closely, girly, an’ yah might learn something, like how to be properly appreciative of a stallion’s trade!” he grunts.

He picks up the sledgehammer in his mouth and smashes it down on the crystal ax. He hammers on the weapon for a few moments, dropping his full weight into each blow, but doing little more than making the crystal chime and bounce atop the anvil with each hit.

Starfall tilts her head as he beats on the ax. She is a little surprised it is that tough, though with the crystal buildings around here having more stress and weight on them than this, it was not that impressive to see the crystal was stronger than it looked.

The shop keeper notices her nonplussed look and tosses the hammer aside. He then picks the ax up in his mouth again and brings it down suddenly, cutting through the cold iron anvil as if it was a stick of warm butter.

Starfall's eyes widen as the shop keeper raises the ax up again, showing the edge is not even dulled before he chops the anvil up a few more times, each piece sliced though cleanly. He leaves the weapon embedded in the steel and wood block beneath it, shaking his head and looking up at the pegasus with a wide grin.

“Well, mare? Whatcha got to say about my work now?”

“How much?”


“Ya'll sure about this?” AJ questions.

“I should be asking you that; you said you wanted some training.” Rhede smirks.

Rhede and Fluttershy both lean over the railing, looking into one of Applejack's rodeo training pens. Inside, the pen is clear save for Applejack and Velkorn. The CMC are draped and bouncing on the other side of the pen along with Zecora, all
curious to see what’s going on.

“Yeah, but I expected with some sort of weapons or whatnot...” AJ looks apprehensively over at the aebra mare limbering up.

“Ah'm no stranger tah brawling, but ah don't think ah'm set fer her sorta fighting.”

“You're not really built to use a weapon, either,” Rhede counters.

“What tha’ heck is that supposed tah mean?” AJ snaps.

“I figured that would be taken the wrong way. Look, I can teach you to use a weapon if you want, but judging by your build, and rear legs in particular, you are more hooves on than that,” Rhede placates.

“What are you looking at my flank for!?” AJ shouts, getting more annoyed, though Fluttershy has to stifle a giggle.

“Oh for the love of Celestia's rump... I am related to you; I am not looking at you like that. I am going by your strength; I think that you would be better suited to put that leg power into training unarmed. As an earth pony, your primary attacks would be holding the weapon in your mouth to strike. Neither your jaw nor your neck is built up as much as the rest of you. I mean, crap, look at Jer. He could bite a tree in half. I’m not any good to train you, as I rely more on dexterity than strength. We could train you in a weapon, but that would take a great deal longer as you have probably not used anything more than a rope as a weapon you whole life.”

“And rocks!” Apple Bloom chimes from the other side of the pen. “‘Member what yah did tah those timber wolves?”

Rhede grumbles. “Despite the situation, the less any of you know about killing, the better.”

“Oh right... well, why Velkorn?” AJ questions as she looks over at the zebra a bit nervously.

“She can go all out and still pull her blows enough that you might not even bruise,” Rhede states. “Plus, she's much better at this sort of fighting than I am. To be honest, I doubt there is any one better in this age.”

“You ken do it, sis! Kick her flank!” Apple Bloom shouts.

AJ sighs. “That ain't tha point of this, Apple Bloom. Alright, ah' get where yer coming from, yah dun got tah be so critical of how ah look.”

“You realize in my time, what I said would be considered a compliment?”

Velkorn snorts. “The time for this sort of talking is done. You have much to learn and we have not even begun,” Velkorn growls before launching herself at the orange earth pony.

“Aw crud...” AJ mutters as she scrambles to try and defend herself.


Luna is asleep, but he cannot bring himself to do the same. Something is wrong, he can feel it. None of this is right. Every time he had started to try and think of why, something had distracted him, or his mind had gone fuzzy.

“This is aggravating; he continues to resist.”

His ears perk at the voice. It is barely audible, though it is clear, as if the one speaking is right next to him. The books again?

Wait.... what books? Where did that thought come from?

“He fights you, my queen?” a crackling whiny voice hisses.

“No; it is strange. Most tend to fight me and the spell; he is more fighting himself than me. He is a wealth of food, though it is trying to extract it from him. The damnable guard captain was not even this much trouble.”

What is going on... what food? Jer'rahd glances over to Luna, seeing her still asleep as he sits up.

“Maybe an older memory. This gala he has been relating to, perhaps I can base something off of that. Most of his memories are buried deep, though this is something that he remembers fondly. Perhaps I can use that to craft something to keep him complacent.”

Jer'rahd stands up from the bed and moves around the room. The voice is unchanging in volume or tone. He is not sure why, but he knows that the female voice he is hearing is part of what is off about all this. His eyes widen as his body suddenly fails to respond and he falls to the floor, his consciousness leaving him.

“In any event, once he is changed, he will be a powerful member of the swarm.”


“What the buck do you mean ‘no’? You show me all this, and then you tell me ‘no, you won't sell it’?” Starfall snarls.

“Of course I won't sell it. The ax is mine and the blades out on the floor are just display pieces. So no, I won't be selling them.” Quartz smirks, trotting back into his shop with the annoyed pegasus on his heels.

“Then why did you bother to show me them?”

“Because you came here for a weapon. I still plan to sell you one; just not the one of these.”


“Iron is an interesting choice for a weapon; you mine it, smelt it, forge it, and sharpen it. Repeated use dulls it, and if the weather gets to it, it will destroy it. Only time I have seen iron defy these rules is when a dragon forges the weapon. The magic they put into it ignores all those factors. Ponies can't replicate that level of devotion to something of the earth. Well, most ponies. We crystal ponies are something else entirely.”

He pulls a small box from a shelf behind the counter, gesturing for her to follow him back outside. Starfall snorts, though she follows the pony again. This time, he trots to the strange garden. Several even rows of multicolored crystals jut from the ground, and he looks at some of them sadly.

“The last vestiges of the resistance. When Sombra first took over, more than a few of us were going to fight him, and I started making weapons, though many were killed when the resistance was found out before they could collect what was made. I leave them as a reminder, though with Sombra defeated, these paltry markers may not be needed any more if we can make a proper memorial.”

“What are you talking about? What are these?”

“They are the weapons of fallen warriors, miss. Ones for soldiers that never made it back to collect them. They have grown wild since they were planted, and I don't have the heart to cut them back. You don't forge crystal weapons... you grow them.”

“How long does that take?”

“Depends on how much you feed them.”

He stops by a blank spot in the garden, digging a hole with his hoof and setting the box aside with his tail.

“Never seen what happens when a pegasus does this. Should be interesting.”

“When a pegasus does what?”

He opens the box, showing a small shard of light blue crystal. “Go ahead and pick that up.”
Starfall reaches over with a wing, lifting the tiny bit of crystal out with her feathers and looking it over curiously. “So what is this?”

“A weapon seed. The color of it doesn't matter right now, as it will change depending on the desire of its planter to become what it will. So what is your desire?”

Starfall glares at him. The pair lock eyes, both keeping a straight face for a few moments before Quartz cracks a smile.

“Fine, fine; can't blame a stallion for trying to flirt a little,” Quartz chuckles.

“Anyway, what do I have to do with this thing? Just plant it?” Starfall asks, ignoring his attempt at charm.

“Give the seed blood and it will grow. The rest is basically magic. It will grow into the weapon that most suits you or that you are best with. Now then, the good stuff: for as long as you live, a weapon bonded as such will never break or need sharpening. Even if some how you do manage to break it, it will heal with more of your blood. The bad news is that if someone can make a spell using your blood, they can do the same with the weapon.”

“Hmmm, a bit problematic if Bloodtail knows a spell like that,” Starfall muses. “Growing a weapon is going to be pointless, however. As soon as we find out where Jer'rahd is, we are going after him. I can't wait for a weapon to grow.”

“Then just feed it a bit more at first.”

“What does that even mean?”

The pony holds up his foreleg, showing a scar that shows even through the crystalline fur he had.

“Like I said, it feeds on blood. Another down side is the wound made to feed it will never heal properly and will always leave a scar. From experience, I can say that it sometimes still aches.”

“Blood?” Starfall mutters looking down at the crystal a moment.

“Yep, a bit of blood and then drop it in the ground. One of the reasons we don't do armor. A weapon is one thing, but getting a pony to stand in one spot for several days as it grows around them is another. Plus they could never take it off....AKK NOT THAT MUCH!”

Starfall had not really been listening as she grips the shard in her teeth, the head bending down to draw the sharp edge of the crystal across her chest. The pain is sharp, but not anything more than she had felt before in battle. Quartz rushes back inside to get bandages as she takes the shard with her wing again, rolling it over though the blood as it runs down her chest from the wound.

She hopes this will work as the shop keeper said; if his ax was any indication, the weapon would be potent and might just give her an edge she would need to save her friend, as well as finish some old business with that damned bird.

She drops the crystal into the hole, letting the blood drip from her wing tips into the ground along with it. Besides, why should Jer'rahd and Twilight get the only cool weapons?

She blinks a moment at that thought, chuckling to herself. Seems her new friend Rainbow Dash was rubbing off on her a bit more than she thought.


It had been several hours since Celestia had received Twilight's letter. She and Luna had seen the visual effect of the Crystal Empire's restoration and had expected a message. They had not expected the one they had gotten.

Luna was alternating between depression and panic. It was clear to Celestia that her sister thought she had time to ease into interacting with her former companions again. Now Jer'rahd was missing and in the hooves of someone who could easily make him into a larger threat to Equestria than he already was.

Much as Aqua had claimed Andre and his power, Chrysalis could find a way to make the beast within Jer'rahd serve her.
She had sent several squads of pegasus chariots north to retrieve the group there. The reactivation of the empire and the power flowing from it made any sort of teleportation at that distance risky at best. Cadence and Shining would remain in order to make sure everything was secure in the empire. Despite the defeat, Celestia was not convinced Sombra was destroyed.

The trip back should have them in Canterlot the day after tomorrow. She had much to prepare by that point. At the moment, however, her concern was Luna.

“Lulu, please calm yourself,” Celestia speaks reassuringly to her sister.

“Calm myself? Calm myself?! Sister, if any point was a time not to be calm, this is it. Are you grasping what will happen if he is turned? The beast under Chrysalis control? Any plan we might have had to save him will be gone, along with the rest of Equestria,” Luna growls. “We do not even know where they took him and you expect me to be calm? This is the worst-case situation that I have feared.”

“It is not a worst case scenario. We know where they have likely taken him, and though this speeds up the plan a bit further than I wished, I am growing used to that when dealing with your friends,” Celestia states taking a sip of tea, and watching her sister pace back and forth in her sitting room. “It will take some time for someone as strong as Jer'rahd to be converted to the swarm. Twilight has confirmed this from what she saw in her scry, as something Sombra was counting on.”

“With how I have treated him, I doubt he has enough love left to last long at all,” Luna mutters, her ears drooping. “Yet another disaster that is my fault...”

“Despite how you have treated him, it is clear he still loves you, and even if he did not, he loves his friends. She may find him a feast, but the time it will take her to eat that feast buys us a little time.”

“You know where he is, then?”Luna questions. “You have found the hive?”

“It was discovered several months ago, an old volcano in the Haysead swamps. Luckily, my scouts were not found out or she may have moved it again. We have the location, and we were already preparing to capture the changelings or destroy them if we had to. I planned to have Kaisur train the guards that would be raiding the hive, or at least participate in the raid when it happened. Unfortunately, there is no longer time to wait. With luck, this will be the end of the queen for good. Granted, I thought that when I first faced her as well,” Celestia sighs.

Luna's eyes narrow a bit. “When you first faced her? You speak as if the wedding was not the first encounter with this creature. What do you mean, Tia? You have battled her before?”

“Yes. Aviana and I fought her long before you were born. We sealed her and her swarm in Tartarus, as per our agreement with the ferry mare. Back then, she did not look as she does now, I only recognized her from the feel of her magic in our duel. All the old fears and memories of that time came back to me at once. When it did, I panicked and she gained the upper hoof.”

“I had wondered how you lost so easily in a test of magic power, sister. You defeated me on your own in the past at the
height of my power and you have waxed in strength since then. You still should have sent someone to get me from the garden...”

“There was no time... there is never enough time... I do not wish you to be involved in this at all, Lulu. You will remain here at the castle for this operation.”

“What? Why is that? I can be of great aid in this conflict and you know this.”

“I am sorry, Lulu. While I would like to be able to trust you in conflict, this situation is too much a risk for me to allow you to go,” Celestia states, and continues before Luna can protest. “You are eager to go and that is good. It is nice to see you returning to how I once remembered you: a mare willing to take action. However, we both know what is at stake here. Your emotional state is already a wreck, just from your friends returning from stone. You are not fit to be in a life or death situation at this point. What control you have over yourself is likely to slip in a stressful situation, and judging by the last time you met
Kaisur, his mere presence will unbalance you. Do you have issue with this?”

Luna seems to deflate a bit. “Nay, sister; I understand your worry, you need not remind me. I know my own actions in situations such as this. In the heat of battle, I may lose myself, or call upon more power than I wish. I will remain here.”

“Thank you. With all your worry of what you might become, I was afraid this might cause you to rush in with little regard to what may happen. It is a reason I have not informed the ones remaining in Ponyville of what has happened yet. I do not need
Rhede and Velkorn charging in without giving us time to prepare. While I know you will do your best not to rely on the darker powers you have, emotion and stress may bring them out whether you wish them or not.”

“Then it seems this conversation is over until the others arrive. I shall retire for now, sister.” Luna trots towards the door, her head low as she sulks. She stops suddenly, her ears perking as she raises her head. Celestia is certain that her sister has a smirk on her face for a moment, though it was gone before she could be sure.

”Tia... when the others return from the Crystal Empire, would you send Rarity to me? I wish to speak with her.”

“As you wish, though I fully expect you to be present for the briefing.”

“Thank you Tia. I shall see you this evening.”


Spike sighs, looking up at Lodestone as he takes a seat on a rock in the clearing. The pair had walked for about an hour along the edge of the Everfree Forest before Lodestone went into the woods, up a path to this clearing.

Lodestone had been pulling his cart, though when they arrived, he unhitched it and settled back on a rock, glancing occasionally at a fair sized cave on the other side of the clearing. Spike could smell something; he was sure it was a dragon. That made him rather nervous, but also curious. As far as he could tell, it was rather rare that wild dragons had any contact with ponies, and for one to be so close to town, too.

“So this is where he is?” Spike questions.

“Yup, first place I met him too. I was gonna mine some gems in the cave over there and he sorta popped out on me. Figured I was a goner for sure, though I guess he stayed his hoof, errr claw ‘cause he found out I was a merchant. Started discussing business with me.” Lodestone takes out a pipe and packs it with tobacco before lighting it with a match.

“So he trades gems to you?”

“Yep; I occasionally get old relics from him as well. I’m guessing it’s either stuff he hoarded or there’s something in that hole that he keeps finding stuff in. In either case, not my business. I pay him in bits and other odds and ends and he’s content. Fair price, too.” Lodestone chuckles as he puffs on his pipe.

A rumbling from the cave stops the line of questioning as a pair of glowing eyes slink from the darkness of the cave. The red orbs pause as they pass over the pair before the creature emerges into the light, the eyes belonging to a rather large green dragon. The creature squints in the sunlight, sniffing the air and glaring at the pair of them.

“‘Sup Jade; didn't wake you, did I?” Lodestone smirks.

“Not this time, but that foul weed you smoke is enough to wake the dead. Did you get what I requested?” the dragon rumbles as he stretches. His attention turns to the little purple dragon hiding behind the earth pony. “Who is that?”

“Everything on your list is in the cart, same as always.” Lodestone smirks. “This little guy is Spike, the one we talked about last time who was curious about the gems you been getting.”

“Umm, hello, sir…” Spike mutters.

“I was unaware there were any dragons in Ponyville..” Jade blinks, tilting his great spined head as he looks at the smaller dragon. “And with such an interesting scent as well...”

“Yup, Spike here’s one of my best customers. Didn't see much harm in bringing him along for this trip,” Lodestone states.

Jade nods, slipping back into the cave. He pushes out a cart full of gems before moving over to look at the cart Lodestone brought while the earth pony looks over the gems.

“What is it you wanted to know, dragonling?” Jade grumbles, seemingly satisfied with the supplies in the cart.

“Errr well, just kinda curious actually. I mean, some of these gems are hard to come by, and I sorta wanted to know where…” Spike rambles.

“Hard to come by for ponies, perhaps. Tell me, are you even a dragon, or some sort of disguised pony? Your scent fits neither,” Jade growls.

Spike winces, having heard a variation of that question asked to him by a dragon before. “I'm a dragon... I just...”

“He's the librarian’s assistant, one of the Princess’s students, fairly potent little unicorn mare. Nice flank on her, too; a little too young for me, mind you. Smart cookie, though,” Lodestone informs as he attaches himself to the gem cart.

“One of the ones from the Princess’s school huh? Interesting. A dragon that likely knows nothing of itself. Have you ever considered what being a dragon actually is, whelping? Ever wonder what you missed by being raised by ponies?”

“Well, I did, until I followed the migration last year....”

“Those uncultured beasts are not dragons. They are simply shadows of what dragons should be. All muscle and no brains,” Jade snorts as Lodestone rolls his eyes. “I would not have another of my kind grow to be like them. I am sure there have been times you wish you knew more about what you are and can do.”

“Well... yeah...” Spike nods.

“I am a bit of a scholar myself. If you wish to learn, I am willing to teach. You know where to find me now, if you decide learn a dragon’s proper place in this world. Do not enter my cave, however; simply wait out here. I will smell you if you come,” Jade rumbles. “I shall see you next week then, Lodestone. I have nothing special to request this time; my usual order will do.”

“Not a problem, Jade, see yah next week. Come on, Spike. Let's hit the road.” Lodestone says.

"Um yeah... errr, thanks...” Spike calls as he leaves with Lodestone.

A rumble from the cave is his only response.


“I never should have waited so long to say
What I've always known since the very first day
Thought that you would stay forever with me
But the time has come to leave....”

Bleu is in rare form tonight. He knew she had been practicing this song for a while, though he is unsure if she was going to sing it. The song is a tribute to Platinum, though for some reason, he is sure she had never sang it before He had heard her practice it while she was training him to dance, so why wouldn't she sing it here?

He and Luna had retreated from the dance floor after a thunderous applause following their showing on the dance floor. The effort and the attention had left both of them red faced and they had slipped off to avoid anyone else trying to congratulate them. Neither of them is much for the attention, though they can still hear Bleu singing in the unused side room they found.

“Before we blow out the lights and close our eyes
I'll tell you a secret, I've held all my life
It's you that I live for and for you I die
So I'll lay here with you, till the final goodbye....”

Jer'rahd thinks this song is a bit too morbid, though Bleu insisted it would be the last song, as she couldn’t stop herself from crying as she sang it. He glances over to Luna, watching her face have the same effect from the music as Bleu's did, though perhaps she was thinking of Hooper. He had known this was a bad choice.

“Hold, draw me close, close to my lips
Listen intently, as I tell you this
Outside the world wages its wars”
I'll rest in peace as long as you know.....

The tempo increases in the tune, though only Bleu's voice came through the walls clearly. Something feels off. He feels like Mustang should be doing something here that he needs to stop, but nothing of note had happened at all, and most everyone was enthralled with the band and Bleu's singing... what was the last song? She had said there were six the band was allowed to do, but so far there were five, and this was to be the last... what was the song before this?

“Before we blow out the lights and close our eyes
I'll tell you a secret, I've held all my life
It's you that I live for and for you I die
So I'll lay here with you, till the final goodbye....”

The music pitch rises again and his thoughts are brought to a screeching halt as he feels Luna press against his side, her head draping over his shoulders. He stands with mute shock, doing his best not to move as to not disturb her. Granted, he is not sure if he can move if he tries with her this close.

“Promise you our love will carry on
Until you turn eternal, we belong”

This song... was she thinking about Hooper? Or could it be, is actually thinking about him?

“Before we turn out the lights and close our eyes
I'll tell you a secret, I've held all my life
It's you that I live for and for you I die
So I'll lay here with you, till the final goodbye.....”

He struggles not to tense up, feeling the weight of the Goddess of War pressed against him. He swallows slightly, turning his head back a little to try and see what is wrong... is she crying?

“respectful lips for the last time
Spell out the lyrics to love in the sky
It's you that I live for and for you I die
So I'll lay here with you, till the final goodbye, goodbye.....”

“Please Jer'rahd... don't go anywhere... I do not wish to be alone...” Luna mutters.

He blinks, closing his eyes as the final notes die off. “I won't leave you, Luna. I never will...”


“Alright, bring them out!” a crystal pony guard shouts.

Another group of guards trot out into the throne room: four earth ponies, two pegasi, and a unicorn.

Cadence is still asleep, though Shining Armor had stood in for his wife in this instance. When the crystal ponies had regained their memories, a rather large number had remembered that they were part of some sort of resistance against Sombra's rule. Shining had gathered them up and made them the new Royal Guard until others could be trained.
Bleu, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight were present as well. Rarity had gone shopping and Starfall had not returned from her search for a weapon. Celestia had sent word that she was sending chariots to bring them back to Canterlot.

Twilight, with Bleu sitting on her back, looks over the seven ponies before her rather curiously. Like her group, all of them are still normal ponies. The rest of the empire had all turned to their crystalline forms. They had as well, though the power change had been temporary, much to Rarity's annoyance. Now there were seven others. With the threat of the changelings, it would be best to check out anything odd, and seven normal ponies in a city of crystal ponies fit that.

“HI, BERRY!” Pinkie yells.” What are you doing here?”

Pinkie bounds past the others, hopping over to a lavender earth pony with a reddish purple mane and tail. The earth pony waves back, then glances to the guards as they glare at her.

“Hey Pinkie, ummmmm whats going on?” Berry questions.

“Oh, just a changeling check. What are you doing here in the Crystal Empire?” Pinkie blabs as Twilight and Shining both face hoof.

“Research” Berry grins.

“Research? What kind?” Pinkie asks.

“Well, I know some ponies in Canterlot who heard about this place coming back and well, as soon as I saw the train, I hopped on to get out here,” Berry explains.

“Umm, why would you do that, Berry?” questions Dash. “Why the big rush?”

“Crystal Cider!” Berry nearly drools and Rainbow Dash face hooves. “A booze that has not been seen or tasted in Equestria for who the heck knows how long. I had to be the first to try it!”

“Cider... you came all the way out here for cider?” Twilight asks in disbelief.

“Yep, that's definitely Berry Punch alright,” Pinkie confirms.

Twilight sighs and floats the Brilliant Dawn over, tapping the pony on the head lightly anyway. Berry just looks at the sword confused for a moment and shrugs as Pinkie drags her off, her mouth still going nonstop at finding a friend out here.

“Are you sure this will work Twili?” Shining questions, watching the two earth ponies trot and bounce off.

“Sombra said that he and the changeling couldn't touch the sword. I figure this may be why. I studied what I could about star metal, and I think it disrupts the natural flow of magic, which is why it makes it effective against gods and magical creatures, as most gods are full representatives of their race showing every aspect of their kind and thus loaded with magic from each the...”

“TWILIGHT!” Rainbow Dash butts in. “Save the egg-headed stuff for later and just try it on the next one.”

“Right, right, here goes,” Twilight mutters, looking a bit dejected she had been stopped in the middle of explaining, though the glazed-over look Shining was giving her reinforced that none of them were really interested.
She floats the Brilliant Dawn over to the pegasi. Both glare, though they don't move away as they are tapped, though one huffs in annoyance.

“I informed you that we were of the Royal Guard,” the first snorts, though the other sighs.

“Calm down, Breezy; it's a safety precaution,” Peach Blossom mutters. “Commander, we are here to assist you if you need it.”

“Thank you, Captain. I shall keep that in mind, though Celestia wishes you to return to Canterlot along with the others. Sergeant Breezy can stay, however, as a few more trusted guards will be helpful in getting the empire back on track,” Shining points out as Twilight taps the first of the earth ponies.

A screech from the pony snaps everyone’s attention to it. Where the sword had touched, the illusion of a pony fades away, showing a black chitinous form underneath. The change continues to spread, though the creature seems to be pained by it and struggles to keep itself transformed. It cannot keep the spell up and falls thrashing to the floor, crying out in pain.

Two of the other ponies make a mad dash for the door and are brought down by the guards. The reverse transformation finally stops, leaving the changeling panting in pain on the floor. Twilight stares as the guards grab it as well. The effect is repeated with one of the other two, though the third had simply panicked when he ran. She taps the last earth pony with no effect aside from a flinch as the blade flat touched him. Twilight looks at the blade and sighs.

“Well, at least we know it works,” Rainbow comments.


He is not sure how they had wound up here, but he is also not entirely certain he cares. He had seen Luna's bed chamber once before, though that time, he had been too drunk to acknowledge where he was. This time he had been invited in, and to her bed. It is rather a surprise to him; he seems to know more than she does given her age, though he’d likely had more experience in his short life than she had in her longer one. It is not something that either of them really cared about.
The night had passed by far too quickly, and Luna had fallen asleep almost immediately after lowering the moon for the morning to come. He had not lasted much longer in the waking world, though his nightmares had woken him much earlier than her. It had given him time to ponder.

Usually, his nightmares were dull, terrifying things with no real shape or form that lasted with him in the waking world aside from a dread that lingered. That was not the case this time.

In his dreams, Mustang had become a dragon and tried to kill Celestia and Luna. Ponies had died and Canterlot had nearly fallen. After that, Luna had become something evil and changed him into a creature that matched her new outlook as she sought to destroy everything.

Looking at the Princess lying beside him, he cannot see how any of that can happen, yet the images linger well into the afternoon.


[Two days later.]

Celestia looks down at the force of ponies gathered before her throne. A small group of crystal ponies had come along with Twilight's group, adding another dozen seasoned warriors to a collection of over a hundred of her Royal Guard. The Night Guard had also made a showing, and forty members of the half dragon race had answered the call as well.

It is, in a sense, pathetic.

The changeling swarm is several thousand strong. Despite their mindless nature, the swarm could easily overrun this small force. For this reason, Celestia had changed tactics and called in some favors.

The old element bearers as well as the current ones stand directly before her, along with the Captains of the Night Guard and the Royal Guard. Rhede and Velkorn seem highly curious about the half-dragons, though that would have to wait.

A magical map fills the air between Celestia and the gathered forces as she explains the plan. “This is all the data we have on the volcano. As you can see, all the data we have is its location and what is living there. There are three decent routes that we could take to the objective. All of them are likely being watched. Your force will be traveling to Baltimare. There, you will meet with the promised forces from the Griffons and the Diamond Dogs. The changeling threat has been felt by their nations as well, and they have pledged aid in this conflict. I do not expect them to be able to offer much aid, however, and the brunt of the work will be on your shoulders.” Celestia looks around, noting a few flinches and some depressed-looking ponies at that news. None of the crystal ponies or any of the Bearers, save Fluttershy, seem the slightest bit perturbed by this.

“From Baltimare, you will travel by sea to moor in this inlet.” A spot on the map lights up from Celestia's magic. “There, you will venture to the hive and seek to remove the threat it contains. Our goal is subdual rather than destruction. The unicorn mages have all been trained in the magic of flesh to stone to try and capture as many of these unfortunates as possible. That said... That said...”

“That said, if it is safer for you to kill them than capture them, do so,” states a voice from behind Celestia. Most of the ponies in the room bow as the Princess of the Night makes her presence known, though the former Bearers and Twilight simply stand there looking uncomfortable at her presence. All save Bleu, who glares at the dark alicorn.

The Princess of the Sun glances back as her sister steps out of the shadows where she had been hidden since her friends had come into the throne room.

“Yes, thank you, sister. We know the Queen is there; her capture or death will end the threat of the changelings for good.
Even if she manages to escape, it will take her time to rebuild what she has lost here, and that is time we can use to succeed in a second attempt to oust her,” Celestia finishes. “This information is classified. The cover for any who asks is this is a training exercise in Fillydelphia. You are all dismissed until tomorrow.”

The host of guards salutes and begins filing out of the chamber, leaving the Guard Captains and the Element bearers. As the door closes, Celestia looks to Twilight.

“Did your test work?”

“It did, Princess. I checked all of them when they came in, and I will check every one when we get on the train. We found three changelings among the guard and one among the half-dragons. I wish you had more star metal. Just using these two swords takes far too long,” Twilight responds.

“I had all of the metal I could find destroyed long ago. It is highly likely that those two swords are the last of it in the kingdom. Captains, it seems the changelings cannot mimic the crystal ponies’ multifaceted appearance. Use that to your advantage and have them relay messages and deal with risks that could involve a changeling taking over. Coordinate as best you can with the other forces as well. Now that the general mission has been stated, here is the real one,” Celestia sighs shifting the map.

“The black crystal and the dragon you spoke of have been sighted being brought to the hive. Twilight, you and your friends will remain with the guards offering what aid you can give them, be it magic or physical; I want all of you to stay out the conflict directly. Bleu, Rhede, Starfall and Velkorn will-”

“Good, then Jer'rahd is there. Can you deal with this, Starfall?” Twilight questions.

“Wouldn't be the first time our groups dealt with shape-changing things.” Starfall mutters.

“Think you can avoid kicking my ass this time, though?” Rhede smirks, receiving a glare from Starfall.

“So what is your plan, then?” Celestia questions.

“The same tactic we used on you. The larger force is going to be the diversion while the rest of us slip in, grab Jer'rahd, kill the queen if able, and basically make a mess of the place,” Starfall states, shifting a little, not quite comfortable in bringing up Celestia's failing in the last conflict.

“I'm going as well,” Twilight states.

“No, you are not. You are not trained for this sort of thing, Sparkle,” Starfall grumbles.

“You badly need some sort of magic support, and I’m the best you have at the moment.” Twilight glares back. “I also know more about the changelings and the star metal than you do.”

“Sparkle butt has a point, Starfall,” Bleu points out. “Besides, once we get in she, could be useful for a hasty exit if need be.”

“Rest of us are coming, too,” AJ adds, though the earth pony looks like she had fallen down one hill and up another a few times. She doesn’t seem too badly injured, but she has bruises on her bruises.

“Forget it; one clueless pony is going to be hard enough to watch over, particularly if we have to carry Jer'rahd out as well. The four of us cannot protect all six of you,” Rhede retorts.

“Hey, we beat the snot out of the ones we fought in Canterlot. If there had not been so many, we would have won that hooves down,” Dash shouts, flying over to get in Rhede's face. She backpedals in the air furiously to get away from him as he makes kissy faces at her.

“Darling, that is part of the problem; we were outnumbered there, and this is the very heart of their swarm. Far too many for us to handle. Who knows what else might be in there besides the dragon? Fluttershy and I would be nearly useless in a
situation like that,” Rarity points out.

“If I may offer a suggestion…” Luna states rather subdued.

“And what is it you suggest, Princess?” Starfall asks.

“The others should go as well, but they should remain with the main force, as my sister says. Fluttershy and Rarity can both aid with any medical needs that arise, and Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack are quite capable of defending themselves enough to guard the wounded,” Luna points out. “It may not be the front line conflict you wish, but it is a needed task.”

Velkorn nods at this, though Rhede and Starfall look doubtful of the suggestion.

“Interesting that yah seem worried about the wounded now,” Bleu grumbles, the remark making Luna flinch a little and drawing a harsh look from Celestia and the gathered Lunar Guard, which the dragon ignores.

“Ah suppose we ken do that,” AJ replies. “Ah suppose tha’ the ten of us Element Bearer types and tha Princesses have a better idea of what’s at stake than anyone else. We dun need tah screw this up.”

“Indeed, the destruction of the swarm takes a secondary role. The rescue or the destruction of Kaisur is priority,” Celestia states flatly, bringing a wince from the entire group. “We cannot allow him to be turned. You all have read or experienced what happened with Aqua and Andre.”

“Ain't happening, Celestia. We are gonna save Boss and rip apart anything that gets between us and him,” Bleu snarls.

“Down, Bleu,” Starfall snaps. “We take the train to Dodge City and then it’s a half day’s travel to the swamps. We set up camp at the edge and go in at first light. If we leave now, we will be able to slip in along the mountain range to the hive while they are focused on the attack from the sea.”

“Captain Peach Blossom and Captain Lion Heart of the Royal Guard and Night Guard shall be in charge of the primary attack for this mission Starfall” Celestia states.

Starfall glances back as the pegasus that had come with them from the Crystal Empire and a talln broad-shouldered half-dragon step forward, offering a salute to the pegasus. Starfall twitches a bit, feeling dwarfed by the pair.

“Ma'am,” the pair respond.

“Everypony knows what needs to be done.” Celestia continues. “A buffalo named Long Feather will meet you in Dodge City to guide you to the hive. He is one of my informants, and has kept a watch on the hive for me since its discovery.”

Luna looks to the ones that she once counted as her friends and sighs. There is much she wished to say to them. Unlike Jer'rahd, however, it is regret and shame that keeps her from speaking with these four. She turns her attention to Rarity, trotting over to the white unicorn as the guards and the others start organizing the last of what is needed.

“May I speak with you a moment, Miss Rarity?”

“Hmm? Of course, Princess. What is it you need?”


“Well, Rhede,” Bleu grumbles, “you have a better handle on this sort of thing. What do you think?”
Rhede looks up from the small huddle his friends had made. Twilight had moved off to talk to the captains, along with the other Element Bearers from this time, perhaps to talk some sort of strategy for their end of things.

“I don't like that we need to take Twilight, but we can't avoid that. The guards will make a good distraction, but that's it. We don't have any sort of information past the location of the hive and that Jer is in there somewhere along with Queen Chrysalis.”

“Not that. I know all that,” Bleu snaps. “I mean Luna.”

[“She wants to go, but she is afraid of what might happen if she fights,”] Velkorn chimes in. [“Her body language betrays her eagerness and her eyes betray her fear.”]

“Well that's perfect. Boss is in danger and she's too scared of herself to do anything,” Bleu graons.

“Calm down, Bleu. We'll get him back. Sparkle is a suitable replacement for Luna magic-wise,” Starfall comments.

“I know that. She shouldn't have to be. This is all bullshit and you know it,” Bleu sighs. “It's more pride with both of them. Boss doesn't want to see Luna until she forgives him and Luna doesn't want to see Boss ‘til he forgives her.”

“Wait, Luna wants us to forgive her?” Rhede asks.

“Yeah. Sparkle Butt brought it up while we were up north. She’s just as annoyed at the pair of them as I am,” Bleu growls.

“They both still have their damned ‘woe is me’ death wish going, too.”

“Well, if we manage to save him, what can we do? Jer is stubborn as a mule in that regard,” Rhede grumbles.

“Take the train. Go to the hive. Kill the queen -sorry- grab Boss, get back here, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all this drama with the two of them to blow over. How's that for a slice of fried gold? Bleu lists.

“I like that plan.” Starfall nods. “But someone else is buying.”


“Thank you again for this, Miss Rarity,” Luna says, looking down at the nearly-prancing white unicorn.

Rarity clutches an old book with her forelegs, bouncing about on her back legs trying to dance “Oh, it is no trouble at all, Princess. I should have everything ready for you in the morning. Oooh, this will be fun,” Rarity squees. “Are you sure about this, though? I mean...”

“I will be fine. I have a goal set for myself that I shall not deviate from despite my sister’s and Miss Sparkle’s urgings. However, due to issues that have arisen, I will be unable to do anything without your help. Do you believe you can accomplish what I ask of you?”

“Of course, Princess. I have all the materials already and if this spell you pointed out works well, I might just have a new product line.” Rarity giggles like a mad mare clutching the small book tighter. “Where in Equestria did you find this?”

“I have little use for the Night Guards under my employ, so I often send them on menial tasks of cleaning or exploring old areas of the castle. Busy work mostly, though at times, they find gems in the dark corners. This book was one of them.”

“Eeeeeeeeeeeee... oh dear, that was unladylike. I need to compose myself before I tell the others I shan’t be going. Hmm, what should I tell them?” Rarity ponders.

“Tell them the truth. I have given you another task. Do not be specific, though.” Luna smiles softly. “I would ask you keep the particulars to yourself, for obvious reasons.”

“Of course, Princess. My lips are sealed.”