Fallout Equestria : Black And White

by Philweasel

Chapter 1.14 - Troubled Waters

Dust Kicker felt copper on his tongue and panic in his breast, his shotgun slamming painfully into his side as he sent another volley at the dark goddess before him. She took it on her shield with a grunt and staggered a little, retaliating with a burst of black lightning that shattered the stone around him into razor shrapnel. He ignored the pain, charged through the minor cuts and scrapes and fired his rifle, rewarded with a cry of pain as the deflected bullet still managed to cut shallowly across her side.

It only made her angrier. Shadows rose all around, Dust kicking away one that tried to grab his hoof, blowing apart another two with a burst from his shotgun. He quickly danced away from the rest before he could be surrounded, ducking a thrown rock and vaulting another hail of stones as he tried to keep his eye on the black carapaced alicorn at the centre of it all.

Her horn surged with purple light as the dirt swirled around her, dark flames igniting at her hooves. She slammed them down and the flames shot at him in twin tendrils, Dust darting sideways to get a fallen shard of dragonscale between him and the attack. The explosion was deafening, heat washing over him as the scale was consumed in flame, the concussive force almost enough to blind him to the other tendril flying overhead. He cursed as it turned in midair to fly straight at him, figuring they would be directed...

Dust broke cover and ran straight at Princess Luna, the alicorn smirking as she hurled a rock straight at him with her telekinesis. Dust leapt over it with one mighty stride, kicking out and sending it flying straight at the tendril behind. It detonated in a mighty blast that sent Dust flying forward, spinning him over in midair as he took aim and fired. Princess Luna had closed her eyes to shield them from the blast and was totally unprepared, the first two shots shook her shields and the third penetrated them clean, punching through her side and eliciting a desperate cry of pain. Unfortunately her agony focused her will, she turned with might and fury in her eyes and flung him backwards with a powerful blast of her telekinesis. Suspended in the air as he was there was no way to counter, he just braced himself as he was thrown against the ground in a spinning ball of fur and blood.

It had hurt. He struggled for a healing potion to get him back in the fight, still wrestling with his pack when something struck him with a heavy thump. It was warm and limp, Dust struggling round in an attempt to push it off him... “Zenai?”

Princess Luna teleported in next to them both, blood still dripping from her side. She gave him a single icy glare before leaning forward, the magic taking them both in its grasp. He barely had time to clutch Zenai tight to his chest before everything faded out, a sense of terrific motion seizing him in its grip...

He opened his eyes to green fields and confused looking farmers, the rising sights of Demonivore but a few miles distant. They were back in the Golden Coast.


“Oh dear... I’m so so sorry. I can only imagine how you both are feeling right now.”

Dust Kicker bet she could. Fluttershy had likely been in situations like this herself, likely on multiple occasions. He had been in situations like this enough to notice she was stalling, “You can’t do anything to help.”

Fluttershy pursed her lips, her expression full of regret. Eventually she lowered her head, shaking it sadly, “I’m sorry, I understand how important this is to both you and Caesar. And that’s precisely why we need to be cautious, any sort of rescue attempt would be predicable and clumsy.”

Dust nodded in agreement. This Princess Luna had known where they would be, perfectly timed her entrance, done something to Star Swirl that made her only too easy to isolate from the rest of the team. This was not an opponent to be underestimated, “We would be fumbling blindly in the dark. We need to learn more about our opponent.”

“Exactly.” Fluttershy stole a glance with Steel Marrow, standing stoically at the side of her office. He returned her glance with a slow, worried stare of his own, Fluttershy swallowing hard and turning to face them, “I have... bad news.”

Dust wasn’t sure he was ready to hear this, “Worse than Star Swirl going missing?”

“It’s... about her.” She hesitated for a second before finally finding her words, tone grave and totally serious, “She made a call the day before you left, Caesar’s staff found it unusual and attempted to chase its recipient.”

Star Swirl spoke, her voice scared and squeaky, “Unusual how?”

Fluttershy turned to Steel Marrow, the hellhound clearing his throat and stepping forward, “It wass bounced off several relay hubs yezz? Dizzigned to hide conversations from preeing eyze?” He nodded grimly, “Followed it back, found it was call to Star Fall. It’s topic and recipient iz... unknown.”

Zenai’s voice trembled, “You don’t seriously think...”

Fluttershy silenced her protests with a soft glare, sighing as she let her head slowly drift downwards, “Caesar suspects she and this Princess Luna character may be working together. He hasn’t formally stated anything, but he will be keeping a very close eye on all of you.”

Dust almost growled, his frustration bubbling within. Caesar’s trust was a very welcome benefit to working here, and now they had lost that trust in but a single day. What was she thinking? Who was she calling? “Is there any way to track that call?”

Steel Marrow shook his head, “Not without accezz to Star Fall hub.”

Dust cursed inwardly, sure that whoever it was could answer some questions about what quite was wrong with the mare. According to Zenai she had been acting strange for some time, which only made Dust more suspicious of her sudden burst of insanity back on the mountain. Did something happen to her back at Star Fall? “So we keep our heads down?”

Fluttershy nodded, “I’m sorry. I’m doing my best to formulate a proper plan of action, but at the moment I just don’t know enough.”

“That’s fair. Thank you ambassador.” He turned to look down at Zenai, unusually quiet and withdraw today, “Come on Zenai.”


They exited the room, Zenai trailing him as they made their way down the empty corridors of the palace. Most of the soldiers and administrators were at the borders now reviewing security and defence procedures long neglected, and the place had never exactly been busy before. The silence was deafening, “You’re not doing so well are you Zenai?”

She paused in the middle of the corridor, her mouth hanging open in anticipation of a sentence. Eventually she could only shake her head, “No...”

He turned to her, “Talk to me.”

“This is... all my fault.” She shook her head violently, her voice cracking, “You were right, I was being manipulated. Star Fall and the Golden Coast at odds, Star Swirl captured along with whatever was in the dragon heart, us being targeted with suspicion... they were all intentional, and we did nothing to stop it.”

Dust had come to the same conclusion. Princess Luna had been waiting for them, she had been tipped off about their movements. Them being targeted with suspicion might have been intentional or a lucky accident, but in the end it was all the same, “The power games of many, or the work of a single mastermind?”

“It... it’s hard to say.” Zenai tensed her face to avoid the tears threatening to flow, twisting her face into one of fierce determination, “Star Fall can’t win a war without some serious advantage, it doesn’t make sense for them to incite one unless they know something we don’t.”

“Star Swirl?”

Zenai looked up at him, her expression one of deep fear and upset, “She’s their secret weapon?”

“You’ve seen how some zebra react to alicorns.” Dust frowned deeply as he considered the possibilities, “Caesar is right about one thing, this Princess Luna is connected to Star Fall. They already have one alicorn on their payroll.”

“I...” Zenai let her head drop, taking a few moments to compose herself, “Star Swirl has always respected Princess Celestia, she went to the church of Celestia because she wanted to be more like her. And with the appearance of this ‘Princess Luna’...”

“Somepony is creating a new pair of Goddesses.” Dust Kicker sighed, “Star Swirl is their Celestia.”

Zenai considered the possibility, her eyes quivering, “Back at Estelle... Princess Luna didn’t knock Star Swirl out like she did to us. She wanted to talk, to posture, to explain.”

Dust nodded, getting the implication, “She was trying to establish some kind of connection, work towards a mutual understanding.”

“But...” Zenai shook her head, “Why? To take over the world with a pair of knock offs of long dead rulers? No one would fall for that.”

Dust wasn’t so sure. He knew many still prayed for the return of a monarchy, a wise leader to guide them through uncertainty rather than a bickering parliament of ponies with no real power, “It all depends on the circumstances. If the government of the NCR was to collapse, if those in power were shown to be powerless then I think the return of the Princesses would be received with a certain lack of scepticism.”

“Star Swirl... I really can’t see her as a ruler.”

“Star Swirl doesn’t know who she is.” Dust lowered his head, accepting the dark truth of the matter, “She might easily be taken in by somepony offering her a real identity, respect, power, nobility... and you might be surprised what the shy, emotionally repressed ones are capable of.”

“I...” Zenai shivered, her voice breaking as she spoke, “I let her down... I knew something was wrong and I ignored it, mocked it.”

“It’s easy to blame yourself for your actions with hindsight behind you. There were a lot of reasons Star Swirl might have been acting differently, and it’s not your responsibility to investigate her every emotional shift.”

Zenai gritted her teeth, eyes narrowing, “Yes it is! She was my friend! My best friend! She...” Zenai lowered her head, letting the emotion flow out of her with a long, pained sigh, “Would you be surprised to know that I don’t really have many of those?”

“Not really.”

Predictably Zenai’s head shot up, eyes burning furrows into his brow, her voice raised to a ear puncturing screech, “Excuse me?!”

Dust shook his head, calmly explaining, “You like to portray yourself as the charmer, the socialite, but I’ve read your history.” He smiled as she continued to glare, rather enjoying annoying the zebra just a little more than he really should, “Your mother died when you were young, and your father spent long periods of time away in his work as a scavenger. Not that you were neglected, you were part of a close community and your father’s work made him wealthy enough to keep you comfortable. Still you didn’t have any close relatives so maintained your own quarters with just a friend to deal with your finances and check up on you. You’ve admitted yourself that you’ve slept with about half a dozen partners but have never had a boyfriend, and you work as an archivist. That’s not noted for being a particularly social job.” He smiled as her expression softened a little, summing up his conclusion, “You’re an introvert, who prefers her own space and relates to others on an intellectual level.”

She harrumphed, “When did you become such a therapist?”

“I’m a mercenary, I work with oddballs every day. You pick it up.”

Zenai smirked somewhat evilly, looking him over with a searching eye, “Ok then, then I’ve got something for you. You’re intelligent and well read, despite no formal education. That speaks of a hunger for self improvement. Leadership comes easily to you, your combat skills speak for themselves. Yet you’ve never accepted a command position, never settled down in some well appointed training post. You’re incredibly wealthy, I tallied up some of your commissions. Yet you live frugally, stay in three star establishments and eat in down and dirty bars.”

Dust smiled, “Easily explained. I like it like that. I don’t like command, I don’t like fancy hotels, I don’t like fancy meals.”

“You really are perfectly happy where you are?”

Dust nodded, a big smile spreading across his face. He really was, “I like my job, I like the company. I’ve seen too many ponies destroyed by ambition, forced to climb endless ladders to a destination they never wanted.”

Zenai lowered her eyes, “And are you introverted, like your own space?”

“Not really. I get along well with folks I think.”

“Then why have you left a trail of broken hearts that rivals mine?”

Dust stared back at her, considering his response. He wasn’t sure any hearts had been broken... who was he kidding, certainly a few had. When he was younger and not so careful he had likely left a few children behind, leaving some poor single mother in a bitter world that cared little for their plight. And why? He wasn’t entirely sure. It was an... enjoyable habit, “Maybe you’re right. Maybe I’m just better at hiding what I really am.”

Zenai glared questioningly at him, “A pony who can’t let anypony get close to him? Because he’s scared of what they might find?”

Dust chuckled softly, “And what’s that?”

“I’ve seen your cutie mark Dust, I’ve looked at your history. Who were you before you joined the Talons? What work did you really do for Red Eye?”

Dust sighed, really not comfortable with all this. Why did she have to know? What difference did it make? “Does it matter? I crawled up from the bottom, yeah. It was a shitty place, the wasteland. Didn’t leave a pony with a lot of choices.”

Zenai glared, “If it didn’t matter you wouldn’t go to so much effort to hide it.”

He tried to keep his temper, knowing it was only flaring up because he was scared. Scared of his past, the emotions it inspired, the ghosts hidden there. Most of his memories from back then were bad ones, “I don’t talk about it because I barely remember it. Yeah my parents weren’t very nice ponies, yeah the guys they ran with didn’t survive on account of their good attitude. Yeah, I did some pretty terrible things with them, because I was young, they had guns and I didn’t know any better.” Dust grunted and averted his eyes, happy to have all that shit out and behind him, “And as I said, it’s barely a memory anymore.”

Zenai, thankfully, looked sympathetic at his admission. Her voice was soft as she questioned further, “What changed?”

Dust had told this story far too many times. It always felt like he was justifying himself, the one time he had ever felt guilt over his actions. Why that time, why then? He still didn’t know, “The others would always do all that stupid ganger shit, you know, tearing up ponies, making them scream...” He sighed, not really wanting to get into details, “And I... felt nothing.”

Zenai frowned, “Nothing?”

“I didn’t find it funny, stimulating... it was boring. Annoying.” He sighed, “So one time, they were working over this mare and I... just wanted them to shut the hell up. So I walked over, told them their fun was over, and shot the mare through the head.”

Zenai looked slightly horrified, still she reluctantly spoke up for him to continue, “And what did they do?”

“They just... yelled, calling me... everything. And so I just walked away. Kept on walking. Walked for days, straight into a battle between the Talons and some raiders.”

“And you joined the Talon’s side?”

Dust nodded, lost in the memories, “Heard some of the guys call them do gooders. I figured I was a failure as a villain, why not try my hand at being a hero?”

Zenai looked up at him with a hopeful gaze, “It obviously worked...”

He was grateful for that, even if it wasn’t true. Or was it? He had certainly put many a bad guy to rest, done a lot to keep ponies safe. Was that being a hero? A certain type of one he supposed, “It didn’t feel that way. The wasteland always won back then. Lost a lot of good friends, got a few songs sang about us, a mention by DJ Pon3... and I still didn’t feel anything. It felt like a waste of time.”

“Is that why you joined Red Eye?”

“He offered a chance to beat the wasteland. He made me feel.” Dust sighed, all the old pain returning, “With him... I wasn’t a hero, I wasn’t a villain. I was useful. I was working towards the restoration of the wasteland.”

Zenai smiled a little, “Did you have a little bit of a crush on him Dust Kicker?”

“Heh, a little. You never met the guy.”

“And you slaved for him?”

“Yeah. I believed that shit you know. I had been a fighter all my life, and those other ponies? The ones hiding in stables, cowering in their little villages? It wasn’t hard to feel superior to them, feel they weren’t doing anything for us.” He looked down at his flank, feeling that weird nostalgia that old ponies always spoke of when they thought back to their cutie marks, “But this? I got it when I was just a thug. I got it because I... I always brought them in alive.”

Zenai stared quietly, her voice small in the silence, “You weren’t a thug like them. You never were.”

“No. And I’m not a... softhoof either.” He looked at her, appreciative and surprised at how... accepting she had been. He had never particularly liked Zenai, so smug and self satisfied, so surprised when she failed at something she hadn’t adequately prepared for. He was embarrassed to say that he might have been rather hasty in his judgements. She was dedicated, and brave. Those were qualities to be respected, “I haven’t settled down because I don’t think I really belong in the NCR. I can do a lot of good out in the wilderness, take down the bad guys, be a hero. In there... I’ve done too much bad shit to ever feel comfortable as some suit wearing, child rearing ‘respectable’ stallion.”

“You won’t be young forever...”

“I intend to do this until I die. They can bury the wasteland with me.”

Zenai sighed, suddenly aware of their surroundings as she looked about the empty corridor. She sighed, considered for a second, and looked up at him with a determined frown, “We shouldn’t do this in the corridor. You want to come back to my room? I have something to show you.”

Dust considered the offer for a few moments, realising from Zenai’s expression that this wasn’t an idle request, “Sure.”


“The program is stored inside here.”

Dust stared at the black carapace armour, recognising it as a modified suit of Applejack Ranger stealth armour. Adapted from Enclave armour to suit an earth pony, they were incredibly rare and extremely valuable. Only the most elite NCR operatives owned a set, Dust had only ever seen two ponies wearing it, “They protected it well.”

Zenai nodded, “A pony called Lucky Days was wearing it, he managed to escape the facility before it fell to the Twilight Society. Unfortunately he was badly injured, my father found him out in the desert.”

“Lucky Days is a Star Paladin under Elder Peach Trees himself. Proper butch action hero type.”

Zenai nodded softly, her lips pursing, “He’s dead. His last words were informing my father that he should get the suit to the Applejack Rangers.”

Dust came to the obvious conclusion, “He didn’t.”

“The nearby Ranger facilities were all being watched, after one close call he decided to send the suit to me instead, knowing no one would think of paying attention to a simple Followers archivist. He wanted me to take it to the Rangers for him.”

Dust again stated the obvious, “You didn’t.”

Zenai shook her head, staring grimly up at him, “I took it apart, I wanted to know exactly why an entire facility was wiped out to acquire it. I found the program, discovered what it was made for. It’s true what the Twilight Society are saying, the Applejack Rangers want to take over the NCR.”

Dust sighed, this exactly what he didn’t want to hear. Zenai wasn’t stupid, he was inclined to believe her. The Applejack Rangers weren’t either, likely only a few of most fanatical and blinkered of them supported the project with full knowledge of what they were getting in to. But there certainly would be enough of them to discourage one little zebra from stepping forward, “You should definitely have gone to Velvet Remedy with this.”

“I know. The amount you can grow up in just a month huh?” Zenai looked down at her hooves with a miserable expression, taking a deep breath, “It felt like a megaspell had fallen into my hands, I just wanted to throw it into the ocean and be done with it. If I gave it to Velvet... she would have been tempted to use it. Use it to make the wasteland a better place.”

“Why didn’t you? Drop it into the ocean?”

Zenai reached forward, running a hoof across the pipbuck display with tenderness, “Because it... she has a personality. She’s designed for heuristic learning, a child just starting to learn how to relate to the world. And even if she’s incredible dangerous...”

Dust nodded in understanding, “You can’t murder a child.”


Dust smiled softly at her, the zebra still so young yet so much more mature than he gave her credit for, “I understand. I’m not sure what I would have done in your place to be honest.”

She smiled at him, sweet and genuine, “Thank you. And... do you understand why I’m showing you this?”

“Because you want to trust me more?”

Zenai laughed, shaking her head, “I’ve never been big on the trust. My reasons are more practical.” She tapped a hoof against the armour, looking a little embarrassed, “I can’t fit inside, I’m too small. If the Applejack Rangers or Twilight Society come for it it’s far too big and heavy for me to transport in a hurry.”

He looked up at the armour, not feeling the enthusiasm. It looked like an Iron Maiden, “I’m not exactly a massive fan of power armour. Damn walking coffins.”

“But you can use it?”

“Only jury rigged stuff, with most of the systems torn out.” Dust sighed, trying not to be so negative, “But if worst comes to worst... sure. Just don’t expect me to be any good, I’m hardly light on my feet as it is.”

“It’s custom built armour designed for the most elite soldiers of the republic. I’m sure it won’t hinder you too much.”

Dust chuckled, she had a point. Maybe he was just stubborn and opinionated, wouldn’t that be a revelation, “Fine, I get your point. If worst comes to the worst something tougher than my duster might come in handy.”

“I really hope it doesn’t, but what has hope ever done for us?” Zenai gave a weary smile, “But come on, that’s enough moping. I’ve got a well stocked drinks cabinet that’s just perfect for two ponies doing their best to avoid doing anything useful for a day or two.”

“Sounds good to me.”


In the end it had been good, Zenai having a surprisingly mature taste in alcohol that ended up teaching him a few things. Zebra were the queens of alchemy he supposed, Zenai taking him through a grand tour of the beverages of her ancestors that left him feeling decidedly mellow and content.

And as both of them had sort of expected, Zenai quickly became flirty and cheeky when drunk and Dust Kicker lost what little inhibitions he had. The results were duly predicable. Admittedly she wasn’t his type but her confidence and assertive personality under the covers was certainly very attractive, not to mention she well proved her experience. And as he had found a few times in the past, there was something about two shameless sensates together that was so very comfortable and honest. Neither expected or wanted anything more, it was just two old hands enjoying something that both had always found comfort in. Like sharing a glass of fine port, or discussing the works of their favourite author. Neither had anything to hide or be embarrassed by.

She was so small. His thoughts couldn’t help but drift to Cerulean, not helped by their previous introspection about their histories. Their personalities and the experience couldn’t have been more different, Zenai was hardly an exact match for the skinny, frigid mare from his memories. Still the image wouldn’t go away, the experience ending up rather more nostalgic and cathartic than was probably healthy.

“Dust... do you every get lonely?”

Dust Kicker looked across at Zenai, the zebra curled up among the bed sheets with a sleepy, introspective look on her face. He figured she would be still feeling rather emotional, Dust answering honestly, “Not often. I’ve got plenty of friends out in the wasteland.”

“But... family is where you belong right?”

He considered this. Belonging... “I don’t belong anywhere. But I’m ok with that.”

Zenai looked across at him, her eyes searching for... something, “You wanted to once.”


“I hope it goes away for me too.” Zenai closed her eyes, “I always wanted to just wander the wasteland, like Littlepip or Calamity. I always felt so trapped as a member of the Followers, stuck listening to orders, doing what I was told... but now? I feel so lonely.”

Dust chuckled softly, “You’re a mopey drunk.”

She smiled warmly, setting her head into the streets, “I know.” She opened her eyes slightly to look up at him, “Do I remind you of yourself at my age Dust?”

“No. I tried to help the wasteland to give myself some sense of my own self worth. You’re trying to help because you know it’s the right thing to do.” He looked over to her, smiling, “Chances are you won’t make it to my age. Are you ok with that?”

“You either die or give up.” Zenai chuckled a little before closing her eyes again, letting out a sigh, “Yeah, I’m ok with that.”


He left her to sleep off the drink in the end, oddly restless and frustrated. He realised from experience that it was a consequence of losing his focus on the mission, letting it get personal. He had got attached to Star Swirl, he cared about her and couldn’t help but feel that what happened was his fault. He was supposed to protect them after all, yet he had ignored the signs that there was something wrong with the mare. He should have followed up the Church of Celestia connection, should have taken her sudden confidence and aggression more seriously, should have spotted Luna long before her attack.


He turned, recognising the name as that of Caesar and spotting the stallion who had spoken it. The voice had been dry and croaky, the zebra who had uttered it matching the description. He was old but it was hard to tell how old through the malnutrition and poor grooming, he looked like he had been sleeping in a trashcan. He had the demeanour of a tramp too, the zebra staggering towards Dust with an aggressive pace, eyes wide and angry as he spoke, “Incuta, boy! Get over here!”

Dust wasn’t really sure how this zebra could mistake him for Caesar, both being male just about the only similarity between them, “I’m not Incuta.”

“Who are you then?!” The zebra sized him up, his attempt to look intimidating somewhat stymied by only having a bare couple of blackened teeth left, “Answer me!”

Dust decided to be polite to the mad old stallion, “Dust Kicker sir. I’m here serving Incuta.”

“Serving that shatack?! Ha, that’s a laugh!” The zebra leaned in, allowing Dust to smell just how bad his breath was, “He’s a nanati, fraking... foal sniffer... did you know that? Not like his brother, now that was a stallion to be proud of. His name... his name was...”

Dust watched the old zebra struggled for a moment, clearly getting more and more distressed at his inability to remember. Dust was sympathetic, he wasn’t getting any younger. There but for the grace of Celestia... “Isoko sir.”

“Yes, that’s it! Fine boy, fine...” He looked up at Dust, a little desperate, “Do you know where he is? He was supposed to be somewhere around here.”

“He’s... not here at the moment.” Dust tried to look reassuring, having worked out who this mad old stallion was, “You’re Warlord Thasan right?”

“Yes, that’s my name!” He sounded oddly triumphant, as if he had forgotten that too, “Do you know where my son is?”

“I don’t know sir. I think some of your servants are looking for you though, we really should go find them.”

The zebra promptly spat on the ground, anger flaring, “Damn my servants! Where’s my son!?”

Dust was just thinking of something clever to placate the stallion when a zebra mare skidded round the corner, eyes scared and desperate. She gasped in a mixture of fear and relief as she spotted Thasan, near galloping to his side, “Warlord Thasan, sir! You shouldn’t be out here...”

He whirled on the mare, fury in his eyes, “I can go anywhere I want!”

She backed away a fraction before reluctantly advancing again, touching a hoof to his shoulder, “Warlord, we should...”

“Let go of me!” The old stallion showed surprising strength and reflexes as he struck the hoof away and struck her down with an angry swipe, pinning her down and raising his hoof for a downwards stomp, “No mare touches the mighty...!”

Dust galloped over and took hold of the old stallion, dragging him backwards and seizing him in a tight hold as he yelled and struggled. He really was surprisingly strong and dust had to be carefully not to hurt him, gritting his teeth as Thasan tried to throw him off.

“My lord!” Two of Caesar’s soldiers galloped into the corridor, their expressions quickly transforming into horror as they surveyed the scene. They advanced slowly, obviously trying to work out exactly how to react, “What... exactly is going on here?”

“Warlord... Thasan is a little upset...” Dust struggled to hold him, the old stallion not seeming to tire despite his age, “We could do with a little assistance.”

They rushed over somewhat cautiously, their hesitant assistance getting one of them a twack on the muzzle for his trouble. This convinced them to take it more seriously and they soon had the warlord restrained, dragging him screaming back down the corridor towards his room. Dust straightened out his ruffled fur before offering a hoof to the nurse, still crouched on the floor, “Are you ok miss?”

She looked up at him with a tearful, devastated expression, just staring with her lips pouted for a few short seconds before she finally just rose to her hooves and trotted away with all the dignity she could muster. Dust sighed and walked away, hoping that the poor mare didn’t get too badly punished for letting her charge escape.


Dust decided to leave the palace for a little while, a little uncomfortable with the fact that he had just wrestled Caesar’s father to the ground. Instead he decided to go and talk to Daisy, not having spoken with the mare properly in far too long. After all he had a lot of missions under his belt, still he still had fond memories of his days out in the great east. A vast plain carved down the middle of the NCR, it had been commonly believed to be a grim, suicidally dangerous no pony’s land with few resources and no end of aggressive tribals and bandits.

As noted, it also divided the east of the NCR in two, potentially cutting travel times to a fifth with proper roads and rest stops.

And so they had set out, negotiating, shooting and building a route from one side to the other. It was commonly assumed to be impossible and so it was pretty much the desperate, the mad and the driven, a dirty company of exiles carving a hole through the heart of the wilderness. Daisy had been the third type, not originally the leader but soon ending up that way through sheer force of personality. She had arranged the deals, set the work and stood at their side with shotgun in hoof. She had received a promotion to head office when they finally pulled it off, but Dust was pretty certain she hadn’t lost her touch.

She was an old school merchant, a shotgun in her teeth and her eyes on the horizon.

Daisy’s office was pretty much as he remembered it, like him the mare carried her life around with her. Set up inside a house on the waterfront, the walls were adorned with maps and wind charts and at some point she had acquired a reference chart of zebra units and conversions that stretched proudly along the wall opposite the desk. The familiar fold out bookcase was there with encyclopedias and translation manuals stacked high, knowing Daisy she was likely already familiar with all the countless languages and dialects they spoke over here.

Dust looked up. Her long barrelled shotgun was hung up above her desk. Dust already knew how good she was with it.

“Dust Kicker, good to see you again.” Daisy looked up from her work, as normal smart and presentable yet displaying tell tell scruffs and marks on her suit where she had obviously helped carry out the cargo personally. Dust didn’t need to be told, despite that suit and tie she was no bureaucrat... well in a sense anyway. Indeed she imposed bureaucracy upon chaos, with her own two hooves if needed, “I’m glad there’s someone in this place I know I can rely on.”

“You can’t count on Arick and Ace Gold?”

“Very funny.” Daisy moved away from her desk, her demeanour icy and businesslike, “It’s true. Both are intelligent, I’ll give them that. They are also inexperienced, arrogant, uncontrolled. These are traits that kill businesses, destroy flourishing economies.”

Dust wasn’t an expert on the matter. Still those were traits in a leader that could lose a war, and maybe the two subjects weren’t that far apart, “How has Arick actually been doing? I haven’t noticed anything too dangerous yet, in fact you seemed to have made quite a bit of money with that stunt when you arrived.”

“Yes, we did.” Daisy grimaced, waving her hoof back towards her desk, “And Arick has put all that money back into pointless PR exercises that serve only to flatter his own ego. Public relations... he’s currently using that word to justify him being down at the Jakklone, gambling all our profits away.”

Dust knew Daisy wasn’t the most impartial mare when it came to the young and stupid, still that did sound a little irresponsible. On the other hand... “Didn’t Arick buy his stake in the company with funds won through gambling?”

“Are you defending him?”

“Just saying, maybe he has a secret, maybe he’s just that good.”

Daisy glared, obviously not liking this topic of conversation, “That griffon has lost several fortunes through gambling, and has been caught cheating on several occasions.” She looked him in the eye, “Let us be very clear where we stand. That griffon is either going to lose it all, or be exposed as a fraud and a cheat. And he’ll bring this company, me and possibly the whole peace process down with him.”

Dust thought that was being a little dramatic, but he had to agree with the basic principle of her conclusions, “So what do we do?”

“I’ve got a job for you.” She turned officiously and trotted toward the window, her manner calm and professional once more, “I want Arick to give up his role in this operation, pass over control to me.”

“And how am I going to do that?”

She frowned angrily, “He’s a thrill seeking idiot, already bored with the day to day operation. Convince him that greener pastures await, that this is all beneath his great mind and he should leave it with boring old mares like me.”

Dust Kicker shot her a smile, “Can I shoot him? I’m not a negotiator Daisy.”

“You’ve got a smarter tongue than you’d ever admit.” Daisy gave him a piercing glare, “And if all else fails... challenge him to a game.”

Dust was still not convinced this was a good idea, “I’m not exactly an experienced gambler either.”

“You don’t have to play him at poker.” She smiled, ever so slightly, “He’s an impulsive adrenaline junkie. Exploit it.”

Dust could already think of a couple of ways. Still... “Are you sure Daisy?”

“Of course I am.” Daisy curled her lip, glaring for a moment or two before her face became softer and she sighed, “Dust Kicker, it’s good to see you again. Really. And I want you to do this, because I know you can.”

Dust chuckled, smiling back at the mare. She knew how to flatter him, “I guess I can do it. But no promises.”

She nodded, “Fine. I’ll be waiting.”


The interior of the the Jakklone club was pretty much a single wide open space, thronged with zebra laughing, shouting and sobbing as their fortunes shifted. It used to be a warehouse apparently, now it reminded him of the game halls of his youth. Dark, muggy and smoky, he spotted tables for pretty much every game he could think of and a few he didn’t recognise, a boxing area and fighting cage sat at the far end for more kinetic games of chance.

It didn’t take long to find the pair, Arick as normally loud and impossible to miss in a crowd of devoted followers. Dust pushed through the crowds, spotting the griffon giving commentary on some sort of complicated card game by the sounds of it, making it sound far more interesting than a game of cardboard squares had any right to be. He didn’t seem to be playing it though, which made Dust Kicker wonder...

He finally made it near the front with a little shoving and a few dark glares, spotting Arick standing on his back paws to be more easily seen, waving his claws as he motioned towards Ace Gold. The little pony was currently fully concentrated on the game in front of him, facing down a huge, heavily scared zebra as he slammed down a decorated face card and glared up at his opponent. The zebra went pale, seeming like he was about to pull a knife on the foal for a moment before simply giving a loud growl and leaving the table with his head held as high as possible.

“And there you have it, another win by this talented young card shark! Anyone else care to step up?”

Dust moved past the crowds and towards the pair, already coming up with a plan to fulfill Daisy’s contract, “You seem to be doing well.”

Arick turned, grinning wide as he greeted him, “Well well, Sir Dust! Fancy meeting you here.” He chucked, “Daisy hired you to drag me out and shoot me?”

“Something like that.” Dust drew closer, lowering his voice a little, “You know this is all just a game to you. A lot of ponies want you gone from this board, so I’m here to make that happen.”

Arick smiled again, a little more dangerously this time, “Really? How do you intend to achieve this Dust Kicker?”

“You seem to like games of chance, so let me challenge your little genius there.” Dust motioned toward Ace Gold, the little pony staring in dulled interest, “We both knew you lost more than you won at gambling before he came along. He’s your little trump card isn’t he, how you won all those games at Los Pegasus?”

Arick grinned, “Clever old stallion aren’t you? Very well, I’ll admit it. I carry the charm, he carries the game.” The griffon fell back down onto all fours with a thump, flexing his body for a second before glaring hotly, “So buck... choose your game and terms. I’ll match them willingly.”

“My terms. You leave the golden coast, give up your position in Far Go traders.” Dust looked again at the skinny little Ace Gold, still looking like some impossibly useless hipster trash, “The game... that.”

Arick looked behind at the boxing area, his grin widening, “Heh, you’d beat up a foal Dust?”

“I’m not stupid, we both know he can fight.” Dust grinned back at him, “But I’d wager I’m a better fighter than a card player, and that he’s still half my weight. You accept?”

Arick looked round at Ace Gold, the pony still looking totally disaffected and neutral to the whole idea. Eventually Arick looked back, nodding sharply, “Very well, I accept. My terms... nothing.”


“If I win, you would have already been beaten by a foal.” Arick chuckled to himself, eyes twinkling, “I wouldn’t wish to humiliate you any further.”


“In the red corner, we have Dust Kicker! An earth pony from the Ioata Badlands of Equestria, he is an forty three year old mercenary with years of combat experience under his belt! Weighing in at 605kg, he is the clear powerhouse in this fight!”

Six hundred and five huh? He needed to diet, he knew for a fact that wasn’t all muscle. He stepped onto the ring, limbering himself up one last time and focusing his mind. He was old school, he knew a lot of fights ended up close range in the end. Wasn’t the first boxing match he had been in either, having won a few tournaments back when he was younger. He was pretty sure he still had enough of that old skill to take on some little foal.

There were screams of delight from the crowd as Ace Gold stepped up onto the ring, basking into the adoring stares of the mares around him as he flicked his stupid looking hair to the side and took position. Dust sized him up, not coming to any new conclusions. He was fit and muscled, but still just a child. His cutie mark matched his name, a rainbow ribboned gold medal. Well he wasn't winning any tonight...

“And in the blue corner, we have Ace Gold! A unicorn pony from New Canterlot of Equestria, he is a fourteen year old two times Manehatten University fighting champion, a master of Fallen Caesar, Angel Paws and Mane Tai! Weighing in at a mere 230kg, can this little guy make up for weight with skill?!”

No, he couldn’t. The bell rang, the crowds cheering as Dust Kicker immediately charged in for the attack. The stupid prick hadn’t even taken off his sunglasses, simply staring at him with a bored expression as he closed. Dust planned on just barreling him to the ground, there was no way Ace Gold would get out of a grapple with such a clear disadvantage in weight and size.

It didn’t quite go like that. Ace Gold barely had to try, simply hopping onto Dust’s back and hopping off again the other side. Dust grabbed for his legs but it was like he was a ghost, he simply couldn’t find anything to hold on to.

The crowds burst out in laughter and Dust span, his forehoof slashing out. Ace Gold was waiting for it, dodging away and quickly bursting in with a quick jab. Another strike had the same effect, Ace Gold still looking like he wasn’t even trying.

More fool him. Dust repeated the attack and this time he was ready, grabbing Ace’s hoof in a lock and headbutting the foal hard. Ace Gold grunted out a muffled yell, trying some fancy breakaway move but completely unable to budge the heavier fighter. Dust set his muscles to work and twisted, trying to force a submission with the bound hoof.

Ace found his opening, jabbing the hoof forward and striking Dust in the throat. Dust was forced to draw back and take a gasping breath, Ace Gold taking the opportunity to twist and tug himself away. Dust recovered quickly and charged back in for the attack, Ace Gold however leapt fully into the air and span in a balletic and admittedly impressive arc that served adequately to distract from the back hoof that smacked him in the side of the head and sent him sprawling.

The crowd erupted in cheers. Dust had to admit that was a rather impressive move.

Ace rushed him while he was prone but Dust swept himself round to knock Ace’s hooves from under him. The unicorn anticipated it and danced back, Dust launching himself upwards and catching Ace with a right hook while he was off balance. It hit hard, knocking his sunglasses askew and stunning the pony, Dust taking his shoulders and throwing him hard against the ground.

Ace growled, kicked upwards into Dust’s solar plexus and snapped a sharp foreknee into the side of his head, throwing him to the ground and rearing up to jab him hard in the side of the head. Dust fought off the assault and tried to counter but Ace quickly retreated, not about to let himself get in a slugging match with the heavier fighter.

Dust gasped and made it to his hooves, shaking off the pain and readying himself once more. Ace stood the other side of the ring, his sunglasses discarded and a fierce expression on his face. The roar of the crowd sounded in Dust’s ears, his blood pumping hot in his veins...

Ace charged, leaping at the last moment to soar above Dust’s head. Dust was just too slow and inflexable to counter, feeling the foal’s hoof crack him in the back and sending a wave of paralysing shock down his entire body. He tuned just in time to see the buck coming, feeling both legs slam him in the gut and hurl him against the ropes. He slumped against them as he tried to regain his focus, trying desperately to counter the blows as Ace ran at him and rained down a flurry of jabs and hooks. It was a right spinning haymaker that got him, sending spittle flying and knocking him down onto the mat.

“One. Two...”

Screw it.

“Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven...”

“Ung... underestimated you kid... sorry...”

Ace simply grunted, “Everypony does.”

“Ten! And he’s out!”

Dust closed his eyes, having no dignity left to lose. He had walked straight into that one.


“Nice to see you’re not infallible Dust. That was unbelievably stupid.”

Dust Kicker just grinned at Zenai as she finished stitching his brow, having refused to just throw him a healing potion on account of him ‘being an idiot’. To be honest it was worth it just to see a zebra’s stitching technique, an art of beauty that made him proud to boast just his mouth and hooves, “Ace Gold was right about one thing, zebra really are all great doctors.”

“It’s something to be proud of, don’t you think?” She giggled a little, looking very cute for it, “You ponies always spent so much time looking for magical cures, you never took the time to consider the wonders you could achieve with plant, hoof and care.”

Dust chuckled back at her, “You know, that’s one of the first times I’ve ever heard you boast about being a zebra. Has being here made you feel a little less like a striped pony?”

“I... am a striped pony. I don’t believe pony and zebra are any different.” Zenai paused for a moment before relenting, nodding her head, “But culturally, yes, I suppose so. I can connect to the stories of my ancestry far better now I have a real place, real lives to relate it to. Before it was just stories, and often just excuses to isolate themselves.”

“Well, it’s always easier to stick to those you know. It’s still somewhat unusual to see an earth Pony marrying a pegasus, or a unicorn marrying a griffon.”

Zenai grinned a little, “Elder Glowbug is married to an alicorn. They make a very cute couple, considering she’s twice his size.”

“I must admit the logistics evade me.”

“Rarity and Spike?”

“Yeah... likewise. Maybe you can ask him?”

Zenai winced, “I’m not feeling suicidal yet.”

“I’m not sure I really want to know.” Dust touched his brow, a few pokes leaving him confident Zenai’s work was going to hold, “Thanks Zenai, feels much better.”

“No it doesn’t, I’ve been stabbing it for ten minutes. But it’s clean and dry.” Zenai gave him a mock glare, “Now, try not to get beaten up by any more ten year olds ok?”

Dust winced at the low blow, “He was four...teen...”

“Yeah, it really doesn’t sound any better does it?”

Dust sighed, figuring he was going to be hearing about this for a while. He noticed that somepony had shoved a letter through the door and trotted over, retrieving in and holding it up to the light. It had no name or address on it, just a plain white envelope, “Huh. Did you hear anypony post this?”

Zenai shook her head, looking curious, “No. What’s in it?”

Dust opened it up, finding just a small sheet of paper inside. It was a note, written with a typewriter, with just a few short instructions.

11pm tonight, at Nanto Avenue. Stay out of sight, follow the filly.

“What does it say?”

Dust slipped the letter away, shaking his head, “Nothing, just a meeting with a friend.”

He knew it was dishonest, but things like this always gave him a bad feeling. Somepony wanted him to see something, and he didn’t discount the possibility of it being something dangerous and compromising. He’d rather keep Zenai out of this one.


Dust had left his coat at home, taking only a small pistol in a shoulder holster in case of emergencies. He didn’t want to use it, if possible he wanted to see whatever he was supposed to see and get out without any trouble, still he was aware that this could all be a trap. He wasn’t half bad at stealth fortunately, crouched near some similar coloured walls that were obscured by the shadow cast by a nearby tower. The rest of the street was sheltered and devoid of artificial light, still the moonlight and ambient glow of the city around was easily enough to enable him to see.

The avenue was a back access to the palace, leading around the back of several shops long since closed by this hour. As such it was totally deserted, save a small guard post at the palace entrance manned by a single zebra.

And Oteka, the mare naked apart from a small sash bearing her rank and Caesar’s symbol. She wasn’t armed either, so obviously she wasn’t expecting trouble. Interesting...

He waited there for a little while, just admiring Oteka to pass the time. Eventually something moved at the other end of the street, Dust narrowing his eyes to see through the gloom. It was... a youngish zebra mare, leading along a small filly. The filly seemed odd at first, Dust eventually realising that she was a rather unfortunately looking cross breed with a very distinctive collection of traits from both species. Both parties seemed extremely nervous, though there was a hint of excitement there too. Dust watched as the mare approached, Oteka moving forward and looking down at the filly with kindness, “This is Blue Waves?”

The mare nodded, answering in the common zebra tongue. Dust really needed to learn it a little better, though he caught most of it. An acknowledgement, a thank you, an assurance that the child was well behaved and respectful... all of it smothered in forced reverence. Oteka thanked the mare in turn and passed over a heavy bag of what looked like bits, the mare leaning down and whispering a few things to the filly.

That done Oteka took the filly’s head and guided her towards the palace, the mare watching for a moment or two before turning away and heading the way she came. Dust waited for Oteka to make some distance before following, silent and swift as he crept past the guard and down the long path towards the palace.

Oteka was sharp eyed, but fortunately she was distracted by the clearly nervous filly. As such he followed without incident, eventually entering through a side entrance into the palace base. This lead to a set of stairs that stopped at what Dust recognised were Caesar’s quarters, an area in slightly better repair and much better lit than other parts of the palace. This forced him to hang back a little, carefully leaning round a corner as Oteka reached a fancy looking door and knocked politely. An answer came from within and Oteka opened the entrance, ushering the filly inside before turning back the way she came. Dust disappeared into an alcove as she passed, the zebra moving by without noticing the pony tucked away just a short distance from where her steps had landed. Dust realised he had cut that a little close, grateful but intrigued by the Oteka’s rather distracted, troubled demeanour.

Dust dismissed the question for later and headed towards the door the filly had entered with the softest steps he could manage, peeking through the keyhole to reveal an opaque screen between him and the room proper. More fool Caesar, and more fool him for oiling the door. Dust eased it open and slipped inside without a sound, peaking around the edge of the screen to check out the surroundings.

It was a large, grand room that he hadn’t seen the likes of within the palace before. Fine silks and cushions were set about the place, a large table in the middle holding a selection of expensive looking sweet treats. A carpeted area at the back held a large collection of stallion sized cushions, along with a hookah pipe and one of the zebra stringed instruments, the walls decorated with many beautiful paintings.

Rather suggestive paintings. There was one of Celestia that he had to avert his eyes from, along with... zebra, buffalo... dragons... It seemed Caesar was a xenophile, not that it was an incredibly surprising revelation.

The filly was at the table, seeming rather happy as she scoffed chocolates and downed the drinks in big gulps. Caesar was sat beside her, setting her giggling and smiling with very little effort. He was wearing a surprisingly simple looking toga and his hair was set back into a ponytail, seeming very happy and at ease with himself as he shared the contents of the table with the filly.

She was drunk. That was clear from her expression and wobbly posture, and Caesar had to encourage her to slow down as she started to get a little too shaky on her hooves. Dust realised his face was set into an uncomfortably deep frown and moved it into a more neutral expression, considering his options as the scene continued. Caesar eventually moved behind the increasingly floppy filly and ran his hooves across her fur, the child giggling a little before giving a satisfied moan as he worked his way into her muscles. He chuckled at her clear enjoyment and moved forward, nuzzling her neck as she leaned into him...

“You know, considering you have numerous enemies trying to discredit you... maybe now’s not the time.”

Caesar and the filly both gave an impressively girly scream, spinning round as Dust strolled out into the room with his eyes set firmly upon the stallion. Caesar span between anger, embarrassment and fear, eventually settling on... confusion, “Dust Kicker, what are you doing here?!”

“Got a tip off.” Dust rounded on the stallion, voice curt and to the point. Anger had... disappeared somewhere, well practiced emotional controls sealing it off and replacing it with resolve, “Someone wanted me to see this.”

Caesar looked around in a panic for a moment or two before settling into nervous resolution, his manner defensive, “And what are you going to do about it?”

“Tell you to wise up.” Dust let a bubble of anger escape, his tones gruff and impatient, “You have enemies on your doorstep wanting to destroy your reputation, somepony in this very city who knows what’s going on here and wanted to expose it to me. You have the fate of nations on your back, thousands of zebra who rely on you for direction and protection.”

Caesar looked away, evasive, “Exactly, it’s... it’s a very stressful job...”

“Then get a hobby that’s not illegal under the very laws you’ve set.”

“They... they’re my laws...” Caesar’s expression grew angry, argumentative, “And there are places in the golden coast where they marry just as young, despite all my directives...”

Dust caught his eye, glaring long and hard, “Listen to yourself.”

“I... I know.” Caesar sighed, leaning down to the filly beside, “Go into the back room there sweetheart, there’s some toys and games scattered around. I need to talk to Dust.”


The filly trotted away, looking back for a moment before quickly sticking her head down and continuing into the back room. Caesar paused to watch her before turning back to Dust, shaking his head, “I’ve tried to stop, I have. I know it’s wrong. But I see a pretty mare on the street and I can’t get her out of my head, and I know I have enough money and power to have her. With the young ones, I tell myself... I make them feel beautiful, I’m kind to them...”

“I’m not here to pass moral judgement, so justifying yourself to me is a waste of time.” Dust looked him straight in the eye, firm and unyelding, “Again, I’m speaking as a pony who’s been paid to make this alliance happen. You’re jeopardizing it with your irresponsible actions.”

Caesar nodded sadly, “I see your point. I... I will refrain from any hobbies that may reflect poorly on me while this treaty is still under consideration.”

Dust felt an odd sympathy for him, trying to wriggle out of his own actions, convince himself of his own nobility. That disturbed him slightly, that sympathy, “You will always have enemies Caesar. Look at your brother, brought down by his own selfish desires.”

It was now that Dust realised Caesar had never mentioned his brother, his head rising angry and fierce, “My brother?! Who spoke of him to you?!”

Dust kept his voice calm, not about to be intimidated, “Does it matter?”

“My brother... no...” Caesar lowered his voice, keeping it barely under control as he spoke, “I offer them fine foods, drink, I’m kind, I pay them well for their time. My brother... my father... they were rapists and thugs, they were the monsters. My father took Oteka forcefully when she was just a child, forever sullied her in the eyes of her clan! I took her in, gave her respect and purpose, I tried to rise above the brutality of my family!”

“And you have.” Dust leveled his eyes at the zebra, “But you are the great Caesar. You have set yourself up as more than mortal, so you need to act like it.”

“I can’t!” Caesar yelled the words, desperate and a little scared, “I’m not Celestia, I’m not some mighty celibate high queen, free of desire and fault! I... I’m just a mortal, taking the appearance and aspect of something more to appeal to those who have no hope of something better!”

“And if you break that illusion, you’ll break their hope. You have made your choice, now you have to live with it.”

“What do you know?!” Caesar stepped forward, raging and angry as her advanced on Dust, “You’re just a sellsword, a mercenary! You’re nothing!”

“I’m someone who’s seen a lot of ponies meet their downfall.”

Caesar paused, teeth clenching. Eventually he turned away, voice bitter and full of pain, “You will not presume to tell me what to do. I am Caesar, my will is law. You will escort yourself out and I will forget about all this.”

Dust cursed inwardly. So close... “And the filly?”

“The filly... I will not touch her. She will be returned unharmed, in the morning.” Caesar glared at him, a whole mixture of raw emotion held in check by bottomless resolve, “Now go.”

Dust paused for something else to say, but there was nothing. He simply had to nod and do as he was commanded, knowing now...

This was all going to end badly.


60% EXP to level up.

This fanfiction is based on Fallout Equestria by Kkat, it is highly recommended that you read that first for context. Reading Fallout Equestria: Pink Eyes by Mimezinga will help understanding, but isn’t required.
Many of the characters and much of the setting are not mine but are on loan from the very awesome Kkat, or are taken from My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic by Hasbro. This story makes no pretentions at being canon with either, and is merely a ‘what-if’ set in the same world.
If you enjoy Fallout Equestria Side Stories, you will want to check the Fallout Equestria Side Stories post on Equestria Daily and the Fallout Equestria Side Stories thread on Ponychan.