Broken Blossom

by BronyWriter

Protector in Shining Armor

Well as it turned out, the duo reached the castle a little late for lunch as it was about five thirty in the evening by the time they entered the main hall. Still, that was hardly cause for Shining Armor to go back on his promise of feeding Blossom some of the best food she had ever eaten and the two of them journeyed to obtain the food.

As the two of them went towards the dining room, they were intercepted by none other than a worried Princess Celestia who breathed a huge sigh of relief when her eyes landed on the filly. "There you are, Blossom!" she said. “I’ve been worried about you!”

Blossom's ears flattened and she slid off Shining Armor's back and retreated a few steps. Her protector levitated his helmet off of her head and placed a comforting hoof on her shoulder. "Remember what I said, kid," he said. "Who here is going to hurt you?"

"Nopony is going to hurt me," mumbled Blossom.

"Right on, kid. Princess Celestia doesn't want anything bad to happen to you any more than I do. She's going to protect you too."

Princess Celestia nodded. "That's right, Blossom. You have nothing to fear from either me or my sister."

"You're not gonna take my horn away?"

Princess Celestia frowned and shook her head. "We would never," she said. "Why would you be afraid of that?"

"You took Mommy's," whispered Blossom.

Shining Armor and Princess Celestia exchanged uneasy looks as Blossom turned her gaze to the ground and began poking at a loose thread in the carpet.

Princess Celestia shook her head and sat down in front of the filly. "Blossom, we had to take your mother's horn because--"

"I know; because she's sick in the head and you're afraid that she'll hurt ponies by trying to escape."

Princess Celestia nodded. "It's merely a precaution, Blossom. I promise you that when we took her horn it didn't hurt her at all, nor does it hurt now."

Blossom nodded. "I guess I was just scared because I tried to hurt one of the guards when I wanted to get away."

Princess Celestia raised her eyebrow and leaned in a little closer. "What do you mean, 'I tried to hurt one of the guards'?"

"It wasn't really that bad," interjected Shining Armor. "She was surrounded by no less than nineteen of my men and she panicked. She hit Storm Shaker in the muzzle with a color changing spell. It turned his nose blue but he suffered no damage."

"And you thought we'd remove your horn for that?" said Celestia.

"The other guards were really mad at me when I did that and they did bad things to me so I thought that you would too," Blossom muttered.

Princess Celestia cocked her head. "What do you mean they did bad things to you?" Blossom's bottom lip began quivering and tears filled her eyes. She resumed her shivering and took a small step backwards. "Blossom? What did they do to you?"

It was too much. Blossom began sobbing quietly and she hid her face in her forelegs. Princess Celestia's eyes widened and she turned confusedly to Shining Armor who returned her look with a grim one.

"I got there a little too late, I'm afraid. They didn't hurt her any, but she had hoofcuffs on both her hind and forelegs and one of my men had negated her horn with a spell. Frankly it doesn't surprise me that she thought we were going to chop it off."

Princess Celestia's eyes widened and she turned back to the sobbing foal. "Oh Blossom," she whispered. "I'm so sorry that happened to you." She reached out to take Blossom in her forelegs but she jumped away and ran over to Shining Armor and wrapped her forelegs around one of his. Shining Armor sat on his haunches and wrapped Blossom in a hug.

Princess Celestia reached out to stroke the filly’s mane but thought better of it and retracted her hoof. "Do you know which of your soldiers did this to her?"

Shining Armor nodded. "They've been standing at attention in the courtyard ever since I walked in on their arrest of Blossom. I was going to get Blossom some dinner and then deal with them. I take it that's something you want to be a part of?"

"I think that would be for the best,” said Princess Celestia. “Are you going to be hard on them?"

"Imagine the sight of this filly completely chained up like a common criminal, with her magic blocked because she changed the color of one of the noses of my men, while curled up in a little ball and sobbing on the ground. Meanwhile, nineteen of my men are standing around her, watching her cry and not a single one thinks that they're doing anything wrong, treating a foal like that."

"I think I'm getting the picture," said Celestia.

"She was so scarred from it that even after she calmed down when I told her that I was Twilight's brother, she tried to bolt when I reached out to her. I had to hold her down to tell her that everything was okay."

Blossom sniffled in his forelegs. "'m sorry," she muttered.

"Hey, kid; you don't have anything to be sorry about," said Shining. "If anything I'm sorry for the way my men treated you. I'd try to run too if I had that happen to me." He glanced up at Celestia who nodded. "Well, Blossom, I think I promised somepony some of the best food she's ever eaten. You don't want to make a liar out of me, do you?"

Blossom wiped her eyes with her hoof and looked up at her protector. "No, I guess not," she said. "I think I am kind of hungry."

"Kind of? I imagine you're starving after today." He levitated Blossom onto his back and began walking in the direction of the kitchens. "Now, kid, what does your heart desire?"

Blossom sniffled but tapped her chin with her hoof. "Umm... well I think that I'd really like a grilled cheese sandwich and hay fries with ketchup."

"As you wish m'lady. What would you desire for dessert?"

Aha, that piqued her interest. Blossom's squeal of delight was almost heard by her tormentors standing at attention. "Ice cream!"

"Ice cream, you say? And what flavor would that be?"

"Chocolate!" squeed Blossom.

"Then chocolate it shall be," said Shining Armor. "Come on, let's get you fed."

* * * *

Shining Armor trotted down the hall of the guard barracks, hoping that he wouldn't completely blow his top at his men. Oh they deserved it, no questions asked, the way they treated Blossom was beyond not okay. She wasn't a criminal, she hadn't done anything illegal, she was just a scared filly who wanted her mother and was overwhelmed by her situation. Not even Rarity, the deadliest serial killer ponydom had ever known, was treated like that.

Shining Armor sighed. Seeing that filly even a little bit happy made his heart melt. The kid had had enough terrible things dumped on her in her life; she didn't need any more from him or his men.

As he continued onwards, the question crossed his mind of how would she react if she ever found out that he had been the one to arrest not only her aunt, but her mother as well after Rarity had killed Iron Will?

He had been the arresting officer that night; that fateful night that he would remember for the rest of time. He would always remember the expressions that the two of them wore. Sweetie Belle was huddled in a ball at the hooves of his men and Rarity was pleading with him to spare her sister arrest and shame. To see such an evil pony at his hooves looking so helpless... well, suffice to say he still dreamt about it sometimes.

And now Sweetie Belle had been convicted of murdering foals and he was likely the only bright spot in the life of her scared child right now. It was tragically ironic that one of the ponies who played a part in her aunt's death was now one that was taking care of her. Now that he thought about it, she didn't need to know about his arrest of Rarity.

He was brought out of his thoughts when Princess Celestia walked up beside him. "What are you thinking about?" she asked.

Shining Armor shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I was thinking about Blossom and what her life is going to be going forward."

Celestia nodded. "We all are," she admitted.

The journey to the courtyard was silent for a few moments before the sun goddess spoke up again. "You were also contemplating the irony of the fact that you were the one who arrested Rarity, not to mention her mother and the rest of the Elements that night, and now Blossom has taken quite a liking to you."

He would have questioned how she knew that, but he decided it wasn't important. She was perceptive like that a lot. "Well, yeah," he said. "You know how much that night affected me. I arrested my little sister and executed one of her closest friends. That would be tough for anypony."

"Yet you did not take the three weeks of leave that I offered you."

"No I didn’t your highness. You know that pretty much every guard who was there took that leave. I was needed to make sure that things ran smoothly. I had done my duty when I arrested them and I needed to keep my personal life out of it."

"You could have taken your personal life out of it and still have just cause to take the leave to recover mentally," Celestia observed. "You saw what was in that basement."

"I did," said Shining Armor. "And you know that I woke up screaming for the next three months. But the fact remains that my men needed me through that time."

"I interviewed each and every soldier under your command and not a single one of them said that they would have lost a single scrap of faith in you had you taken a vacation because of that incident."

Shining Armor scoffed. "Pardon me, princess, but of course they would have said that."

"And each and every one of them meant it," said Celestia. "Do not underestimate the loyalty you have inspired in your men. They would follow you to the ends of Equestria and back." The duo reached the door to the courtyard but stopped short. "But do know this; they are aware that you are as equine as they. It is part of what inspires them so much. They see you not as an aloof authority figure, but as one of the greatest stallions they've ever known, strengths, weaknesses, and emotions all in one."

Shining Armor sighed and shook his head. "Why exactly are we having this conversation twenty years after the fact?"

"Because I left you alone to handle it the way you saw fit," said Celestia, "and I trusted you to make the right decision about what you needed in terms of recovery because you were the only one who truly knew how you needed to handle what had happened. I was admittedly foolish to not notice that you chose to mask your emotions to hide your pain and now that Blossom has appeared, I see some of those scars are still as fresh as they were on the night you arrested your sister."

"I'm fine," Shining Armor insisted.

"It is hard to lie to a goddess, Shining Armor," said Princess Celestia. "Your facial expressions alone tell me that you still feel tremendous sorrow at your actions that night, exacerbated by the fact that you knew they were the right ones. And now I see how you interact with Blossom and I wonder whether or not you see her as a way to put some of your personal demons to rest."

Shining Armor clenched his jaw but otherwise didn't respond to the comment. "We should go talk to my men," he said.

"Very well," said Celestia. "But I do ask you to reflect on my words."

Shining Armor opened the door to the courtyard and was greeted with the sight of nineteen of his men standing at attention. In truth there was a part of him that wanted to completely lose his mind at his men. What they had done to Blossom was nothing short of inexcusable and they. Needed. To. Pay. End of story.

However, he remembered that Princess Celestia herself was standing directly behind him. To completely fly off the handle at the handle at them when Princess Celestia had just gotten done with saying how much they trusted and respected him wouldn't exactly look good. Still, there was a time to be firm with them and that time was certainly now.

"Attention!" shouted Shining Armor.

His guards had already been standing at attention when he entered the courtyard, but now even the ones who were slouching even slightly snapped up.

Shining Armor's eyes scanned the courtyard, desperately hoping that all of his men were there so he didn't have to get even angrier with them then he already was. To his relief, he had ordered nineteen of his men to the courtyard and nineteen of his men now stood at attention. Good.

"Now I take it you all know why you're here?" he barked.

"SIR, YES, SIR" his men chanted.

Shining Armor paced in front of them before turning quickly and looking one of his colts directly in the eye. "Since you all seem to know why you're here, why don't you speak for the rest of your comrades and tell me why I ordered you here."

"Sir, because we mishandled the arrest of the foal, sir!"

"And who said that you were arresting her, Private?"

"Sir, Princess Celestia ordered us to retrieve the foal, sir!"

"Without any damage, correct?"

"Sir, yes, sir!"

"Sir if I may speak, sir!" said a mare three soldiers down the line.

Shining Armor frowned and walked up to the mare. "What do you have to say, sergeant?" he snapped.

"Sir, our orders were to retrieve the filly without harming her, sir! If I may say so, we did her no harm, sir!" said the mare.

Shining Armor snorted. "And the hoofcuffs and horn negation? For a seven year old? What was that all about?"

"Sir, she had attacked Private Storm Shaker, sir!" said the mare. "We didn't know if the filly possessed any offensive capabilities that would allow her to harm us, sir!"

"And you thought that a frightened seven year old would be able to take on nineteen fully trained guards who could themselves take on any threat to Princess Celestia herself?" growled Shining Armor.

"Sir, the sergeant repeats that we didn't know her offensive capabilities, sir! If even one of our company had been injured and it was preventable then we would not have done our duty to our fellow soldiers, sir! Even the weakest unicorn foal can cause damage if said foal experiences a powerful magical surge, sir!"

Shining Armor glared at the sergeant, mulling her words over. He hated to admit it, but... it made a bit of sense. He might have done the same thing in their position. True a seven year old was unlikely to know any powerful spells, but his sister had emitted a magical surge that had grown a newborn dragon to full size and turned his parents into potted plants at Blossom's age. If Blossom had surged like that in her emotional state then she could have escaped and potentially brought harm to his men. They had erred on the side of caution based on a lack of concrete information of her powers.

His glare softened and he sighed quietly. "Very well, you've convinced me that the horn negation was a necessary precaution made in order to protect your comrades, one that I trust that you don't need to make again under these present circumstances."

Shining Armor stepped away from the sergeant and the line once more until his eyes landed on a stallion four soldiers down. He walked up to him. "We have determined that the horn negation was a precaution that you felt you needed to take to protect your fellow soldiers seeing as how she had already attempted to attack you to escape and you didn't know what she was capable of. But that leaves the manner of the hoofcuffs unresolved."

"Sir, yes, sir," said the stallion.

"Private, would you explain the meaning of hoofcuffs on both her hind and forelegs?"

"Sir, we--" The soldier faltered. "We were preventing her escape, sir!"

"Once her horn was negated, did she indicate in any way that she was either capable of escaping or about to?" barked Shining Armor.

"Sir, no, sir!" said the stallion.

"Would you inform me of the physical and emotional state of the seven year old foal at your hooves?"

An uneasy look crossed the soldier's face and he had to clear his throat before continuing on. "S-Sir, the foal was on the ground crying and...and she wasn't moving, sir."

"So her horn was negated, she wasn't moving, she was crying, and she was surrounded by nineteen obscenely powerful and completely armored guards, am I hearing that right?" said Shining Armor.

"Sir, yes, sir!"

"Alright, so would you mind telling me if you believe now that you were in the right to secure the foal in that manner?" said Shining Armor.

The guard faltered once more. "S-Sir the private believes that...that maybe we went a little farther than we should have in our capture of the filly, sir."

"And why do you believe that?"

"She was physically and magically incapable of bringing harm to anypony and she was in no emotional state that would have allowed such actions, sir."

Shining Armor scoffed and turned away from his men and walked back over to Princess Celestia. "What are your thoughts, Princess?" he said quietly.

Princess Celestia frowned. "Well, you already believe that the horn negation was in the right based on their perspective and I'm inclined to agree. Even if I do believe that it was too far and I wouldn't have done it, they didn't know that and she had just attacked them. Obviously the hoofcuffs were too far and I think they realize that. They went too far in the heat of the moment based on training that they have had to use before in arrest situations."

Shining Armor nodded. "That's what I'm thinking too," he said. "Still, there were nineteen of them surrounding an absolutely defenseless filly and not one of them thought that what they were doing wasn't right."

Princess Celestia looked up and studied the faces of some of the guards. "No, I think that there were some in that group that knew that they were going overboard but didn't speak up because it was technically not breaking orders. She was not physically harmed during her arrest."

"She was emotionally scarred and they should have known that," Shining Armor pointed out. "But..." He shook his head. "I can see where they're coming from. You told them to go get her, she tried to escape, she attacked one of them, and they did everything they could to secure her to ensure their safety. If she's totally secured then she can't hurt anypony, herself included."

"That was their thought process, I think," observed Celestia.

"Regardless, I can't help but believe they went too far and I think a few of them knew that then too," said Shining Armor. "She was defenseless, crying, and a mere filly."

"What do you suggest, captain?" asked Celestia.

"I was just about to ask you the same thing," Shining Armor retorted.

"They are under your command, Shining Armor. It is ultimately up to you," Celestia pointed out.

"And in that train of thought, how Equestria is run is up to you in the end but even you have ponies who advise you on the proper way to do things." Princess Celestia raised an eyebrow at Shining Armor, causing him to take a step back and flatten his ears. "I'm sorry, Princess; I was out of line there."

"Oh don't be sorry, Shining Armor. You were only asking for a little advice and you are quite right, even I need some at the best of times." Princess Celestia looked out at the guards. "If I understand the situation correctly, then your temperament is not such that you would rain fire and brimstone on them for their actions."

Shining Armor held back a chuckle. "Well I admit that it was when I told them to wait here," he responded. "I was ready to strip most, if not all, of them of their rank and dishonorably discharge them."

"But now you would suggest a lighter punishment?" Celestia observed.

"Not what I just mentioned, that's for sure," Shining Armor agreed. "But like I said, what do you think?"

"I think there are two sides to this coin. If they are punished severely for something like this then they may come to resent Blossom. For Blossom's part, it would not do well for her to grow up living in constant fear of these ponies. They are under oath to protect innocent ponies as they would protect me and as such, they are sworn to protect Blossom. It would not do her good to be afraid of them all her life."

"I'm not sure that's avoidable," Shining Armor pointed out. "After all, from her perspective these are the ponies who took her mother away."

"That is true, but I was thinking more along the lines of these individual ponies. If she can see that they're just ponies like her, albeit stronger ones with a job to do, then she will likely be less afraid of them. She may be living here for a few years; we cannot have her scared of every guard who comes into her field of vision."

Shining Armor looked towards the castle where, Blossom was undoubtedly enjoying her meal, and nodded. "I think you're right. But I also think it should be up to her. I'll ask her about if she's up for it, but if not, then what?"

"A light punishment that will suffice until she can meet them so they can apologize," said Celestia.

Shining Armor nodded and walked back to his men. "Alright, soldiers, listen up! I am going to bring the child here and you are going to apologize to her! She is not to be treated like a criminal, she is to be treated like you should treat an innocent civilian both now and going forward!"

"Sir, yes, sir!" chanted the guards.

Shining Armor turned from his men and began walking back to the castle, Princess Celestia beside him. "How do you think it will go?" he asked.

"I cannot say for sure," said Celestia. "But I believe that Blossom has more strength in her that even she doesn't know about. If told that they want to apologize to her, then I doubt that she will let fear get in the way of their redemption in her eyes."

"And for them?"

"It's as I said before: they respect you. They'll want to get on her good side because of that respect."

"I was thinking more about their real emotions as opposed to simply because they want to stay on my good side," replied Shining Armor.

"I think there is also the aspect that you know that each of them are fine ponies, correct? I doubt that they would relish in the prospect of physically or emotionally harming a foal. It is as I said before: I think that a lot of them were uncomfortable with what they were doing and they will legitimately want to apologize to Blossom."

Shining Armor shrugged. "I suppose we'll see," he said.

The pair was silent as they walked towards one of the dining rooms where they had been told that Blossom was situated. Princess Celestia decided to stay behind as Shining Armor walked in the door. He smiled when he saw the sight of the filly, smiling with a wide grin for what must have been the first time in days, and wiping the last traces of chocolate ice cream off of her muzzle. She smiled even more when she saw Shining Armor walk in.

"Hello, Mr. Armor!" she chirped happily, getting off the chair and bouncing over to him. "You were right! That was some of the best food I've ever had!"

Shining Armor chuckled. "No need with the 'Mr.' stuff, Blossom. Shining Armor will do just fine."

Blossom's grin faded and her ears flattened. "Oh... sorry," she mumbled.

"Hey it's okay, kid," Shining Armor reassured. "So you really liked your meal?"

It was like a switch had been turned as Blossom's demeanor switched to elation again. "Oh it was, it really was!" she squeed.

"Excellent," said Shining Amour. "Because I have some ponies I want you to meet. They have something very important to say to you."

Blossom cocked her head. "Who?"

"Well..." Now came the hard part it seemed. "The soldiers under my command who arrested you today. They...they want to say they're sorry."

Immediately Blossom switched back to fear and she backed away with her ears flattened. "I dunno if I want to talk to them," she whimpered. "T...They're scary."

"Blossom, they want to say they're sorry," said Shining Armor. "They all feel really bad about what they did."

"Okay," whispered Blossom.

"So do you want to go see them so they can say that?"

Blossom whimpered again and she took a step back, hiding her face in her mane.

"Blossom, remember what I said about nopony going to hurt you? Well, they're the same way. Besides, Both Princess Celestia and I will be there to make sure that nothing goes wrong."

The tip of Blossom's muzzle slowly peeked out of her mane and Shining Armor smiled warmly at her. "It'll be okay, I promise."

* * * *

The next twenty minutes saw Shining Armor leading Blossom towards his men only to have her slowly start backing up again causing him to have to talk her back into the whole situation once more. He insisted it was for her own good, and it was, but it still scared her. Having said that, if Shining Armor wasn't so aware that the young filly had been scarred by everything going on around her in the past few days, then he would have been thoroughly irritated with her by the time they reached the courtyard.

When the trio reached the courtyard, Shining Armor was surprised to see that each and every one of his men had taken their helmets off and was standing at attention.

Frankly, he had to count himself as impressed with the idea. If their helmets were off then Blossom could see their faces and it would be easier for her to recognize them as ponies like herself and thus she would be less afraid of them. He was a little disappointed that he didn't think of it himself.

Blossom took a few shaky breaths and bravely walked towards the row of guards. Even without their helmets on, they were still standing at attention and decked out in full battle regalia. It seemed that they didn't want to look too unprofessional.

Blossom slowly trotted up to them and sat on her haunches a good twenty feet away from them. "H-Hello," she whispered shakily.

To Shining's surprise, the sergeant he had talked with earlier who reasoned why they needed to negate Blossom's horn trotted up to the filly and smiled warmly at her. "Hello, Blossom," she said kindly. "I'm Stormy Weather. It’s a pleasure to meet you." Story Weather extended a hoof in greeting and for her part, Blossom bravely shook it. "Look I think I speak for all of us here when I say that I'm really sorry about what we did to you. Our behavior... well, it wasn't very nice."

Blossom took a deep breath but her face retreated into her mane all the same. "'s'okay," she mumbled.

"Well no, it wasn't okay," said Stormy Weather. "We crossed the line big time, Blossom and we're all very, very sorry about that."

Blossom weakly nodded. "Okay," she whispered again.

The warm smile returned to Stormy Weather's face. "You wanna meet some of the rest of the guys? I know they'd all be honored to meet such a brave filly."

Blossom looked up at the rest of the guards and to her surprise, all of them had the same warm smile that Stormy Weather had. Her face came out from her mane a little more and she slowly nodded.

The next half hour or so was spent with Blossom meeting each of the guards who had arrested her. They all profusely apologized and they were all just as friendly to her as Stormy Weather had been.

Shining Armor smiled at Princess Celestia. "Well, that turned out well, Princess."

Celestia nodded happily. "Indeed it did," she said. "You have some good soldiers here, captain."

"I really do, don't I?" Shining Armor's smile widened slightly when he saw that Blossom's mood seemed to have dramatically improved and she was almost laughing now. "She's going to be okay, isn't she?"

Celestia's smile faltered for a brief moment, not that Shining Armor noticed, but she was quick to return it. "I think so, captain. I think so."