//------------------------------// // Big Sister Rainbow // Story: Big Sister Rainbow // by Nova Force //------------------------------// “Dear, what’s going on? Who is that?” Mrs. Cake said. “I can’t see very well, but it’s definitely a Pegasus.” Mr. Cake said. The focus bestowed upon Rarity and Sweetie Belle winning first place had been entirely redirected to the sky above. No pony could make out what was happening. Those close to her, however, knew that it was Rainbow Dash since there was only one pony around who was capable of leaving behind a rainbow trail in her wake. Seeing the rainbow trail made Scootaloo’s heart-rate accelerate. A burst of questions flooded her mind, yet all she could do was join the crowd of ponies in staring straight up into the air. Rainbow Dash, is that really you? After the long trip from Cloudsdale, Rainbow Dash at last stopped high above the site of the award ceremony. She hung in the air briefly, flapping her wings trying to get into focus. I’m going to make this right. With that final thought, she released herself and began freefalling. At first she seemed to allow gravity to do the work for her, but soon she positioned her wings to help spear herself toward the ground. I just need to get into the right position. She fought through the rush of air piercing into her face. Nothing was going to impede her from what she needed to do. As she came closer to the ground, she began to recognize ponies in the crowd below. There were some ponies she didn’t know, but she could identify several familiar faces: Cheerilee, Mayor Mare, Bon Bon, and Mr. & Mrs. Cake – all of whom were all staring up at her in bewilderment. Where is she? Rainbow Dash’s eyes darted in every direction. She spotted Granny Smith and Big Mac with other members of the Apple family. Please, let me find you. Time was running out. She knew she couldn’t keep at this speed much longer. In a few seconds, she would have to call this quits. I can’t do this if I get too close! She’s got to be here somewhere! Just then, she saw Rarity and Applejack standing with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom by the winner’s platform. And finally, she saw the one little pony who mattered most. I found you!! With no warning, a force of energy shattered in the air releasing all the colors of the rainbow. The outbreak of light blinded the ponies on the ground. For a moment no pony could see anything. Gradually the initial brightness began dying away, and it became safe for the ponies to look up. There was no mistaking what happened. A Sonic Rainboom had just been performed in front of their very eyes. However, everypony noticed that this Sonic Rainboom was different. Normally, it is in the shape of a circle and ripples throughout the sky. This one was certainly rippling, but it didn’t look like a circle at all. Everypony gazed up at the sky and marveled at what they were seeing. A heart. Somehow, Rainbow Dash was able to angle her flying in a way that outlined a heart-shaped Sonic Rainboom. Such a spectacle had never been seen before in all of Equestria. Not even Celestia herself could claim to have witnessed one before. With the size and scope of this particular Sonic Rainboom, it was bound shine through all the way to Canterlot and even Cloudsdale. When Rainbow Dash landed, her hooves dug into the ground. She looked up and took a deep breath. “I want everypony to know that that was for my little sister, Scootaloo!” There was a mixture of confusion and awe in the audience. Most of them were still gaping at the sky, but some watched Rainbow Dash because they were curious to see who had accomplished such an amazing spectacle. However, she didn’t appear to be in any mood for congratulations. Instead, she ran through the crowd of ponies as if she was looking for something. Upon seeing Scootaloo, she charged at her with open hooves. Before she even had time to react, Scootaloo was snatched up into Rainbow Dash’s arms. She held Scootaloo tightly. “I’m so sorry, Scootaloo. I was wrong to leave you to go do my own thing. I had no idea how much this weekend meant to you,” She loosened her grip so she could look Scootaloo in the eyes, “Can you ever forgive me?” Scootaloo could see tears forming in Rainbow Dash’s eyes. Here she was. The Pegasus she looked up to and admired above all others. “Rainbow Dash,” she began, “I love you!” Rainbow Dash brought her in for another hug. She whispered to her, “And I love you, little sister.” Every ounce of sorrow Scootaloo carried with her on that day was immediately vanquished. Being in Rainbow Dash’s arms in that moment brought forth indescribable joy. Nothing else mattered because, right then and there, Scootaloo’s search for sisterhood had come to an end. When they released each other, Scootaloo looked up and took in what she was seeing. The giant rainbow heart surged across the sky as an announcement of Rainbow Dash’s love for her. No Sisterhooves Social medal or trophy could compare to such a prodigious display of love. Scootaloo turned to her hero. “What made you change your mind?” Rainbow Dash jumped. “It was Twilight! I was training with the Wonderbolts until she showed up and helped me realize what I had done.” “Did I hear somepony say my name?” The crowd of ponies was still in wonderment over the Sonic Rainboom. Everypony stood still unable to tear their eyes away. One pony, however, was casually trotting her way through the rabble. Twilight Sparkle wore a big grin on her face as she looked up at the sky. Unlike the other ponies there, she knew what the significance of this particular Sonic Rainboom was. In addition to healing the bond between Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo, Twilight knew that it validated all of her late-night studying throughout the past week. “Twilight!” Scootaloo ran up and threw her hooves around her. “Thank you so much for what you did for me. I don’t know what to say.” “There’s no need to thank me, Scootaloo. My time here in Ponyville has taught me many things about friendship. Rainbow Dash in particular has taught me so much about loyalty. You can consider this my way of saying ‘thanks’ to her.” Rainbow Dash flew over and also gave Twilight a hug. “You really are a true friend, Twilight.” She gave and extra squeeze before letting go. “But what happened back at Cloudsdale?” Twilight began to giggle. “Well, after you left, I was alone with the Wonderbolts. They were pretty confused as to what had happened. So instead of trying to explain the situation to them, I used the same thoughts-sharing spell I had done on you on them. They were pretty understanding of everything. Spitfire especially symphonized with you. She told me all this stuff about the responsibilities of being a Wonderbolt and how she missed out on having friends.” A heavy expression came over Rainbow Dash’s face. “Yeah, I don’t think I’ll ever forget her telling me that.” “There’s one more thing,” Twilight began, “Soarin’ wanted me to tell you that you and Scootaloo are welcome to train with him at the Wonderbolt’s flight deck whenever possible.” Both Rainbow Dash’s and Scootaloo’s eyes widened. “Really?!” Twilight nodded. “Yes, really. He was moved by how much Rainbow Dash wanted to train with him and the other Wonderbolts, and yet she was able to put aside everything she wanted in order to make right by Scootaloo. He told me that that’s the kind of loyalty the Wonderbolts look for whenever they add a new member to their team.” Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo spoke in unison. “Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh!” Twilight glanced up again to scan the sky. “If I’m correct, then judging by the looks of things, your Sonic Rainboom should be reaching Cloudsdale right about now. I’m sure the Wonderbolts and all the other Pegasi there will get a big kick out of it!” Rainbow Dash looked over to Scootaloo and smiled. “They can think whatever they want about it. There’s only one pony I had in mind when I made it.” Scootaloo blushed. Then, from behind, she heard another familiar voice. “Simply marvelous, Rainbow Dash!” Rarity said gawking upward at the sky. She, along with Sweetie Belle, Applejack, and Apple Bloom, had waited to hear Twilight’s explanation before moving in to congratulate Rainbow Dash. They, too, knew how much this weekend meant to Scootaloo. “Yee-haw! Way to go sugarcube! You’ve done and stolen the show!” Applejack said. “Yeah! That Sonic Rainboom is so cool!” Sweetie Belle said. “I don’t think I’ve seen anything near as awesome!” Apple Bloom said. Scootaloo definitely heard her friends, but it didn’t matter to her how kind their words were. All that mattered was how her hero just declared to everypony that she was her sister. The more she thought about it, the more she realized that she no longer had to daydream about what sisterhood was like. She could now look forward to every inside joke, every argument, and every day that would nurture their connection with each other. Rainbow Dash lowered herself to the ground. “Hop aboard, sis.” Scootaloo jumped onto her back. “Where are we going?” “You and I are long overdue for some quality sister-time. Let’s go for a ride. Hang on!” With a mighty kick off the ground, Scootaloo held tightly onto Rainbow Dash. In mere moments they were already soaring well above their friends below. As they sailed through the skies of Equestria, the heart-shaped Sonic Rainboom continued to stream across the land. Scootaloo couldn’t believe that such a spectacle was made especially for her. She leaned into Rainbow Dash’s ear. “Say, how in the world were you able to make that?” Rainbow Dash winked. “That’s a secret. Let’s just call it your ‘Big Sister Rainbow’.”