//------------------------------// // Objects In Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear - Comedy, Action // Story: Krizak's Compendium of Concise Chronicles // by Krizak //------------------------------// It was a serene and beautiful night in Whitetail Woods. The moon was full, blanketing the tranquil forest in its cool light, and the woods were quiet save for the chirps of crickets, the hoots of owls, and the roar of something very large chasing after the pink truck that had just crested over a hill at decidedly unsafe speeds. “Must go faster, Rarity, must go faster!” Pinkie yelled out from her spot in the back of the truck, her eyes wide with terror at the sight behind them. She struggled to turn her head and look in the cab at her pale friend, the massive gashes on her rear leg causing her considerable pain. “I have the pedal pressed to the floor, Pinkie!” Rarity shouted back, not daring to look over her shoulder at her friend, lest they crash into a tree and quickly become a snack. She chanced a glance at the rear-view mirror, however, and the monstrous threat that was slowly but surely gaining on them. She growled in anger. “Applejack, why does your truck have to be such a garish piece of junk!?” “If you hate it so much, why did you borrow it?” Pinkie responded as she turned back to the rear of the truck, staring at the creature that had injured her with wide eyes. “Why did you borrow it and drag me out to the middle of the woods in the middle of the night just so I could get in the middle of a duel and get my leg chomped clean in the middle?” “I needed a witness!” Rarity exclaimed, lifting a hoof from the steering wheel. “Vengeance was to be mine! I would do unto her a hundred times the travesty she did to my mane!” Pinkie rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, Rarity, I heard you when you first told me about your little duel.” She shook her head, the gesture turning into a wince of pain as the apple truck bounced hard on the uneven terrain and jostled her hurt leg. “Owwww! This is worse than that time with the winged apes! Why did you cast that spell on her anyway? How do you even know a crazy spell like that?” “I stumbled across it when I was studying old fashions— oh no. Hold on, Pinkie!” Rarity desperately span the steering wheel as fast as she could, the truck’s tires kicking grass and dirt into the air as it tried to turn. Pinkie, not finding anything to hold onto, tumbled a few times with some decidedly un-Pinkie-like curses coming out of her mouth, but she managed to avoid falling out of the truck and into the jaws of the beast pursuing them. The truck finally stopped skidding moments before it ran into the solid wall of trees Rarity had been trying to avoid, and took off on its new trajectory, leaving behind the sound of falling trees and pained roaring. “As I was saying, somepony had left it as a bookmark in an old fashion journal I had borrowed, and it was such a ridiculous spell, but it caught in my mind. I just had to learn it, to master it! And so I did, and Opal spent the day as the cutest little ankylosaur, and then I honestly forgot all about it, darling.” She shook her head. “Until tonight’s duel, that is, when I was desperate for something, anything to turn the tide. But that spell bases what you turn into on your personality – I had forgotten that – and, well, you know how Trixie sees herself.” “Great and Powerful indeed,” Pinkie replied with a sage nod, turning to look once again at the transformed traveller terrorizing them… only to be pleasantly surprised. “Rarity, look, look! We lost her!” “We did? HaHA!” Rarity let out a squeal of glee, but she didn’t let up on the speed. “I’m not taking any chances, though. We’re getting back to Ponyville as fast as we can and hiding out until that spell wears off.” “Yay! Slumber party at Rarity’s— ow!” Pinkie smiled sheepishly. “Well, I guess after my trip to the hospital.” Further into the forest, a massive creature finally freed itself from the tangle of broken lumber that had cost it its prey. Light blue skin, rippling over powerful muscles, glowed in the moonlight as the creature raised its head to the sky, a tiny star-spangled hat perched between its eyeridges. Opening her mouth, Trixiesaurus Rex roared her frustration out into the night.