Somepony Special.

by Meow Mix

Chapter 8 - Sweet Dreams.

Chapter 8 - Sweet Dreams.

Somepony Special


You are woken up by the sounds of thunder, lighting and the wind blowing throw the trees. The rain was pelting your windows making a "splatting sound" By your side, Scootaloo was next to you, A smile planted onto her face as was curled into a little ball, her tail covering her head leaning against your body, Her tiny little breaths making her stomach bob up and down ever so slightly, The lightning flashed every now and then through your window, which lighten up every part of the room. A breeze suddenly rushed through your room, Looking over to your door, You hop out of your bed going to investigate. but carefully not to wake the sleeping filly.

By now, The storm seemed to be growing stronger, Just looking down the stairs you could already see flashes lighting up the house. Walking down the stairs. There was a strong rush of cold air coming from the kitchen which send shivers down your spine, coming upon the source of air, A window had seemed to be left open, A thought had popped into your head once you saw it.
“I never opened this..”
Approaching the window, A strong gale of wind almost blew you off balance, This of course wouldn't stop you, Setting your front hooves onto the slippery window, You added some pressure onto the window trying to get it to close. The rain and wind combined together causing it to rush hard onto your face which made things harder, Lightning and thunder could be heard and was visible, “Come on you stupid window, Budge down!” Taking a deep breath You add all of your strength onto the jammed window. Not long before the window was slowing budging down. until it took full speed,
Your whole body slamed onto the hard marble floor, From head to tail you were trenched with water, the surroundings also looked a bit trenched with water too, As you turn your head to the window, massive strikes on lightening seemed almost close enough to hit you straight on. A loud bang was followed just after the thunder, Then you hear a scream that echoed through your ears.

“ Ahhh!!”

It was scootaloo.
You gained back your composure and galloped back upstairs to where the scream was made. Every step crying could be heard louder and louder, If that wasn't enough, The rain was more stronger and making a loud splatting sound. Bursting into the bedroom scootaloo was on the sitting up on the bed, She seemed to be hugging a pillow crying into it, Her face buried into it. and seemed to be shaking madly, Your first reaction was to comfort her, But as you took one step into the dark room. she seemed to be repeating the same sentence over and over again.“Come on scoots, It juuust a little st..storm, Nothing to be scared, He wi..will be back sooner or la...AHHH!” Another large strike of lightening had appeared. Its loud bang making your hearing go off for a few seconds, Once you could hear perfectly again, You carefully walk to your bed, The crying from the scared filly had increased.

“Scoots its ok im he....” You were interrupted by the filly pulling your whole body into the bed followed up with a tight embrace, this was so fast that you almost scream in fright. *sniffle* whe..where were you?! I was so sc..scared!” She said having a hard time explaining, Her body was still shaking and you felt guilty, tears started to role down your shoulder and back. leaving a damp surface. every second her hug tightening. “ *sniffle*” your right hoof was slowly flowing through her mane while the other was still around her. A few moments after she gave out a heavy sigh, and ended the embrace, Her tears started to ease down and the shivering was no more. You had never seen Scootaloo Like this, She was a tough brave filly, never had you seen her like this before.

“I will never leave you again. I promise.”
Then more tears were rolling down your shoulder, Did you do something wrong? did you upset her? Was she angry at y-
You were stopped mid thought as she locked her lips with yours. As you returned the kiss but more passionately, her wings started to flutter and every so often. As scootaloo ended the kiss, She turned straight away from you with a huge blush,

“I love you too *sniffle*” she said nestling her head into your chest once again. Your front left hoof slowly massaging between her wings, Calming her down every now and then giving a few sighs of relief. “If you don't mind me asking... Why were you so scared? I mean sure the it would be scary being alone by yourself to a place where you had never been before. But it seems like something else is bothering you. Is that true? ”Scootaloo's Body froze and tensed up. You knew something was bothering her and wanted to help, “Yes” She said with a cold tone. “If you don't want to talk about it. I understand” After saying this, Everything was silence, Her heartbeat even seem to freeze to. What seemed like hours, She finally spoke. “I want to tell you.. But can we discuss this tomorrow morning? I..I don't want to talk about it right now..Besides i think w..we should go to sleep, Its pretty late” She said hesitantly, You looked at the clock and it read 2:34 in the morning. Dam! It is pretty late.. Thinking to yourself. You also noticed that the storm had died down just to rain, It sounded calm and peaceful, “Whenever you feel like talking, And i think that a good idea” You say kissing her forehead, Scootaloo gave a warm smile and feel onto the bed, You joined her seconds after and gave her a tight hug. She returned the embrace and closed her eyes.

“I love you scoots.”

“I love you too.”

As the two of you feel into each others arms, Your time with the filly right next to you flashed before your eyes, from the very day scootaloo crashed into you, A friendship formed itself, Over time that friendship turned into something more, Something at that time you didn't quite understand, The moment you were there when scootaloo flew for the first time, That's when the "love"
kicked in, A feeling that you have never had before, A feeling that scootaloo could return.

A smile was visible on her face, Kissing her check, You could feel yourself drifting to sleep, But not alone, You had somepony by your side, Somepony who cared and loved you. But she wasn't just somepony.... She was

Somepony special.

The End.