An odd family: The foundations.

by EdBoii

The Final Act

The End Of a Life

Thoughts racing and blood rushing, mind set in one goal. To catch the bastard would set everything right, it would fix my errors and grant me forgiveness. All I needed was one chance, one clear shot, one bullet.

I ran through the woods as fast as my legs would allow me to. The foliage was dense and abundant, the air was still and suffocating, my heart was pounding against my chest as my sheer desire and will to fight drove me further into the woods.

The pain in my shoulder was not as bad as it had been before, and my injured leg only hurt if I pressed down on it too much. The headache and the broken nose were still there though, and every now and then I would swipe a forearm across my face to wipe away some blood.

I was in a sorry state by the time I was able to find some tracks on the floor. The hoofprints led through the woods and bushes, away from the treeline and deeper into the woods.

“Odd... Weren't the bastards afraid of trees?”

I shook the thought out my head and kept moving. If Sparks got too far ahead I would never catch him. I couldn’t lose my last chance. I would not allow myself to do that.

Tired and mauled, I finally came to the end of the tracks. My hand pushed away a large plant blocking my view of another clearing, this one was much larger and well hidden. Sunlight dashed past my face as the plant got out of the way, revealing a new sight for me to behold.

A cottage, not too small but not too large. Wooden walls and straw covered roof, it brought to mind a medieval styled home. The front entrance was wide open, wooden door swinging with the wind and creaking loudly.

“I’ll be damned if this isn’t obvious enough... Oh well, fuck it...”

I grimaced as the coppery taste of blood ran through my mouth. I angrily brought my hand up and wiped with the intention of wiping away the blood, but accidentally brushed my nose instead.

“Shit!” I quickly felt the sting travelling through my face. It was not a pleasant sensation, having your nose shattered that is, and the extra weakness point was the least I needed at the moment.

Grimacing one final time at my own pitiful state, I took a large breath and started walking towards the house.

Gun in hand, mind of steel and heart of ice, I approached destiny. The soil in front of the house was green with grass, well taken care of and lively. The trees around it looked like they had been planted with the explicit purpose of keeping the construction hidden, they were closely placed so as to make a wall around the clearing.

The skies were clear and cloudless, the wind blew softly and calmly. Birds were chirping on the forest around me, oblivious of what was about to occur. My steps were clumsy and shaken, leg aching badly once more, just below the knee. My breath was ragged and uneven yet again, perhaps from exertion, or maybe my lungs were injured from the kick.

I didn’t care. I just kept on walking, certain that whatever waited for me inside the house was no match for a gun. Anger drove me onward, fury kept me on my feet, rage maintained my resolve to fight.

But there was also fear, uncertainty, insecurity... How could one man fight the world? How could a soul carry the burden of so many mistakes and errors? Was I doomed by my actions? Or would I be given the chance to reach absolution?

My steps brought me to the open doorway. The wind flew past my head and into the house, caressing my hair softly, inviting me into the embrace of fate and future, of a final resolution and finale to my story.

How that story was about to end I did not know, nor did anyone. It was a matter of the gods, whether they be the mad one that incarcerated me in this world so distinct from mine, or whether they be the ones of love and compassion, it was up to them to see me through the tale and prose, to the final lines right above the end.

It was their story and not my own, and they would see to it that it ended as they saw fit.

The door started to close slowly, the wind having stopped blowing. I looked at the house one final time. It was a cold glare, an emotionless gaze that failed to register any beauty or appreciation for the structure.

I smiled without emotion and pushed the wooden door open.

“Not much to look at...”

I raised the pistol and looked around. The house was dark, curtains had been drawn in. The house seemed small from the outside, but it was slightly larger than it looked. I was in what looked like a living room. A circular table in the middle of the room surrounded by tables.

Cupboards and shelves to my right along with a stove marked the other room as a kitchen, and the final room was right under the house. A wooden staircase led to a lower floor where, I assumed was the bedroom.

I took a final glance and then shrugged.

“Better get this shit done with right fucking now...”

I slowly made my way forward and into the darkness, making sure nothing was hiding behind the few pieces of furniture around the cottage. The silence was dreary, the atmosphere was heavy and the weight of danger was becoming exceedingly overcoming.

But I knew I had to do it, I knew what was at stake and what would happen if I failed.

My steps brought me to the top of the staircase, and I began my descent. Hand pressed against the wall for balance, I slowly placed foot after foot, slowly moving downwards and into the darkness.

The wooden steps creaked under the pressure of my feet, the wooden wall splintered my fingers and caused small cuts along the surface of my palm. But I did not care, there were much more pressing issues to worry about.

“Alright then, even if I beat this motherfucker, how will I pull him out of the house? I’m in no shape to be doing any of that stuff... Maybe Skies will help out with that? Huh, never gave much credit to that guy, but I guess he played his part quite well.”

I thought to myself as I walked, mainly to ease the tension on the air as I drew closer to the final room standing behind an oak door. The place was dead silent, nothing from the outside world could be heard.

I began to breath heavily, expectant of what was about to happen, excited and afraid, ready and unsure. With a swift motion I pressed my hand against the door and pushed. The wooden entrance swung open and slammed against the wall. I screamed and raised the gun to shoulder level, ready to shoot the first fucker I saw.

It was empty.

I groaned and kicked at the ground, or at least tried to. As soon as my good leg left the floor the rest of my body fell. With the injury on my other leg present, I was in no shape for standing on one foot.

My body hit the ground as curses and swearing left my mouth, I broke nothing however and was able to stand up after a couple of seconds.

Angry and disappointed, I stood and walked back up the stairs, leaning against the wall and making sure not to lose my footing. A fall down the stairs was not something I wanted.

I walked towards the door with a furious pace, angry at having lost my quarry and at my body for being such a pansy and not taking the pain like a man.

I grumbled as I moved past the door frame, worry was beginning to dawn on my mind once more, adrenaline was draining swiftly and leaving the pain to roam freely yet again.

Each step was another stinging wave that travelled from my knee to all areas around it, causing me to grimace and curse. My shoulder ached, although not badly, but still it hurt. The headache that had started some minutes back was now raging fully, mercilessly threatening to destroy my brain from the sheer pain.

My hand clutched at my stomach as the pain inflicted by the bastard that kicked me a few minutes back, returned with newfound strength and sting. I fell to my knees and spat on the ground.

It was blood.

"Ah shit... Fuck!" I tried to slam a fist against the ground, but my injuries would have none of it. I was to groan and suffer, nothing more. Thoughts crossed my mind as I lay useless and spent.

How cool would it have been if I had actually gotten to be a father to the kids? Maybe I wouldn't have been the best, nor the most appropriate... But I would have managed. Always did after all.

The pain was worsening and my wounds were deepening. Discord's magic had worn off and my mortal frame could no longer maintain itself with a possible fracture in my leg, a sprained shoulder, a mauled stomach and a migraine of hellish proportions.

And Flint? Heh, guess I had been right about her. Damn, that kiss! If I hadn't been in such a shitload of hurt I swear I could have still felt it against my lips... Oh well, if I survived there would be more, and if I didn't then it wouldn't matter anymore, would it?

I tried to stand up but my strength was leaving me, abandoning my tired mind and body. I had failed, allowed the motherfucker to escape and now I was too wounded to carry on. Well, guess it was written long before my birth.

"Born to die, I guess..." I spat the words out and blood accompanied them, I had led a good life before getting transported into this shithole. Well, as good as life can be after a war, but still better than most.

I squinted and grimaced as a wave of pain surged throughout my bones and flesh, defeating my resolve and forcing my mind to bend, to surrender. It had been a good run, but it was over. Relatively pathetic should you think it through, to succumb to a colorful world of an inferior herding species...

The winds remained calm and the winds refused to appear strong as they should have. It was the end of october and back at home the wind would be slashing and tearing through civilization like a beast, never forgiving, never relenting. What sort of thing other than the winds can outlast so much time without refusing to stop?

“Russians... And vikings...” I chuckled and spat once more. Blood was becoming more frequent, forcing its way up my throat after the blow I got in the head from earlier. My fucking medical bill was going to hit the ceiling...

The pain was bad, not unbearable but intense nonetheless. However, luck has a habit of abandoning an unfortunate bastard in the worst of times.


I grimaced and groaned, too tired to actually feel compelled to look up at my newest visitor. I already knew who he was anyway.

“You did not think it vould ve eazy to ezcape? Fell right into ze ambush my dumb friend.” Sparks Cloud grinned from behind the treeline, looking as mauled as I was if not a tad more.

His left eye was bruised and colored a dark shade of purple, his fur was matted in dirt and it was badly out of line, simply unladylike if you ask me... Pfft!

The pegasus took a step forward, and I rather admired him for that, given the condition he was in. But any sort of respect or sympathy left as three other fuckers left the trees behind him, faces covered with the, oh so cliche, ski masks.

“What are the masks for? Afraid to show your shitfaced friends?” I forced my body to push the pain to the background and steady my muscles. I had one final trick up my sleeve and I was not going down til the fat lady sang.

Or in this case, until the slim, metallic, gunpowder filled weapon sang.

The thugs following the injured pegasus took a couple of steps forward, intent on being menacing. But it’s hard to scare someone when you’re a pony, and you’re wearing a ski mask...

“Vell, my friends vouldn’t like to be seen publicly.” Sparks attempted a smile but ended up grimacing and pressing a hoof to the left side of his face, right below the black eye.

“Something wrong with your eye, sparky?” I smiled and managed to get on one knee, my hand slowly sliding down to the floor to pick up the gun I hadn’t realized I had dropped. Good thing it didn’t fire when I lost my hold of it though, Flint must have been really good at crafting that thing.

The pegasus smirked and kept silent as his friends moved closer. Faces hidden and steps menacing, drawing nearer with every step. Intent on beating me to a pulp, as far as I knew of course.

I chuckled a bit, exposing my bloodied teeth, trying to bare them as much as possible to make the canines noticeable. It worked to a degree, the closest pony blinked and faltered for a second, wondering whether the blood on my 'fangs' belonged to someone other than myself.

I stood up and managed to stay standing through quite a bit of effort, my leg was giving me trouble and the overall condition of everything above my waist wasn't encouraging. But at least I was still alive and kicking.

And I intended to kick.

"You really thought it vould be that zimple? Follow me here by yourself and vin? I feel conflicted between feeling inzulted or happy the plan vorked." Sparks unfurled his wings to maintain his balance after one of his injured forelegs failed to support his weight.

I tilted my head slightly to get a good look at the pegasus wings he sported. They were badly mauled, much like the rest of his body. The feathers were chaotically out of place, several fell to the floor as he unfurled his wings and the left one twitched badly, causing him to grimace.

"Fuck you! I'm not the one looking like shit!" Another mouthful of blood spat on the ground, another insult thrown. Awesomeness levels: Rising.

Sparks Cloud arched an eyebrow before rolling his eyes and waving a hoof at the others to continue.

The three pegasi wasted no time obeying, although the wary looks in their eyes were proof enough that they were nervous being around me. And they should be, since I still had the gun in my hand.

But I was not going to waste my one shot in a random brute, I had bigger fish to fry.

My approaching foes got closer, breaking into a light trot. They spread out, blocking any way of retreat by moving to all possible sides and behind me. I had one pony per side one on my back and Sparks in front of me, with a clear shot.

I smirked and held the handle of the weapon a little tighter, as if afraid I would lose it should I loosen my hold. Sparks looked at it curiously at first, but didn’t give it a second glance after that. None of these ponies knew of what power I held in my hand, none knew of what could happen to them should I decide to use it.

I corrected my stance, trying to look more like a soldier ready to fight than a beaten up guy about to collapse. My feet obeyed and my body held together for the time being, but I knew I was in no shape for a long fight. All they needed to do was drop me on the floor and I wouldn’t be able to stand up again, it was over. This was the final push and final try, with one shot I would injure their boss, and the others would hopefully run away in fright.

If I managed to pull it off, and that was a pretty big if, then I would be finally free and without worry. If it didn’t work though, I was probably going to have my ass handed to me.

The pegasi wasted no more time, they made a run for it. All three at the same time ran at me giving me little time to do anything other than raise a fist to meet the one on my left.

They reached me.

Using their wings to propel themselves forward, the three pegasi dashed through the short distance separating us and collided with me. All at the same time, I felt pain on my sides and back, having no time to react or even dodge my attackers.

I fell to the floor coughing and struggling to regain my breath, trying desperately to remain conscious while still holding the pistol with my hand. Sparks limped closer to me but kept at a safe distance, away from my reach.

The pegasi moved in before I could stand up, not that I could anyway. Two of them pinned my arms to the floor while the last one did the same with my legs, effectively immobilizing me and leaving me defenseless.

I was still holding the pistol tightly on my right hand however, and decided not to struggle lest they decide to break something or tie me up, in which case the gun wouldn’t be much use anymore.

Sparks cloud approached and lowered his head so our eyes were seeing each other. The pegasus looked at me with a mixture of curiosity and disgust, eyeing me warily in case I tried anything violent.

“Vhat are you? Vhat sort of twisted magik vould make something so... Veird.” The pegasus stood up and gazed down at me in disdain before nodding to the other pegasi. One of the thugs nodded his head in understanding and ran towards the treeline. He came back a couple of seconds later, holding a blue plant with a pair of pincers.

I spat more blood on the floor and struggled to keep myself awake. The pain was furiously battering at my body, trying madly to destroy what little resistance remained within me. But I would not let it have its way, I was going to fight for my freedom and safety, but not merely for mine. There were others who needed me to win this at any cost.

I was not going to let them down.
The pegasus carrying the plant got in front of me and lowered it down so I was facing the blue flower. It was strange and had no scent I could discern, but whether that was a property of the plant or the fact that all I could smell at the moment was my own blood, I did not know.

“Now, for getting involved in things that did not concern you... Vell, lets say you von’t live normally ever again...” Sparks smiled and the pony lowered the plant and practically shoved it into my face.

It tickled.

“What in the fuck is this?” I moved my head to the side, trying to get the flower out of my face but the pegasus was stubborn. He repeatedly pressed it against me, as if trying to stab me with the colorful plant.

“It is poison joke, there is no cure but feel free to squander as much coin as you vant trying to find one.” Sparks attempted a smirk, but grimaced as his injured wing twitched in a manner it shouldn’t have been able to. “Now you know vhat happens vhen you mess vith the vrong ponies.”

I looked at him with anger. I had no idea what this poison joke was, so I assumed the worst.

“Fuck you.”

In fury and rage, in despair and as a last act, I used all the strength left in my body and pulled, I pulled my arm free, I pulled my revenge out of their grasps and set it free to be consummated. Gun in hand and said hand free.

The pegasus that was holding the flower immediately dropped it and tried to take hold of my arm once more, but he was too late.

I screamed and put the gun level with Sparks Cloud’s head, aiming between his eyes. He seemed startled but made no attempt to move away, not knowing what was about to happen. The other two pegasi jumped forward, trying to stop me.

A sad smile broke my lips, and I pressed the trigger.