
by Pony-Berserker

Fun in Canterlot

Luna was glaring confusedly at Spike after he had asked his question about her free time. She couldn’t decide if she should tell him the truth or make up a royal activity that would fit the Princess of the Night.

“Actually, we have recently been trying to learn juggling.” Luna decided to tell the truth. “Without using our magic. We simply cannot understand how this earth pony clown was able to juggle with such easiness!”

“Juggling?” Spike was taken aback by the answer.

“Yes, we know it’s not really a royal thing. But since Twilight encouraged us to have fun, we have been trying,” Luna explained, a sheepish grin appearing on her face.

“So, have you had fun then?” Spike continued the conversation, which on a side note was getting more awkward every second.

“We’ve had fun once. It was awful,” Luna replied, frowning for a while and then bursting into laughter. “Just kidding! We love to have fun!”

“Yeah... So... Maybe we could do something fun, you know, together?” Spike asked uncertainly, his cheeks turning red.

“Well, we are not really certain if this is the best time to have fun. Equestria needs us.” Luna tried to act as a pony who had a clue what she was doing.

“But Equestria doesn’t need you right now. We will be around, right?” Spike tried to convince the alicorn to his idea.

“Well, you are right, little dragon. What kind of fun you propose to do?” Luna was not the kind of a pony who could hold her ground.

“Maybe, let’s go out and eat some ice cream?” Spike suggested.

“Is ice cream fun?” Luna asked uncertainly, feeling embarrassed. The dragon found another thing she had no idea about.

“You bet it is! Let’s go!” Spike exclaimed excitedly and opened the door, encouraging Luna to go out. The alicorn slowly left the room, looking nervously around. Luna felt as if she was doing something really, really bad.


The customers in one of the Canterlot cafés were pretty surprised by Luna’s presence. The waiter, a nervous white earth pony, led Spike and Luna to their best table after he had driven out a couple of unicorns, who had been awaiting their order there.

“So, what do you wish to order, Your Majesty?” the waiter asked, trembling. He was actually afraid of the Princess of the Night.

“How dare you speak to the Princess directly!?” Spike burst out in anger. “You have to speak to me if want something from her!”

Everypony in the restaurant watched the scene silently. Spike was sure that Luna was impressed by his behavior. Actually, she was as confused as other customers.

“Uh-oh! Of course. What does the Princess want?” the waiter asked, shrinking back.

“The best and most expensive ice cream you got! Extra sprinkles!” Spike stated firmly.

“Of course, of course!” the waiter was sweating heavily. There was the Princess of the Night AND a dragon in the restaurant. The usual customers were middle class ponies and tourists.

“And the same for me,” Spike added after a while.

The waiter nodded and then trotted to the kitchen.

“What are sprinkles?” Luna asked as everypony in the restaurant lost interest in them. Or pretended to do so.

Spike raised his eyebrow and then sighed loudly.


Luna wasn’t sure if she enjoyed her time in the café. Learning what sprinkles were couldn’t really make up for all the curious looks she was bombarded with. She usually spent her time in the Castle – she simply was not accustomed to such attention.

“Can we go now, please?” Luna asked finally, knocking her hooves nervously on the table.

“Oh, Princess! Just enjoy the date!” Spike answered instantly. After he had realized what he had said, he faceclawed.

“The date? Do you mean this is a date?” Luna gave him a confused look.

“Well. Heh. Sort of,” Spike said, laughing nervously.

Luna’s face brightened up, much to Spike’s confusion. “Now we enjoy our date!”

Spike struggled to comprehend what was going on in Luna’s head. After a while, the waiter brought their order.

“Two Celestial Desserts covered with golden sprinkles,” he said, placing the ice cream on the table.

“Mmmm! Delicious!” Spike began gobbling the ice cream.

Luna looked at the dessert. She sniffed it. It smelled good. Really good, actually. Uncertain of the effects, she took the spoon and began eating. After the ice cream touched her tongue, she spat it out instantly.

“This is cold!” she shouted, again drawing attention of everypony in the restaurant.

“Yeah, they’re supposed to be cold,” Spike said nonchalantly.

“The most expensive food is cold? How can this be possible? Before my banishment, the most expensive and desired food used to be hot! Unlike poor ponies’ menu!” Luna said, visibly shocked. Apparently, Celestia didn’t explain to her how the food customs had changed over the years she was on the Moon.

“Well, now it’s different,” Spike mumbled, swallowing another bite of ice cream.

Luna shivered but began eating her dessert. It tasted great. She quickly ate it. Her manner of eating wasn’t really royal, which brought a few chuckles from ponies watching her eat.

“Did you enjoy your dessert?” the waiter came to take the empty bowls.

“Barely edible,” Spike said coldly.

“It was great! We wish to have more!” Luna exclaimed happily.

The waiter nodded.

After Luna had finished her second portion, the waiter came with the bill. This was the time when Spike realized he had no money. But he had an idea.

“How dare you ask your Princess to pay!?” he shouted. “You should be happy that the Princess decided to eat at your pathetic restaurant!”

“It’s a nice place, actually,” Luna interjected, much to Spike’s dismay.

“Okay, the Princess does not have to pay,” the waiter agreed, bringing a smile across Spike’s face. “But you are not the Princess.”

Spike frowned. “But I’m with the Princess. It’s our date!” he said coldly.

The waiter gave Luna a puzzled look. The Princess dating a baby dragon? O tempora o mores! But the Princess returned him a happy grin of confirmation. He rolled his eyes.

“I hope we can deduct it from the tax?” he asked uncertainly.

“Sure,” Luna answered. “Well, Spike. Let’s go.”

As Luna and Spike left the restaurant, everypony began gossiping about the date they had just witnessed. Tomorrow’s (or actually today’s) newspapers were going to be hot.


“Well, what does a couple on a date do to complete a date?” Luna asked all of a sudden.

Spike blushed instantly. He was surprised by Luna’s attitude. If only Rarity would be like her...

“Um, they kiss?” he answered uncertainly.

Luna lifted Spike with her magic aura and kissed him on the cheek. “Is our date complete now?” she asked with a grin on her face.

Spike was lost contact with reality for a while. This was going too fast for him. After Luna had repeated her question, he just answered: “One more...”

She kissed him on the second cheek.

“Great–“ he mumbled and fell on the ground, little hearts appearing in his eyes. Who needed Rarity if there was Luna?

“Well, Spike. I need to go to the Castle. See you later!” She giggled and then flew away, leaving slaphappy Spike on the street.


Luna got to the Castle as fast as she could. She found some parchment and ink and began writing.

My Dearest Sister

We have just been on a date with a handsome little dragon.
This means that we have had our first date before you did.
We are the better Princess again.

Yours truly

Luna read the letter again, smiling the whole time. She knew the date was a fluke and she kinda used the cute little dragon but... somehow nopony has ever wanted to marry any of the Pony Princesses even though there were a lot of royal families in Equestria. Maybe every prince in Equestria thought that they are not good enough for the most important ponies in the world. And the Princesses couldn’t just ask any of the princes to marry them. You know, tradition and all...

The Princess of the Night was looking at the letter for a longer while until she finally realized she still had no idea how to send a letter. Or lower the sun for that matter.

She could be the Princess but she wasn’t the best ruler for sure.