Gummy Is A Sereal Killer With Teeth.

by apple short

Chapter 1

“Shlop!” Said Gummy the crocodile with teeth that are not available to him because he is evil.
One day Pinkie Pie a horror stared at the top of the sky and screeched loudly valiantly defending her obliterating fear of rules. “Effing this sucks! Tehe!” Her girlfriend the speedy flyer who smites the sky and brings it back to wriggle like a worm scratched at the edge of a hooked earth to pathetically dangle and dry in a vat of sun killing ray frying eye belief. “Sup girlfriend.” She smacked Pinkie Pie on the but and licked her mane. And pinkie Pie pulled Rainbow Dashs boob rings and flexed them to stretch and boing across in patterns like a painting made of glass along the hot sidewalk. Rainbow Dash moaned and then patted Pinkie Pies Head. “That is the effing epicist feeling I have had all day. Which is tuff because I have been out doing rainbooms and teaching fluttershy to fly and stuff.” She swiped her mane. “Like where is gummy?”
"He is gone to disappear from my sight and yours eventually forgetting he was here i think lol." she said it soothingly to ease the worried Rainbows mane of peacock hair that sprinkled her blue body hugging her skin with such tenacity. It was as if each single hair had an hairgasm when she let Pinkie rub her neck. "You are the best girlfriend." She snorted loudly with joy and began to stick a hoof under Pinkies aw flopping her tongue around the roof of the ponies mouth inside while she spatted words.
"I cannot take it." Pinkie groaned with such a tendancy that she forgot to breed her eyes to cheerful worrility so that her girlfriend would not be a paranoid meanie when she dropped the bad news. Like a bomb which echoed across the valley destroying eevery plant and uprooting the crying and sadistic gras to become the nothingness of breeze. As if it was cotton candy to be devoured. “Tehe it is horrible news girlfriend.” They tongue kissed to ease the pain and made quick love when no one was around to watch it behind a bush without leaves.
It is ok I am made to handle bad news.” Said Rianbow Dash Scratching the fluff of pinkies mane and rubbing it across her stomach and through her hooves with pleasingness. “That is effing hot tehe!” Pinkie was feeling the good of it but she withheld her complete emotion like Gilda when she was discovered to be eating the toast of Mayor Mare. “Gummy has escaped and he took his teeth back too!” (She stole his teeth long ago when she enslaved him to be her pet because he was a pony killer that would chew the manes and plot and eyes and nose and lips and legs and every other pony piece but the tail and then would wear the tail like a faking pony loser and pretend to do weird crocodile stuff. But Pinkie Pie did tame him with much goodness and released him of the violence that his teeth ensnared on the life of his complex morality and vindictive coalations with snails that sleep in rocks and mold their bodies into gifted talents to be plucked at midnight by Zecora when she spell witches stuff.) “He will turn into his killer self and eat the mane six cause we are epic!” Pinkie laughed and turned suddenly as pinkimeanie dane pie! “Mother effing this is bull crap!”
“Calm down.” Said Rainbow dash and she whipped her hair to the side and threw her boobs across the fluffy ponies back to ease her to the gorund for some quick and silencing of evil love. She grabbed Pinkameanie Diane Pies face and tongue kissed her ears while stroking hooves with punches in the fluff of her hair till they both screeched in excstatistically amazementgasms. “Tehe thanks.” Said pinkie but she changed back to her bad self because. “I must hunt and steal the teeth back.”
rainbow Dash sonic rainbowed through the clouds fastly for a moment to cool the wits of hers that had circuited into cylindrical vats of oppressive cogs that wheeled her through the epitome of times concealement and it is within that she seeks to achieve pegasus powers. “Just get Willis to help because he knows how to be the best at horrible things when they happen to us.” She sighed and promptly twisted her legs into the sleeping poze and floated to the clouds to get some privacy from her spastic girlfriend.
“I am to kill the teeth of gummy this time and forever make him glomp on his food with holed numbing chewy skinflecks of inner mouth rattles. (she rolls her eyes here with dramticness that cannot be explained so I am just telling you what happened)
Suddenly gummy could be seen sizing up the situation through faceted eyed of fractured feelings and he slid across the belly of his omen and raising a scaled claw spoke whispers and secret giggles of infintesimystic power and foreboding horror. “I have come to kill you enslaving effing pony sucker.” He spoke because the teeth gave him the power of words. And appearing with speed that rivaled a train put his entire mouth around pinkies puffed up head and sucked with groaning causing Pinkie to get ready for love and then they made love. Pinkie rubbed the gummies scaled tail that swished and gummy smacked his pawed lizard arm on her boobs and plump with tender laughter gut.
“Gummy effing stop this is no good.” But it was too late and she finished while licking the fleshdrop that looks like tears in the back of your throat of gummy and they both orgasmed.
Gummie then spat her out to slop against the doorway. A Giggle. "prepare to be gnashed to death. You cannot understand the deep maturity I spread with ridding ponies from themselves." He eyed the palm within his hand and crunching his nails up against it. Drew the flesh from rolling fields of his muscle bound claw creating ripples of scales that clacked together. "Pinkimeanie." He threw his fist skyward! "Pinkameanie! You! Will! Never! Understand effing! Me!" His eyes purpled into glass of sadness yet firm crossing.
“Ha!” Said Pinkie not laughing but to make a point and exploded with fury punched him in his toothed mouth and ignited gummies insides as she yanked his teeth from him. "Tehe give me back my Gummie teeth of knowledge!"
"NO! It is for you ponies and the good you need to be released!" His eyes shot inside themselves and his mind cognitvily fulfilled its mature form of nutritional acceptance and with Pinkimeanie Pulling her teeth like an octosquid suctioning away his cups from glass barriars that interfear with the safety of his world he came to see that his teeth were only hurting others and slowly he let them disappear without even a senseless battle and as his ability to control speech faded he whispered the sweet nothings of his species into the hoof that guided his demise accepting the fate of being a toothless grinning swamp lizard doing google eyes at parties.
“Glad that is over! Tehe.” Pinkie then threw the teeth down and curshed them like a griffon being fed a poison apple accidently. “Hahahahahahahaha.” She cried. And seeing the teeth destroyed and her pet okish she rubbed his head and let him gum her plot till Rainbow Dash came back from dreaming. “He is tehehe fixed up to the betterness of deserving.”
Rainbow celebrated with Pinkie by love and they both tongue kissed each others front hooves till they were done and gummy was good again despite his fearful past. Also Applejack came over for a surprise visit and brought them cider which she sipped with them. “Yall is it a world?” she said eyeing the barrall of fruity drink that gets ponies tipsy and everyone was pleased.