//------------------------------// // Chapter 18: A Boastful Tour by Alexphoenixwing // Story: Lake of Reflection // by Richer19 //------------------------------// Now I might be a little crazy right now, but after I posted the last chapter and checked the site; there was a moment, just a single moment, where this story was on the feature box. Granted it was on the second from the right but it was there. It was such a surprise and I do appreciate all of you for taking the time to read this story. Here is the next chapter. Chapter 18: A Boastful Tour The sun was high in the sky when Trixie decided to make her way over to Twilight’s house to take her up on that promise of a tour of the town. Prior to that, her day was spent getting familiar with what would be her new work environment and helping her roommate out with chores around the house. Fluttershy and Trixie were becoming friends faster than Trixie thought. Looking back on it, Trixie wondered what it was about that yellow pegasus that just seemed to draw her in. She wasn't the most vocal of ponies or the most assertive. It reminded Trixie of the way her own mom was like. Perhaps that was the reason for the sudden friendship. Trixie wasn't able to remember much when she was living with her mom other then the day she got her cape and hat and the fact that her mom was like a gentle flower with hidden thorns. She wondered if Fluttershy was the same way; if she had her own set of hidden thorns that very few ponies know about. It was certainly a question to ponder over. Speaking of questions that were on the blue unicorn’s mind, she was still pondering about the full implications of what happened back at the café. As much as she tried to recall all the events that happened while she was wearing the Saddle of Servitude, she was unable to remember anything that would give implications that Twilight had a connection with Celestia. Sure Trixie knew that Twilight was born in Canterlot and had family there but how close was her family to the Princess? Did they serve as advisers, diplomats, or were they just another noble family with large sums of bits. The latter seemed unlikely due to the fact that Trixie never saw Twilight carry or keep a large sum of bits. Though considering her limitations on where she was allowed to go in the house at the time, she didn't get a good look around. Trixie’s musing was halted when she was in sight of the familiar library. Despite it being the afternoon, Trixie was unable to spot anything that would give the appearance of activity. Trixie made her way to the front door and was about to knock when the door opened to reveal something that put Trixie in both awe and fear. She found herself staring into the eyes of what appeared to be the most hard-nose veteran guard she had ever seen. His overall build and defining muscles made it clear that it was a stallion and the visibly clear horn marked him as a unicorn. His snow white coat appeared to complement the purple and gold armor that he was wearing. Trixie noticed the crest that was on his chest and its design sparked a familiarity with the blue unicorn. His cerulean eyes were narrowed and focused which only served to make Trixie feel small and guilty. Before Trixie could have a chance to observe any more details, the guard said in a clear, demanding tone “Who are you and what are you doing here?” Trixie tried to form the words in her head and make them vocal but something about that gaze of his was causing the words to be reduced to nothing more than faint whimpered that would make even Fluttershy seem loud in comparison. Lucky enough, Twilight decided to see what the problem was and when she saw it, she couldn't help but let out a faint chuckle and said “Oh Trixie, it’s nice to see you again. Are you heard about that tour I promised you?” Trixie nodded her head weakly and saw the guard turn his attention to Twilight. Trixie felt as if there was a silent conversation going on before the guard nodded his head and left. No longer feeling his piercing gaze upon her, Trixie was able to recollect her thought and ask “Just who was that pony?” Twilight gave another giggle and replied “Oh that my brother Shining Armor. He’s the Captain of the Royal Guard. He just came by to see how I was doing and to look for a book about politics.” Trixie couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder inside of her. She didn't expect that Twilight had a brother, much less a brother who was Captain of the Guard. However, there was something that bugged her by what Twilight had said and couldn't help but ask “Why would he need a book on politics?” Twilight gave a slight shrug before replying in an almost matter of fact tone “I don’t know, probably due to the fact that he is now the co-ruler of the Crystal Kingdom after marrying my old foal-sitter Princess Cadance.” That blew Trixie mind out to the moon. She suspected that Twilight’s family might be important in Canterlot but to have the status to have a princess as your foal-sitter and to be able to court with said princess was mind-blowing. It was at that moment that Trixie felt a sense of unworthiness. She grew up in the poor part of her hometown while Twilight, the unicorn causing her confusions, had been living the high-life of fame and fortune. Suddenly, Trixie started to believe that Twilight must be a very important adviser to Princess Celestia or something which would explain the scroll from yesterday. Before Trixie could process this new information, Twilight said in her usual happy voice “So are you ready for the tour Trixie?” Trixie was surprised that Twilight was still offering to take her on a tour of the town. She had half expected her to start scoffing at her or telling her about how much better her life was. Trixie wanted to return back to the cottage so she could curl up in her bed and shed tears of defeat and longing, but she still needed to know the layout of the town and this was the best chance to do so. Trixie nodded her head and the two unicorns began the tour. At first, the tour was going fine as both unicorns were discussing about their respective training in the arcane arts. While Twilight was a little in awe about Trixie’s self teaching methods; Trixie wasn't that all surprised by the fact that Twilight had attended the prestigious Canterlot School for Gifted Unicorns. A family with as much power as her could easily afford a school like that. Twilight would also point out various shops that she would go to or places where she liked to hang out with her friends. Eventually, the two unicorns were looking at Sugarcube Corner, one of the most popular bakeries in Equestria and the home of Pinkie Pie. While Trixie was looking at it in awe, wondering how they were able to make the treats on the building look editable; Twilight said, in almost an afterthought “You know Celestia had lunch here one time.” Trixie looked over at the purple unicorn with disbelief in her eyes. Twilight was able to recognize the question in those eyes and replied “It’s true. She was coming down to have a meeting with the mayor and she heard remembered how much I enjoyed eating here from the reports I sent to her and wanted to try it for herself. I still remember the looks on Mr. and Miss. Cake when I told them the news.” Twilight gave a tired sigh and added without really thinking about it “Sometimes it is really nice being Celestia’s number one student and the wielder of the Element of Magic.” That last bit of information was the final blow to Trixie. Before, she still felt like she had some slim chance of still being able to date Twilight. However, the fact that the unicorn that she wanted to ask out had so many connections to the most powerful ponies in Equestria, and the fact that she is technically royalty herself, AND the fact that she’s a nationwide hero was too much for the former showmare to handle. Already, she could see herself lock in the Canterlot dungeon because she was foolish enough to try and win the heart of such an important unicorn. Twilight looked over at Trixie and saw her eyes were starting to form signs of tears and her lower lip was quivering a bit. Twilight was confused as to why Trixie was acting like this and said “Trixie are you…” she never got to finish as Trixie broke into a fast gallop away from her. Twilight tried calling out to her but the blue unicorn showed no sign of stopping. Twilight was about ready to cast a spell to catch up to Trixie when she heard a voice saying “Now what was that all about darling?” Twilight looked over and saw Rarity approaching her with look that was both mixed with concern and curiosity. Twilight looked at her before looking back at the direction that Trixie had gone and saw that she was nowhere to be seen. Taking a breath to calm her body and mind, Twilight said “I don’t know Rarity. One moment we were walking around Ponyville because I wanted to give Trixie a tour. We then started talking and the next thing I know she just ran off.” Rarity tilted her head in a manner that suggest that she was thinking about her new line of clothes before asking “What was it that you were talking about?” Twilight thought about it for a moment before saying “Well nothing too important. We talked about magic, our studies, my training under Celestia and me being one of the Elements…” Rarity cut Twilight off at that moment and said “Ah…I see the problem now.” Twilight was adamantly lost at this moment and Rarity could see the question in her eyes. Fast on the draw, she replied “You see Twilight, Trixie might be feeling a sense of…inadequacy right now.” “What do you mean? Why should she feel that way?” Twilight asked with a genuine concern that Rarity was able to hear. It was more proof that Twilight did have something bigger then a crush for a certain show mare. Rarity then said in her best gentile tone that she would use when talking with Sweetie Bell “Twilight dear. You have to understand the position Trixie finds herself in now. Remember, she wasn't born in the most lavish lifestyle. So when she hears about the fact that you attended a well known school and have a close tie with royalty; well…how do you think she would react to that? Also, and this is of no fault on you Twilight, but it really isn't wise to boast about your success in life on the first date.” Twilight replied with a bit more heat “But this wasn't a date! I was just showing her around town. Besides, you and the other girls know about what my life was like in Canterlot and you all don’t treat me the same way.” Rarity noticed the blush that was on the purple unicorn’s face but decided to not press her about the ‘tour’. Instead, she merely replied in a calm dignified tone “The reason me and the others don’t treat you like a Canterlot noble is because we've gotten use to the fact that you have close ties to the Princess. Besides, we are also users of the Elements like you so we each have that in common. Trixie has none of those things and it might make her feel like you’re unreachable.” Twilight was about to counter that argument when her logical mind decided to intervene. It quickly ran through the events that happened during the tour and slowly she realized her mistake. She felt her heart cave in on her as what was supposed to be just a simple tour with a chance of getting closer to Trixie has only managed to push her away. She could now feel her own tears threading to spill on the ground and couldn't help but collapse on the ground in a fit of tears and hiccups. Rarity, feeling guilty that she told Twilight the truth, could do nothing but try and comfort the weeping mare. Meanwhile, Trixie was just about to reach the cottage she was staying in when a voice said in her mind “Do you see she cares nothing about you. The only thing she’s concern with is power; power in which you will never obtain by staying here. Don’t you see yet? Your only option is to get strong to be able to defeat her. Do that and you will never have to worry about anything ever again. You will become the new Element of Magic, have all the friends you could ever ask for, all the bits you would ever need, and of course you will have mares and stallion begging you to be with them. Come on Trixie Lulamoon, give in to the pride you once had and become “The Great and Powerful Trixie Wielder of the Element of Magic!”” Trixie knew that it was the voice of her pride trying to convince her. She wanted to ignore what it had to say but it felt so…right. There was no chance for Trixie to have Twilight and it was clear that Twilight didn't care about her at all. Trixie managed to suppress her emotions and regain control of her body before she continued on towards the cottage with thoughts of her being the most powerful unicorn in Equestria flowing freely in her mind. Credits: Alexphoenixwing Oh boy. I bet that didn't turn out the way you thought it would. I was actually surprise by how long this chapter is. I guess I must have really enjoyed writing it. Keep an eye on the blog as I will have not one but TWO posts up for submission when this chapter gets posted.