//------------------------------// // Weapon Of The Militia // Story: An odd family: The foundations. // by EdBoii //------------------------------// Laws Are Overrated I stared at the strangely familiar mechanism inside the box. It was exactly what I had feared when Flintlock had given the box to me, even if it wasn't complete. Inside the box that Flintlock had carried for what could have been years, lay a small pistol, or its parts anyway. The barrel wasn't attached to the rest of the pistol, and the flint and piece of steel needed to cause a spark weren't there. I slowly picked it up, as careful as possible, trying not to worry Flintlock as she stared at me, fearful that I might break it. The craftsmanship was beautiful, the barrel was evenly cut so that it fit perfectly into the rest of the weapon, no bumps or dents could be seen on its surface and the hollow interior was smooth and spacious enough to hold a bullet without letting it slide out once inside. The hammer was shaped in the form of a pony's head, the surface where it hit the piece of steel to ignite the gunpowder looked like a cereal bowl, its appearance gave the deadly device a humorous aspect despite its dark purpose. The trigger resembled a pony's tail, curved and small but detailed nonetheless, its simplicity gave the overall design a completely mesmerizing appeal. I stole a quick look at Flintlock, she was looking at the hammer like it was a puzzle, even if she had created the weapon, she had no idea what it was for or how the pieces were meant to work with each other. "Have you ever assembled the pieces together?" I asked as I picked up the barrel and the handle. Flintlock looked confused at my suggestion for some reason. "They can be joined?" She leaned in closer and stared as I manipulated both pieces expertly, my grandfather had once gifted me and old 1786 french pistol, so I kind of knew how it went. "Yes." I said as the barrel made a click sound after I pushed it into position with the other piece. Flintlock almost squealed like a little girl, a gigantic smile spreading across her face as I showed her the pistol. I wasn't so sure if she would like what they did together though. "Thank you so much Iron! You have no idea how much this means to me!" Flintlock was happily clapping her hooves and smiling excitedly, then she frowned and looked at me questioningly. "But what does it do?" This was it, the part where she learned the truth. I sighed and looked at her, her smile was still there, that innocent smile was almost enough to shatter my heart as the reality of her talent became obvious. I looked from the gun to her and back, the cold metal of the weapon brought back memories of my world. The first time I fired a rifle, the hole it made on the tree I had aimed for, and the thought of what it could have done to a man. She seemed to grow impatient and cleared her throat softly to grab my attention. I once again looked at her, and organized my thoughts. Clearing my own throat, I swallowed a large swig of cider and spoke. "Its a pistol, a really old model but a working one," I reached across the table, and locked the hammer into a loaded position in front of her, it made a small click. "here, let me show you." I pressed the trigger. She was startled by the noise the hammer made when it came down on the metal, but since it didn't have any gunpowder nothing else happened. "That's all it does?" She seemed slightly disappointed, obviously expecting something amazing to happen. I chuckled and drank some more cider. "Well, it can't do anything else until it's completed." I smiled and leaned back on the chair, which was uncomfortable since the thing was too large. At the time I had no idea of how much could have been avoided if I hadn't said that, if I had just said I was sorry and let her leave, but still, that small comment of mine opened up the pathway to so many things that I wouldn't trade for the world. Flintlock perked up at that, her eyes shone slightly and her ears rose to attention, a curious look on her face. "Completed? I thought I had all the pieces." She leaned in closer and placed both hooves on the table, eyeing me curiously. I lost my smile immediately, ah shit what had I done? "Heh, well, you see, the pistol isn't doing what it's supposed to do just yet, it still needs a few things to work." I looked at her and saw a glimmer of hope in her eyes, she smiled again. "What are we waiting for! What are we missing?" She eagerly asked, almost pushing her drink off the table. No time for me to explain though! The waiter appeared from the kitchen with a tray full of food to save the day! He trotted over to us and placed Flintlock's dandelion sandwich in front of her, and a plateful of lettuce covered in dressing for me. Yum? He smiled awkwardly and left as fast as he could to someplace safe from the human. I rolled my eyes and lifted some food into my mouth, Flintlock took a small bite out of her sandwich but kept on stealing glances at me every so often. We ate in relative silence, Flintlock eager to finish so she could get some answers, while I enjoyed my food as best as I could, lettuce wasn't my favorite and it definitely didn't satisfy me, but I couldn't afford anything better. As a matter of fact, I couldn't afford shit! How were going to pay?! I choked a little on the lettuce as realization hit me. We couldn't pay the fucking bill! "Err, Flintlock?" I smiled awkwardly as I looked at the mare. "Yes?" She replied through a mouthful of sandwich. I shifted uncomfortably for a little and then decided to ask. "Do you have any money?" "Nah-uh, good thing you're paying otherwise we would be..." She smiled a little before suddenly stopping. "You are paying, right?" I smiled meekly and shook my head. "No moneys here!" Her jaw dropped and she stared at me for a couple of moments, then she panicked. "What?! How are we going to pay?!" I shrugged, nothing we could do by now, only hope for the best. "I guess we politely explain our situation to the owner and hope for the best." I munched on another lettuce. "Don't eat that! It's stealing!" Flintlock slapped it out of my mouth and looked from side to side in a terrified manner. "Hey! I was eating that!" I sighed, she was obviously your average pony with an unbreakable sense of righteousness. Time to fix that. I stood up and walked around the table so that I was standing behind her. "Come on, we're leaving." I whispered before silently making my way to a bush, good thing we were seated outside the building, otherwise things would have been more complicated. "What?! We can't leave! We haven't paid!" She turned around and looked at me like I was a madman. I smiled at her. "Well, we can't pay right? So why stay?" "Bu-but... We just can't!" "Why not?" I arched an eyebrow, she had to see the liberating light of sending the rules to hell from time to time. "Because, well, I... Um, because it isn't right!" She slid down the chair and hid behind the table, almost whispering her protests at me. I grinned and grabbed her hoof. "Do you trust me?" I looked her in the eyes, no way she could say... "Not really..." I rolled my eyes and huffed. "Too bad!" I smiled and dragged her by the hoof through the bush and towards the street, she tried to resist but I was either too strong, or she really didn't put too much effort in it. Eventually I released her hoof and ran as fast as I could, the shouts of an angry shopkeeper propelling me onward. "Catch up if you can Flint!" I laughed and dashed past her, smiling grandly, hadn't had so much fun in a while! I heard annoyed grumbling behind me and immediately noticed the rising noise of approaching hooves. I turned around and saw Flintlock picking up speed, easily surpassing my own. "What the-?" I could only stare as the golden mare dashed past me and raced towards the open fields outside of town. "Catch up if you can Iron!" She giggled her taunt and allowed her trail of dust to engulf me, I was dumbfounded and in complete shock. But then again, having four legs gave her an obvious advantage over my own two legs... That and the fact that I was carrying both her box with the gun in one of my arms, and a bunch of uneaten lettuce in one of my pockets made it impossible for me to catch up. I was reduced to tracking her trail of hoofprints until I reached the Apple family's orchards. By the time I got there I was panting heavily, sweat covering my face entirely and staining my already dirty shirt. And sitting under the refreshing shadow of a tree, with the largest smirk I had ever seen, was Flintlock. The yellow mare was absentmindedly picking flowers off of the ground and placing them in her bag, to eat maybe? I couldn't have cared less, even for a pony I had to recognize, the mare knew how to brag! She was breathing slightly faster than normal, and her mane was humid with sweat, nothing compared to my own hair though, I was a drenched mess... As I got closer, she decided to finally acknowledge my presence. "Oh, Iron, whatever took you so long?" Her smirk was augmented by the amused look in her eyes. "Ha! Ha! Bloody ha!" I rolled my eyes but smiled, she beat me fair and square, I couldn't be mad at her. Flintlock plucked an apple from the tree and tossed it over to me, I grabbed it with one hand and winked at her, daring the pony to surpass my awesomeness. Now it was her turn to roll her eyes at me. She stood up and with a single hoof, kicked the tree and a dozen apples fell to the ground at once. I gawked at her, but she wasn't done! In a fluid motion she half turned and started kicking the apples towards me! "Ah shit!" I ducked and dodged the first ones, but she increased the rate of fire and soon enough I was being struck by apple after apple until I was on my knees begging her to stop. Damned pony shot them like a fucking Gatling gun! Flintlock sat down again and arched an eyebrow at me, challenging me to try anything else. I simply raised my hands in defeat and smiled, it was just like my father used to say to me... Never give up! Unless a fucking pony starts a barrage of apples! Still smiling I walked over to her and sat down, leaning against the bark of the tree the world seemed brighter, peaceful and calm. She kicked a mashed pulp that used to be an apple and smiled. "That was fun." She looked at me and nudged me in the ribs, well, you know the story about my ribs and can probably guess her reaction when she felt the soft flesh where there were supposed to be bones. "Old war wound." I chuckled and lifted my shirt up so she could get a better view. "Sweet Celestia..." She gasped and covered her mouth with a hoof as the view of several stitches and a long scar came into view, the flesh beneath the scar was soft and tender since there was nothing beneath it. "Yeah, pretty gross huh?" I tried to put some humor into the whole thing but I was still kind of upset about losing my ribs. They were mine! I liked them! Flintlock ran a hoof along the scar, the soft fur felt nice to the touch and I enjoyed the feeling until she removed her hoof and looked me in the eyes. Her deep blue eyes were full of concern and sadness, she was obviously not used to seeing injuries of this type. Still looking at me with the same concern she asked softly, almost impossible to hear. "What happened?" I smiled slightly and narrated the strange events of my life, starting since I fell into a strange forest, to getting my ribs destroyed and up to meeting her. In the end she nodded and looked at the ground, her eyes watered a bit and she leaned on my shoulder, trying to assimilate everything she had just heard. "It must have been horrible..." Flintlock whispered, and the soft morning wind carried her voice through the grassy fields covered in moist dew, the sun shone down on her mane and coat just to be reflected with more intensity and heat. "It was..." I replied, my voice heavy with knowledge of what I had lost, but full of the promise of what I had gained. "... but it was worth it, if I hadn't suffered like I did I wouldn't have met my children, or my friends..." She smiled and I smiled back, the warmth of the sun and the cool morning air surrounding us, nothing happened for a couple of seconds before I yawned and stretched my arms. "Its getting late, the kids are probably going to wake up soon." I slowly stood up, Flintlock did the same and in complete silence we walked back to town. We still had some unfinished business to attend to, Snowflake still had to know about my recently formulated plan, and Flintlock should probably meet him as well, since her talent could come in handy. We moved back to the quiet town of Ponyville, making sure to avoid the restaurant from earlier. As we walked, Flintlock told me about her own journey, how she had been born the daughter of a watchmaker and his wife, how she spent the early years of her life helping her dad to fix and make watches and other small clockwork mechanisms. She had always wanted to earn her cutie mark and help her father with the shop, but her mother had other plans. Sharp Flint was a royal guardsmare, one of the few according to Flintlock, her mark was that of a spear, symbolizing some shit about protecting and whatnot, anyways, she wanted Flintlock to enter the royal guard to serve and protect Equestria. Flintlock's father disagreed, he wanted his daughter to help him out with the family business, so they came to an arrangement. Depending on Flintlock's mark, she would either join the guard or help her father. Her mother started training her in basic self defense moves, and taught her about what it meant to be a guard, but Flintlock never earned her mark that way. It wasn't until her mother had given up and allowed Flintlock's father, Clock Gear, to introduce her to the world of clockwork that Flintlock showed a keen interest and ability. In a matter of weeks she was arming and disarming clocks and toys to create fully different machines and mechanisms, she could transform several small pocket watches into a fully functional record player, her skill was almost as impressive as her father's. But still no mark, her family was surprised that by her teen years she was still without a cutie mark, nothing they did could get it to appear. She armed a large tower clock, but nothing happened, she also made scale models of trains and even a tiny pony automaton that was able to walk around, but nothing. In a night of desperation she gathered the many small creations and toys she had and shattered them, frustrated at not being able to find her talent, from the pieces though, an idea emerged. She worked for weeks, assembling a completely different mechanism from scratch, it was like nothing she had ever made and its purpose was unclear, but she knew that it was what she needed, what would finally give her a mark. Sketches were drawn of the pieces that weren't there, others were improvised and added immediately, the local smith was able to finally craft the missing parts with the help of multiple drawings and detailed specifications from Flintlock, she supervised the entire thing. Nothing could go wrong if she was going to get her mark. But it was only after several months of redoing the design or finding out several pieces didn't match or adding improvements, that she finally did it, she got her mark and her project was completed, a large celebration was held. But something still nagged at the back of her mind. It was her masterpiece, her ultimate work, the effort of many sleepless nights, it was... Useless. No pony knew what it was or what it could be used for, her parents were of little help. Since their agreement still stood, Flintlock's mother insisted that the muskets on her daughter's flank were spears of some sort and as such, she would have to join the guard. The father denied it, after all, that mark was the result of heavy designing and careful crafting and arranging of many different clockwork pieces, his daughter had to work the shop! Flintlock couldn't have cared less, she still knew nothing of her talent and her mark was as mysterious as the device she had constructed. After many a sleepless night she finally decided that it was no use, she stopped caring and locked her creation away in a small box. Upon her fathers request, she helped him with the store, making all different sorts of clockwork mechanisms, and as her mother wanted, she joined the local guard. By day she would patrol around her local town streets, and by night she would help her father with whatever extra work he needed help with. And so the years went by, she came of age and lived a normal life, no worries about marks or anything, the occasional visitor or tourist would ask about it from time to time, but the event was rare and never bothered Flintlock. She lived normally for many years, that is, until I appeared. It seemed that my little fight with Rainbow became quite famous among smaller towns and common ponies, the wealthier ones denying the whole thing as an old ponies tale. The rumors of a monster wrecking the entirety of Ponyville spread to the smaller communities outside of Fillydelphia and Flintlock heard about me. She decided that my sudden appearance might have something to do with her mark... "...and here I am!" Flintlock finished her story with a small grin. "You have no idea how much your help means to me Iron!" I smiled at her and continued walking, it was only a matter of time until she asked the question. We turned a corner and came across a large building, it was Pinkie's house if I remembered correctly. God I swear the sight of the house gave me diabetes... "Well, we should probably stop by and ask Pinkie for directions." I shrugged and walked towards the pink house, gesturing to Flintlock to follow me. "Is she a friend of yours?" Flintlock walked slowly towards the door and looked at me. "You could say that." I smiled and knocked on the door to... Sugarblock alley? Whatever... A couple of seconds passed before a loud voice yelled from the inside and several sounds of shattering plates were heard from the inside. "Coming!" Pinkie's loud cheerful voice was heard from inside. Flintlock arched an eyebrow and looked at me questioningly. I just shrugged and said Pinkie could be a little eccentric. The door opened and a barrage of confetti showered us in colorful doom. "What in the-?!" I fell backwards and landed on my ass, the confetti had taken me by surprise. "Whoa!" Flintlock fared no better, the mare fell backwards and landed on top of me, in quite a compromising position. "Hey there Iron! What's up!" Pinkie smiled and sat down on top of her... Was that a cannon? I stared dumbfounded at the confetti spewing war machine Pinkie had materialized out of nowhere. I was so shocked about it that I didn't notice Flintlock until she cleared her throat and brought my attention to her. She was laying on top of me, my arm wrapped around her waist preventing her from standing up. I smiled dumbly and muttered an apology as I lifted my arm and helped her to her feet. Pinkie muffled amused giggles as the scene unfolded before her. After we were both on our feet/hooves, I decided to ask Pinkie about Snowflake's whereabouts. "Snowflake? Oh! You mean that big screaming pony that helped you terrorize the town yesterday? He lives over there!" Pinkie smiled and pointed a hoof at a small building across the street. Flintlock and I turned around and looked at the small house, it didn't look like much nor did it look like the kind of place a gang leader would live in. "You sure Pinkie?" I looked back at the pink mare, she nodded happily and began to stuff her cannon with confetti again. "As sure as a cupcake!" She smiled widely and finished loading her cannon. "How sure is that?" Flintlock looked at her, slightly confused. Pinkie Pie gasped dramatically and her eyes went so wide they resembled plates. "New pony!" She screamed and ran inside the building. Flintlock was completely taken aback by the odd display of surprise, she turned to look at me and I could do little else than shrug, I had never seen Pinkie do anything like that, but by her standards it was nothing out of the ordinary... We stood there for about a minute before a pink blur came out of the building and surrounded us with a new wave of confetti and streamers. "This calls for a paaaaaaarty!" Pinkie announced, as happy as ever to have an excuse to throw a party. Flintlock and I just stood there, confused and slightly afraid of whatever the pink pony had planned. "Actually Pinkie, we are kind of in the middle of a mission, you know, the 'saving town from a gang of ponies' type of mission?" I smiled and removed some streamers that had gotten stuck to my hair. "Yeah! That's another good reason for a party! It can be the after-mission-party kind of party!" That mare had issues, that's all I've gotta say on the subject... "It's going to be even more awesome than the one we had at the hospital!" Flintlock's mood seemed to darken at the comment, she still had my story fresh in her mind. I barely noticed her change though, I was too busy chatting away with Pinkie, she had some pretty amusing ideas for a party, even if they were pretty odd. We said goodbye to Pinkie after a while and walked across the street towards Snowflake's house. Flintlock kept her eyes staring ahead, as if she were upset about something, I kept stealing glances at her, wondering what was wrong, and eventually decided to ask. "Hey Flint? Something wrong?" I attempted a carefree smile but her mood was contagious and I found myself worrying about something I didn't even know about. She kept the stare and eventually frowned. "How can you stand her?" She whispered so as not to be heard by anyone else. "Pinkie?" I was surprised by the question, how could I not like Pinkie? "She's nice, a bit weird but-" "No, I mean how can you forgive them so easily for what they did?" She looked me in the eyes and stopped walking, her gaze reflecting all the pain and anger she thought I should feel towards the mares. I returned her gaze and tried to smile, but once again her sadness moved into my mind and took over, she was controlling what I thought in the same way she would have handled the mechanisms of a clock. "I... Well, they apologized, and I guess I need them so my kids can live happily in this town." I shrugged and looked at the ground. "That isn't right Iron, you shouldn't live a lie for somepony else." She took a step closer and placed a hoof on my arm. "No matter who it is." I looked up and met her eyes with my own, she was honestly trying to help me, not simply wanting me to be the embodiment of harmony and peace like Twilight did. "I guess you're right..." I broke eye contact and looked at the ground, Flintlock smiled. "But still, those kids don't have to suffer like I have, they do not need to experience the world like I have been forced to." "Iron..." "No, I'm sorry Flint, I know you only want to help but, this pain is necessary, because through it I am ensuring that my children have a future as a part of society." I looked back at her. "It is through my suffering that I cleanse them of my curse..." She nodded and fell silent, accepting my grim view of life and trusting me to know what I was doing. We continued walking towards Snowflake's house, only this time we were accompanied by silence. The place was really modest to say the least, it was a one story building, plain and lacking in decorations. I knocked on the door and we waited for a couple of minutes before it opened a little, revealing a small kid, or pony kid, whatever they're called... "Yes?" The small one said as he eyed us from behind the door. I knelt down so I could see him in the eye and smiled. "Hey there... Err... Featherweight? Yeah Featherweight, I'm here to see your dad, is Snowflake here?" "Yes... Are you the human that helped him beat up those ponies yesterday?" He opened the door a bit more to get a good look at me. I smiled again, I was gaining fans! That was a good thing right? "Yeah, can I come in?" Featherweight opened the door completely and revealed the interior of the place. Holy. Shit. The entire motherfucking place looked like a goddamn castle! The floor was covered in a red velvet carpet, the walls were pure oak wood and several paintings that did not look cheap lined up the walls. But it did not end there! The house seemed small on the outside yes, but that is because it was only the first floor! What? Oh yeah, I did say it was a one story building right? Well, that's because there was a fucking staircase that led underground! It was a fucking mansion! Featherweight led us downstairs, while Flintlock and I both gawked at all the displays of money and wealth that littered the entire place he simply moved about the house like it was no big deal. We reached the lower floor and the sound of a shouting stallion immediately reached us. "YEEEEAAAAAH! THAT'S TWO TO ONE THUNDERLANE!" Came the voice of Snowflake. "Whatever, its not like we are here to play billiard anyway... Where is this new guy you kept talking about?" "HE'LL COME, DON'T WORRY! JUST MAKE SURE NOT TO FAINT WHEN HE DOES!" "Ah please Snowflake... He can't be that terrifying..." That's when I decided to make my entrance. Smiling as evilly as possible I motioned Flintlock to follow after I went into the room, she nodded and I walked in. "Hey Snowflake! Where did you want me to put the dragon heads I hunted earlier? And what do I do with the dead body?" I barged into the room announcing myself as grimly as possible, hood covering my face and head held high to add stature to myself, not that I needed it... I was twice as tall as any pony. The reaction was immediate, the pony called Thunderlane was instantly shaking and gawking at my presence, the mention of a dead dragon and a body did little to calm him. Snowflake was smiling and arching an eyebrow at me. "DRAGON? IRON PLEASE! WE BOTH SAW THAT PONY GAVE YOU A BLEEDING NOSE!" Snowflake started laughing, not mockingly though, the dude was cool like that. "At least I didn't get thrown to the side!" I laughed along with him and leaned against a wall. "Any news about anything?" Snowflake smiled and picked up a glass full of cider from a counter, handing it to me he nodded at Thunderlane. "THAT'S THUNDERLANE, HE'S BEEN IN THE MILITIA FOR OVER A YEAR, ONE OF THE NEWEST MEMBERS!" I glanced at him and half waved, not impressed by the pony, he was muscular but not a lot, and the carefully styled mohawk on his head really didn't make him look like the type of guy who fought too much. "I brought someone you might be interested in meeting too." I turned to the door and told Flintlock to come in. She walked into the room with an awkward smile. "Hey, I'm Flintlock..." She introduced herself and stood beside me. "WHAT'S SO SPECIAL ABOUT HER?" Snowflake arched an eyebrow, Thunderlane had barely broken out of the shock of seeing me and was now looking at Flintlock like a beggar looks at a hundred dollar bill. I had noticed Thunderlane but didn't pay him much mind, there were bigger fish to fry at the moment. "It's her mark, I recognize it from my world, her talent might come in handy if we have to fight." Flintlock looked at me questioningly, I still hadn't explained what her mark meant completely so she was naturally curious about what I had to say. "What does it mean?" She asked, hope in her eyes despite the confused look on her face. I sighed, no point in hiding it anymore, we were already here. So steeling myself for whatever her reaction was, as well as the others, I began to spill the truth. "The mark shows your talent for making weapons, human weapons, I'm not sure if you are capable of making the more modern ones but the one you showed me at the restaurant was a fully operational pistol, we only need some flint, steel, gunpowder and some bullets to make it work." I scanned her face for any signs of anger, denial, or disgust at my explanation, surprisingly I only saw acceptance. I decided to continue. "The weapons you are able to create are deadly, one shot is enough to end someone's life if aimed correctly, all we would need to keep the other gangs out of this town would be a little demonstration of power, not necessarily kill anyone, but if we were able to scare them off, I doubt they would ever come back." I finished and looked at the three ponies in front of me, Snowflake was in deep thinking, Flintlock was staring off into space, digesting the meaning of my words, and Thunderlane... His eyes were drifting down Flintlock's body towards her flanks. I snapped my fingers in front of his face, the pony immediately woke up from his daze and looked at me, I made the 'I'm watching you' gesture with my fingers and he instantly looked away and feigned innocence. After a few seconds of silence Snowflake asked the question I was expecting. "SO, YOU MEAN TO SAY WE CAN GET RID OF THE WINGSTERS JUST LIKE THAT? ONE FIGHT AND THEY'RE GONE?" Snowflake seemed skeptical. "Only if Flintlock is ok with it, I'm not using her talent if she isn't comfortable with the idea." I looked at her and smiled, but I was sincerely hoping she would say yes, forcing her wouldn't be pleasant but I was not going to let a gang mess with my children, even if it meant losing a friend. She smiled back and nodded, the small glint of happiness in her eyes at having found her talent forced a smile of my own to form. Snowflake gave a short laugh and shot a wink at me, then looked at Flintlock and back at me again suggestively, I rolled my eyes but kept the smile, Flintlock didn't seem to notice or she didn't care. "LOOKS LIKE WE HAVE A PLAN! FLINTLOCK! WHEN CAN YOU START WORKING ON THE WEAPONS?" Flintlock smiled and pulled out a small hammer from her bag. "Right away!"