A Dazzling Flower Under the Moonlight

by Sandbar0227

Dance of Confrontations

So close but so far away, luck seemed to have abandoned her completely from the moment she crashed into the long, glassless window located in one of the towers of Celestia's palace. The memory of her father's teachings came to Rainbow's mind like a distant echo.

-"Regretting is pointless, it only serves to duck into excuses of what might have been instead of facing the consequences of your actions" - he used to tell her frankly. - "do not regret for the past already trodden my child. Those memories of unbidden teachings shape you as a pony and prepare you for the future. Accept it and find a way to change it if you don't like it."

And her father was right, Rainbow had proven it many times throughout her life. At this very moment, however, she couldn't stop the "would have's" from swirling around in her mind, relentlessly tormenting her.

Why hadn't she stayed with the Wonderbolts at the academy instead of going to Ponyville? Her weather duties weren't so urgent after all and because of the commitment she'd shown to weather management, she'd earned the trust of the Poniville inhabitants. Or why did she decide to practice her dangerous personal flying routines just AFTER finishing those duties, and why on the heck did she think doing it near Canterlot Castle was a good idea to avoid being late for the function she was invited to?

Perhaps if she had asked more details about the meeting point with the Wonderbolts before leaving, all this would have been avoided. Had she done something so bad to deserve this unfair situation? Or had she brought it on herself by her recklessness?

No, this was not her fault, had she provoked it?, she had not right?, could she have sensed that something like this was likely to happen that day, of course not, or had she, but how? - "I should have stayed with them" ...it would have been better not to have practiced..... why didn't I ask more? .... maybe if I would have... but there was no way to.... "when did it all come out of my hoofs?...." - The cascade of recriminations went on and on in his troubled mind.

"Somebody please shut my mind up."

At that moment, Dash became suddenly aware of his surroundings. She was in a small, dark cellar, with Blooming Rose in front of her, imposing her magic to seal her mouth and render her immobile. The princess gasped, evidencing the great magical toll the spell was taking on her. In the distance, the voices of the Wonderbolts could be heard searching for them.

You're wondering what's going on, aren't you, let's recap.

Rainbow Dash had gained a brief moment of freedom, a respite from Blooming Rose's mind control. She felt the euphoria of regained autonomy flowing through her veins, with the Wonderbolts fast approaching as they spun through the castle corridors, her instincts screaming at her to run, to fly, to scream, but this sudden release caused her to stumble and stagger awkwardly from a momentary dizziness, to that add that the uncomfortable and tight dress of "Moonflower" restricted her movements, reducing her reaction speed, and not to mention the slight but annoying cramp that the imprudent maneuver of flying by Blooming's order had generated in her wings by opening them so abruptly.

Suddenly, an invisible force stopped her in her tracks, immobilizing her completely, those small setbacks had slowed her down enough for Blooming Rose to regain control, she had managed to relocate her magic and was channeling all her power to contain her again.

- "Stop doing that!"- Dash said as she struggled internally, she felt her body starting to disobey her again.

- "Rainbow Dash!?"- she could hear the distant voice of her flying companions calling her, feeling the vibration of the ground telling her they were getting closer. She just needed to be seen, but something pounced on her before she could articulate a word.

She struggled for what seemed like endless hours to her, but wasn't really.

Blooming Rose, with a titanic effort that made her gasp audibly, magically teleported them to a small cellar, away from the busy corridors. Rainbow was sealed and gagged, while the princess doubled over exhausted from the magical wear and tear.

Dash silently cursed her bad luck, so close but so far away.... Now, locked in that dark cellar, princess and pegasus were at a tense impasse. Rainbow's gaze reflected fury and a mute claim towards Blooming Rose, who managed to catch her breath and gave her an impassive look.

- "Wait... Please..." - with the little strength she had left she kept part of the body control spell on Dash, at least that would prevent her from escaping, but not from speaking. - "I need you to listen to me" - Blooming Rose's voice echoed with a hint of pleading, though her gaze remained steady.

- "No Blooming Rose..." - her mouth closed instantly in surprise at being able to hear her own voice lead again. She could speak, but her movements were still restricted. - "If anyone is going to listen in here it won't be me do you understand me?" - his voice taking on a higher, more aggressive tone.

Seeing Dash's defensive attitude, Blooming couldn't help herself - "oh I see, apparently this is getting out of control fast, isn't it, Rainbow Dash?" - Her words were accurate and direct, without a hint of the delicacy. "Or should I say Moonflower." - She didn't delay in placing a hoof in her mouth knowing the reaction her comment was going to cause.

- "I know you didn't want to get involved in this... mess. You probably want to be far away from here right now" - he slowly removed the helmet from her lips, with an attempt to show her that he wanted a conversation in order to generate an agreement - "but I need you to calm down, for both of our sakes" - seeing that the Pegasus had indeed "apparently" calmed down, he continued - "I know you're confused and angry, but there are bigger reasons at play here"

- "For the sake of both of us, is that a threat?" - Rainbow Dash growled in frustration and shook her head, feeling anger and confusion take hold of her - "and what reasons are you talking about, I doubt they justify how you and your sister have been using me as a ridiculous puppet all over the castle?" - replied Dash sarcastically, her voice full of disdain.

Blooming Rose kept her composure, meeting Dash's defiant gaze calmly - "I can't explain everything right now, but I need you to trust me..." - Blooming said, her tone imploring understanding - "we didn't mean to hurt you. We just wanted to...."

- "NO!!!, want what, why from me?" - Dash interrupted her angrily, Blooming was thankful she could keep her movements under her spell - "You're just trying to fill me with empty words and no, listen to me well, I am not willing to go along with this damn charade!"

- "I recognize that we made a terrible mistake with you and Aster, Rainbow Dash, and I need your help to fix it." - Blooming Rose took a deep breath - "before you claim, I know, I shouldn't be asking you for anything, but we can't ruin this gala any more than we have."

- "My help?" - Dash asked, with disbelief and irony, Blooming could feel the contempt in his words piercing her like a dagger and she was getting fed up. - "look, the gala to me doesn't matter, if they screwed up it's their problem not mine and about Aster, I don't know what they intend for me to..."

- "So it's not your problem?" - interrupted Blooming Rose, she was going to play her last card, she knew she had to be tough -" what about the Wonderbolts?" - Blooming knew she was going to win the truce the moment she saw how the rainbow pegasus was speechless after hearing her mention the elite group she was part of that night - "If that's the case, then I doubt you'll mind missing out on participating in your fellow flyers' show, because if you ask me, I wouldn't mind making you miss it."

The silence that followed was overwhelming. Blooming Rose swallowed hard, feeling the weight of his words hang over her like a slab. She still couldn't believe what she was doing, she would never do something like that, but it was the only way she found to come to terms with the pegasus, she felt a great disappointment in herself after uttering those words, but it was already said.

- "how dare you?" - Dash finally asked, her voice echoed with a tone charged with rancor and desperation - "use not only my will but now also my dream against me" - her voice cut off for a few moments, the words charged with pain. Dash pinned his eyes on Blooming Rose, the fire of indignation burning in his gaze - "do you seriously think you can use my passion and my hopes as bargaining coins!" - at this point the shouting at Blooming no longer mattered to her.

- "You have no idea what it's like to be trapped in your own body, and be a bystander while others decide for you," - Dash continued, her voice projected sharply between a mixture of anger and pain. - "and now, you threaten to snatch away the moment I've longed for the most, just to save your stupid gala." - Blooming Rose lowered her gaze, unable to hold Dash's accusing stare.

- "I'm really sorry, but..." - she murmured, her voice barely audible - "it got out of our shells and I know, it's not justification, but... I don't want to regret it anymore" - Dash's gaze softened a bit as she saw the princess's distress.

Despite the fury she felt, a part of her understood the pressure that could drive someone to make extreme decisions, a very small part indeed. - "I hear your proposal" - Dash spat with a tone as cutting as the edge of a sword - "but be prepared for what's coming, Blooming Rose, if I were you, not only would I never be able to sleep again, but I would carry the weight of guilt until the end of my days, what makes you think you deserve a second chance after what you've done?" - Blooming Rose flinched, Dash's cruel accusations hitting her like a hammer - "apparently you've had it all in this life, but if this is a trap, I assure you that your family's gala and reputation will be the least of your worries."

Blooming Rose swallowed saliva with difficulty, her throat suddenly dry. She looked up into the magenta orbs once more, her eyes glazed over with held back tears, she couldn't help but hide her face between her hooves out of guilt and shame at being there. Dash watched her for a few moments, the sharp gaze softening slightly at the princess' very obvious distress, and though part of her wanted to keep pushing and causing her moral pain, the other part reminded her that it is not like her to be this demeaning and humiliating to others, no matter how they have been to you.

Something inside her stirred, a spark of empathy struggling to break through the fury and resentment.
However, she had no intention of apologizing for what she had said.

Blooming merely nodded her head as she searched for his voice perched on the floor, a shaky sigh escaping her lips - "The agreement is... you will attend and cooperate during the royal dance, and then you can attend the show with the Wonderbolts" - she murmured in a shaky voice. - "And don't worry about explaining your absence, I'll take care of covering for you and avoid trouble with them."

Dash remained silent, weighing the proposal. She didn't like the idea of having to dance with the prince out of obligation but she wasn't going to let her dream be ruined by it - "Understood" - Dash finally said, her tone dry but without the previous biting.

Blooming nodded, relieved for the truce, however fragile - "Thank you, Rainbow Dash..." - She murmured, with a hint of gratitude in her voice. - "I don't deserve your trust, but... I appreciate that you're willing to listen."

Dash, not wanting to drag that conversation out any longer merely replied with a throaty clearing of her voice. The two ponies stared at each other, a palpable tension suspended in the air between them, a precarious agreement had been forged, but it was clear that the wounds were far from healed.

The sound of footsteps echoed in the hallway outside the hold, reminding them of the urgency of the situation. The Wonderbolts stood static in the hallway, expressions of utter confusion on their faces.

- "But what the he...?" - Soarin''s sentence hung in the air in disbelief.

Spitfire, jaw clenched and gaze piercing, broke the silence with a question laden with urgency - "Did anyone see where they went?"

- "They disappeared!" - Surprise's alarm echoed through the air, cutting through the silence with a high-pitched tone that reflected the palpable concern in each of her companions - "We must do something, we can't just sit around hoofing it."

- "No, they haven't disappeared" - corrected Spitfire, his voice ringing with authority and determination. - "To the main room, right now!" - and with no more than a determined gesture, she led her team down the stairs, with her companions following in mingled bewilderment.

- "What are you planning?" - Fleetfoot said following her with an expression of intrigue.

Spitfire, without missing a beat, replied - "to find Moonflower, she mentioned she had seen Rainbow near the castle and that's the only lead we have" - she explained as they turned down the corridors towards the main hall - "And we know she'll be at the opening piece, so we'll most likely meet her at the royal ball and ask her for the explanations she owes us".

The other Wonderbolts nodded, catching the logic in Spitfire's reasoning. - "Makes sense" - Fire Streak commented, with a hint of obviousness in his tone.

The idea was simple but urgent: find Moonflower, get information, and hopefully find Dash to unravel the mystery surrounding his sudden absence.

With a firm determination not to let Moonflower go until she gave them answers about their missing friend, they set off towards the grand hall of the royal dance.

As they approached the main hall, the sounds of music and merriment filtered through the doors, reminding them of the duality of the night. While the rest of the world was celebrating, they were far from celebrating if they didn't find their friend before the show.

The ticking of the clock echoed in his ears, indicating the passage of time that seemed to stretch endlessly as he waited for his sister and Moonflower. What could be delaying them so long?, he had already introduced the gala, spoken to his most prominent guests and now he was just waiting for the opening piece.

Suddenly, firm footsteps made him turn around. An imposing unicorn with platinum dark blue fur and straight hair approached with an elegant but intimidating demeanor. Aster recognized her immediately, her heart skipping a beat.

- "Belladonna..." - Aster said with a nod - "What brings you here?"


clarification it is not alicorn (design error, sorry) it is unicorn.

- "Oh Aster, good evening first" - replied Belladona with derision - "I couldn't miss the opportunity to witness this... peculiar soiree."

- "Yes, sorry, good evening. I've been very busy getting ready and..." -excused Aster as he watched her sketch a sly smile as he looked around.

- "You look like you've been taking great care tonight, Aster" - she commented as she watched him closely, her eyes roaming over every detail of her dress and hairstyle - "Did you even know I was coming?".

A blush spread across Aster's cheeks at that compliment. "Not exactly"-he replied sheepishly, twisting his hooves a little-"I simply want to enjoy the dance, you know."

Belladonna arched an eyebrow inquisitively. - " oh, but of course, our dance " - her gaze flashed with a strange, almost urgent gleam - "But why hadn't you told me before? We're running late."

- "W-what? I... am, I'm afraid you're somewhat mistaken, Belladonna"-Aster shook his head, in an attempt to stop the impulsive unicorn who was already heading for the soundtrack." We don't have to..."

Belladona turned to the master of ceremonies, raising his voice with a certainty that did not admit any reply. - "Turn off the lights, the opening piece is about to begin. Sound, thank you. "

The lights in the hall dimmed and the music took on a more solemn tone, capturing the attention of all present. A murmur of surprise rippled through the crowd as the spotlights moved toward the center of the arena.

"Where will they be?" repeated Shinning Marigold to herself, trying to maintain a calm and elegant attitude in front of all her guests. Inside, however, restlessness gnawed at her as she saw that Blooming and Rainbow Dash (Moonflower) had not yet arrived.

It was crucial that everything went perfectly tonight, especially with the presence of prominent personalities and dignitaries. The absence of two such important figures as the Princess and the renowned rainbow pegasus did not go unnoticed, and Shinning Marigold could feel the curious and expectant gazes of those present in the middle, where Belladonna and Aster were.

Just at that moment, the doors of the hall burst open, Marigold turned with a hopeful smile, but instead of the expected ponies, the Wonderbolts burst in, with determined expressions and wings spread, as if they were about to start a rescue mission.

An awkward silence fell over the room, the Wonderbolts stood in the center of the main entrance, not knowing what to do, but what were they doing here?, said Shinning Marigold with a hoof on her face.

Spitfire, the team leader, cleared her throat - "ahem...excuse me" - The Wonderbolts mingled with the other guests, trying to disguise their noisy entrance, meanwhile, music began to fill the room, creating a festive atmosphere that contrasted with the tension in the air.

Although somewhat irritated by the mistake, Belladonna did not flinch - "where were we?" - she turned to Aster with an impatient smile.

Aster was in an uncomfortably dangerous situation. On the one side, Belladona was pressuring him to dance with her, insisting that it was something they had planned. On the other side, awaiting the arrival of Blooming Rose and Moonflower.

- "Belladona, I'm really glad to see you tonight, but.... "- Belladona looked at him with a mixture of surprise and disappointment - "I already have someone to enjoy the dance with, maybe later, if that's okay with you."

- "Later?" - She asked in a tone of voice that wouldn't take no for an answer. - "Aster..."

Aster knew how explosive Belladonna tended to be in such cases, and fortunately for him the ballroom doors opened again, and everyone's attention was diverted to the new arrivals. Blooming Rose made her entrance with an elegance that exuded confidence, followed closely by Moonflower, whose presence seemed to charm everyone present.

- "Hello everyone," said Blooming Rose with a beaming smile. - "Are you enjoying the gala?". - The murmur of the crowd faded as those present bowed in respectful reverence before the unicorn princess, acknowledging her position of nobility with gestures of admiration and respect.

Aster took advantage of the distraction caused by the arrival of Blooming and Moonflower to discreetly move away from Belladonna. As he coalesced around the new arrivals, he could feel relief flow through him.

- "Sorry I'm late, brother" - Blooming murmured to Aster with a knowing smile as he approached Moonflower. - "We had some slight complications." - With a friendly gesture, he stepped aside to give the multicolored pegasus the limelight that the occasion required.

At Shinning Marigold's prompting, the musicians began to play the opening piece, filling the hall with an elegant and harmonious melody. With smooth, coordinated movements, Aster gently took Moonflower by the hoof and led her to the center of the dance floor.

The music enveloped the hall like a gentle caress, flooding every corner with its melodies, Aster and Moonflower glided with ease across the polished floor, moving to the music with an innate grace, the dance steps were smooth and ethereal, as if floating on a sea of constellations.

- "Marigold, please, you take over this piece" - Blooming said as she landed next to her sister and dropped to the floor, visibly exhausted. - "I need to clear my head."

Marigold watched her with surprise, but nodded with determination. - "All right, but you'll have to tell me what happened" - she demanded, looking for answers in her sister's expression.

- "Of course" - replied Blooming with a forced smile, trying to hide her agitation.

Marigold perfectly coordinated the steps of the glued by the runway, normally the opening piece did not last long, however, if it is the opening to the other pieces throughout the night. As Aster and Moonflower danced gracefully around the dance floor, Marigold cast a worried glance towards her sister Blooming Rose, it was evident that something had shaken her deeply, and the unicorn princess was determined to find out what had happened.

-"There she is" - Fleetfoot indicated to Spitfire in a whisper, pointing to the center of the dance floor.

Spitfire nodded, studying the multicolored pegasus closely. - "You don't mean to interrupt, do you?" - she addressed the group around her, her voice ringing with authority. - "listen, we're going to wait for this piece to close, then we'll sneak out in the middle of the dance and head for Moonflower. Please be as discreet as possible." - The captain paused, her gaze sweeping over each of her subordinates. - "While some of us approach Moonflower in search of answers, the rest of us will search the room for Dash, is that clear?" - The Wonderbolts nodded in understanding.

As the melody enveloped the ballroom, the bolts strategically dispersed, mingling with the crowd of guests enjoying the sight of the ball. Belladonna, in the middle of the crowd, watched with sharp eyes the dance that was taking the attention of the ponies.

-" So, Lady Moonflower, what took you so long with Blooming?" - asked Aster, trying to make casual conversation, as they performed synchronized spins.

Moonflower grabbed him by the shoulders, following the beat of the music. - "We got a little too long, you know how time passes" - she replied with a faint smile and slight chuckle - "I didn't intend to keep you waiting."

Marigold, watching her sister from the side, couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease. Blooming and Moonflower's tardiness had worried her, and her sister's evasive attitude only made her even more uneasy.

Aster gently drew Moonflower closer. - "Relax, what matters now is that you're here now, and you'll be here all night" - she told her sweetly, seeking to comfort her.

The last bars of the opening piece faded into the air, replaced by a warm applause from those present, Aster and Moonflower took a graceful bow to the appreciative audience.

It was now or never, the Wonderbolts instantly sprang into action, with fluid, studied movements, they scattered across the dance floor, each graciously requesting the company of a guest for the next dance.

- "Prince Aster..." - Dash recognized that voice, a sly smile flashed across in her mind - "would you do me the honor of dancing the next piece with me?" - Spitfire asked politely, extending a hoof in an inviting gesture.

From across the room, Thunderlane bowed ceremoniously. - "Dear Princess Blooming Rose, would you care to join me for the next dance?"

Near them, Fire Streak bowed graciously to Marigold, her expression radiating kindness and respect. - "May I have this dance, Princess Shining Marigold?" - A charming smile crossed her face.

- "Of course," replied the three royal siblings almost in unison, accepting the invitations graciously from their positions.

The music resounded again, filling the air with its lilting notes. - "I'm fear I cannot leave a beauty such as yourself unaccompanied in this piece..." - Soarin stepped forward towards Moonflower with a dashing bearing, offering him his helmet with a bow befitting a gentleman. - "Would you do me the honor of granting me this dance?" - Dash was infinitely grateful that he didn't recognize her at that moment.

Moonflower smiled softly, a smile that Dash would have given her as well, feeling comforted by the kindness and familiarity in the steed's voice. - "It would be my pleasure" - she replied graciously, accepting the invitation with grace and elegance.

Around her, the rest of the team took strategic positions with their respective dance partners.

- "May I have your company for this piece of music, my dear?" - Fleetfoot approached Belladona with a polite smile, though his eyes studied her warily.

Belladona looked at Aster, then at Moonflower before replying to the bold pegasus in front of her - "sure, why not?"

With each dancing couple in place and the music enveloping the room in a magical atmosphere again, the Wonderbolts' plan was getting underway. "This was going to get really good" Dash thought to herself, pleased to be, in this case, the spectator to the disaster.

Soarin gently led Moonflower to the center of the arena as the orchestra played a lilting waltz. Meanwhile, Marigold and Blooming exchanged furtive glances, communicating without words, they knew they had to keep a watchful eye on Moonflower to prevent her from being compromised by their magical control.

Soarin twirled gracefully with Moonflower, pulling her a little closer. - "I hope you are enjoying the evening" - he commented in a casual tone - "It was quite a surprise your arrival at the ball, especially after losing track of you in the castle corridors."

-" WHAT?!!!!" - Marigold said aloud, catching Soarin's words through the spell.

- "eem... I said how did you like tonight princess?" - repeated Fire Streak at the sudden surprise of Princess Marigold.

The princess pulled herself together, clearing her throat uncomfortably. - "Yes, that. Well, it was very nice" - she answered somewhat sorry for her outburst - "the atmosphere of Canterlot is lovely" - she finished her sentence by directing a hard glare at Blooming, what will this girl have done?

She hastened to interject before Soarin became suspicious by her silence. - "Yeah, about that..." - Moonflower said, resuming her graceful dance with the pegasus - "I had a setback that was waiting for me, a sincere apology if I caused any inconvenience , I hope you can understand the unforeseen circumstances."

Soarin narrowed his eyes inquisitively at her evasive reply, but kept an affable and polite expression, turning her around deftly - "Of course I understand, don't worry" - he spun her around twice gracefully before resuming the partner position - "But now that you are not in a hurry, I would like to know, where did you last see Rainbow Dash?"

- "RAINBOW DASH?! How is..." - Unfortunately for Shinning Marigold, Spitfire and Aster were walking past her when without thinking she said the name of the bewitched pegasus.

That was quick thought the wonderbolt with suspicion- "Streak change of partner" - without further ado, she separated from prince Aster and took Marigold as her new dance partner, moving her away with a gradual agility across the track.

The two steeds stood there with confused looks without knowing what was going on, Belladonna was not going to miss that the orange pegasus had separated from Aster and quickly headed towards him with a seductive smile and swaying her hips. She did not take into account that her companion Fleetfoot was also attentive and with more agility, she intercepted the prince taking him as her partner to lead him away among the elegant dance.

- "Tell me your majesty..." - Spitfire gave Marigold a friendly but piercing look - "Where exactly did you see Rainbow Dash?"

Shinning Marigold was beginning to understand the gravity of what was going on, but she still had many doubts as to why they would be asking Moonflower and now her about Rainbow Dash's whereabouts.

-I don't know who you're talking about," replied Moonflower to the celestial steed who nimbly guided her through the complicated steps of the dance.

Blooming could hear the whole conversation thanks to the spell imposed on Dash, giving a worried look to her sister Marigold as she noticed that she was now under the scrutiny of Captain Wonderbolt.

- "Agh it can't be..." - Blooming Rose muttered in irritation. Her Thunderlane dance partner looked at her quizzically.

- "Excuse me?" - Thunderlane asked as she heard her Blooming whine.

- "Oh, sorry, I've been a bit distracted with... family matters" - Blooming apologized pulling herself together from his carelessness and resuming her regal bearing.

- How do you say?" - Soarin paused for a moment, extremely confused - "But you told us you had seen her when we asked you in the suite."

Moonflower hesitated - "yes well I..."

- "I saw her today in the afternoon, when my brothers and I had a little mishap in the town of Ponyville" - Marigold admitted to Spitfire frankly - "After that I haven't seen her again, I swear".

Spitfire exhaled with evident desperation as he spun around thanks to Marigold's movement on her own axis - "I see" she concluded, clearly noticing how little interest Marigold was showing in his situation, she hoped that her companions had obtained more valuable information.

- "Why do you need her so urgently?" - Moonflower resumed her pace, leaning towards the handsome steed with curious concern.

- "We explained it to you earlier, Miss Moonflower" - Soarin replied sternly, beginning to think that she was either extremely forgetful or was deliberately avoiding him to hide Dash's whereabouts - "She is an essential part of the air show we will be presenting shortly and we need to locate her as soon as possible."

- "oh right that..."- Moonflower exhaled softly to Soarin, as if registering an important detail that had escaped.

The dance ended. Marigold knew she had to get Dash out of that situation immediately - "nice to have danced with you" - Moonflower mentioned hastily, making a move to discreetly separate. But the steed was quicker.

-I insist that the pleasure is mine, Miss Moonflower..." - Soarin told her with a slight bow full of mockery, then subtly approached Moonflower by the arm and gave her a threatening look - "But my pleasure will be greater if you tell me where Rainbow Dash is at this precise moment" - the mentioned Dash was gathering herself in her mind before the nervous Moonflower.

A shiver ran down Marigold's back. At that tense moment, she thought about approaching but a familiar voice interrupted them.

- "She's backstage waiting for you guys for the show!" - Blooming Rose hastened to say in a firm voice as she pushed her way through the crowd towards them, stepping in to divert attention.

The tension in the air was almost palpable when suddenly the royal trumpets resounded imposingly, interrupting the dance music. Everyone present turned toward the center of the hall, where Silverstone was standing on the stage.

- "Noble mares and steeds! Distinguished guests!" - He proclaimed in a powerful voice - "It is my great honor to announce that the show you've all been eagerly awaiting is about to begin. Tonight's starry skies will be the canvas for the amazing acrobatics of the legendary Wonderbolts!".

The aforementioned looked at each other with urgency and anticipation, without thinking they rushed backstage.

- "Please everyone make your way to the observation stands to witness their impressive aerial maneuvers!" - Silver continued to indicate as he watched the team go to get ready.

A commotion immediately ensued. Guests began to boisterously disperse to the balconies and outdoor terraces to get the best view, amidst the commotion, Blooming Rose took the opportunity to gently but firmly grab Moonflower and lead her towards the side corridors - "come on, we have to get to the backstage before they do."

Marigold looked at her sister apprehensively but moving forward, following them closely down the crowded corridor, she had a lot of explaining to do. Unfortunately, the princess wasn't the only one who saw them leaving, Aster noticed it too and full of curiosity, he crept stealthily behind them entering the service areas towards the dressing rooms, he knew something was wrong and he wanted to know what his sisters were hiding from him.