Marking the Generations – Part Two

by Glimbursts

Chapter Four – Practising

After Sunset teleported away, Starlight decided to abandon the creation of the Looking Glass. She wanted Sunset to complete what she’d started, and it was clear that Hitch and Pipp were taking their time anyway.

Therefore, Starlight had been encouraging both Izzy and Misty to try more magic themselves. She grinned as an orange suddenly appeared on the arm of the couch beside her.

“Well done, Misty,” she smiled. “You are a fast learner, much better than a friend of mine back home.”

“I…I can’t believe I can actually do it,” Misty beamed. “I never thought magic would be something I was good at.”

“Yeah, you’re getting on way better than I am,” Izzy groaned as apple parts shot all over her from another failed attempt.

“Not every Unicorn can cast these spells, Izzy,” Starlight explained. “For some, it’s just not possible. Like Rarity, for example, she’s a master of levitation and she’s got a really cool spell for finding gems. However, pretty much everything else is beyond her capabilities. At least you can do transformations, that’s got to be something you’re really happy about?”

“Oh, it is,” Izzy beamed, her demeanour swapping in a heartbeat. “The unicycling possibilities are limitless now! You’re right Starlight, so what if I can’t teleport things? At least I can be even more creative with the magic that I can do.”

“That’s the spirit,” Starlight grinned. “You just need to keep practising, both levitation and transformation. Then you’ll get better at both and soon the creative possibilities will be infinite.”

“Ooh, okay,” Izzy grinned. “I like those odds.”

“So, what about shields or beams, how hard are they?” Misty asked. “It would kind of be nice if I were able to help next time we have to face Opaline.”

“Honestly, shields are hard and take a lot of practice. Especially if you want to be able to take shots from somepony like Opaline,” Starlight explained. “I studied them for years. I know Sunset did too, she just needed her memory jogging. Beams, we can do but first, you need to practice teleporting. Then you can teleport yourself and that will be really useful in a fight. Let’s move onto teleporting the orange to somewhere you can’t see.”

“Okay, I can do that,” Misty grinned. “I had one idea…”

Sunny was back up at the top of the Brighthouse looking out over Maretime Bay. The sun was glistening off the wavetops as it climbed higher into the sky. She’d forgotten it wasn’t even lunchtime yet!

She squeaked with surprise as there was a flash beside her and gasped as the model of Twilight suddenly appeared. She gasped with desperation as it started to fall, only just catching it before it impacted the floor. She held the model and carefully inspected it before sighing. “What would you do Twilight?”

There was another flash and this time the Scrapbook of Memories appeared just beyond the guardrail. “Aaah,” Sunny cried, quickly grabbing the book before it disappeared over the edge.

After holding it tightly to her chest for a few moments, Sunny held it out to inspect it. She frowned as she spotted a piece of paper caught between the cover and the first page. Opening the cover and removing the paper she realised it was a folded note. Setting the book safely down, she unfolded the note to read it.

To my friend Sunny,

Starlight has been teaching me magic this morning, she says I’m already getting better and better at it. You said that someday I could be doing magic, and I can’t help feeling I’ve had the opportunity thanks to you.

I know you are not feeling yourself right now and I hope that seeing some of the memories from Twilight Sparkle will help you feel better.

I know that you certainly have made me feel better, you’ve been there for me when other ponies were unsure. You defended me, encouraged me, you’ve helped me become the best pony I can be.

I’m happy and proud to be able to call you, my friend.


Sunny smiled as she picked up the Scrapbook. Opening the first page, she placed a hoof under the first image, so the memory started to play. It wasn’t long before she was working her way through the memories one by one.

Later, Hitch and Pipp finally arrived back at the Brighthouse, Hitch pulling a cart which contained the new mirror with Sparky clung to his back. The mirror was large and free-standing, with golden carvings of ponies running around the edge of the frame. The couch, table and pot were still outside but the fire had been extinguished and nopony could be seen.

“Guess they gave up,” Pipp sighed.

“Well, we have been gone for the whole morning,” Hitch groaned. “It really didn’t need to take so long.”

“You are kidding, right?” Pipp replied earnestly. “This is like a present for Sunny so it had to be perfect. I know the Brighthouse appeared, and Sunny says it’s for all of us. But it replaced her lighthouse so it's still basically her home.”

“Yeah, I know,” Hitch grinned. “I’m just pulling your tail. Come on, let's see where they’re at.”

Hitch unhitched the cart before the three of them headed inside. “Anypony here?” Pipp shouted.

“In the kitchen,” Misty called back. “We’re working on another cure for Sparky.”

Hitch trotted over to the kitchen and smiled when he saw the pot on the stove bubbling away. Starlight was sat nearby whilst Misty was crushing flowers to add to the mixture.

“So, this is the latest cure for Sparky?” Hitch asked as he picked up the book they were using. He read the page it was open at before half-closing the book to look at the cover. “Oh, it’s not the Zecora one. Applebloom’s Perfect Potions.”

“Trust me,” Starlight grinned. “If it’s the Applebloom I know, everything she knows was taught to her by Zecora and Twilight.”

“It’s like you’re connected to everything,” Misty chuckled.

“I just know a lot of ponies,” Starlight smiled. “Quite a few other creatures too as well. Like Thorax the King of the Changelings.”

“Changelings?” Pipp echoed looking confused. “Okay, I have no idea what those are and don't want to know. Where are Izzy and Sunset?”

“…and has Sunny come down?” Hitch added.

“Sunny came down this morning when she woke up,” Misty replied. “But she’s gone back to the Crystal Chamber.”

“Izzy’s making a trip to Bridlewood for more ingredients,” Starlight continued. “And as for Sunset, she’s gone to calm down.”

“Calm down?” Pipp frowned. “What happened?”

“Let’s just say she’s always had a bit of a fiery temper,” Starlight sighed. “I’m sure she’ll come back when she’s ready.”

“So, what potion are you cooking up for Sparky?” Hitch asked.

“It’s a revitalization drink,” Starlight explained. “Sparky needs to drink it once each day and hopefully it will give him more energy.”

“We’re making enough to last a week,” Misty grinned.

“Well, you are,” Starlight smirked. “I’m just sat here supervising.”

“I’m glad to see you’re up and about already, Starlight,” Hitch smiled. “I just wish what we’ve already tried for Sparky worked as well.”

“What’s happened to him isn’t as easy to fix,” Starlight sighed. “My injuries were physical and just needed some help healing. Sparky’s had his life force drained. It’s going to take time to find the right cure.”

Misty carefully ladled out some of the mixture into one of Sparky’s cups. Blowing on it she let it cool before she placed the lid on the cup and passed it to Sparky.

Sparky grunted as he accepted the cup, sniffing the spout he then took a small swig.

“Is that good, Sparky?” Hitch asked hopefully.

Sparky licked his lips and gave Hitch a tired smile before he started slowly drinking the rest of the liquid.

“I’ll bottle the rest of it up,” Misty smiled. “Then you can either give it to him either warm or cold.”

“Thanks, Misty,” Hitch smiled. “I know you still feel bad about what happened.”

Misty let out a deep sigh. “I don’t think anything will stop me from feeling bad for taking Sparky to Opaline. I’d do anything to make that right.”

Sparky looked at Misty with wide eyes. Tiredly, he held his little arm out and leaned towards her. Smiling, Misty took the empty cup from him and set it to one side before lifting him from Hitch’s back and into a hug. Sparky returned the hug, nuzzling into her cheek.

“I think Sparky’s already forgiven you,” Hitch smiled. “Don’t worry, I know we’ll all do our part together, hoof to heart.”

“Hoof to heart,” Misty echoed with a smile.

“Hoof to heart,” Pipp added with a grin.

“Hoof to heart,” another voice said.