The Princess’s Library Reopened

by TwiShine45

Episode 1, Part 1

Two years ago, a dream was realized. Within the walls of a sanctimonious surrounding of books and spells, a young unicorn named Starshine Manebright pushed her way into victory. It was a fight, one not unlike those in mythological tales where ponies and dragons collided. Ferocity and depravity were only bested by dogged courage and determination. Now, one might think that the scuffle came with the ruler of this small domain. For, after all, she is a master mage unlike any other who demands perfection at every turn. She’s ruthless, fearless, and holds not a scruple in her body…at least, as long as she’s inside those parapets.

But the truth is, the fight was more about defeating the surrounding equines. Yes, being in the employ of somepony so rich in rage is difficult. But, being in the company of those ponies who would backstab as soon as meet someone is so much worse. The hellish experiences endured by the winner and her comrades make them commendable, even down to the pony who got booted on the first day. However, that was then…and this is now. Twilight Sparkle is back. She’s got a new library, a new set of contestants, and a new magic school in Las Pegasus in need of a head mare or stallion. 250,000 bits are on the line as well. 10 ponies…one winner…welcome to The Princess’s Library Reopened!

The sun shone brightly upon the streets of Canterlot. Taxis whizzed by at breakneck speed as their drivers attempted to get their clients to their intended destinations. Meanwhile, six stallions pulled a massive carriage beneath the massive buildings that towered overhead. The concrete jungle seemed incredibly small to those who took up residence within the carriage walls. Ten equines, each with a different magical skill, had been selected to take part in The Princess’s Library. They knew the competition was notorious for its ferocity and aggressive savagery. Princess Twilight took no flak from anypony. That much was obvious.

While they drove towards a place that remained mysterious to them all, they introduced themselves. Learning each other’s different skills was vital both to playing the game and to winning. Some ponies were earth mages, others fire, and so on and so forth. Soon enough, all ten had described themselves. Some found annoyances among others already, while small pockets of friendship were forming as well. In the end, nopony knew what to expect when they arrived, and this level of intrinsic disinformation bound them together. The only thing they knew for sure was that Twilight Sparkle would be waiting for them.

Upon arrival, they noted that they stood in front of a small theater. Twilight was a noted lover of the stage, so this made some sense. However, they also saw that their mage was not there to greet them. Instead, her sous mages, the returning husband and wife team of Comet Streak and Astral Flare, were there. They smiled at the new recruits and led them into the hall. It wasn’t a massive place, but cozy and intimate. Each pony was offered a seat and they glanced up to see a movie screen in front of them. The “feature presentation,” as the sous mages called it, was simple footage of each pony in their element. They all worked in breweries of their own, and Twilight had sent her team in to catch footage of them unawares.

The end of the film brought a great deal of laughter and hoof stomps from the viewers. However, then, Twilight herself appeared on screen. She was wearing her head mage ring, and she had spread her wings intimidatingly. Her eyes flashed and she looked every bit as terrifying as the ponies had expected. But they also knew that she expected confidence and bravery out of them. So, they stood their ground and sat firmly entrenched in their seats. Nopony moved, and no one wanted Twilight to think they were the weak link. Minds raced collectively as Twilight seemed to bury her purple gaze into their very souls.

“Welcome to The Princess’s Library, mages,” Twilight greeted, with an air of warmth, but no small bit of seriousness. “This is where one of you will prove yourself to me and win Equestria’s greatest magic competition. If you thought today was all about rest and relaxation before the competition began…think again!”

Suddenly, the walls of the “theater” fell away, and all the ponies found that they stood on a stage in front of a huge throng of cheering peers. All ten saw their families there, and they waved with great gusto at their various spouses and foals. The entire crowd was thrilled, and at the head of it all, stood Twilight herself. She was flanked by her sous mages, and they gave the recruits a hard look before trotting down the center aisle and getting on stage themselves. The appearance of the future ruler of Equestria sent the viewers into another frenzy.

“Fillies and gentle colts, welcome to day one of The Princess’s Library!” Twilight announced to great adulation. “We’ve taken some time away to reinvigorate the library and its attached brewery. But now, we’re back, and this year, the competition is fiercer than ever! One of these ten Unicorn mages will become the next head pony at…my new magic school in…Las Pegasus!”

More applause followed as the competitors each felt their jaw hit the floor. Working in magic schools was every mage’s dream, but Las Pegasus? It seemed too good to be true, especially for those among their number who came from difficult backgrounds. They were all ecstatic over the prospect and a terrific need to dance washed over them. However, they remembered who they were addressing and remained steadfast in line.

“Alright, everypony, it’s time for the signature spells challenge!” Twilight announced. “You’ve all got 45 minutes to whip me up everything you’re known for. Leave nothing to chance, ensure the tightness of your spells, and show me what you’re made of. Well…don’t just bucking gawk at me, your time starts now! Let’s go!”