The Cost To Know Everything

by Thunder--Dash


Kayla settled well in Equestria. She met Twilight Sparkle and the two quickly bonded. Kayla also met Starlight Glimmer who taught her some other spells. A day even came when Kayla got her cutie mark and of course, she sent us a pic of it. I couldn't believe Equestria actually had cell service. And of course, Kayla's cutie mark was a mix of space, science and magic. It was a pretty interesting design, slightly more complex than
Fluttershy. Kayla even learned how to use a flying spell...which made me so jealous. It was really cool talking on the phone with Kayla from
another world, and sometimes, Kayla would let her pony friends talk with me as well. Lenny and I had learned so much about Equestria from Kayla. Yes...we missed having Kayla physically with us, but as her friends, she was always in our hearts.

Yes Albert Einstein said that knowledge is limited and we can't know everything...but sometimes...simply living it can reveal so much.