Man in a Pony’s World

by Nugget27

The Sisters Chat Over Dinner

“Ah, Luna,” Celestia smiled warmly as her sister walked into the dining room for breakfast, or her dinner. “I see you have returned from your excursion upon our old home. Did you find what you were hoping to find?” The Sun Princess’s smile was brighter than the star she got her title from. She also noticed that for once, Luna didn’t look completely exhausted as she normally did after a night shift of ruling the kingdom. That was a good sign. “Or… did you find something else?”

“Sister, doth thou wot of the human thou’ve told us of?”

“Of course, Bob the human. I have not had a chance to speak with him a second time. It is a shame that he had… been given his lot in life, but despite that, he seemed like a respectable individual. A bit scared, and clearly doing a lot to save his own skin, but given the circumstances, and with him telling me to my face that I scare him, I can’t blame Bob. If nothing else, I do hope he can come by for…” Celestia paused. “You met Bob, didn’t you?”

“Of course, he was enrolled i’ a local place of learning, a school house as he called it, ‘ Ponyville, and had some… Frustrations with his teacher”

Celestia’s eyes widened. “Oh dear… did Bob hurt anypony-”

“Neigh, sister. Bob was tasked with playing various instruments and singing throughout the play. 'twere something of a large workload, according to him. He wrote a song, with the help of Twilight Sparkle. 'i a week, had less than that to practice it, was granted another song to sing with next to no practice, and was told to play music that he barely e'en had the chance of practicing.  Maugre this, he gave a good effort, and didst well.”

“Twilight did tell me of his talents in being able to play multiple instruments. She said it wasn’t perfect, but it was pretty good for somepony ot Bob’s age, especially with how many instruments he can play. I can’t see why Bob was a bit mad at his teacher, though…”

“Bob was not even mentioned in the play’s cast, sister,” Luna said bluntly, trying her best to use modern Equestrian. There was a slight accent to it. “In fact, he was swept under the rug, and… He was angry, rightfully so. Despite this, nopony got hurt, despite Bob being rumored to be violent.”

“I am… By the keepers… I knew my ponies-”

“That endues me to mine next topic, sister. Why are we punishing a child for stealing some food and defending himself? Bob had no way to pay for food, as he couldn't get a job, and ponies attacked him for stealing food that he couldn't get in any other way. Bob is no hunter, and one of the stolen objects we had found 'i his hideout was a fishing pole. He was trying to find ways to get food without stealing it, and yet thou would dispatch him for food? We’ve put Tirek in Tartarus for far worse crimes. I was forgiven on the dime for starting a revolution! Yet Bob could've faced execution!”

“Do you bucking think I wanted to execute that child when I found him? My little ponies saw him as nothing more than an animal, a violent animal that needed to be put down! I did my damned best to make it seem like Bob wasn’t getting away with stealing food and hurting ponies, without killing him! If I could, I would’ve taken that poor child in, fed him, and found some way to help him get a job or find a loving family to take care of him while I found a way to send him home!” Celestia fully dropped, her head hit the table. “I am ashamed to rule a country where a child, no matter the species, had to steal and hurt others just so that he could live.”

“Well sister, I am lifting Bob's criminal records and I declare that his sentence hath been served. I care not for what our subjects regard, say, and what care if thou regard I shouldn’t doth this, because  not e'en thou hit together with the punishments granted to that base human. I shall doth so silently, and I shall be visiting Ponyville to bray out Nightmare Night. I shall grant mine new friend the tidings then.” Luna sighed. “let us forego the topic of Bob’s crimes for now, I'm sure thou hast noticed that I bid Bob a friend by now?” Immediately the Sun Princess perked up.

“Will you use that one spell, where we can rewatch the events of last night through your eyes? You were so proud when you first mastered that spell!”

“Of course, there is no other way to retell the tales of my first slumber party!”

Last night during the slumber party.

The slumber party was going great. The guide… was actually not too terrible according to Bob. Granted, it was clearly written with mares in mind, with all the mud masks, hair curlers, and other things the human couldn’t really join in on. Though he told spooky stories, joked with the Princess and the librarian. Though… one of the stories was a little bit too much. A story about a young boy, who died in a freak accident during summer camp, who came back to life as a cold hearted killer.

“So this is Bob?” Celestia asked. “He looks… relaxed,” the Sisters were watching from Luna’s point of view. “Albeit, there is… something wrong with how he looks.”

“Sister, this was after Bob walked into the Everfree Forest.”

“Did he get chased by a wild animal?”

“He went ‘i there to die,” Luna shook her head. A small smile formed on her face as Bob leaned into her past self’s side. He was currently resting on her. “Oh, the look on your student’s face; she was rather enchafed about Bob’s chosen cuddle buddy.”

“So Bob,” Luna from the past spoke. “I heard thou are able to play several instruments?”

“Yeah,” the human looked up from the book he was reading. “Why?”

“Thou can also sing, if I recall thy tale from earlier.”

“Uh… kinda? I’m not the best at it.”

“Would you be willing to sing? A song from your home, perhaps?” Past Luna asked.

Twilight Sparkle immediately perked up. “I would also like to hear you sing. You keep playing on your guitar whenever you aren’t working, and there’s melodies and chords I don’t recognize at all!”

“What is with you girls wanting me to sing and play the guitar?”

“Well…” Twilight smiled. “Whenever you’re performing, you seem happier.”

“Well, I like performing, it’s something to help me drown out the rest of my problems. Especially now where all my minute problems, like getting an A on tomorrow’s test sounds like the fucking dream right now.” Bob chuckled before getting off of Luna's side. He walked off, before quickly coming back with an old guitar. It was clearly worn, but it seemed to be Bob’s only possession.

“Oh my, Twilight never wrote about Bob being able to play the guitar…”

“Shush, sister. Bob is about to sing,” Luna hissed.

“Well…” Bob shrugged. Bob proceeded to play a simple song. “Stars don't shine.”As the song played, Twilight wrote notes while she swayed side to side on beat with the song. The window through which both sisters were watching the human sing, swayed side to side as the past Luna hummed along with the human as the chorus rolled around. The way the human’s eyes lit up, the way he smiled… It was like it’s been months since he felt truly happy. As soon as the song came to an end, Bob let out a long breath. “Well?”

“That… was relaxing,” Twilight hummed the melody to herself. “You…” she hummed.

“Again, I love performing,” Bob let out a relaxed sigh. “Especially when my voice doesn’t crack, or I don’t mess up while performing like I just did… It's satisfying.”

“My…” Celestia whispered as she watched Bob sing another song as requested. “My…” 

“Remember, sister. That is what our ponies tried to kill. That is who you are punishing. That was the creature that our country demanded dead. Just a nice, young stallion that simply wishes to live. He clearly has ambition,” she said as Bob sang a song he called ‘Refrain Boy’ and he stuttered a bunch and struggled with the guitar. “I understand that you wish to keep our subjects happy, but it should not come at the expense of ruining somepony’s life.” Luna said in perfect Equish.

“I-I know…” Celestia sighed. “Perhaps we shall invite Bob over for Hearth’s Warming and make an announcement? To get the country to open up to him?” She watched as Twilight and Luna in the vision actually gave tips to help Bob learn the song he had just gotten done struggling with. He drank the information up like he was about die of thirst if he didn't, and actually replayed the song slower so he wouldn’t panic as much while performing it.

“Perhaps we can do something… This Saturday. We can both make a public appearance; surely that will help Bob become accepted. And we can make him a citizen, remove his ‘crimes’ from his name, and lift his punishment. Our subjects will be more willing to accept those they see you being friendly with. It is why some griffins, despite being in a similar vein to Bob, both of whom are clearly predators, live in Equus.”

“...Perhaps we shall. I always avoided Nightmare Night, but if it is to right a wrong I’ve done to somepony so young, then I am willing to put up with it. Hearing you speak modern Equish perfectly is something I am not going to get used to.”

“Thou should’st not get wont it, sister. I am merely making sure thou understands how much I am taking this Seriously. Bob is mine friend, and I never enjoy seeing him suffer, nor would I like to find out that he committed suicide because of how base he had been treated during his time ‘i Equestria.” Luna reverted back to her ancient tongue. 

The vision ended with a sleeping Bob, laying so he was facing away from the window the sisters watched the slumber party through. He was clearly cuddled up with Luna, happily snoozing away under the Princess’s wing. The window blinked a few times, each began to get progressively slower as it laid down atop the human’s head, before they completely shut, ending the vision.

The two sisters silently finished their meals.