//------------------------------// // 6 Silver Spoon's Secret Stash // Story: The Great and Powerful Trixieverse // by Lord King Cocoon //------------------------------// Once the quartet entered the room, Silver Spoon used the metal plate that hid the door as its own makeshift door, blocking the vault door from being able to close. The inside of the bunker was little more than a cave dug into the ground. It was about the size of a small bedroom, though the lack of a bed did make it feel spacious. To the three locals, this was just a neat little hideaway place for a fort. But to Ocellus, there was an instinctual comfort that it gave her. The sensation wasn’t anything new to Ocellus. But this was the first time she actually considered it. Princess Celestia had suggested that Trixie should make her bedroom in the basement. And she always felt comfortable in her room, despite how most Canterlotians would find such conditions as “horrid” or “uncouth” or “beastly”. But now, she was feeling that same instinctual sense of home again that she never questioned about her own room since she was home there. ‘Do I feel more comfortable in caves because I’m a Changeling?’ Ocellus thought to herself, ‘Or do the other three feel just as at home as I do here?’ “Hey, Ocellus. Are you okay?” Silver Spoon asked, bringing the Changeling back to reality, “You look a bit distracted.” “Oh, I’m fine,” Ocellus said, “It’s just that this reminds me a little of my room in Canterlot.” “Your room is in a cave?” “No, it’s in a basement,” Ocellus corrected, “But I’ve always felt comfortable in my room. I like being underground. It’s comfortable to me for some reason.” “It’s a neat hideout,” Rumble said, “But I prefer something more open. This hideout doesn’t even have a window. If I were stuck in here for four days, I’d go crazy.” “Awe, is Rumble claustrophobic?” Sweetie Belle teased. “N-No!” Rumble stuttered, “It’s just a Pegasus thing, that’s all. It’s not claustrophobia if it’s just a Pegasus thing.” “If claustrophobia can’t be considered a racial trait, then what would you call that trait that Pegasi have?” Ocellus asked. “I dunno. But it’s not claustrophobia,” Rumble insisted, “Besides, I’m not afraid of enclosed spaces, I just prefer open spaces.” “That still falls under the technical definition,” Ocellus said, “A phobia isn’t always defined as a fear. It’s defined as an aversion to something. For example, oil isn’t alive, so it can’t be afraid of water. But because oil doesn’t mix with water, it means that oil is hydrophobic. Pegasi have a natural aversion to enclosed spaces. So even though Pegasi aren’t afraid of enclosed spaces, they can be considered naturally claustrophobic because of their aversion to enclosed spaces.” “Thank you, Encyclopedia Ocellus,” Rumble said sarcastically. “I wonder if Mom would let me add a skylight window in here?” Silver Spoon wondered, “It would be nice if natural light could be let in. I know Vinyl would add one without a second thought.” “Why do I get the feeling that has happened before?” Rumble asked rhetorically. “Do you remember the ice cream incident about five years ago?” Sweetie Belle replied. “Can we please not talk about that?” Silver Spoon asked, her face flushing in embarrassment. Ocellus was conflicted between wanting to know what happened and wanting to respect Silver Spoon’s desire not to talk about it. But she chose her friend’s comfort over her own curiosity. Silver Spoon went over to a photo album. She opened it up to a page where a foal lay in a crib adorned with music notes. “Is that you as a foal?” Ocellus asked, receiving a nod from Silver Spoon, “I’d say you look less like Lyra’s daughter and more like Lyra’s clone. The only thing missing is a horn.” “According to Aunt Vinyl, that’s exactly what Lyra said,” Silver Spoon said with a giggle, “In fact, that crib was the same one that Lyra had as a foal.” Silver Spoon turned the page and revealed another photo. It was nearly identical to the first, the largest difference being that the foal had a little horn. “Have we ever seen Silver Spoon and Lyra together at the same time?” Rumble asked. This received a laugh from everypony in the room. Trixie had arrived back at Sweet Harvest Acres to check on the catering. What she saw was impressive. And it wasn’t the food (although that, too, was mouth-watering). Ponies. Lots and lots of Earth Ponies. “Trixie!” a familiar deep voice called from the distance, “It’s good ta see ya ‘gain!” Trixie ran towards the voice, seeing the large red stallion who called to her, “I came to check up on how the catering is doing,” Trixie pointed out, “Can I assume that these guests are here for the Apple Family Reunion that you were telling me about?” “Eeyup,” Big Mac confirmed, “Would ya like me to introduce ya to the family?” “Are you sure we have the time?” Trixie asked, “It looks like a big family.” Big Mac gave a smug grin, “Ah’ve had practice. Besides, it’s nearin’ lunchtime,” he then grabbed a metal rod, walked over to a triangle, and struck it, shouting with a loud booming voice, “SOUP’S ON, EVERYPONY!!!” Trixie, recovering from the earthquake that was Big Mac’s voice, watched as a stampede ran towards a picnic table that had been prepared, each member carrying the dish that they had prepared. Big Mac led her to the table to introduce the family to her. “This here's Apple Fritter. Apple Bumpkin. Red Gala. Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Caramel Apple, Apple Strudel, Apple Tart, Baked Apples, Apple Brioche, Apple Cinnamon Crisp…” Big Mac paused to take a deep breath after pointing out each family member one by one, “And ya already know Carrot Top, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith. And this here is mah other sister from Manehatten, Applejack. Everypony, this here is Trixie, Princess Celestia’s representative from Canterlot ta oversee the goin’ ons with the food.” Trixie took note of the orange mare that Big Mac introduced as his other sister and how Apple Bloom seemed like a completely different pony around her. Her nose, however, took note of the aroma of all of the apple treats now on the table. And Trixie knew that Ocellus was going to be jealous. “If it weren’t for the faulty door, I would totally be jealous of you,” Ocellus said to Silver Spoon as the quartet now headed to Sugarcube Corner for lunch, “It’d be nice to have a cave to myself where I could just hide away from the world.” “Well, that is technically what I have that room for,” Silver Spoon said, “It can be hard to be afraid to get sick. During Flu Season, it can really get lonely. It’s kinda ironic that when I get lonely, I want to be alone, isn’t it?” “Yeah, kinda,” Rumble said, getting a glare from Sweetie Belle, “What?” “I think you made it comforting to make it easier when you feel like you need to be alone,” Sweetie Belle said after returning her attention to Silver Spoon, “I don’t think you want to be alone when you’re lonely. I think that you just want to be more comfortable when you feel you have no other option.” “I guess that makes sense,” Silver Spoon said. She then tried to change the topic, “So, are you three looking forward to the Summer Sun Celebration?” “Of course!” Rumble exclaimed, “It’s the one night a year where I get to stay up all night!” “Just remember to get a nap in before the night,” Sweetie Belle said, “Otherwise, you’ll probably fall asleep and miss it like you did last year.” “You get to stay up all night?” Ocellus asked. “I think it’s a Ponyville tradition,” Sweetie Belle said, “On the Summer Sun Celebration, it’s tradition to stay up all night so that we can see Princess Celestia raise the sun. It’s extra special this year because we actually get to watch Princess Celestia do it instead of just watching the sunrise.” “I hope Mom lets me stay up all night, too!” Ocellus exclaimed, excited about the idea. “I’m ready to handle this. I know I can do this. The Princess wouldn’t have put me in charge of something so important if she didn’t believe I was capable,” Twilight was hyping herself up. Princess Celestia had just left for Ponyville to attend the Millenial Summer Sun Celebration. And Twilight’s confidence in herself was… less than ideal, “Who am I kidding?! I’m not ready to rule Equestria! What was Celestia thinking?!” “I get why you’re worried. I mean, you can’t even cook for yourself. That’s what I’m for,” Spike said in a half-sarcastic tone, “But the Princess trusts you. And it was either going to be you or Trixie. And do you really think things would be better if Trixie were in charge?” Trixie, now an Alicorn, was sitting on the throne with several spotlights pointing at her, “I have ascended to new grrrrreatness!” Princess Trixie stated, rolling her Rs extra long, “I am now the Rrrrroyal and Glorrrrrious Prrrrrincess Trrrrrixie!!!” fireworks started to go off all around Equestria and beyond for the fanfare. Twilight shuddered at the vision she just had, “I don’t think Equestria is big enough for an ego that inflated,” Twilight said, “But it still feels like I’m simply the lesser of two evils.” Twilight then felt a gentle hoof on her shoulder. She looked up to see a white unicorn with a black suit, blue mane, and a monocle, “I’m sure you’ll do just fine,” Fancy Pants said, “The Princess trusts you enough to put you in charge. And she has her advisors, like myself, to help mitigate the responsibilities.” “I suppose… I suppose it’s only for a short time,” Twilight said to herself, trying to encourage herself by adding to what Fancy Pants said, “After all, how much would I need to do in a single night? I’m just here to make sure everything runs smoothly while the Princess is away.” “That’s the spirit, Twilight,” Fancy Pants said with a smile, “With our help, you may have an easier job than your friend, Trixie, in Ponyville.” “But why would the Princess give Trixie the harder job?” Spike asked. An image of cornflower blue wings flashed in Twilight’s mind. She then shook the image out of her head, “It’s not about the difficulty of the task, but who’s best for the task,” Twilight answered, “And do you really think things would be better if Trixie were in charge?” “Hey, that’s my line,” Spike harrumphed, causing Twilight to laugh at the dragon’s pouting. Twilight recomposed herself and tried to do her best to fill the role she had been given, “Fancy Pants, has Princess Celestia’s trip to Ponyville been doing well so far?” “Clear skies and calm weather. So there should be minimal turbulence on the flight there,” Fancy Pants said professionally, “She also has a dozen Royal Guards accompanying her, so she’ll be well protected. And she left Canterlot in good hooves while she’s away.” “Is there anything else I need to be aware of?” “The Royal Court is cancelled today due to the Summer Sun Celebration. Any paperwork is her responsibility, not yours. Her great-grandnephew, Prince Blueblood, may come insisting that he is the rightful ruler after Celestia. If that is to happen, we will let him know that his bloodline doesn’t trump Celestia’s decision. However, if you can tolerate his attitude, Prince Blueblood is a competent politician and will be of assistance if the situation arises.” Twilight listened to Fancy Pant list off everything that Celestia has done, “So, it seems like there’s little for me to do then?” Twilight asked. “Well, there is one thing that you may be able to help with…” “Is Chef Bon Appetit here?” Twilight asked. She was now in the Royal Kitchen. The head chef was notorious for refusing to take days off. However, this was a special case, “I’d like to speak to the head chef about taking the day off.” A cream-colored unicorn mare appeared in front of her. Despite her fur color, it was clear that she was more green around the face. And not because of her fur, “Oh, biss Lulabood! I did’t dow you were goig to be here today!” “I’m Sparkle. Twilight Sparkle,” Twilight corrected. “Oh, silly… *sniff* …be,” the chef said with a sniffle. “The Princess put me in charge while she was away for the Summer Sun Celebration,” Twilight explained, “And I-” “The Billedeal Subber Sud Celebratiod is today?!” Bon Appetit exclaimed, “First I forget who you are, thed I forget what day it is. What dext? I just dod’t dow what’s wrog with be lately.” “You’re clearly sick,” Twilight said bluntly, summoning a mirror for the chef to see her face, “You need to take a vacation to get better.” The image Bon Appetit saw in the mirror was horrendous. She had puffy, bloodshot eyes, snot dripping from her muzzle, and sweating just to name a few descriptors, “Oh by! Is that be?” she asked, “But I could’t take a vacatiod. I’m the head che-ACHOO!” Twilight summoned a ‘hazardous waste’ bag and put the now snot-covered mirror into it, sealing the bag and dismissing it with her magic, “The fact that you’re the head chef is all the more reason for you not to be here today,” Twilight explained, “Imagine if you were to make a meal for the Princess. But being sick, any illness you have may end up in the food. And if Celestia were to eat that food, she’d get sick as well. And you know that if Celestia were here right now, she’d want you to go home so that you can recover.” “I suppose that bakes se-ACHOO!!!” Twilight had put up a barrier, which was now covered in snot. She then summoned a face mask and covered Bon Appetit’s muzzle with it. “And you’re not the only chef on staff,” Twilight finished, “The castle can do without your services for a short time while you recover.” Bon Appetit relented. After all, her head was foggy, and Twilight made a good point. And the idea of crawling into bed and getting some sleep was sounding more and more appealing. “I must admit, I’m impressed,” Fancy Pants said to Spike after hearing that Twilight convinced Head Chef Bon Appetit to take a sick day, “She’s been working here for twenty years, and not once had she taken a sick day or vacation day. Not even the Princess herself could convince her to take a day off.” “Are you saying that you didn’t expect Twilight to succeed?” Spike replied. “Don’t get the wrong idea. But know, I didn’t,” Fancy Pants answered, “As I said, not even Princess Celestia could convince her to take a day off. She could’ve used her authority to make it a royal order, but she’s too kind to do that.” “If you didn’t think Twilight would succeed, then why did you suggest it?” “Princess Celestia made sure that Twilight had little that she needed to do. So I figured that pointing her to Bon Appetit would’ve been a way for her to spend time,” Fancy Pants had a thoughtful look, “But Twilight was able to succeed where the Princess herself failed. She chose well to put Twilight in charge. Twilight Sparkle is far more capable than she believes herself to be.” Trixie had picked up Ocellus on her way back, finding her and the other foals at Sugarcube Corner. When they returned to Town Hall in their little motel room, Trixie gave Ocellus a couple of apple fritters and a slice of carrot cake she brought back from Sweet Harvest Acres. Ocellus ravenously attacked the treats like a timberwolf on its prey. The reaction was fascinating to Trixie. The farmers must put a lot of love and care into their crops so that the apples have that love energy so ingrained into their essence. After devouring her prey, Ocellus looked to Trixie, a question on her mind, “Mom, the others said that it’s a tradition to stay up all night to watch the sun come up on the Summer Sun Celebration,” Ocellus said, engaging in puppy dog eyes, “Can we stay up too? I promise I’ll get a nap in first so that I don’t fall asleep before sunrise.” “They do, do they?” Trixie questioned. The hopeful joy she saw in her adopted daughter’s face was infectious, “Well, as long as it’s tradition. I’m no stranger to all-nighters, thanks to Twilight. So we might as well make the most of it, right?” Seeing Ocellus’s ear-to-ear grin, Trixie wondered if a Changeling could use their magic to split their head in half by smiling wide enough. But unlike Twilight, Trixie wasn’t interested in testing that theory. “So, Ocellus, how was your day?”