Twiluna: Aladdin

by Big Imagination E

Final Fight and Ending

In the palace we see Sombra enjoying his place as ruler. But then the doors flew open and was shocked seeing Twilight staring angry.

"Im here for Luna you monster!" Twilight said.

"Grr. Couldn't just stayed in prison could you? Well no matter. Cause im only getting warmed up!!" Sombra said.

He blew a ring of purple fire and surrounded Twilight as she grabbed a sword before he breathed the fire.

"Are you afraid to fight me yourself you cowardly snake!!" Twilight said.

"A snake am i? Perhaps you like to see how snake like I can be!!" Sombra said as he turned into a giant purple and black king cobra snake.

Then began the real fight. Twilight tried avoiding Sombra's vicious snake bites and slashed her sword injuring him. Then she managed to stab him seriously injuring him. This lasted for an hour til he commanded Starswirl to grant him the final wish of being a powerful genie. In which he forcefully did and Sombra became an evil purple genie controlling the universe. However Twilight knew there was something he forgot. Since he was a genie now he's gonna be locked as a genie as he was sucked in the lamp and Twilight kicked it far away ending the battle. She went to Luna and hugged her for stopping Sombra and Celestia smiled seeing that Luna was happy. She also wished for Starswirl to be freed from the lamp and he was uncuffed. He then cried tears of joy and hugged Twilight. Then Luna married Twilight and together they would be the great couple of Arabia. We cut back to the real world where Spike said the final words.

"And like that Arabia was saved thanks to Twilight and lived happily ever after. The End." Spike said as he put the book away.

"Whoo! Now that was something. Well bed time for me." Spike said as he went to bed and fell asleep. Thus we end another Disney crossover.