Twiluna: Aladdin

by Big Imagination E

Rat and The Princess and the Genie

Luna was still upset that she was being forced into this. But all that changed when Twilight saw her in a bad state. But then they started to get to know each other very well. They spent a few months getting to know each other and what they were going through. But somehow word got out and Sombra told the guards to arrest Twilight and sentence her to death. Luna was upset that she was gonna die. But she didn't know that Sombra was planning this. So anyway Twilight was thrown in jail with Spike and was worried that Luna be forced in marriage now. What seem like all hope is lost it turns out that there was a secret path way to the Cave of Wonders. In there they see all kinds of treasures in here. Gold coins, gold bars, even a magic carpet. It led them to a special place where a lamp is contained and when Twilight grabbed it the place started collapsing. They managed to get out before the place was gone. Then Twilight wondered if the lamp was magical as it says it is. She rubbed the lamp and out came a genie. His name is Starswirl.

“Whoo man!! Being locked in that lamp can really take a lot out of you.” Starswirl said.

“Um excuse me sir? Who are you?” Twilight said.

“I’m Starswirl the genie. And I will grant you three wishes since you rubbed my lamp.” Starswirl said.

"Actually. I need your help. An evil sorcerer named Sombra is planning to rule all of Arabia. He ordered his guards to lock me and Spike in the cell. Now he's gonna force Luna in a marriage." Twilight said.

"Oh goodness. Well we can't let that happen. I will help you." Starswirl said as he used his magic to get him and the gang out of the cave.

"Thanks Starswirl. Now let's stop Sombra!" Twilight said as she headed to the palace to stop Sombra.