//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: "Sunset's" Crown: Through the eyes of Garble // by PsychoFluttershy1 //------------------------------// After Algebra class had ended (Thank God!), I had a break before my next class. While walking down the hall, my eyes caught Rainbow Dash exiting the nurse's office. I don't have to be a detective to figure out what was going on but that was not on my concern right now. I kept on walking until she spotted me. "Hey! You think this is funny?!" she stomped towards me with a furious expression. "What is it, Rainbow? I don't have time." I said a bit Irritated "Sending one of your pet psychos to beat up a sensitive girl! That's what!" She snapped harshly. "I didn't tell her to. She just went on her own." I said. "In fact I didn't even guess until I saw you walk out the nurse's office." "So you don't even care that Gilda beat her up?" "I don't even know Fluttershy except her name and that she likes animals but that's not my concern at the moment. Now leave me alone, Rainbow. I got some things I need to do." "Like what? Being an asshole? You already do that all the time!" I was getting agitated by this tomboy bitch. "Leave me alone, Rainbow Dash! I am quite stressed out right now and I don't need you to make it worse! Now get out of my way!" I shoved her away and continued walking down the hall. Hoops came up to me with a worried look on his face. "Uhhh Garble, there's something you should see." Hoops led me to the Cafeteria where I saw four girls I recognized. Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and AppleJack. They were all doing a song and choreography convincing the others to vote for Twilight instead of Sunset. Speaking of Sunset she saw the whole thing from the door windows. She gave me a cold glare. "What is this, Garble? You said everything would be perfect! This doesn't look like perfect to me!" "Sunset, just calm down okay? This is just a minor setback I'm sure we can figure something out." I was getting worried hoping she would calm down. "Listen here, Garble. The Fall Formal is tomorrow and this crown is really important to me you know that right?" "Yes, Sunset I do. I truly do." Sunset then gives me a death glare and said slowly, "If I don't have that crown tomorrow, you'll meet a side of me you don't ever want to see. Got it?" I felt a chill down my spine at Sunset's threat. "Y-yes, I got it." Sunset turned around and walked away. I put my hands on top of my head. "Fuck!" I muttered. "Sorry, Garble, we really tried. But I guess everyone loves their dance or something," Hoops said. "It's whatever," I told him. But I need you to do something for me. You and the others I need you to trash the gym. The one that Pinkie decorated and frame Twilight." "On it." Hoops said as he started to head out. I went to the Library to sit down on one of the couches. I need a break right now. Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie, and AppleJack walked down the hallway together after their whole cafeteria song. Twilight felt there was no way no one would vote for her after this. "That was such a great idea, Rarity!" "If you say so. Though I do wish Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were here with us. Something awful must've happened. They saw Rainbow Dash running towards them. "Rainbow Dash! What happened?!" "It's Fluttershy," Rainbow said with a bit of concern in her voice. "She got beaten up real bad. She looks horrible." "What?!" All the girls shouted. "Who did it?! Who is cruel enough to beat up a sensitive girl?!" AppleJack asked angrily. "I know...not to promise to tell anyone but I'm certain it was Gilda." "Why am I not surprised? That varmint oughta get whats coming to her!" Rainbow sighed. "I agree but can we keep it between us only. If Gilda finds out someone knew, she's going to hurt Fluttershy even more." "We won't let her hurt Fluttershy anymore." Rarity said. "And speaking of her. Where is she?" "She's still in the nurse's office," Rainbow replied. "Ummm who exactly is Gilda?" Twilight asked. "Oh right I forgot you're new here." AppleJack said. "Well Gilda is a no-good bully." "She's a heartless cunt, Twilight." Rainbow added. "You don't wanna get on her bad side but it seems that's the only side she has." "She's super violent too!" Pinkie exclaimed with a sad frown. "And she almost cost someone her life by putting bleach in their drink as an April Fools prank! I'm all for pranks but not when someone gets hurt!" "I'm assuming bleach is like a poison?" Twilight guessed. Being an alicorn from Equestria, she has never heard the term "bleach" before. "Well it's a poison if you drink it." AppleJack said. "That incident got her suspended for two weeks." "I still think she should've been expelled," Rainbow said with a bit of anger. "She's lucky that girl survived or her ass would've gotten a far worse punishment. That's not the only thing she's done she also sabotaged someone's science project just because it looked better than hers, and leaked Rarity's diary all over the school to humiliate her during the Spring Fling." "And I'm pretty sure she doesn't even feel any remorse for it!" Rarity said. After hearing how cruel and violent Gilda was Twilight shuddered and asked, "What does she look like?" "If you see a girl with a brown jacket, jeans and short white hair, that's her. I recommend to stay away from her at all cost." AppleJack warned. "Is she the only one?" "Well she's the one you need to watch out for the most. I'm sure you already know Sunset. The one who 'rules' this school with an iron fist." "There's also Garble and Trixie!" Pinkie chimed in. "They're the stand in leaders of Sunset's Posse," AppleJack explained. "Anyways, what I'm saying is you should definitely avoid Gilda but also watch out for Sunset and Trixie. Maybe Garble to an extent. He doesn't really bother anyone on his own but that doesn't mean he's friendly." "He's like super mean but not mean if you get what I'm saying," Pinkie tried to explained. "Umm not really," Twilight said. "Garble will do cruel things," AppleJack explained. "He will go extreme measures to make you miserable. He'll hurt tons of other students. At the very least though, he doesn't seem to take any joy doing it so he's not as bad as the others, but like I said he's not friendly." Before Twilight could say something the intercom speaker announced through the entire hallways, "Twilight Sparkle, Please come to the Principal's Office Immediately" *earlier* Sunset had shown Vice Principal Luna the gym that "Twilight" had trashed. Needless to say, it was a wreck. Fizzy apple cider were spilled all over the floor along with shattered glass from the bottle, streamers were a mess all over, the huge disco ball was on the floor and broken and tables were a wreck and turned upside down. "What in the world happened here?!" Vice Principal Luna almost shouted. "I know! I had the same reaction!" Sunset said faking her shock. "After Pinkie Pie worked so hard to make everything so perfect! Why would Twilight Sparkle do something like this?" Vice Principal Luna looked at her then at the mess. "What makes you think Twilight did it?" "Because I have proof and if you don't believe me, ask Garble. He saw her trash the gym!" Garble, Please report to the Principal's Office the loudspeaker announced while I was sitting in my English class. I wonder what happened? I got up from my seat and walked out the classroom. At the principal's office I saw Sunset and Twilight as well as Vice Principal Luna. "There he is, Vice Principal!" Sunset said pointing at me. "He's the witness who saw Twilight destroy Pinkie's decorations!" "What?! I did not!" Twilight angrily yelled. "Don't lie, Twilight! You're just afraid you're going to win Fall Formal Princess so you decide to ruin my chance!" "I wasn't even at the gym I was in the cafeteria the whole time!" "Enough!" Vice Principal Luna shouted. She looked at me. "Garble, what did you see?" "I saw Twilight trash the gym." I said with no hesitation. "Then it's settled. Twilight you are banned from running for Fall Formal Princess," Vice Principal Luna said sternly. "And you'll be spending the dance in detention. I've seen enough evidence already." "What no you gotta believe me I didn't do it!" Twilight was on the verge of tears. This couldn't be happening. Why was this happening to her?" Sunset only laughed. "See, Twilight? This is what you get for trying to sabotage!" She left the office leaving only me and Twilight. "You may leave now," VP Luna said to me. I left the office and went back to my English class. There was a good 40 minutes of class left which was spent going over literature slides nothing too interesting. After class ended, I started to make a bee line to my car and go home. Twilight spotted me but I ignored her and kept on walking. "Hey why did you lie?!" Twilight got in front of me so I tried to go around her but she stepped in front of me. "Move, Twilight. I gotta get home." I said but she got in my way again. "Ugh, what?" "I said why did you lie?!" She shouted. From the look of her eyes, it seemed like she had been crying. In fact she still was. "Why did you lie saying I trashed the gym?! You know I didn't!" "I'll tell you later, But I need to leave." I said trying to get away but Twilight kept on pushing. "No tell me! Why did you throw me under the bus like that?!" I sigh. I figured I was going to be honest. "Look, Twilight. It's nothing personal...or at least for me it isn't. We could've been great friends in fact. It's just that...I gotta make sure Sunset gets her crown because well...If she doesn't, it's my head she's going to rip off. I hope you understand." Twilight abruptly turned around and walked away. I could hear her sobs but that didn't matter to me. Actually, a slight sliver of me felt bad but the rest of me thought otherwise. It had to be done. Sunset was the rightful owner of that crown and I wasn't going to take any chances failing her.