Blue's Clues: Summer Fun in the Sun!

by Big Imagination E

Thinking Time, The Party and Goodbyes

The two raced as fast they can to the Thinking Chair. Once there Steve sat down and Spike went on the side of the chair.


"Ok now that were in our Thinking Chair. Let's think." Steve said as he got his notebook ready and opened it.

"So were trying to figure out what kind of flowers Spike can give Rarity. And our clues are a perfume bottle.." Steve said as the image flew above.


"A bush..." Spike said.

"And the color purple." Steve said. "So what kind of flowers could Spike give Rarity with a perfume bottle, A bush and the color purple?"

The two thinked about it til Spike had a theory.

"Well lots of flowers grow on bushes. So maybe there's A flower that's purple and grew on a bush. And maybe that flower is used to make perfume. But what kind of flower is that?" Spike said as the images connected like a puzzle. Suddenly the clues formed the answer he needed.

"Lilacs!!!" The reader said.

"Lilacs? Yes that's it!! Because lilacs are purple and grow on bushes and they can be used in perfume!! Blue!!" Steve said as Blue came to him. "Should Spike give Rarity lilacs?"

Blue nodded her head yes and when that happens the two knew what it means.

"We just figured out Blue's Clues!!" Spike and Steve said as they began to dance.


The two danced and sang and when they finished Blue offered to help Spike.

"Ok Spike. You and Blue go in the garden and get Rarity some nice lilacs and i'll finish up for the party." Steve said.

"Ok Steve. Come on Blue." He said and they went to the garden.

The party was all ready and Spike came back with a bouquet of nice lilacs. Then right on cue the doorbell rang. Spike opened it and saw Rarity at the entrance.

"Rarity!! Im glad you are here!" Spike said.

"Me too darling. Oh I see you did got me flowers! And lilacs my favorite! Oh your so sweet!!" Rarity said taking the flowers and kissed Spike on the cheek.

"Well im glad you like them." Spike said.

"I do darling. Now don't we have a party to enjoy?" Rarity said.

"Yes we do. Steve wanna show us the party?" Spike said.

"You got it Spike. Cause it's time for the summer party!!" Steve said and led them to the party.

In the backyard the party was all ready. We see decorations all over the place, everyone is enjoying themselves and it is booming. Steve sees Spike and Rarity in a pool relaxing and loving the sun. Rarity loved the flowers Spike gave her and she snuggled up to Spike and he blushed. He was surprised but he returned the hug. Seeing this brought a smile to Steve's face.

"Im proud of you Spike. Im really proud of you." Steve said.

After the party was over and night came in Steve had one last thing for Spike.

"Hey Spike. Before you and Rarity go on your date I have something for you. I present you with your own handy dandy notebook." Steve said handing Spike a notebook. It was green with a purple dragon head and has a purple and green striped crayon.

"Thank you Steve. And thanks for teaching me Blues Clues." Spike said.

"Your welcome Spike. I hope to see you around." Steve said.

"You too. Come Rarity. I believe we have a date to intend." Spike said.

"Yes we do darling. Thanks for the party Steve. I hope we can visit again." Rarity said.

The two gave Steve a final goodbye and went off for their date. Steve closed the door seeing the two head in the car and drive off. Steve smiled and made his way to the readers.

"Thank you so much for all your help today." Steve said.


He sang his goodbye song to everyone and Blue joined in along with everyone else. When he finished his song Steve had this to say.

"Bye. Thanks for helping Spike. I'll see you later!! Bye." Steve said.

And like that the door closed and before we end our story ends Blue came out and waved goodbye. And like that ends our story on Blues Clues.
