The Chronicles of Andy Hunter- New Life in Equestria

by AndyHunter

Meeting The Rest Of The Mane Six

It was 5 in the morning, Celestia hadn't even raised the sun yet, it was still very early, so I decided to take advantage of this moment to exercise and practice some Karate and Bojutsu while Fluttershy slept, I wanted to go to Ponyville at once but it was better to go with her.

I went down the stairs carefully since the house was made of wood, the footsteps could make a lot of noise. I was looking for a bucket to fill it with water and to be able to take it for the moments in which I have to stop to take a rest, also to pour it over myself to refresh my body.

I had found it, it was in the kitchen in a corner, took it with me. I walked carefully to the door, opened it and closed it as slowly as I could, as if I was on a stealth mission.

Outside the house, next to it there was a lake, I walked towards it and filled the bucket with water, put my hand inside to make sure there weren't any fish inside, after verifying that there wouldn't be any, headed towards the bridge that is right in front of Fluttershy's house, in front there was a large field, it would be perfect for running and doing 50 laps.

Leave the bucket near a tree, an easy place to remember where I left it. I was ready to start my training, I only needed the bo, at least an improvised one, I'll take care of that later.

I was wearing black pants, black sneakers and spiked bracelets, I almost never take them off, they became a part of me since I became a metalhead since I was 16 years old.

Didn't feel it was necessary to wear a shirt, still don't think I'd impress anypony, I'm too skinny.
"I hope Stellar doesn't care that I doesn't have muscles hahaha" I said to myself "I'll visit her tomorrow at Sire's Hollow, I think that's what it was called where she lives, a very small town that is hardly talked about" I don't know what happened to me at that moment, I suddenly started thinking about that mare, I fell in love with her from the first time I saw her from my phone screen, but now was not the right time to think about it!

Sometimes wish I had my karate uniform, left it in another backpack in my room, if I had known that this portal would bring me here, I would have brought everything I needed, like my Nintendo 3DS, my favorite video game posters and bands, my plushes from Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon and Studio Ghibli. But it was too late for that, I'm here and there's no going back, I should also do exercises to relax my mind, to take this weight off my shoulders.

Did a 5 minute leg stretch, it was somewhat painful, worse if you don't exercise every day, at least once, In my case it was because the university always kept me busy, now that I'm here in Equestria, thank you Celestia that I won't have to worry about that anymore.

I proceed to do 60 push ups and 30 sit-ups, I think it would be enough to start running, after having the body warm and ready to keep it in constant movement without getting tired so quickly.

When I did 15 out of 15 of each exercise, I took a 3-minute break, my stamina was not the best, I usually get tired very quickly, in the exams to move up in rank I was always the one who stood out the least.

I drank some water from the bucket, take another 3 minute break before starting to run across the field.

During the break I lay down on the grass that surrounded almost the entire field, it wasn't that high, looking at the beautiful stars in the sky, there was nothing more relaxing than this, I could feel the wind blowing, it was the only thing I could hear.
I thought out loud "I wish you were here" my mind projected while looking at the sky, an image of all the stars, taking the shape of Stellar Flare, her beautiful mane, face, I remained hypnotized contemplating that image, until I stood up and decided to continue training to become stronger and be able to defend not only her, but my friends too.

Took a breath and got ready to run at full speed.
I ran like I had never done before, as if I was escaping from prison, I ran and ran, 25 laps left, it felt like an eternity, but I promised to reach 50 laps, I need to get my body in shape.

The field in which I was running was somewhat wide, there was a tree bigger than the rest that was almost reaching Ponyville, when I reached that tree, returned to Fluttershy's house, it was a considerable distance.

I had finally achieved it, ran 50 laps and on the way I found a stick that I can use for Bojutsu, it was not easy, because on many occasions I wanted to sit down and take a breath and my face was full of sweat, I had to clean myself very often.

I drank almost all the water from the bucket and what was left I poured it over myself, with my body fresh, could start practicing Katas, started with the least complex ones up to the most difficult ones that I knew.

Celestia had already raised the sun at that moment, I myself saw how she moved it with her magic, I looked at the sky for a few seconds then continue.

in the process I would shout "KIAI" as loud as I could, since there was no pony listening to me, I was always embarrassed to shout that when practiced in the dojo.

When I made a mistake in any movement, I started the whole kata again, it didn't bother me at all, I enjoy martial arts and making a mistake is very common.

After finishing with the karate katas, I proceeded to do the same with the bojutsu katas, which for me were more complicated, but it was necessary, if at any time I have to fight someone using a melee weapon.

When I moved the staff to make an attack, I could hear the sound of the swing, it means that my strength had increased, I am very happy about that, it also motivated me to shout "KIAI" with all my might.

Fluttershy had gotten up scared, she didn't see that I was inside the house, so she went outside and saw me with a staff in my hand.

"Andy why are you screaming, what happened?" Asked Fluttershy, with her mane ruined and with a scared face as if she had seen a Timberwolf eat a Pony.

"Relax Fluttershy, it's part of the training we Karateka do, I'm sorry if I scared you, I didn't mean to"

"Is okay Andy, I didn't know that fighters have to shout , good morning by the way" Fluttershy said more calmly and with a smile on her face.

"Good morning Flutters, Let's go home, we need to be ready to go to Ponyville, I want to go meet your friends and the other ponies in town!"

"Of course, I can fix you some cereal while you can shower, you're all sweaty. You can't introduce yourself like that, especially if you're going to meet Rarity" Fluttershy and I laughed at the same time when she said that.

Fluttershy was preparing breakfast and I took a little bit relaxing shower, because that tub was too small. Thank god or Celestia, I don't have claustrophobia. I'll have to get used to this too, the seats, tubs, small doors, every time I want to enter or exit Fluttershy's house I have to bend down.

After making myself decently presentable, put on the only clothes I had, I was hoping that Rarity could make more clothes for me, I'm sure she would be happy to help me with that problem.

Flutters and I sat at the table next to each other and had a little conversation.

"Andy I would like to ask you several questions, if it's you okay with that..." Fluttershy said with her typical timid tone.

"Sure Flutters, tell me what's bothering you"

"It doesn't bother me, don't worry, I would like to know the objects that are on the table near the sofa, that blue thing with holes and that rectangular thing that looks like a mirror" Say the timid mare.

"The blue thing is an instrument, it's called the ocarina of time and if you're wondering too, no, I can't travel in time, since it's just a replica, which was made based on a videogame"

"I had never heard of that instrument before, I would like to know how it sounds, do you think you can play a song? surely the birdies will like it" Said the yellow pegasus excited.

"Yeah, why not? I have in mind to spend time with each of our friends, with you I can play a song and for the animals too, it will be fun, I assure you. I'm a little rusty, but I think still remember how to play the ocarina" I replied to Fluttershy and then proceeded to answer her next question. "And about the rectangular thing, it's not a mirror, it's a phone, it's used to communicate at far distances, it's technology from my world, but here I don't think it's very useful, but at least can take photos with it and keep beautiful memories of the time I will spend in Equestria"

"Interesting device, the objects of your world really surprise me, before we go to Ponyville, what do you think if we take a picture? as a souvenir of your first day in Equestria and the first time we met!"

"Good idea, but I'm going to finish my cereal first, which by the way is delicious, thanks Fluttershy"

"You're welcome Andy, that's what friends are for!" The pegasus said with great enthusiasm.

We were ready to go out, we took a picture outside Flutters' house, it was a great honor, that a Pony I admire wanted to take a picture with me.
We went directly to Ponyville, the time had come, I'm waiting for how the ponies will react when they see me.

"So, you've been training since early to become stronger and protect me and our friends... but I don't think there's another threat, I mean, my friends and I defeated Nightmare Moon and Discord, you think there´s will be other bad guys try to conquer Equestria?" Said the shy pegasus in a serious tone.

It's good that they defeated Discord, there would be nothing I could do against him, even though knowing all the martial arts in the world and being black belt in all of them, I wouldn't have a chance against him because he's goddamn OP with his chaos magic.

"Most likely, yes, there may be more besides them, but don't think about that now Flutters, now we are at peace, when the time comes, I will protect you and I will not let anyone hurt you"

"Awww that's very kind of-" Fluttershy was interrupted, when a Pony had yelled "A MONSTER, EVERYPONY HIDE!"

The ponies ran to their houses quickly, closing the doors and windows, some hid in their sales stalls.

"This is exactly what happened when Zecora came to Ponyville" I said sarcastically.

"It´s ok everypony, he's a friend, there's nothing to be scared of" Fluttershy said in her usual timid tone.

"I don't think they can hear you"

"I'm sorry, that's the loudest I can speak" Fluttershy replied with disappointment, sitting up and resting her head on my leg.

"It's alright ponies, I come from another world, maybe you've never seen someone like me before, but I didn't come here to hurt anyone" Nopony answered me, they still don't trust me.

"It didn't work Andy, what do we do?" Ask the yellow pegasus

"I have an idea, a beautiful melody can help them calm down and transmit confidence"

"You mean...?"

"Exactly, I'm going to play a song with my ocarina of time, Serenade of Water, what kind of monster would play a beautiful melody? none" I said proudly, putting my ocarina skills to the test, it was a little hard for me to remember some songs since the sheet music was left it in my world. "Serenade of water... I think it was, A, down, right, right, left" I had remembered the song, I took a breath and started to play the melody but more extended than the original.

"That was beautiful Andy. And look, the ponies are getting closer, they really like your song!"

The ponies formed a circle around Fluttershy and me, they began to ask me too many questions, the most common were what kind of creature I am, my name and the instrument I had in my hands, I couldn't answer all of them at once but I did my best effort.
I managed to hear a pony with a cowgirl accent, I immediately recognized that voice, it was Applejack, who was walking towards me slowly, approaching me, making everypony stay silent.

"Howdy there partner, you're new here right?" Applejack Asked.

"That's right Applejack, nice to meet you, I'd like to introduce myself, but it's better if all your friends are here, where are they by the way?"

"Do you know them? I guess Fluttershy told you about us, they are in sugarcube corner, we ran quickly there when we saw you, it seemed strange to me that you were with Fluttershy, we thought that you had brainwashed her with dark magic or something. When you played that beautiful melody with that weird instrument, I felt that you were not an enemy and also you would have already caused chaos"

"A little exaggerated, you should know that I am not a magical being like all of you, and if I had magic, I would use it for good"

"That's good to hear fella, girls you can come out, he is a friend!" Said Applejack calling the rest of the mane 6.

"Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight!" I said excited, also realized that Twilight didn't have her wings yet, so I figured I'm on the timeline where she's not a princess.

The mane 6 and I went to Twilight's library, I said goodbye to all the ponies that surrounded me first, some gave me cupcakes, and Pinkie Pie sang me a welcome song! Her party machine covered all my clothes with confetti, but we already know Pinkie is, so I didn't bother with her at all.

Golden Oak Library

"You say that a portal brought you here, do you have any idea what or who could have caused it?" Asked Twilight

"In short on details about that portal, it just appeared out of nowhere when I was in my room. For a moment I thought it was Celestia or maybe Luna, but it's very unlikely, since arrived I haven't had any contact with them, not even Princess Luna appeared in my dreams, to talk to me or warn me about something"

"Mmmmm I really doubt the princesses brought you here, and as you mention, they probably don't know you're here yet, I can send them a letter about your arrival right now, maybe they can help you to return to your world" Twilight suggested, She really think I want to go back? Never.

"What?!" Fluttershy said surprised when Twilight said that.

"That's not necessary Twilight, the truth is that I don't want to go back to my world, I'm fine here, but I would like to meet the princesses someday, it can't be tomorrow since I have plans, maybe another day"

"Andy is right Twilight, he seems happy to be here, he said that himself that does not want to return to his world" Fluttershy replied, it really seems that she appreciates me a lot, doesn't like the idea of ​​me leaving at all.

"But you don't have a family? Someone waiting for you?" Twilight asked.

"I am an adult Twilight, anyway at some point in my life I will have to separate from them, the only thing that happened is that I didn't have the opportunity to say goodbye, but I know that they will be fine without me. I appreciate your concern, but I'm fine here, besides, Fluttershy is like my mother now" When I answered Fluttershy hugged my arm.

“I agree with Fluttershy and Andy, Twilight, if he doesn't want to come back, you shouldn't try to convince him or change his mind, he already made his decision" Spike replied.

"What? No, it wasn't about that, I was just worried that his family is surely waiting for him, but if he agrees, is more than welcome in Equestria, Andy, I hope you have a lot of fun here"

"A pleasure to have you here partner, you can come to my farm to meet my family if you like" Said the farm pony.

"Welcome to Equestria my dear, what do you think if I take you to my boutique first? you really need some new clothes and I can make you one in no time" Rarity said proudly.

"Is there a time when you don't think about fashion, Rarity? I mean, look at him, Andy doesn't seem to be interested in that kind of thing, he sure likes sports like me, also he knows martial arts, come on Andy, try to hit me HIYAAAA"

Andy vs Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash flew quickly towards me, using her rear hoof like kick.
I didn't have time to react, her hoof impacted directly on my face making me go back and fall to the ground.

Rainbow Dash just stared at me with a self-assured look.

I did an instant Kip up and put myself in a fighting stance.

"What happened? you told me you knew Karate, Taekwondo, Aikido and bojutsu something"

"Rainbow Dash what are you doing? you're hurting him!" Said Fluttershy covering half of her face with her tail

"It's ok Fluttershy, it's just a friendly fight. And you just took me by surprise but now I'm ready" My body was filled with adrenaline at that moment, fighting Rainbow Dash? Maybe she has magic in her favor, but in the show she is almost never seen practicing karate, being a showoff has its consequences and I will show it to her, of course, without hurting her.

"Attack whenever you want" I told Rainbow Dash.

"My house is not a dojo!" Twilight said annoyed, but we both ignored her, RD and I we're just concentrating on having a friendly fight.

The rest of mane 6 were speechless, they had all their attention on the fight.

This time Rainbow Dash used her front hooves as fists.
She attacked very predictably block them was easy, so I grabbed one of her hoof before they hit my face again, I cartwheeled while grabbing Rainbow's hoof, that was to confuse her, while behind her and I took the opportunity to give her a spinning hook kick. the kick hit her nape, sending her flying a bit.

"How did you-" she turned around and came towards me as fast as she could. Rainbow was going to kick me again, I ducked, she turned around again and desperately tried to hit me with her front hooves, I dodged them by moving side to side, then did a backflip before Rainbow kicked me, and countered quickly with a jump spin back kick.

This time my kick hit her face, I accidentally kicked her so hard that she collided with one of Twilight's bookcases, she fell to the ground.

We all sighed in astonishment and approached Rainbow Dash to check that she was alright. **Song end**

"I'm so sorry Rainbow, I shouldn't have used that kick against you" I don't even know if she want to be my friend after this.

"Are you kidding me? That was AWESOME!" Said the cyan mare flying again.

"Really? didn't I hurt you?"

"Well, it hurt a little, but I know you didn't do it on purpose. Where did you learn to fight like that, Andy?"

"From my sensei and from a movie that I really like, The Matrix"

"You're cool Andy, we should go out to play sports or do amazing activities now, what do you say?"

"I think the best thing would be to have a welcome party!" Said the party pony.

"Listen, I would love to spend time with each of you but I think need some new clothes, tomorrow have to go see a pony"

"Oh really? You never told me you'd go see somepony" Said Fluttershy.

"Someone is in love♪" Says Pinkie Pie singing.

"Who's the lucky mare? lover boy" Applejack asked. when it comes to love issues, I always keep it to myself, but I don't think they make fun of it.
With them if I can feel safe to talk about these topics.

"I'll introduce her to you all when we're dating, I'll just tell you that she lives in Sire's Hollow, do you know where that is?"

"I have a map that can tell you where it is" Twilight with her horn and gave me a map of all Equestria, it had the names of all the cities and towns marked on it.

"Thank you Twilight, to all of you actually, for welcoming me to Equestria, it was nice meeting you all, I'll see you later, okay? maybe I'll visit your farm Applejack and maybe spend time with you, Rainbow"

"We will be waiting for you, take your time, there's no rush" Said Rainbow Dash saying goodbye.

After we all say goodbye, I went with Rarity to her Boutique, nothing makes her happier than making clothes, especially for a friend.

"Andy my dear, do you have a design in mind for your clothes? Because you know, I only make for ponies" Said the fashionista.

"Of course Rarity, when we arrive, I'll make you reference drawings so you can see how I want it"

"Excellent, I will do my best to make you look handsome!"

Meanwhile back the Golden Oak Library

"Twilight, did you see that Rainbow Dash vs. Andy fight?" Asked Spike while accommodate the books that Rainbow had thrown after kicking her.

"Of course Spike, for a non-magical being, the truth is that he fights very well, left me surprise, although I'm still upset that they fought in my house"

"At least they gave us a good show, I would like to learn to fight like Andy, to defend Rarity from the bad guys Hi-yah! EEEE-YAH!" Spike began to imitate my movements "Woah woah!" Until he lost his balance and fell to the ground trying to do a roundhouse kick.

"Someday Spike" Twilight and Spike laughed together.