Ramil Sable

by Kawat3ngusan

The challenge of the gods

The Challenge of the Gods

In the present

Twilight was amazed about the appearance of the god Horus,

-“I didn't think the gods appeared so easily for mortals”-, Somnambula answered her,
-“In this village it doesn't happen anymore, but they still listen to our prayers, in the original village of Harim it could happen that the statues spoke or that the invoked god or goddess appeared, and in any case on that day my life and that of Ramil would change"-
-“ And how would they have changed? Did Ramil make it?”-
-“Now listen to me and try to imagine how it went”-

In the past

The day had come, the pharaoh together with his son, his guards and the two families went to the temple of Horus, the guards were made up of Imad, a blue unicorn with a green mane, Iqbal and Ishaq, two male pegasi, one orange and the other one was green, then there was Kaliq, a big strong red pony, and then there was Hamzah, these were the pharaoh's most important guards, his most faithful Medjays, the other soldiers were either at the palace or around Harim, but besides the guards there was also their captain Mukhtar who wasn't really happy with the situation.

The pharaoh prayed to invoke Horus, and the god did not take long to appear, indeed he immediately addressed everyone,
-“Listen to me everyone, now we will go to the realm of the gods, or rather to a part of it, you guards and Mukhtar and Ramil will have to take a test, come with me, all the others will cheer”-, Horus with a wave of his hand opened a portal, and everyone entered it.

They had ended up in a large desert, with golden palaces, rivers of water and a lava river, mountains, some oases and many palm trees, there were also large holes, which were actually huge brown worms without eyes with jaws.
Horus made stone stairs appear for the audience,
-"Everyone who doesn't have to participate in the race can sit on those stairs, you can't intervene, you can only cheer, while the participants have to listen to the rules"-, so the guards, Mukhtar and Ramil positioned themselves where the god pointed and they listened to the rules.

-“Listen everyone, it is strictly forbidden to fly, and therefore I will take precautions”-, Horus snapped his fingers and all three pegasi had their wings tied with a shiny golden string,
-“Unicorns on the other hand cannot use magic, except to take objects, you will all have to rely only on your speed and strength, and also your mind, the goal is to cross the desert and reach the golden palace in the middle, there you should look for my mother Isis' sword, I can only give you a hint, what you see is not ugly but only what you like is beautiful, having said that I start the race, you can start at my 3….2…1… ..go” -, all seven participants ran on the sand, but Ramil knew that that place was not what it might seem, she had a yellow bag with her, where she usually kept the potions, and she had prepared herself for various eventualities, walking on sand was no problem for Hamzah and Ramil, their people were used to walking in savannas and deserts.

All participants were almost even, Ramil and his brother were fast, but then they saw that Mukhtar was proceeding at a fast pace, Hamzah had never seen Mukhtar run so fast,
-“It can't be, Mukhtar has never been so fast, at least I think”-, but Ramil thought of something and said it to Hamzah,
-“Hapana (No), it wasn't true he was fast like now, didn't you notice something?”-
-" What?"-
-“While he was running, under his hooves there were green lights, it is obvious that he drank our mother's potion of speed”-
-"I didn't notice it because he was throwing sand while he was running, I don't think mom gave him the potion, and mom didn't say the speed potion was missing"-
-“Mukhtar asked her weeks ago, mum had given him two small bottles, he evidently kept some, and he used it now”-
-"Are you sure?"-
-"These are only hypotheses, but since I saw the lights of the potion there is no doubt that he drank it"-
-“But then Mukhtar is cheating, I have to reach him”-, Hamzah snapped and tried to reach Mukhtar, meanwhile Ramil had to pay attention to the pitfalls of that desert.

Suddenly she heard a rumble below her, she dodged and she did it in time, because a geyser of hot water appeared, the jet of water hit a beetle that was flying, the beetle fell on the sand completely dead and burned, Ramil had to be careful where she went, she put her ear in the sand and she heard that there was another geyser closer, she had to be careful, the other guards passed her, but she stopped them by telling them about the geysers, everyone saw the other geyser erupting, and they saw more scarab beetles, and they got scared, but Ramil had an idea,
-“ Don't worry, everyone drink this potion”-, Ramil took a small bottle from her bag, and everyone including her drank it, the pony Kaliq was curious,
-“ What potion is it?”-
-“ It's a potion that shields you from heat, usually there's only one version to save you from fire and lava, but I modified this potion, it works if you come in contact with hot water” -, all of them were surrounded by a blue outline, Ramil was happy that the potion was already taking effect,
-"Good, the effect has started, but now start running, the effect lasts only 10 minutes"-, everyone started running again, they crossed the oasis, but there was something strange, Ramil saw some palm trees, everyone ran but the pegasus Iqbal noticed something strange, those small palm trees had very large coconuts, Iqbal approached and saw that the coconut opened, it was a mouth with big teeth, Ramil saw the scene,
-“ Hiyo mitende( They are not palms) they are carnivorous plants”-, the palm immediately swallowed poor Iqbal, who wriggled and was unable to get out, Ramil saw that the other ponies hadn't noticed his companion in danger, so she had to take care of it, she took her khopesch with her hoof, and with a precise blow she cut the coconut of the small palm, the mouth opened and Iqbal came out of it, the palm instead dried up without her mouth,
-“Shukran ya Ramil , laqad 'unqadht hayaati(Thank you Ramil, you saved my life)”-
-"You have to be careful, this place is not what it seems, it is still the realm of the gods"-
-“How did you know about the geysers and carnivorous palms?”-
-“The pharaoh has texts about the mysteries of the realm of the gods, so I already knew the traps that are here, in fact I prepared myself with some potions, now it's better if we go”-, Ramil and Iqbal ran trying to reach their mates.
When they came out of the oasis they saw them from a distance, and they saw that Mukhtar was in front of them, but Ramil did not see her brother,

-" Where is Hamzah? He was following Mukhtar”-, then Mukhtar started shooting beams with his horn in the middle of the sand, Ramil didn't know what he was doing, then she heard her brother's voice,
-“MSAADA! MSAADA! DADA MDOGO! (HELP! HELP! LITTLE SISTER!)”-, Ramil stopped and looked around, then behind a dune she saw a hole, which was actually the mouth of a giant worm, Ramil looked out and saw her brother clinging to a thin tooth of the worm,

-"Big Brother? What are you doing there?”
-“It was Mukhtar, I told him that he was cheating, and he got angry, and then he threw me in here, you have to help me, I don't know how long I'll be able to hold on to this tooth”-
-“But I can't fly, Horus blocked my wings with a magical string”-
-"Do something, if you can't use your wings help me in other ways, otherwise I'll fall into the stomach of the giant worm, and who knows how long I'll fall"-
-"Wait, I have an idea"-, Ramil took a bottle and poured the contents into the mouth of the worm, Hamzah didn't understand,
-"What are you doing?"-
-“I used mom's potion to cure a cold”-
-“ Do you think it's time to cure the worm?”-
-“Kijinga! (Stupid!) Have you forgotten what happens to someone who takes the potion without a cold?”
-“Ndio, nakumbuka hilo (Yes, I remember it), it happens that whoever drinks the potion without being sick starts to sneeze”-, in fact at that moment Hamzah felt a wind blow from inside the worm,
-“ Hold tight, big brother, you're about to come out”-, Ramil walked away, the worm was about to sneeze, it came out of the sand and made a strong sneeze on the sand and Hamzah came out,
-“You're safe, big brother”-
-"but I'm full of mucus"-
-“But you're safe”-
-“You are right, now we have to reach Mukhtar”-.

Both ran, but another surprise awaited them, the two pegasus Iqbal and Ishaq were sinking into the sand, they couldn't get out of it, both of them were asking for help, Hamzah didn't know what to do,

- "What are we going to do little sister? You can't fly and there are no ropes to use" -
-"You go ahead, I'll take care of them"-
-“But if Mukhtar wins? You can't be a guard”-
-"This is not the time to think about the consequences, if you run you can even beat Mukhtar, now the priority is that he doesn't win, now run"-
-“Okay”-, Hamzah ran fast while Ramil took another bottle from her bag and poured it on the quicksand, the two pegasi were now immersed up to their necks, then the sand stopped moving, then it moved again but this time the sand flowed backwards, and the pegasi instead of sinking they went up again, until they could not get out, Ishaq thanked Ramil,
-"Ramil, you did great, we were doomed, but how did you do it?"-
-"It's a potion I invented some time ago, and my mother said it was useless, I called it the kinyume potion"-
-"In the Zwahili language kinyume means opposite, anyone who drinks this potion is forced to speak backwards and walk backwards, if poured on a flower it returns to being a seed, if poured on quicksand instead they bring back the fallen inside”-
-"But it's a brilliant potion, but I would never want to drink it"-
-"Don't worry, the effect lasts seven minutes, and it's better if we leave, but it's strange, I didn't know there were quicksand in the realm of the gods"-
-“In fact, they are not there, it was Mukhtar who created them”-
-"That damned unicorn, he wants to cheat, unfortunately Horus didn't cast spells to block the magic, he threw my brother in the mouth of a worm"-
-“I don't care who wins, you have to beat him, and if you beat him it will be a big win for you and also for us”-
-“Then we have to stop him, let's run”-,

Ramil ran again, the golden palace was almost close, then she noticed something, some very big green beetles in danger, a big scorpion wanted to eat them, Ramil stopped and jumped on the scorpion, the arachnid began to freak out but she held on tight, the beast wanted to hit her with its sting, but Ramil had foreseen this reaction, so she clung to the base of the tail, Ramil told the beetles to run away, the insects understood and flew away, but Ramil was in danger, the scorpion caught her with one of its claws, the poor pegasus was stuck, the scorpion wanted to eat her, even if stuck, Ramil used her tail to rummage in the bag, she managed to get a right bottle, she threw it at the scorpion's claw, the bottle broke and the liquid was a lot, the scorpion brought Ramil to his mouth, but his claw turned to stone, first the base and then the whole claw became stone, the claw detached from the body and the scorpion howled in pain, while Ramil managed to break the stone claw, then went away,

-"I was really hoping that the stone potion could be useful to me, and unfortunately for that scorpion there is no time limit, just an antidote"-.

Ramil immediately ran towards the palace, then she saw the unicorn Imad blocked by roots sticking out of the sand,
-“Help me Ramil, I'm stuck, Mukhtar stuck me with roots with his magic”-,

Ramil immediately thought of a solution, if she had used the khopesch it would have taken more time to cut the roots one by one, but she had a faster solution, she took another bottle from the bag and threw the contents on all the roots.

-"What have you done?"-
-"Don't worry, this potion has no effect on living beings, it's the sand potion, it's perfectly useless, but it's perfect for these situations"-, Imad saw the roots turn into sand, and was immediately free,
-"Thanks Ramil, but now I wasted your time, you could have saved me later"-
-“Leaving you here? At the mercy of giant scorpions and sandworms?”-
-" What did you say? Giant Scorpions? Help!”-, Imad immediately ran towards the palace, Ramil arrived immediately after him, and she saw that there was only a wooden bridge over a lava river that separated her from the golden palace, she crossed quickly as the bridge was firmly.

Ramil entered and saw a beautiful palace with golden statues depicting equine gods, but in front of her she saw a myriad of weapons well arranged on shelves, all the participants were looking for the right sword, Ramil started looking for it too, Hamzah gave her some help.

-“Come on little sister, if I help you too we will find the sword faster”-, both of them looked for the right sword, but many weapons were in very bad condition.
Then suddenly Mukhtar shouted,
-“I found it, I found it, I have the magic sword of Isis”-, Mukhtar raised with his hoof a long triangular sword that shone with white light, then he addressed everyone,
-“I'm sorry dear Ramil, but your dream of being part of the guards ends here, and when we return to Harim, all of you will be kicked out of the palace, and I will look for new guards, guards who will be worthy of being pharaoh's guards”- , Mukhtar ran out, Kaliq was disappointed,

-"I'm sorry Ramil, because of us we made you slow down, maybe Mukhtar is right, we are not worthy of being guards if we don't know how to defend ourselves"-, but Ramil wasn't sorry,
-“ You mustn't think these things, Mukhtar cheated, he used magic to cheat, he may have also taken the sword of Isis, but I'm sure Horus will know that he doesn't deserve to be a captain”-, then the unicorn Imad raised a sword,
-“Hey look everyone, even this sword lights up”-, and it wasn't the only one, other swords taken from others also lit up, Ramil then expressed,
-“Guys, take those swords and run out, maybe the last word is not said, I don't mind losing, as long as one of you beats Mukhtar, take your swords and run out, now”-, the guards thanked Ramil and they ran out, only Hamzah remained with his sister,
-" It is very noble of you to make this choice, Ramil, but…. what are you doing?"-
-"There's something I can't understand, I don't remember Horus' words well, he said what you see isn't bad......"-
-“But only what you like is beautiful, what do you think it could mean?”-
-“I don't know, but you'd better take a sword, the more swords we'll take, the easier it is to be the right one”-, Hamzah took a very long sword, and that too shone with light, then ran out.

Meanwhile Ramil tried to better understand the words of the god Horus, she took a sword and it shone, all the swords she took shone, some a little less, but she still did not understand the meaning of the words of the falcon god.
Then in a gesture of anger she threw swords on the floor, and thought that perhaps she would not have finished the race, she had to leave the building with a sword, she leaned her elbows against her throat on a table, then looked at the ground, among the many swords that she had thrown there was one completely rusted, she took it and saw that it was really badly damaged, she lifted it and the weapon did not shine, she remembered the phrase of Horus, and so she put the sword in the bag, so she went out from the palace.

But when she came out she saw that the guards had not returned to their starting point, and she saw that the bridge had disappeared, Hamzah explained to her,

-“ It's terrible little sister, Mukhtar has cut the other side of the bridge, and we can't cross, you and the others can't even fly, we're doomed now, Mukhtar won”-
-"Hapana (No) I don't give up, there will be a way to cross, I could use the fire shield potion to protect us from the lava, but I don't know if it will be enough for everyone"-
-“Then you drink it, then you will get Horus to help us”-
-“ Hapana (No), I won't leave you here and…..”-, Ramil saw some beetles on the other side of the bridge, so she made a whistle with her hoof to call them and the beetles flew to her, she couldn't be wrong they were the big beetles she had saved from the giant scorpion, some of them were rubbing against her.

-"Listen to me, my friends, I need some help, my friends and I are stuck here, and some of us including myself can't fly, can you help us?"-, the beetles then flew and chose a pony for each and with their paws they grabbed them and sent them flying, and then carried them to the other side of the cut bridge.

Ramil spoke to the beetles and took a bag from her bag,
-"Thanks beetles, thanks for the ride, keep, these dates are for you"-, but one of the beetles spoke to Ramil, she listened to those strange verses, Hamzah asked her
-“What's going on Ramil?”-
-“They are saying that they saw Mukhtar who cheated, and they want to help us again”-
-“Since when do you understand the language of insects?”-
-"I don't know, I've always understood it, but I've never told my mom, nor you, or anyone"-
-“What can they do?”-
-“Listen to me carefully”-.

Mukhtar meanwhile was returning to the starting point, he was now close,
-“Ah, ah, ah, ah, now I've won, I'll remain the captain of the guards, and no one, not even the pharaoh will be able to change his mind”-, in the rocky ramparts many weren't happy with what they saw, Mimea spoke to Somnambula,
-“I don't see my children, Somnambula”-
-“Me neither, does this mean that Ramil lost?”-
-"Poor little girl, I really wanted her to win, but I also wanted her to give up, if she lost because I hoped she would lose, I'm a terrible mother"-
-“Don't say that Mimea, I'm sure…..hey, what are those things over there?”-, at Somnambula's words everyone looked towards the desert, they saw the other participants who were flying over big green beetles and flying overtook Mukhtar , who was amazed, they all landed at their starting point, they were evenly matched, then after climbing a bit Mukhtar came, and he moaned,

-“It's not valid, this is unfair, they flew, it wasn't allowed”-, Horus calmed him,
-“The rule was that you could not use wings or magic, and none of them used magic on these sacred scarabs”-, Ramil gave dates to all the scarabs, then stroked them and waved goodbye before they flew away .
Horus pointed his finger at Mukhtar,

-“But you cheated Mukhtar, furthermore by cheating you endangered the lives of your soldiers, what do you think I didn't notice what you did? I am a god, and there are magical eyes scattered across the kingdom, I could see everything you did, for your every misdeed there was Ramil to fix the situation, she saved your soldiers, you even pushed Hamzah in the mouth of the sandworm, also I saw that you drank a magic potion”-, Ramil interjected,

-“It is true I recognized the effects of the potion, he drank my mother's potion of speed”-, but Mukhtar was not worried,
-“It's true, I cheated, but that doesn't mean that I won, I may have finished last, but the sword of Isis is in my hooves, and you lost Ramil, so you can forget your dream of becoming a Medjay”- , Mukhtar took the sword and Horus saw it,
-“There is no doubt, the way it is made, this is really the sword of Isis”-, Ramil then thought she had lost, even if it was arrived among the first, the mother wanted to console her, and hugged her,
-“ Don't be sad, my child, I saw what you did, you saved your brother and the other guards, it's fine, you won't become a guard, but I saw that you have a great talent for potions, you used potions more than your strength, and of this I am proud”-
-"So my place is in front of the big pot?"-
-"Your place is not only in front of the pot, you will help me get various ingredients, and if I'm in danger you will protect me, I should have had complete faith in you, you are still a zebra, maybe you are more zebra than pony , but still you and your brother are the best spells I have ever created”-, Ramil cried a little, and cuddled up to her mother, Somnambula also wanted to console her,
-"You were great Ramil, you would have been an excellent soldier, because Mukhtar put his soldiers' lives in danger in order to win, but you wasted time because you helped those in difficulty"-, but at that moment Hamzah asked one thing,
-“One moment, divine Horus, are you really sure it is the sword of Isis? The swords that we soldiers took have the signature of Isis” -, the soldiers took the swords and Horus looked at them all, touched them and looked closer,
-“Though they have my mother's signature, none of them are my mother Isis's sword”-, Mukhtar gloated at the news,
-“You are failures, I have the sword, the real one”-, but Horus interrupted him,
-“Mukhtar, why do you think yours is the real magic sword of Isis?”-
-“But it is obvious, because the sword shone when I took it”-, Hamzah then replied,
-“Even our damaged swords shone”-, Horus took Mukhtar's sword and cast a spell, the sword melted into sand, Mukhtar was amazed, Horus pointed again,
-“This was not my mother's magic sword, if it was real, my spell would not have melted it, none of you won the contest, therefore there are no winners”-, but Hamzah went to his sister,
-"Divine Horus, there is still a sword, the one that took my sister"-
-" Really? And show me the sword”-
-“Go little sister, show him the sword”-, Ramil took the completely rusty sword from the bag, and handed it to Horus, who looked at it well,
-“ Tell me Ramil, why did you take this sword?”-
-“ Because I reflected on the words you had said, and I thought that maybe it wasn't so easy to find a well-made sword among other well-made ones, I searched….or rather I saw that sword which was the only one in bad shape among others, and so I took it”-, Mukhtar taunted her,
-“And do you think that could be the sword of Isis? You are such a fool, that rusty stuff is not even good for cutting bread”-, Horus turned to Mukhtar,
-"Shut up Mukhtar, it's up to me to judge, let's see, it's true it's completely rusty, and it's not good for fighting, but you listened to my words and thought carefully"-, Horus made a spell, the sword it shed its layer of rust and revealed itself for its true nature, a sharp sword of light, and Horus handed it to Ramil,
-"This is the real sword of Isis, hidden by the ugliness that its beauty actually conceals, and you, dear Ramil, using your mind to reflect, have been able to see beyond the illusion, you are the real winner"-.

Everyone was amazed and applauded Ramil, except Mukhtar who was incredulous, Hamzah took his sister on his shoulders in triumph,

-"Well done my little sister, you succeeded in your mission, you are the winner"-
-"Hey, take it easy, Hamzah, I'm not so small anymore that you can carry me on your shoulders"-
-“For me you will never grow up”-, Hamzah let Ramil get off and Horus wanted to compliment,
-"Dear Ramil, you won, I knew you would make it, and from today on you will be the captain of the guards"-, but Mukhtar didn't agree,
-"Hey, wait, you may have won, you may have found the sword of Isis, but you don't have the experience to be a captain of the royal guards"-
-"She helped whoever was in danger, but you endangered your soldiers to win, so you mustn't speak"-
-“I rebel, Horus you can't afford to make these decisions…… ”-, at that point Horus got angry,

-“ Now dear Ramil you will be the new captain”-, but Ramil was not happy,
-"Divine Horus, thank you for this opportunity, but I'd rather be a normal soldier and leave the captaincy to my brother who deserves it more"-, Hamzah was amazed,

-"Little sister, but you struggled to win, it's right that you accept"-
-"But I just want to be a soldier, it's better if the captain is one of you more experienced, and then now that I've made mum understand that I like creating potions, I can also help her"-, Mimea was happy,
-“ My child, I'm happy for you, but I'm also worried, because and if something were to happen to you I wouldn't know how to live, you and your brother are precious to me”-, Horus however had more to say,
-"You will never have to worry Mrs. Mimea, because this race was also a test to see if your daughter was worthy of the gods"-
-“What do you mean, divine Horus?”-
-“ You know the god Thoth, right?”-
-“Of course, he is one of my favorites, even from my daughter”-
-“Well he told me one day that I would find a new messenger of the gods, it would be a half-blood, a pony and a zebra, and your daughter Ramil will be our new messenger”-, everyone including Ramil was surprised,
-“What does it mean that my daughter will be a messenger?”-
-“It means just what you once were before giving up, Ramil will have to perform missions for the gods, missions that will be useful for the community, and don't worry about her life, Ramil will have various powers and spells from us, and also weapons, and in fact the sword of Isis will be her first divine weapon Ramil”-
-"I? With divine weapons? But will I be worthy?”
-“You will surely be, and then you won't be alone, Thoth told me that you will have an assistant and that is her”-,Horus pointed to Somnambula, the god asked her to approach, the pharaoh, Jalal and Afrah were amazed by that sentence,

Somnambula was a little confused,
-"but divine Horus, I have not done any tests to become a messenger of the gods"-
-"Thoth told me that the best friend of the chosen one would be her helper, you too will have access to divine weapons and magic, for the moment you will have to settle for using the sword of Isis, however you two will be the ray of hope of your people, indeed of your peoples, you will be able to help people and fight the evil ones, and I am not referring only to normal thieves, evil and powerful creatures will soon arrive and you will have to fight them, but before that can happen you will have more weapons and spells, you will be able however to do your normal life, also you will be contacted by us gods sometimes I will contact you, other times I will contact you from the other gods, as for the soldiers who took the swords, you can keep them they are not magical but they are very resistant since they come from the realm of the gods, now it's time to go back to Harim”-, Horus snapped his fingers and all the ponies returned to the temple, the pharaoh spoke,

-“Well, since everything ended for the best, we need to have a ceremony for Hamzah and Ramil, if Mimea agrees”-,
-“I was so worried for my children, especially for Ramil, that I didn't think I would be happy to see her as a soldier, but since she will have the powers of the gods like it happened with me I can rest assured”-.

Arrived at the palace, the pharaoh decided it was appropriate that in the afternoon a ceremony was done for Hamzah who would become the captain of the guards, and for Ramil who would become a soldier.
Mimea was excited, she helped her daughter getting ready, she also helped her son even though he was reluctant since he was older than her sister, but a mother's word is unquestionable.
After an excellent bath, Mimea gave Ramil a long white typical Equigyptian dress, which covered the whole body and protected from the heat, Hamzah instead put on a male dress that covered part of his body, from the bust to the hooves, Mimea was excited, she could not believe that honor for her sons, and since Ramil would have the magic of the gods she could let her do the royal guard.
When the afternoon came, everyone was present at the throne room, the pharaoh stood up and took a golden sword to touch Hamzah's shoulder as a symbol of his new title.

-“So, listen everyone, with the power that the gods have granted me, I now appoint these two bold young ponies, dear Hamzah, you will be the first zebra in Equigypt to become captain of the guards, I know you will do it, you are strong, since you are a zebra, you have always been very strong, you defended me and my son flawlessly, the other guards did it too, but you worked harder because you were different, you were a zebra , for me it is an honor that from today on you will be the new captain of the guards”-, Hamzah was happy and the other guards wanted to embrace him, they were happy to have him instead of the tyrant Mukhtar, then the Pharaoh turned with his sword in Ramil.

-“ And you dear Ramil, you have always been strong and intelligent, you will continue to help my son with the languages of the zebras, and when we do missions outside Harim you will always come with us, you and your brother will be our interpreters, I hope you will continue studying the potions of your people, because what you did in the realm of the gods was fantastic, I always saw you at training, and now with the permission of your mother and the gods as you and Somnambula will also be messengers of the gods, and for me it is an honor that you have had this title, you dear Ramil from today on you will be a royal guard, I hope you can become one of my most successful medjays and who knows how many other things you will be able to do, and since we are all one big family here, I want that from today on you can be your brother's assistant so as to help him” -, everyone applauded, then the pharaoh turned to to Somnambula telling her to approach,

-"Dear Somnambula, I can't offer you much, but you too will be a messenger of the gods, and therefore I want you to help your father Jalal here in the palace from now on, to become my son's advisor, after all, that was what they they wanted, didn't they?”

Somnambula was embraced by her parents who were happy for the future of her daughter, Ramil also went to embrace Somnambula, then the guards wanted to embrace Ramil, especially her brother, then Mimea embraced her children,
-“My children, this is a special day, if only your fathers were alive”-, Hamzah was a bit embarrassed by his mother's reaction,
-"Mom, please, not in front of the Pharaoh, and then you don't have to worry, I'll take care of Ramil, but maybe it won't be necessary, since she will now have the support of the gods"-
-“I didn't think I would cry with joy for Ramil becoming a guard, and I didn't think that the gods had chosen her as a messenger, as happened with me and my brother and sister Nyasi, but she was never contacted by the Yoruba gods again , what Ramil has is a special gift”-, given that the ceremony was short, the only witnesses of the title of messenger of the gods knew only those who had witnessed the race or who had participated in it.
Hamzah and Ramil walked a bit together,

-“Remember just because I'm your brother doesn't mean I won't be strict with you”-
-“You were serious even when we trained”-
-“Do you think next time you will fight me with your magic sword?”-
-“It wouldn't be fair, I prefer to use it for other occasions, I will continue to use training weapons if I want to defeat you”-
-"Hey slow down little sister, just because you're now a messenger of the gods you don't have to feel so bold"-
-“I don't know, I don't know if I'm worthy of that title, but if Horus said so, then I must be ready already”-, Somnambula joined the group.

-“Hi, Ramil”-
-“ Hey Somnambula, in the end your parents are happy, you have become a royal councilor”-
-"For the moment it's just a promise from the pharaoh, I have a long way to go to become a councilor, but do you feel ready to be a soldier?"-
-“ I will be one of the pharaoh's most faithful medjays”-
-"And...doesn't that thing scare you?"-
-"What do you mean?"-
-" The fact that you and I have been appointed messengers of the gods, doesn't it scare you?"-
-"Maybe a little, but if it will be you and me, then I don't have to worry, because I'm sure everything will be fine, I can't wait to know which gods will help us, and who knows what weapons or powers they will give us, and how they will contact us, we will have to do a little in between you and me with the weapons”-
-"But I don't know how to fight, I don't know how"-
-"Hey, don't worry, I'll help you, you'll learn soon, maybe the divine weapons would benefit you more than me, but if Horus has chosen us two, it means that we are the ones most suited to this role, also because it is Thoth who said those things to Horus, and Thoth is the god of wisdom, so he can't be wrong”-
-“I could never doubt Horus or Thoth, but I don't feel ready”-
-" You mustn't be nervous Somnambula, at the moment we are still apprentices, the days will come when we will be ready, and then if there are two of us we will defend each other, it may also be that you will be better with magic than with weapons, and then with soldiers with me all of us, by the way big brother, what happened to Mukhtar?”-
-"For his bad behavior, the pharaoh demoted him to a simple soldier, now he is guarding the royal treasury"-
-"It doesn't seem right to me, after all all this change must have been bad for him"-
-“Ramil, he tried to kill me, and threw two of his men into the quicksand, have you forgotten that already? Not to mention the fact that he has insulted you several times, are you going to forgive him?”
-"No, but….but in fact he didn't want all this, he was just desperate to lose his job, maybe that's why he decided to cheat"-
-"But that doesn't mean that he behaved very badly for a captain of the guards, but let's not think about it anymore, since you will be my assistant you will help me both with the pharaoh's guards and with the other guards scattered around the palace and you will also help me with crime in the city, but it's best that no one but a few of us know that you are a messenger of the gods, there are always the envious ones, especially the followers of Seth"-
-“ Those are the worst, it is said that one day Seth will return from his exile inflicted on him by Ra and that he will return for his revenge, yet there is still someone around the Equigypt who prays to him, Seth has had many dangerous allies, as if he wasn't a god strong enough already."

That evening, Somnambula and Ramil were staying watching the sunset descend on Harim and wondering how their lives would change.
-“ Do you know, Ramil? I don't understand why they chose me, I wasn't tested”-
-“I remind you that the Yoruba gods didn't test my mother and my uncle and my aunt, they just chose them, evidently Horus and Thoth have chosen you for your personality, and if they have chosen you it means that you will be able to fight"-
-“ I wish I was strong like you, and also confident like you, you seem to have no problems with this situation”-
-“This is because I have always trained, and then being half zebra and half pegasus I have the skills of both races, now if you don't mind I have to go home”-
-"What are you going to do?"-
-“I want to illustrate the potions I brought for the test, and explain to my mother that I talk to beetles”-
-“But since when did you have this ability?”-
-"I don't know, I remember that since I was little I understood the language of scarabs, I don't know if it can be useful, and I don't understand the reason why I have it, maybe my cutie mark is not only linked to the god Khepri , but to beetles in general, see you Somnambula”-,

Somnambula stood looking at the stars, and wondering how her life would change from that moment, then someone called her, it was her father Jalal calling her to come home, so she spread her wings and flew towards her father.

TO be continued….

My Little Pony by Lauren Faust & Hasbro