Multiverse Big Brother

by MLPandMiraculousFanatic

Episode 1: Friends and Enemies Part 1

“Hello my little fillies and gentlecolts, it is I, Princess Celestia, and I’m gonna be the host of our little competition called BIG BROTHER where 18 creatures have a chance to compete for a million dollars inside this house called the big brother house. First they will compete for HOH and when one creature wins it they will have the chance to nominate two creatures for eviction and when they did they, the HOH and three other creatures will compete for Veto and if that person winst hey will have the chance to either put a nominee out of it’s place and then the HOH can put another creature in place of it or they can choose not to and when they did everycreature excluding the HOH may vote on who of the two nominees they want out and the creature with the most votes is eliminated and 8 of them will be in the jury with the other 8 going back to their dimensions, and now let the competition begin!“ Celestia explained

[Cut to the Intro]

“Welcome back to our brand new competition, let’s introduce the first half of the cast and then the first few rules of the competition, starting with the Princess of all kinds of friendships: Twilight Sparkle!” Celestia introduced.

After saying that everybody cheered and clapped in their hands or stomped their hooves or paws on the ground as Twilight walked into the room with a key in her magic. With a smile she greets the audience before stopping at the number one spot on the ground.

“Oh! This is gonna be so fun! Only not as fun as the competitions back home!” Twilight said happily.

“I know you were waiting for this moment. So let me ask you a few questions before we start”, Celestia said.

“Alright, shoot away!” Twilight suggested.

“Question one: Did you prepare for this?”, Celestia asked.

“Yeah I did, I went to the fitness center a few times to train fort this and I’ve also ran a few laps and flew a few times. Even though I think that was not needed” Twilight said.

“I know you do, Twilight, anyway, question 2: Are you gonna win competitions with your skills and so on?” Celestia asked.

“Well, of course I will, I don’t want to lose my friends for just a minor cheating” Twilight answered.

“Very good, now then let’s introduce the second contestant she’s a hard working, honest and strong pony give it up for Applejack!” Celestia introduced.

Then Applejack came into the room as everybody clapped in their hands or claws and stomped on the ground while cheering as Applejack went to stand next to Twilight as Twilight waved to Applejack as Applejack waved back.

“Howdy ya’ll” Applejack greeted.

“Hi there, Applejack, welcome to Multiverse Big Brother, is it alright if I ask you a few questions?” Celestia asked.

“It sure is Princess” Applejack answered.

“Alright, first question did you train?” Celestia asked.

“Are you kiddin’ me, of course I trained my whole entire life just for this moment” Applejack answered.

“That’s what I’d like to hear Applejack” Celestia said as Applejack blushed. “Now second question, are you gonna put all your might in this game and not cheat?” Celestia asked.

“Of course I will, especially after I learned my lesson in ‘The Running of the Leaves’” Applejack answered.

“Yeah, especially since I won that time in 5th place” Twilight added.

“Well, alright then, let’s introduce the next pony and that pony is… Rainbow Dash the fastest flier of all Equestria” Celestia introduced.

Then everybody cheered as Rainbow walked on stage before standing on the ‘Number 3’ in happiness.

“Aww yeah, this is gonna be so fun!!!” Rainbow said happily.

“Before we start I’d just like to ask a few questions” Celestia said.

“I thought the invitation said there wasn’t any questions?” Rainbow said confused.

“That’s weird, I’ll go check it after the introductions” Celestia said.

“Okay” Rainbow said.

“Anyway, question one, are you excited to compete?” Celestia asked.

“Yes and I’m gonna crush this contest!” Rainbow answered with a wide smile.

“Good, second question, will you cheat like in the ‘Running of the Leaves’ Celestia asked.

“No way, the last time I did we ended up in last place” Rainbow answered.

“You and Applejack, if I’m correct?” Celestia asked.

“Yeah” Rainbow answered.

“Alright then” Celestia said.

“Can I ask a question?” Rainbow asked.

“Sure” Celestia answered.

“Why are you hosting?” Rainbow asked.

“That’s too personal” Celestia answered before turning to the screen again “Next up is Fluttershy” Celestia introduced but nopony came “Fluttershy?” Celestia called out.

Then Fluttershy pops her head out of the curtain shyly as Celestia motioned her to come as she took a deep breath before whispering

“Here goes” Fluttershy whispered worriedly.

Then Fluttershy walks on stage and towards the number four podium and stops there as she stands there shyly as everybody quietly clapped and cheered

“So, you feeling okay Fluttershy or is this a bit too much?” Celestia asked.

“Oh no it’s fine, I’m just taking baby steps especially since my friends are competing” Fluttershy answered.

“Alright, so are you ready for some questions then?” Celestia asked

“Uh, I think so” Fluttershy answered.

“Alright, first question, will you compete or will you cheat or will you play fairly?” Celestia asked.

“That’s quite easy to answer, I would rather play fairly because I’m not a huge cheating kind of pony” Fluttershy answered.

“Question two: Are you excited to compete?” Celestia asked.

“Of course, except for the part that it will be filmed all around Equestria which I’m really nervous about” Fluttershy answered nervously.

“Don’t worry, Fluttershy, it will be alright, you don’t have to worry about ponies or creatures bullying you” Celestia said.

“Thanks, I knew you were always there for me” Fluttershy thanked.

“No worries, anyway, let’s introduce one of your other friends now aka Pinkie Pie!!!” Celestia called out

Then Pinkie pounces onto the stage as everybody applauded before she stopped and landed onto the number 5.

“Hi everypony, how are you guys!” Pinkie called out.

Then everybody cheered happily.

“I could see everypony likes you being in the competition” Celestia said proudly.

“You know it!” Pinkie said excitingly.

“Alright, I don’t know if I need to ask you it or not but are you ready for the questions?” Celestia asked.

“Of course you didn’t need to ask because I’m always ready for whatever comes next!” Pinkie answered excitingly.

After answering Celestia chuckled for a bit.

“That’s what I thought” Celestia answered before explaining. “Anyways, first question which is will you play fairly in the competition?” Celestia asked.

“Of course I am, what else am I, Pinkie Pie the party pooper!” Pinkie asked angrily.

“No you’re not, I was just wondering anyways second question will you try and make everybody smile during the game?” Celestia asked.

“Of course I am gonna do that why else am I in this game?” Pinkie asked.

“True” Celestia answered before turning to the screen. “Next up is the styled queen and fashionista, Rarity!” Celestia announced

Then Rarity walked on stage gracefully while waving to the crowd as everybody cheered before stepping onto the ‘number 6’ platform as Celestia turned to her.

“Alright then, I have two questions you need to answer honestly” Celestia said.

“Of course, go ahead with the questions” Rarity suggested.

“Why did you have to dress yourself up too gracefully?” Celestia asked

“Well not just that but I brought a lot of suitcases too, a lady needs to always be prepared” Rarity answered.

“I’m not even gonna ask” Celestia said before starting with the second question. “Will you play fairly?” Celestia asked.

“Of course, a lady can’t force themselves to cheat themselves, right?” Rarity asked.

“Of course Rarity, why’d I even ask” Celestia said chuckling.

Then Celestia turned to the stage again.

“Alright with the Ponies done, we’ll begin with the Winx starting with the strongest of them all, Bloom” Celestia said.

Then everybody cheered as Bloom walked onstage before she took a stand at the number 7 podium.

“Hi Bloom, how are you doing today?” Celestia asked.

“I’m doing fine of course” Bloom said.

“Good, now for the actual questions starting with did you prepare?” Celestia asked.

“Of course I did, I don’t know when I did but I made sure I didn’t have to use my wings, I’m a bit more puffy too but I do know Stella didn’t because she’s more about fashion and everything beautiful” Bloom explained.

“I know somepony who might also not have done it, right Rarity?” Celestia asked.

“Of course, I wouldn’t want to ruin my mane by training” Rarity answered.

“You are a bit like Stella, are you also a drama queen?” Bloom asked.

“You didn’t have to ask because Rarity would always overreact” Rainbow answered.

“Hey! Let’s not talk about that!” Rarity ordered angrily.

“Can we now?” Celestia asked.

“Of course darling” Rarity answered.

“Alrighty then, next up and the last of the first half is… Flora!” Celestia introduced.

Then Flora walked into the room before walking towards the last aka number 8 plate before standing on it with a smile.

“What’s up with your smile?” Pinkie asked.

“I’m just so excited to compete” Flora answered.

“Hey! It’s true!” Bloom said.

“Keep the drama for later girls” Celestia suggested.

“Sorry!” Bloom and Stella apologized.

“No worries” Celestia said before turning to the viewers “All right, are you good with a few questions or not?” Celestia asked.

“Of course and before you ask of course I did prepare myself, I mean me and my friends have also been in a few games our past adventures” Flora explained.

“I knew that from Bloom, so what I wanted to ask was, why did you make an application?” Celestia asked.

“Because I would like to spend the next few days resting and competing so don’t expect me to win” Flora explained.

“We’ll see, we’ll see” Celestia said.

“But if you do win, you’ll be a lot like Gwen from Total Drama” Twilight reminded.

“Gwen from Total what now?” Flora asked.

“Don’t ask, Twilight probably just read a lot of books” Rainbow suggested.

“Oh, alright then” Flora said.

“Anyways, let’s give the first part of the rules, since most of you have magic or other skills like flight you’ll be able to use it outside of the Challenges, just make sure not to burn the Big Brother house up” Celestia explained.

“We’ll be careful” Bloom said.

“Good, now go ahead and introduce yourselves inside” Celestia said.

Then the 8 Creatures started walking into the Big Brother house and when they went inside the first thing they noticed was a Kitchen which doors Applejack opened up.

“Wow! Gals, there’s a lot of utensils to cook with!” Applejack said.

“You know gals, I could help you gals cook except for Pinkie who is the second best cook in the room” Applejack said.

“Hey! I heard that!” Pinkie called out.

“Sorry about that Pinkie!” Applejack called out.

“Still, I don’t think I will ever cook not even once or twice!” Rarity said.

“Why?” Applejack asked.

“Do you want me to get dirty while cooking?” Rarity asked.

“Seriously Rares! I thought you liked to cook for Sweetie Belle, or do you secretly not?” Applejack asked.

“Hmm, whatever” Rarity said.

Meanwhile the other group was in the living room where they saw a few chairs with two red ones on the back.

“Wow! These chairs look super comfy that I could easily sit in all of these spots!” Rainbow said.

Rainbow then flew across the room towards the couches and went to sit on one before wrapping her arms behind her neck.

“Rainbow! I know you’re tired and are lazy but we should be focusing on the game, or mostly me” Twilight said.

“Yeah, you’re right, it’s either the game or laying in the couch the whole day” Rainbow said.

“There’s no way to stop her is there?” Bloom asked.

“Yeah, especially if she finds something comfy or quick enough to beat but overall she’s a friendly teammate” Twilight answered.

“As you wish” Bloom said.

“Anyways, are there any other rooms to look at?” Twilight asked.

“I believe so” A voice then said.

The group then turned around to see Pinkie trotting in.

“Well, if that’s so we’d better continue looking” Bloom suggested.

“I agree, let’s go everypony” Twilight said.

After that the group then left before Rainbow pulled Twilight back.

“Twilight, I have a terrible feeling about these chairs” Rainbow said.

“Huh? Why’s that?” Twilight asked.

“I have a feeling that these chairs tell us who’s evicted and stuff!” Rainbow answered.

“Don’t worry, Rainbow, I have a feeling you’re just scared of losing” Twilight said.

“I’m not scared I-I just hate losing! Nothing that means being scared of it though” Rainbow said worriedly.

“Yeah, sure, sure, Rainbow” Twlight said.

Twilight then trotted off as Rainbow is then seen in a confessional.

[Rainbow Dash’s Confessional:]

I thought Twilight, my best friend, would believe me but now she only cares about the game! Well if that’s so I should make my own alliances but not yet.

The screen then shows Fluttershy in a garden as she looked around the surrounding area and when she did she noticed that it consisted of a small pool, a jacuzzi, a few games in the surrounding area and a few wallpapers across the walls just to make sure nobody looks inside the game and when Fluttershy saw all that she gasped in shock and happiness

“Wow! This is a pretty fun place to rest and stuff, maybe also a place for me and a few others to rest in case things get too exciting and stuff! How does Celestia get all the money to make this though?” Fluttershy asked in confusion.

“I have no idea” Somebody then called out.

Fluttershy then turned around and saw Flora entering the garden which made her gasp in shock.

“Oh dear! You scared me” Fluttershy said in shock.

“Oh my bad, so you’re name is Fluttershy, correct?” Flora asked.

“Of course, why’d you ask?” Fluttershy asked.

“Well, if I guess it correctly you love animals” Flora answered.

“Oh yes, of course I do, you do too, right?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yes, I also am in love with mother nature so I guess you can say we have a bond” Flora answered.

Fluttershy then gasped in shock and happiness before she went to hug Flora tightly forgetting to ask.

“I’m so happy that I met somepony with the same ideas as you, I mean I know Tree Hugger who loves nature but I didn’t know we had the most bond with each other, are you by any chance also thinking of having an animal friend just like me called Angel?” Fluttershy asked.

“Of course besides I already have one, he helped me defeat some villains in my world!” Flora answered

"Wow! My Angel is a little different though, I mean, he can be a bit of a spoiled brat sometimes but he cares a lot for me and all the other animals” Fluttershy explained.

Meanwhile Rainbow was sitting in one of the beach like chairs while holding some sort of cover in front of her face only to hear some talk and see Fluttershy talking to Flora.

[Rainbow Dash’s Confessional:]

What is Fluttershy doing with Flora, is she trying to break my friendship up, first Twilight doesn’t believe me and now Fluttershy talks behind my back, what’s next my other friends don’t believe me?!

Rainbow then flew towards Fluttershy and Flora and splitted them up in anger.

“What are you doing Fluttershy?! Talking behind our backs?!” Rainbow asked angrily.

“I-I wasn’t p-planning on d-doing that, Flora has the same kind of favoritism as me, s-she likes plants and I thought of b-becoming friends with her” Fluttershy explained worriedly.

“Yeah, she’s right, so stop accusing her for talking behind your back or I’ll lower your ego!” Flora said.

“If you’re so sure about that then I’ll defeat you the first chance I get” Rainbow reminded angrily.

“Deal!” Flora said angrily.

Rainbow then gave one last glare before zipping off angrily.

To be continued