//------------------------------// // Ch 20 // Story: My Little Ball of Fire & Vengeance // by Scootaboom1 //------------------------------// Amber Wood I yawned and stretched as I heard a tapping sound and looked to the window but didn't see anything. I did hear a commotion from below and went to check it out. Looking down the staircase I saw Carrot Top sitting on the coffee table with a broom fighting off a thorned black vine coming from the front door surrounding her. Dinky and Derpy were watching while eating bowls of oats. There was a untouched bowl of oats next to them. Dinky noticing me at the top of the stairs tapped the ground next to her as if asking me to sit next to her. I raised an eyebrow and shot a questioning glance. Swallowing a mouthful of oats Dinky spoke up, "We asked if she wanted help but she said she could handle it." I nodded in confirmation and sat down next to Dinky and began to eat my oats as we watched Carrot Top fight. I looked to Dinky and asked, "Hey, do you think school is cancelled for today?" Dinky hummed in thought before responding, "I guess that would depend on whether or not the school house is overrun or not?" "True..." Eating the last of her oats Dinky challenged, "Ten bits Rumble comes by to give us an update!" I squinted my eyes at her and sighed, "No, I am not making that bet. We both know that Rumble will probably fly in through that door any second." As if on que a grey pegasus flew in from the open door and I smugly said, "Told you." Rumble shouted out, "Ponyville is being overrun by vines!!!" I motioned to Carrot Top and with a dead pan expression and said, "Tell use something we don't know..." Rumble began to basically flail his limbs while sputtering nonsense before spouting out, "THE VINES ARE COMING FROM THE EVERFREE FOREST!!!" Carrot Top froze up for a second or two. Derpy spit out her juice. Dinky shouted out in a high pitched voice, "WHAT!" With an irritated expression I yelled in response, "Start with that next time dumbass!!!" Still holding the broom in her mouth Carrot Top said, "Language!" My ear flopped down against my head and with a down cast expression said, "Sorry..." During that exchange the vines wrapped around Rumble in a way that was probably not appropriate for children, but nudity was not a problem here. Rumble blushed about his spread eagle position and nervously asked for help, "Can some pony please get me out?" Carrot Top sighed, "Derpy get him free. Dinky start the emergency packing. Amber your a good runner, go make sure Amethyst knows what is going on and packing. We need to be ready to skip town!" It looks like Carrot Top is following my advice about having an emergency evacuation plan. I could not help but smile at that as I made my way out of the house. The first thing I noticed was that both the Sun and Moon in the sky at the same time. What really caused me to pause was that the sky was split in half. It honestly looked amazing, but I did now was not the time to focus on that. On my way to Amethysts' house I saw the element bearers summon Discord and accuse him of abducting Celestia and Luna. Naturally he denied any involvement when a battle axe came down where he was floating. Narrowly avoiding the axe blade now in the ground he hide behind Fluttershy looking to the one who was controlling the axe. Standing there with a hockey mask was Twilight Velvet stomping at the ground. Velvet then said in an intense voice, "If you harm a single hair on her mane or tail I will make you wish to be turned back to stone!" Discord then commented, "All she needs is a chainsaw to complete the look." Hurrying on to Amethysts' house I didn't see any vines overrunning it. I entered her home without knocking and saw Amethyst looking out the window at the sky. Well I guess that means I will have to pack for her of I can not get her to move. Walking up to her I waved my foreleg in front of her face, "Hey Amethyst! Amethyst? Hey Amethyst? You in there?" Amethyst shook herself out of her shock and asked, "Amber? Is that you? Something is going on with the sky! Should we be worried?" "Maybe? Regardless Carrot Top sent me to help you pack your emergency evacuation supplies! The Everfree Forest is invading!" Amethyst looked nauseous after hearing this and asked me to give her a second before barfing up her breakfast. I sighed in exasperation and looked outside. Velvet was running around shouting her head off with a chainsaw fighting the vines. Discord must have given it to her because it was hard to tell if the denizens of Ponyville were more afraid of her or the vines. I clapped my forehooves together and said, "Well it's time to get packing or hunker down." Amethyst raised an eyebrow and questioned, "What do you mean by 'or'?" Looking out the window, "Discord clearly knows what is going on and if that's the case he probably knows that everything is going to be okay. Even if he didn't, Lord of Chaos training wheels is a nice safety net." Amethyst looked out of the window with a conflicted look, "I think that we should still pack up just to be on the safe side." "Fair enough." *Later* Discord had just left after cleaning up the house and now we were considering what to do for dinner. Make it? Or go out? "You know... All the good places to eat are probably still a mess or not going to open again until tomorrow." Carrot Top sighed, "Ya your probably right." "We planning to go to the official coronation?" Carrot Top slouched even deeper into the couch, "No." "Cereal it is then."