//------------------------------// // Ending: Pieity // Story: Love Pie // by Partycannon_ //------------------------------// WARNING! This is a dark chapter, if you are not okay with that then please skip it! It will include: Uncomfortable Themes, Mind Alteration, and Leaving a Bad Taste in Your Mouth. WARNING! Pinkie lifted a hoof to her mouth in thought. "I think I might have an idea," Pinkie gave a determined smile. "What is it?" Fluttershy questioned. "I need to tell everypony the truth!" Pinkie stated sporadically. "Is that going to help?" the pegasus asked timidly. "Yes, of course!" the pink pony said overconfidently. "Do you need to tell everypony the truth or does somepony else need to tell you the truth?" the shy mare spoke quietly as she fidgeted. "Well, I don't know actually but I don't think there was anything somepony else was not telling me. Why do you know a secret?" Pinkie grinned brightly as she drew close to her friend. "I- um," Fluttershy staggered as she blushed brightly. After a minute of an awkward silence and Pinkie staring dumbly at the now red pegasus, the earth pony got up. "Hey Fluttershy, you're like, really red. Anyways, I need to go fix this curse, I'll talk to you soon!" Pinkie smiled as she left the currently smoking pegasus. "That's Rainbow and AJ done!" Pinkie Pie said with a hop. She turned to the road that led to Twilight's tree and her heart beat swiftly with that unknown feeling. She instead turns to the other road, the one that lead to Carousel Boutique. The party pony skipped down the roads waving a joyous smile at all of her friends. Finally, she made it to the now large building and she felt slightly uneasy. She raised her hoof to the door and let it fell. "Hey Rarity! Its Pinkie! Can I talk to you!" the party pony knocked. The door unlocked and it creaked open slowly, revealing a dark interior as a blue eye peaked from behind the door unblinking. "Um, hello Rarity," Pinkie faked a smile, feeling very uncomfortable. "Please come in," she said statically. "R-Right! Sure!" the party pony tried to giggle but it felt wrong. Pinkie trotted in slowly as she instinctively tried to move far away from her friend. The door shut and the room was now completely dark, as her pink eyes adjusted, she now saw the unblocked view of Rarity. Her mane filled with grease, her coat completely unkept, and all of the signs of sleep deprivation. "Rarity, I-I'm really sorry how I react-" "Shh, it’s in the past," the unicorn cooed as she grew slightly closer. "No, no, I really am sorry," Pinkie backed up in equal measure. "Everything is going to work out," Rarity gave a corrupted smile. "Can you do me a favor?" her horn glowed. Pinkie found herself backed into a corner with a wavering smile, she still tried to back up even more but the wall wasn't moving. The white unicorn got very close to her friend, her horn still glowing. The magic discharged and Pinkie's eyes glowed a blue outline on her already pink pupils, her discomfort dissipates. "Can you drink this dear?" Rarity asked with a smile, taking out a glass of pink liquid. "Of course!" Pinkie happily took the glass and threw the unknown contents down her throat. "Now look into my eyes," the unicorn lifted the pink head to her own. Pinkie stared deeply into Rarity's eyes. The earth pony hiccupped a few pink bubbles in shapes of hearts. Pinkie didn't want to close her eyes for even a second, no, she couldn't close her eyes. She stared deeply into the white unicorns’ beautiful sapphire eyes; Pinkie wouldn't sacrifice a moment to blink. "Rarity," was the only thing she could muster to speak as her breathing grew harder. "Yes, my dear?" Rarity cooed. "I- I love you!" Pinkie calls out as her mane deflates. "I knew you would make the right choice," she grew a corrupted smile. "Yes! Of course, I would!" the earth pony said, almost begging. "Hmm, should I love you back?" Rarity turned in thought. "PLEASE LOVE ME BACK!" Pinkie crawled in front of the broken unicorn and pleated. "PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE! I'LL DO ANYTHING!" "Anything?" Rarity asked, once again forming her corrupted smile. Pinkie quickly nodded with energy matching that of an excited puppy. "Hey Twilight! Have ya seen Pinkie Pie around?" Applejack poked her head into the library. The lavender unicorn looked back, "No, I haven't seen her." "That's odd... She was supposed to come here and talk to you about the spell," the farmer wore an unsure face. "Maybe she got stopped on the way? When was she supposed to meet me?" Twilight asked. "Yesterday," the earth pony states. "Hmm, do you think maybe she didn't want to see me because I'm effected by the love spell?" the unicorn lifted a hoof to her chin in thought. "No, that's exactly why she needs to talk with you," Applejack frowned. "We should find her then. Do you think she is stuck with one of our other friends?" Twilight got up quickly. "She already talked to Rainbow when I spoke with her and she said that Fluttershy wasn't under the spell's effect. That would only leave Rarity," the farmer answers calmly. "Really? Fluttershy somehow resisted it? I guess that's something to ask her about," she shakes her head. "Alright let’s go to Rarity's." Applejack led the way while Twilight kept up, weaving through the crowds. They find themselves in front of the not so taken care of boutique. Applejack knocks loudly. "Rarity, can we talk to you?" Twilight calls. Silence. Once again, the farmer knocked. "Rarity! Open up!" More silence. "That's it," Applejack lifted her back hooves as she spun and planted them straight into the door. The colored piece of wood clashed to the ground. "Wai--t..." Twilight tried to call out before her friend started part one of breaking and entering. "We could have just teleported inside," she kicked a hoof. "Ah don't like teleporting, and..." Applejack looked down at the door. "Ah sort of forgot." Twilight then planted her hoof into her forehead. Both mares silently enter as they look around the dark room. The disgusting smell and the broken mannequins made their hairs stand up. They begin moving upstairs, only hearing the sounds from their hooves. "Rarity," Applejack called in a normal tone as she began opening her friend’s door. The smell of cat pee fills the hallway as they open the door and they both cringe. Yet they trudge onwards. Both of the house breakers saw a sickening scene before them. Rarity slept with that of an evil smile while another pony, one with a straight mane hugged the sleeping mare while wearing a hollow smile. The straight maned earth pony was almost pitch white, far surpassing the color grey. "W-Who...?" was the only thing Applejack could manage. The white mare turned to the intruders with her large absent smile. "Hey~ please don't be jealous," the white earth pony's eyes looked as though they pleated, begged, would give anything for help. They both realized who she was in that moment. In fact, they had a suspension of who this might be but thought it too outlandish, too horrible for a mare to lose all of her color. They looked on with horror as the white mare continued to snuggle with the unicorn. The white mare... Pinkie Pie.