Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 6

by TDR

The Claw Before the Pony, Part 3

Twilight Gets a puppy
Season 6
by TDR

The Claw Before the Pony,
part 3

Work it
Make it

Spike and Rahs lean over a table in on the stage of The Ball, with Rahs pointing at something on the large piece of paper draped across the table. Rahs draws out something on it and gestures to another line then pulls out a magazine showing Spike what he was talking about. Spike nods then draws more on the large paper the pair of them bickering back and forth as they work.

Do it
Makes us

Fireball runs a tape measure over the block of apple wood making a mark on it as Scootaloo does the same on the other side. Scootaloo then grabs for a saw before Fireball stops her and gestures to measure again doing the same herself before they start cutting.


Sweetiebelle and Sombra look at each other then both nod their heads, the movement flipping the welders masks they wore over their faces. They then both turn their attention to the monstrous thing they were working on as the flare of a blow torch lights up the room.

More than

Firefly screams out as he swings around a large mallet over his head. The young changeling chasing after Bees as he runs through the living area of the hive, both of them covered in green paint. Kevin and Thorax stand nearby, the former watching the chase with a small frown and the other with his face buried in his hooves.

Work is

Work it
Make it
Do it
Makes us


“SONOTA SHUT UP” Aria screamed out throwing a wrench at her sister who dodged it easily as she would a ball. “We are trying to work here and we don't need the musical accompaniment!”

“It was kinda catchy.” Applebloom offered looking up from the plans the two had been making on the drafting table. ”Still not sure where we're gonna git a wind tunnel from but this is doable so far.”.

“Don't encourage her. At least she didn't do the montage song.” Aria sighed.”We only have so long to work on this thing, now that the design is done we need to hit testing to refine it and then work on building it.”

( Day of the Race, early morning)

“Heeeelloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo race fans and non race fans, who are here for some reason which is weird cause this is a race and if they aren't fans why are they here? Welcome to East Slope Raceway for the return of the annual, Applewood Derby. I'm your favorite announcer, an up until now your ONLY announcer, PINKIE PIE!” Pinkie Pie ranted through the loudspeaker connected to the booth she sat in. The wooden structure towering over the field allowing her to see the entire course from start to finish. ” We have quite a number of things to cover before we begin today as there have been a few rule changes by the committee we need to go over. To cover most of those new rules is my lovely assistant, who is totally not here only because she still has community service hours left, Princess Twilight Tuesday Sparkle, who's not really a Princess, that's just her name.”

“Right … thank you Pinkie …. To start with due to the rather excessive amount of entries this year we are separating the speed races into heats, with each racer first racing everyone else from the town they came from The top three from that town will then be put into a final heat with all the others in a ranking system based on the time they crossed the finish line, the faster the time the further up you will be.” Twilight explained. The same shall be done for both the historical voting and the design voting with the top three in each town in each category then competing with the region with different judges who to prevent bribery attempts which would end VERY badly for them, will not be identified until such a time as they are needed to judge. Trophies will be awarded for local and regional races and contests so if you place in the top three of your town you will still be awarded even if you do not place top three in the regional. There will also be a fourth category this year that will be presented by this years sponsor. Mr. Taurine.”

The third figure in the booth also took up the largest amount of it. A large Burgundy colored Minotaur sat beside the two ponies. He wore a blue and silver jacket and had a wide grin and silver sunglasses on as well as a red do rag on his head with his horns painted in a black and yellow checker board pattern.

“Greetings race fans I'm your sponsor of the event that we are calling THE RED BULL CHALANGE!” His words were accompanied by an explosion of fireworks. “My name is Mister Taurine and I've got ONE question for you, just one! EXPLOSIONS!?!”

There were a lot more fire works at that and a grinning Trixie at the launcher who was already counting the bits in her head as a nearby Ember shook her head at the theatrics.

“Why that question you might ask? Well simple, I know a lot of you came out here to watch fast carts tear down the track, and others came out to see what fantastic builds these, kids, grubs, chicks, foals and OTHER SMALL VERSIONS OF THEIR ADULTS came up with. Heck some of you probably came out here to be nerds about how historically accurate some one can make a block of wood. AND THATS PERFECTLY OKAY!! But some of you came out here for the competition the nail biting chaos of a hard fought race. And so for THE REDBULL CHALLENGE!...” more fireworks went off. “....To make this race all the more nail biting we set up ramps and obstacles and traps all along the course selected and we're gonna let everyone who wants to race this all go at once in A ANYTHING GOES EXPLOSIVE WACKY RACE OF CARTMAGEDDON!!!!”

“Ooh sounds fun.” Pinkie Pie chimed in. “What's the prize for the winner?”

“WE DON'T KNOW!” Mister Taurine shouted to more fireworks. “My tech guys set it up and they won't tell me because they know I can't keep my mouth shut, I AM TERRIBLE AT SECRETS!”

“This is gonna be a long day.” Twilight sighed.