//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: RainbowPie // Story: Love Pie // by Partycannon_ //------------------------------// Rainbow's wings fell as she dove, entering free fall she had her eyes placed on a large fluffy cloud. As her speed continued to rise, she was gaining on the still cloud. Her wings flew up as she guided her body and speed to the white fluff. In an instant Rainbow appeared out from the other side and the cloud was shredded into a fine mist. She looked back as she slowed her speed with satisfaction. Continuing to hover she smiles at the sun before scanning the rest of the endless sky above. Noticing a small cloud near the ground, Rainbow's eyes once again target a new fluff but her vision also noticed something odd. Rainbow Dash lowered herself to the cloud and watched over the edge. She saw one of her best friends but something was wrong, Rainbow frowned as she saw the grey pony trotting below her. She also noticed the grey glasses she wore as the grey pony moved silently through the alleys of Ponyville. Rainbow Dash hovered to the ground as her eyes trailed the grey pony, she placed herself close. The rainbow haired pegasus moved slowly to the still earth pony, she saw as her friend’s hair rose and she once again frowned. "Hey Pinkie. How are you feeling?" Rainbow asked nonchalantly, her defense rose as she saw the large frown. "How do I feel?" Pinkie grumbled under her breath as she grew uncomfortably close to the pegasus. "I'm going to guess not good," sweat rolled down Rainbow's forehead as she backed away. "No, I am NOT feeling 'good'," Pinkie spoke with her teeth clenched. Rainbow watched the party pony, unsure what to say. She wanted to hover but decided it wasn't a good idea even if it would make her feel less stressed. Rainbow Dash knew Pinkie Pie; she has seen her like this before but unlike before she doesn't have anything to make her feel better hidden behind a barn door. Rainbow felt trapped as though each word might hold a land mine and could blow at any second. "I like the glasses... Where did you get them?" Rainbow smirked, hoping it wasn't a sore subject. "Yeah! I bet you'd like to take them off too! Look at my pupils then trick me into some silly plan," Pinkie huffed as her brow furrowed. Rainbow Recoiled slightly, now the feeling of all words being mines entered her mind. She thought long as the grey pony watched her, not giving up any ground. Rainbow Dash then came to a conclusion. The pegasus breathed in "Have you spoken to Twilight yet? She isn't the one that made you... Well, grey, is she?" she asked. "I am not talking to Twilight, there is something I need to do," the earth pony turned and started to leave. "So... you are mad at Twilight?" Rainbow trailed her friend. "No, but I'm about to be mad at a pegasus if she doesn't stop following me," Pinkie gritted her teeth. "Sorry but you're one hundred percent going to be mad at me. We are going to Twilight's," Rainbow spoke, beginning to hover in the air. Pinkie looked back to her friends determined gaze and met it with a flame that pierced through her glasses. The pegasus frowned as she stretched and the earth pony planted her hooves in the ground. Rainbow sighed before looking back with a flame of her own in a challenge before she dove at the grey pony. The two ponies tumbled to the ground with a lot of kicking and even some biting. The roll stopped and Rainbow held the earth pony to the ground she growled angrily. "Ha! I got you, I did it once, I can do it again," the pegasus gloated. Then the magenta eyes of Rainbow Dash landed upon the very pink pupils of the grey pony and her heart fluttered. The pegasus flew off the earth pony with a bashful expression. "I-I-I..." Rainbow kicked her front leg. Pinkie got up slowly, her anger waning. She felt her face and noticed the glasses that lay broken in the alley. Her anger turned to sadness. "I have to go," Pinkie spoke sullenly. "W-Wait," Rainbow hid her face. The grey earth pony turned her head slowly to the pegasus. "Do you remember that time we pranked like, everypony in Ponyville?" Rainbow grew a large grin. "Wasn't that the best?" Dash almost fell over as she saw Pinkie's sad gaze, quickly coming back she continued. "Oh, you remember when you had that crazy flying contraption? Like where did you even get that?" Rainbow grew the smile again. Pinkie turned away and began to trot silently out of view. The pegasus quickly thought to herself as she flew back to her friend, hovering above her. "Man, all those great memories. We should definitely make some more soon," Dash said confidently. The grey mare's movements quickened slightly. "I wish I was as good at flying as you are at baking. I'd be performing sonic rainbooms in my sleep," the pegasus rubbed the back of her head. "Those pies you made last time; they were SO good! I'll have to get the recipe from you." Pinkie started a small gallop. "Hey Pinkie Pie, have you ever thought about being a pegasus, do you think you would be a good flyer?" Rainbow weaved through the alleyway quickly. "Nothing?" Rainbow frowned, "Can we slow down at least?" The earth pony entered a full gallop as she traversed the small city flawlessly as though from pure memory. The blue pegasus tried to match the speed but she fell slightly behind even with her fast reaction time. The grey pony flew behind two homes and when Rainbow finally caught up and turned the corner, she found an empty alleyway. The pegasus hovered silently for a few moments before flying away. A minute passed in the small alley then a lid to a large box slid off and Pinkie Pie jumped out, wearing a frown. She slowly started to leave before she heard a voice in the distance. "Have you seen Pinkie Pie? I think she might have gone this way." The grey mare stopped for a moment, staring at the ground she shook her head. "I know you’re out here somewhere, it’s only a matter of time before I catch you!" Rainbow Dash spoke loudly above the tree line. The Rainbow's voice hitting Pinkie's ears she hid quietly within the trees. Her frown once again grew. "Did I mention that I really like your main? Like, mine is pretty awesome but yours is amazing!" Dash spoke once again. "Just go away Dashy!" Pinkie whispered to herself as she cringed. Then just as night began to fall a light turned on amongst the trees. A small cottage entered the grey pony's view.