//------------------------------// // Chapter 12: Back To School // Story: Equestrian Vacation // by Dragonboy111 //------------------------------// Note to self: Interdimensional travel via chaos magic feels terrible. Whenever Harry was summoned and returned by Twilight's spell, it was gentle. The sensation reminded Harry of flying on a broom at ludicrous speeds but without the harsh winds. Discord's spell felt like plummeting through a turbulent, dark, and unpredictable void. As Harry fell through the hole in reality he became aware of light at the bottom. Harry reached for it, hoping it would let him out. When he passed through it, he was roughly tossed onto a cobblestone floor. A very cold cobblestone floor. Harry shivered, it felt like a blizzard out here. Harry tried to pull himself up, but his brain seemed to disagree very strongly. "Oww..." Harry grabbed his (once again) throbbing head, only to realize that he had fingers, not hooves. He was human again! Harry looked up to the sky, recognizing the iconic spires and towers of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He resigned himself to accepting he was stuck with this headache and tried to pull himself up. As he looked back, he could see the dwindling void that Discord had cast him out of. Where was Twilight? "Harry, is that you?" a wizened voice asked. Harry spun around, much to his head's chagrin. In front of him stood Dumbledore, McGonagall, Bagman, Crouch, several aurors, and the minister of magic. All of them held their wands out defensively, as though Harry might be some rabid beast. "Harry, is it really you?" implored Dumbledore. "Yes sir?" was Harry's simple reply. Who else would he be? To be fair, Harry was still processing the past few hours. "I must be certain. Harry, who gave you your broomstick?" Harry was rather puzzled by Dumbledore's question but answered him regardless. "McGonagall gave me the Nimbus, and Padfoot gave me the Firebolt," said Harry. He wondered why everyone looked so on edge. Dumbledore sighed in relief, lowering his wand, and everyone followed suit. "He's back! Thank Merlin, Harry Potter is—" Fudge was cut off by the void behind Harry. Thrum... Thrum... THRUM... The cut in the fabric of the universe gurgled, twisting in on itself. And, as it gave its last horrifying twist, one more body was thrust out of its domain, and the void vanished with an echoing pop. Something in Harry commanded him to rush over and help this person, this girl, who was unmoving face-down on the stones. Harry rushed to the girl, who appeared to be roughly the same age as him, or at least a few years older. Her back was slowly rising and falling in ragged breaths. She was unconscious, obviously, but unharmed. Harry took a closer look at the girl who had been dropped out of the portal. Harry turned her onto her back to see who she was. She was dressed in a light blue shirt, a purple knee-length skirt, and deep blue-purple shoes. While her clothing choice was somewhat normal, her physical appearance was anything but. First off, her skin was purple. A light hue of purple, but purple regardless. Second was her hair. It reached past the small of her back, splayed out behind her. It was a much deeper shade of purple, with twin streaks of pink and dark violet. Of course, colored hair wasn't that unusual, but the style was similar to somepony Harry knew. As Harry inspected her face closer, a strange sense of familiarity came over him. He knew this girl. He knew this color, this hair, her face, even her very presence was familiar. A strange emotion flickered in his chest. "Twilight?" Harry whispered, more to himself than anyone else. The girl's— Twilight's— eyelids fluttered briefly, squinting in Harry's shadow. Her eyes locked with Harry's, and the confusion slowly shifted to realization. "Harry?" Twilight asked. Her body felt so shaky as if it had been rearranged. But her attention was quickly claimed by the figure— Harry— standing over her. He looked so different to her. Was this what a 'human' looked like up close? Harry's face looked... squished. His nose and mouth looked like they were pushed back into his face. His ears were on the sides of his head, unmoving. But the eyes, hair, and scar were the same. Twilight knew this was her friend. Harry launched himself to grab her in an embrace. Twilight tried her best to reciprocate the hug, but her limbs just moved about aimlessly. Harry chuckled as he corrected her arms to hug him properly. Not too far away, the group of adults watched in utter confusion. Harry pulled Twilight into a sitting position, trying his best to keep her steady as she struggled with balance. "Where are we?" She looked up at the nearby architecture. "Hogwarts. Discord must have dropped us off at a random location here," Harry supplied. "Incredible. This is where you learn how to use your magic? It looks so... old." "Nearly a thousand years old now, like Canterlot." Twilight scoffed. "Could've fooled me. Canterlot still looks new by comparison." They shared a chuckle. "Think you can stand?" Harry asked gently. Twilight nodded. Harry slung one of her arms over his shoulders and grabbed the other with his hand. "On two. One, two." Harry pulled her back to her feet. Harry let her put her weight on him as she got control of her shaky legs. Twilight's hands grabbed Harry's with a death grip. He noticed she was unbalanced and trying to stand on her toes. "Careful. You're not used to balancing on two legs. We walk on our heels and toes, the same as Spike does." Twilight slowly corrected herself. "You good?" "I should be asking you, you're the one with the concussion." Her hand brushed against Harry's forehead, but he shied away from her touch. "I'm not the one in a whole new body. So, are you okay?" "I just need a second." The two simply stood as Twilight got a good grasp on her new form, uncaring for their audience. "I feel much better now." After a moment she looked up at the ancient walls. "I can't believe we're here. Can we go inside?" "Okay, I'm sure you'll love it. I'd be happy to show you around." The two started with slow steps. "Just like Spike walks, heel then toes." Twilight looked down at her feet as she tried to mimic Harry's footsteps. They walked in steady, careful unison. By the time they had walked half the distance separating them from the castle gates, McGonagall finally found her voice. "Mr. Potter, would you care to explain whatever this is?" she demanded, gesturing vaguely towards him and Twilight. "Who is she?" Harry and the Equestrian shared a look and a nod. "Professor McGonagall, Dumbledore, I would like you to meet my friend, Twilight Sparkle." Uneasy looks passed between Dumbledore and McGonagall in response, and several wands were raised. "Hi, everypony. This place is really cool. Are you all teachers here?" Twilight asked innocently. But the wands didn't waiver. "I'm afraid we'll be asking the questions here. Ms. Sparkle, you are going to be questioned for the kidnapping of Harry Potter. You will come quietly, or the aurors will use force," Fudge demanded. Twilight and Harry stepped back in shock. Of all the reactions, this one they had not expected. The two shared scared glances as the aurors raised their wands and approached the two. "What should we do?!" Twilight whispered to Harry. "We need to get you out of here. Can you teleport?" "I don't know, I just got here!" "Can you try?" Harry demanded. "Give me your hand." Harry complied, and Twilight could feel his magic reaching out for hers. Twilight closed her eyes and focused on the magic within her. It was there, and it responded to her call. The two's magic hummed in the air. Twilight's eyes flashed purple, and the two were briefly coated in purple and green energy. "Stop her!" One of the aurors shouted. But it was too late. Before any of them could let a spell loose the two vanished with a crackle of energy, leaving no trace of having been there. "Merlin's beard, she took him! Again! They could be anywhere by now!" shouted Fudge. Dumbledore inspected the ground where the two had stood. There was some light singeing on the grass, so this wasn't a normal apparition, which would have just cut the grass caught in transit. "Not necessarily, Minister. This wasn't a disapparition. They may still be on the grounds." "Then we must lock down the castle, and secure the grounds! Potter's life could depend on it!" exclaimed McGonagall. "We will conduct a search once all of the students are in their common rooms. There's not a moment to lose." As soon as Dumbledore said this, and the aurors and McGonagall turned to alert the staff at once, Fawkes appeared on Dumbledore's shoulder. "What is it Fawkes, did you find Harry?" The phoenix moved his head to look at some place within the castle with an uncanny confidence. Dumbledore followed his bird's gaze, thinking of where the phoenix was looking. First floor, obviously. Maybe just past the marble staircase? "The hospital wing," he said under his breath. And, with speed betraying his age, Dumbledore was off to find his missing student.