//------------------------------// // 10. Misty's Warm Up // Story: Misty's Adventures in Galar // by Brian Sheil //------------------------------// On their way to Hulbury, Misty and her friends find themselves face to face with Hop. "Hi, girls." Hop greeted. "I was wondering when you'd show up." "What's up, Hop?" Misty asked. "We both have the Grass Badge, Misty. So, let's see how far you've come." Misty had a feeling that Hop wants to take her on. "Let's do this!" "All right!" Hop said as he chooses his first Pokémon. "First up: Wooloo!" Wooloo popped out. Misty chooses her first Pokémon. "Let's go, Mudbray!" Mudbray was ready for action. Hop looked at this Pokémon with interest. "A Mudbray, huh?" Hop said. "Try this. Wooloo, use Headbutt!" The Sheep Pokémon charged in a rammed his head on Mudbray. But, the Donkey Pokémon shook it off. "Okay, Mubray." Misty said. "Use Double Kick!" Using it's back legs, Mudbray kicked Wooloo hard. When Wooloo fainted, Hop was shocked. "That's impressive." Hop said as he recalled Wooloo. "Mudbray's Double Kick is very powerful." "Well, fighting moves are powerful against normal types." Misty replied. Hop got out another Poké Ball. "But, fighting moves are not effective against this. Go, Corvisquire!" Out pops a Corvisquire. Firefly was surprised. "I guess Hop's Rookidee evolved." Misty recalled Mudbray to make her next choice. "My next choice is Klink!" The Gear Pokémon pops out. This caught Hop by surprise. "A Klink? I never expected this." "Here's something else you didn't expect." Misty replied. "Kling, use Charge Beam." Kling fired a beam of electricity. But, Hop was ready. "Dodge, then use Pluck!" Avoiding the Charge Beam, Corvisquire flew in and struck at Klink. But, bring a steel type, Klink wasn't hurt hard. Misty fought back. "Use your new move, Klink. Discharge!" Klink blasted Corvisquire with an electric attack. Seeing his flying Pokémon faint, Hop quickly recalled it. "Wow!" Hop gasped. "For a small Pokémon, Klink is powerful with electric attacks." "Thanks, Hop." Misty replied. "Time for my last Pokémon. Come out, Raboot!" A Raboot popped out and surprised Misty. "Your Scorbunny evolved?" "Yep." Hop replied. "And, your Klink will feel the burn. Raboot, Flame Charge." Powering up, Raboot blasted Klink with a firey blast, causing it to faint. "It's bound to happen to me sooner or later." Misty sadly said as she recalled Klink. "Good thing I learned that fire moves are powerful against steel types." Hop said proudly. "Klink never stood a chance." Recovering, she called for her next Pokémon. "Let's go, Drizzile." Drizzile popped out, ready for action. "So, Sobble evolved. Huh?" Hop said. "That's right." Misty replied. "Okay, then. Raboot, use Double Kick!" Raboot kicked Drizzile twice. But, the Water Lizard Pokémon recovered, and is ready to fight back. "Drizzile," Misty said, "use Water Pulse!" Drizzile fired a blast of water at Raboot. Soon, the Rabbit Pokémon fainted. Hop was shocked to see that he lost. "Whoa." Hop said. "That's one powerful water move." After Hop recalled Raboot, he then turned to Misty. "I feel bad about losing. But, this is what makes me not give up. Battling tough rivals like you helps me to strive harder to surpass my brother." "You're right, Hop." Misty replied. "Right now, we're on our way to Hulbury for Gym Battle number two." "That's true. Later." Hop made his way down the Route. Later, Misty and company went down Route 5. Soon, they saw a village in view. "Oh my gosh!" Paradise said happily. "The village of Hulbury." "Cool." Misty cheered. "Time to prepare for my second gym battle. First, once I get to the Pokémon Center, I need to make a call." The trio made their way to Hulbury. After they healed their Pokémon, Misty used the videophone to make a call. Soon, the image of a brown skinned woman with flowing marigold hair came on a screen. She wore a crimson lab coat. "Misty Brightdawn." The woman said. "This is a pleasant surprise." Misty was surprised as to who the woman is. "Miss Catrina. You're working in the Galar Pokémon Sanctuary?" "I'm in charge, my dear. I assume you are concerned about your latest catch." "Yes. How is he doing? Is he okay?" "Indeed he is." In floats what looks like a purple balloon. Firefly was shocked. "Check it out! A Drifloon." Paradise looked up this Pokémon on her tablet. "Drifloon, the Balloon Pokémon. Kids should be careful approaching this Pokémon. It could take them away." "So," Catrina inquired, "which of your Pokémon would you like to exchange to receive Drifloon?" "I would like to exchange my Vulpix." Misty replied. "Okay, then. Place the Poké Ball you're sending into that slot. In return, I'll send you Drifloon." As Misty prepares for the exchange. Her friends were very curious. "Misty must've caught that Drifloon recently." Paradise figured. "But, why is she exchanging Vulpix for it?" Firefly has a thought. "Misty thinks that fire types like Vulpix won't help out against Nessa's water Pokémon. So, she needs a Pokémon that might stand a chance." Soon, Misty returns to her friends. She then calls for her latest Pokémon. "Welcome to our group, Drifloon." Misty greeted. "Now, to get ready for my gym battle." End of Chapter 10 MISTY Drizzile Corvisquire Mudbray Klink Espurr Drifloon In the Sanctuary: Vulpix FIREFLY Raboot Grubbin Rolycoly Toxel PARADISE Thwackey Zigzagoon (Galarian) Yamper Chewtle