//------------------------------// // 3 Down On the Farm // Story: The Great and Powerful Trixieverse // by Lord King Cocoon //------------------------------// “So your mom is Octavia?” Ocellus asked. “Yeah,” Silver Spoon said, “Do you like music?” “Yeah. What kind of music do you like?” Ocellus replied. “My mother is Octavia, and my aunt is DJ Pon3. I kind of have a variety of preferences,” Silver Spoon said, “But I think my favorite is music that combines a classical style with a modern style.” “A combination?” Ocellus asked, “How do you do that?” “My mom and aunt do it once in a while,” Silver Spoon said, taking out a vinyl record, “They didn’t make this one, but here’s an example. I also like to add lyrics to songs that didn’t originally have them.” Silver Spoon put the record onto a player and turned it on. There was a modern song played on the cello. As the song began, Silver Spoon began to sing. Silver Spoon: “Let’s play a game with our friends It’s always fun to play pretend Together we will be assured That we can’t be hurt by your words” Ocellus joined in to add her own bit. Ocellus: “Let’s play, let’s play, let’s play a game Let’s play, let’s play, let’s play a game Let’s play, let’s play, let’s play a game Let’s play, let’s play, let’s play” The solo became a duet as they sang the chorus together. Neither of them noticed the wisp of pink appearing above them, seemingly dancing to the song. Silver Spoon & Ocellus: “In the sun or, stormy weather You can’t hurt us when we’re together We’re not stupid, you’re not better You can’t hurt us when we’re together” Ocellus then took the reigns, singing the second verse. Ocellus: “What’s wrong with change? It’s what I do” The pink wisp went from just dancing to the music to showing imagery that went along with the lyrics. A young filly becomes engulfed in flames and becomes more insect-like. “Just accept that I’m not like you” The pink wist shifts to a group of ponies turning away from the insect filly. “I will be safe if I have friends And always will be until the end” The pink wisp shifts to resemble Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon hugging the insect filly. Silver Spoon then sang Ocellus’ part last time, truly swapping roles. Silver Spoon: “Let’s play, let’s play, let’s play a game Let’s play, let’s play, let’s play a game Let’s play, let’s play, let’s play a game Let’s play, let’s play, let’s play” Ocellus & Silver Spoon: “In the sun or, stormy weather” The pink wisp takes the form of a cartoon sun before changing to a storm cloud. “You can’t hurt us when we’re together” The pink wisp turns into an Earth Pony, Unicorn, Pegasus, and Changeling hugging as friends. “We’re not stupid, you’re not better” The four friends prevailed over a couple of bullies. “You can’t hurt us when we’re together” The pink wisp takes the form of a kite shield. The two both sang the third verse, taking turns for each line. Ocellus: “We may hurt for a little while” The pink wisp took the form of an Earth Pony with a hurt hoof… Silver Spoon: “But we have friends who make us smile” …when a Changeling came to bandage it up. Ocellus: “Our cutie marks are on our mind” A Unicorn and Pegasus are looking at their still blank flanks… Silver Spoon: “But friendship is not hard to find” …when the Changeling and Earth Pony come to start a group hug. Silver Spoon & Ocellus: “Let’s play, let’s play, let’s play a game Let’s play, let’s play, let’s play a game Let’s play, let’s play, let’s play a game Let’s play, let’s play, let’s play” Silver Spoon & Ocellus: “In the sun or, stormy weather” The pink wisp forms into a sunflower blooming on a clear sunny day before getting rained on in a gloomy day. “You can’t hurt us when we’re together” The pink wisp turns into an Earth Pony, Unicorn, Pegasus, and Changeling hugging as friends. “We’re not stupid, you’re not better” The four friends prevailed over a couple of bullies. “You can’t hurt us when we’re together” The pink wisp takes the form of a kite shield. Once the song ended, the pink wisp dissipated, neither of the fillies ever noticing that it was there. But Ocellus couldn’t shake the feeling that she almost felt the music when Silver Spoon was singing, as if the magic around them was dancing to her voice. Silver Spoon noticed a sad look in Ocellus’s eyes, “Ocellus, are you okay?” “Yeah. It’s just…” Ocellus paused with a sigh, “After the Summer Sun Celebration, we’ll be returning to Canterlot. And I already have more friends here in Ponyville than in Canterlot. And I’ve had more fun as well. The only friend I’ve had in Canterlot, at least my own age, is a Dragon that I grew up with.” Silver Spoon’s mouth was hanging open as her glasses slid down her muzzle, “You’re friends with a DRAGON?!” Silver Spoon exclaimed before regaining her composure. She cleared her throat and pushed her glasses back up her muzzle, “What I mean is, if you really do have to go back after the Summer Sun Celebration, then make the most of it while you’re here in Ponyville. Make this trip worth it as best as you can!” A soft smile formed on Ocellus’s face as Silver Spoon hugged her. “Thanks,” Ocellus said, “You’re right. I shouldn’t be sad, I should take advantage of it while I still can.” “And besides, it’s not like you can’t come back another time,” Silver Spoon continued, “Your mom won’t just hide you away in Canterlot all your life, would she?” “I think she’d be willing to come to Ponyville again,” Ocellus said, “I can tell that she’s enjoying herself here as well.” The two fillies laughed as they started listening to more music. “…And that’s how I came to live here in Ponyville,” Vinyl Scratch finished telling Trixie her story. Trixie never asked Vinyl to tell her that story. But it was interesting nonetheless. And it did pass the time, “But enough about me. What was your upbringing like?” Trixie never planned on telling this story. But being the showmare that she was, she couldn’t resist giving in, “Well, it all started when me and Twilight Sparkle enrolled in Celestia’s School for…” Trixie was interrupted by the sound of the door. A gray mare with a sleek black mane and a G-clef cutie mark walked in. Trixie would recognize her anywhere. It was Octavia. “Octy, you’re home!” Vinyl exclaimed, “We have a visitor from Canterlot. She was sent by Princess Celestia herself to oversee the Summer Sun Celebration.” “Is that so?” Octavia said with joy, putting down the groceries she was carrying. “Allow me to introduce myself,” Trixie said, clearly allowing her showmare side to show, “I am the Princess’s Prestigious Personal Protege, the Grrreat and Powerful Trrrixie!” Trixie finished by setting off illusory fireworks, and levitating her cape as if there was a wind blowing. Octavia was confused about this introduction. It was very… un-Canterlosian, “I can’t believe it. There’s somepony who can rival Vinyl as being a show-off,” Octavia said, though the corners of her mouth being turned up betrayed the opinion that she wanted to portray, “Are you by any chance originally from Las Pegasus?” “You would be correct,” Trixie confirmed, “Trixie tries not to let Canterlot infiltrate her background to turn her into somepony she’s not.” “You have a lot in common with Vinyl,” Octavia said, “You refuse to let Canterlot have any say in who you are. And she’s from Canterlot.” “Well, you should be proud of who you are, not where you’re from,” Vinyl said. “True,” Octavia agreed, “But don’t start having too much in common with Trixie. It’ll likely get a little overwhelming if you start referring to yourself in the third person too.” “I don’t know about that,” Vinyl replied, “The Wubmaster, Vinyl Scratch thinks that speaking in third person could be fun.” “In The Grrreat and Powerful Trrrixie’s personal opinion, you only have yourself to blame for giving Wubmaster Vinyl Scratch the idea,” Trixie said. Wubmaster Vinyl Scratch held up her hoof, to which The Grrreat and Powerful Trrrixie took the offer for a hoof bump. “It appears that the two of you were made for each other,” Octavia said, “Let’s get back on topic. You’re here to evaluate the music for the Millenial Summer Sun Celebration, correct?” “That is correct,” Trixie confirmed, “I was curious as to why both of you were listed when your styles are so different. I assumed that you’ll be sharing time.” “Well, we do intend to provide our music as individuals,” Octavia said, “However, we also have time put aside to combine our styles. Would you like a demonstration?” “I must admit that I am curious as to how that would sound,” Trixie agreed. Octavia nodded to Vinyl, who nodded back and went over to a turntable set while Octavia retrieved her cello, “It may take a few moments to get going,” Vinyl said, “It takes a little time for us to get into the groove.” As Vinyl said, it took a few minutes to get in sync. But it was impressive that they did so well, considering that this was an improvised performance. And oh boy, was it an impressive performance, despite how short it was. When the performance was finished, they noticed a couple of fillies at the stairs, one of which with their jaw hanging open, the other grinning as she closed her jaw.  “I-is that what they plan on doing for the Summer Sun Celebration?!” Ocellus exclaimed. “Yep,” Silver Spoon confirmed, “That’s my mom and aunt for you. As different as they seem on the outside, they do work well together because of how well they know each other.” Trixie and Ocellus were now on their way to check on the catering for the event. “Mom?” Ocellus gained Trixie’s attention, “After the Summer Sun Celebration… after we have to go back home to Canterlot… can we come back to Ponyville to visit once in a while?” “I suppose we can consider that as a possibility,” Trixie agreed, “What brought this up?” “Well, it’s just that in the few hours we’ve spent in Ponyville, I’ve already made more friends than I ever had in Canterlot,” Ocellus said, “At least friends my own age. I like Spike as a friend. But… it gets old having just one friend.” “This is a discussion that can wait until later,” Trixie said as she took out the map, “Let’s get back on track. According to this list, catering will be provided by the local farm, Sweet Harvest Acres.” “Shouldn’t we wait until tomorrow to check on food?” Ocellus asked. “We likely will come back tomorrow,” Trixie said, “But like with the decorations, it couldn’t hurt just to check to see what’s on the menu. What’s interesting is that this farm is a collaboration between the Apple family and the Harvest family.” “The Apple Family?!” Ocellus exclaimed, “They’re the founding family of Ponyville! Princess Celly has told me the story of how she personally granted them the land! But… what’s the Harvest family?” “It doesn’t say,” Trixie said, “You currently know more about the farm than I do. And it seems you know more about the town as well.” The pair walked up to a pathway. This was clearly the entrance to the farm, considering the fence to indicate the property and the entrance sign that said “Sweet Harvest Acres” bordered by an apple and a carrot. Walking in, they came across an orange Earth Pony with a fancy darker orange mane, and a pair of carrots as a cutie mark, “Hello, we were sent by the princess to oversee the Summer Sun Celebration,” Trixie said, “I have it listed that Sweet Harvest Acres is in charge of catering.” The orange pony bucked a tree, knocking down several apples that landed in the buckets placed around the tree. She then walked over to the pair to address them, “Ah, welcome to Sweet Harvest Acres,” the pony greeted, “My name is Carrot Top. Granny Smith is planning for the Apple Family Reunion. But Big McIntosh should be available to talk. Please follow me.” As Carrot Top walked through the apple trees, Trixie and Ocellus followed, since there wasn’t much choice in the matter. After a short trot through the farm, they came to, what Ocellus thought, looked like a red mountain of a pony. “Big McIntosh, we have visitors,” Carrot Top called out. The namesake ‘big’ red Earth Pony with a blonde mane and a green apple cut in half and wearing a yolk turned to greet the visitors, “Howdy,” the minotaur in pony skin greeted, “Mah name’s Big McIntosh, but ya can call me Big Mac for short. What can Ah do ya for?” Trixie had to shake her head to bring her back to her senses, “We were sent by Princess Celestia to oversee the Summer Sun Celebration,” Trixie said, “And we have listed that Sweet Harvest Acres is in charge of catering.” “Eeyup,” Big McIntosh confirmed, “We ain’t got anything prepared for taste testing. But we can show ya what we got planned, and offer some apples and carrots on the house ta test the main ingredients. We pride ourselves in providin’ Equestria’s best apples an’ carrots, an’ other fruits an’ vegetables.” “That sounds acceptable,” Trixie agreed. Big Mac bucked the tree he was next to, causing just two apples to fall from the tree, which Big Mac caught before they hit the ground. He then offered them to Trixie and Ocellus. The pair bit into the offered fruits. And they both shared expressions of delight. Though the reaction from Ocellus was… interesting. She attempted to sink her fangs into the creature to feed on the love energy it was giving off. The amount of love this creature… wait, she wasn’t biting into a creature, she was eating an apple. And she didn’t have fangs in her Pony disguise, at least not without actively making it so. Thankfully, she still didn’t have fangs, which meant that she didn’t accidentally revealed her Changeling form, and instead, just looked silly trying to drink juice directly from the fruit. As she realized how Carrot Top and Big McIntosh were looking at her, a pink blush covered her face so drastically that you wouldn’t have known that she was supposed to have a yellow coat. “Eheh, sorry,” Ocellus laughed nervously, “It was just so good that I… kinda lost myself to the flavor.” It wasn’t a lie, but just an omission of details. After all, she couldn’t reveal that what she tasted from the apple was love, which to her was very odd. “I guess that means that she approves of the apples at least,” Carrot Top said with a giggle. “Eeyup,” Big Mac agreed, “We do grow our apples with love an’ care. I’m glad that you approve of our hard work.” “Well, they certainly are good apples,” Trixie confirmed, “I can only imagine how good they’d be grilled and with a generous coating of barbeque sauce.” Both farmers were shocked at that idea. Carrot Top now looking more green than orange, “Well (urp), I suppose if that can be made… palatable, it would be these apples,” the carrot farmer said, holding down the urge to be reintroduced to her lunch. Trixie herself laughed awkwardly, “My mother was originally from Neigh Orleans,” Trixie said, “I grew up with food styles that… aren’t exactly common.” “I can’t deny that I’m curious as ta what that tastes like,” Big Mac said, conflicted between the crime against apples and his own curiosity about more unique ways to eat apples, “We have family in Neigh Orleans. I suppose… that… is a taste for a reason.” They met Granny Smith and Apple Bloom when they went to the farmhouse. As Trixie looked at the menu items, she said Ocellus should get to know Apple Bloom and make another friend. They went up to Apple Bloom’s room. Ocellus’s experience was not what she expected. It wasn’t that Apple Bloom acted in a way that was unexpected. It was that she just wasn’t acting. She just stood there, staring. It was as if she was judging her with her eyes and already came to a conclusion. Others wouldn’t see it as coming to a conclusion. But Ocellus and her awareness of emotions could. And Apple Bloom’s gaze and the disdain radiating off the filly made her feel like she was back in Canterlot. Anypony who knew what she was behind the disguise had a very similar feel. The feeling of being looked down upon because you were different. What was even more disturbing was that Apple Bloom couldn’t have known of Ocellus’s Changeling nature, or even what a Changeling was for that matter. Perhaps it was a hatred of outsiders in general. “Well?” The Apple filly asked simply. This confused Ocellus, “Well… what?” Ocellus asked for an explanation. “Aren’t ya gonna try an’ make friends er somethin’?” Apple Bloom asked, “I’m only doin’ this ‘cause Granny said so.” “Well… it’s obvious that you don’t want to be my friend,” Ocellus said nervously, “So I don’t know why I should bother waste my time trying.” “So I ain’t worth yer time then,” Apple Bloom replied, making her own assumption, “You comin’ from Canterlot means you think yer better than us commoners. Yer lookin’ down on me ‘cause I ain’t some big city pony. Well, I didn’t choose where I was born, an’ I’d rather not be corrupted by the big city either.” “I didn’t choose where I was born either!” Ocellus countered, becoming uncharacteristically angry at the Apple filly, “And if you must know, I like it more here in Ponyville than I ever did in Canterlot because ponies actually want to be friends here! And you’re one to talk about hating big cities when you’re acting just like those stuck-up nobles who look at me as if I’m some kind of monster!” “Even a broken clock is right twice a day,” Apple Bloom replied with a smug grin, “So I guess this is one o’ those times the big city Canterlot ponies are right. You probably jus’ mooch off other ponies jus’ like the stuck-up filly you are.” That comment hurt Ocellus more than Apple Bloom realized since, to some extent, it’s technically accurate. But it’s not her fault that it’s in her nature, “You’re a hypocrite,” Ocellus said quietly. “A hippo-what?” “You claim to hate the same ponies that you’re exactly like,” Ocellus continued, “You have to pretend you’re better than everypony else either because you’re not confident enough in your own self-worth or you think you can walk all over anypony you want because you believe you're better than everypony else! With how stuck-up you are, you’d fit in perfectly as Prince Blueblood’s daughter because you obviously don’t care about other ponies!” The look of shock and anger on Apple Bloom’s face was to be expected. But what happened next was not what would be expected from any Canterlot Nobles. “And your whole family will be coming to help with making these treats?” Trixie asked the Eldest Apple. “That’s only part of the reason they’re coming,” Granny Smith, an elderly green mare said, “They’re comin’ for the Apple Family Reunion. We’re just takin’ the opportunity to help out with the Summer Sun Celebration at the same time. We’re just bucking two apples with one kick, is all.” “Well, the menu looks great,” Trixie said with satisfaction, “And with how good the apples we tried were, I can-” CRASH The sound of scuffling came from upstairs. Hearing this, the three farmers and Trixie ran to see what all the commotion was about. When they opened the door, they saw Ocellus pinned to the floor in a headlock. In an attempt to escape, she bit Apple Bloom’s foreleg, causing her to let go. While she was distracted, Ocellus pounced on Apple Bloom. However, she never met her target. Or landed, for that matter. It took her a few moments to realize that she was caught in a lavender aura, held up in Trixie’s magical field. Apple Bloom was in a similar predicament, being restrained by a large red stallion who was holding her up off the ground. “What in Starswirl’s beard is going on here?!” Trixie exclaimed. “I have had it up to here with ya, young missy!” Granny Smith exclaimed to Apple Bloom, causing the filly to wilt. After separating the two fillies in separate rooms, Apple Bloom being watched by Big Mac, and Ocellus being watched by Carrot Top, Trixie and Granny Smith tried to explain each other. “I’m sorry for what Ocellus did,” Trixie said apologetically, “I’ve never seen her act like that before.” “Nah, it ain’t her fault,” Granny Smith countered, “Apple Bloom has been a troublemaker fer a long time now. I don’t know where she gets it from. I didn’t raise her to be like that. She can be just as bad, if not worse, than those stuck-up ponies in Canterlot. Er… no offense.” “None taken,” Trixie said, “They are stuck-up. I’m not sure if she’s worse than them, but I’ve never actually seen a stuck-up Canterlot Noble actually get physical. They think it’s beneath them. Or they're just wusses and use their Noble status as an excuse to say it’s beneath them.” “Well, I thought that with how high and mighty Apple Bloom believes herself to be, and considering the type of ponies she relates to, I would’ve figured that she would’ve been able to befriend a filly from Canterlot more easily. Don’t blame yer filly. She was likely jus’ defendin’ herself.” “Defending or not, that doesn’t explain why she would be so aggressive as to bite,” Trixie said, not willing to go into further detail about why Ocellus herself is opposed to biting others aside from just the violent aspect. “I’ve been around for a long time, so I think I can be rather insightful,” Granny Smith said with a smile, “When I see yer filly, Ocellus, I get the feelin’ that she picks up on the emotions of others more easily than most. I can tell Ocellus is a sweet little filly most of the time.” “Yeah, she does tend to be aware of others’ emotions. More than you may know,” Trixie said, not going into further detail as to how right the Apple Matriarch was, “But she usually has better control of herself. Maybe it’s because she’s more sheltered because she doesn’t fit in well with most Canterlosians.” “I hope this don’t sour yer view of us fer plannin’ the menu,” Granny Smith said, “But perhaps we should call it a day. I need to give Apple Bloom a proper talkin’ too anywho.” “Don’t worry, I won’t let this experience ruin what I think about the menu or the Apple family,” Trixie assured, “But you’re right. We probably should get on our way too.” Trixie was walking towards Town Hall to settle into a temporary residence for the day. Ocellus, on the other hand, was limping with a sore left hindleg, which was wrapped in a bandage. There were a few bumps and bruises. But most evident was the ice pack held to her right eye, which was now forming a decent-sized shiner. “I swear I don’t know what got into me,” Ocellus said for the umpteenth time. “I understand. I’m disappointed, but I’m not mad at you,” Trixie said, “There’s still a lot about… you that we don’t understand. Perhaps when someone nearby has strong enough emotions, you tend to… reflect their emotions. So perhaps you weren’t even feeling your own emotions but rather Apple Bloom’s. Or maybe she just got to you in a way that nopony else has before now. But I do know you well enough to know that you wouldn’t normally do what you did.” “I promise I didn’t start the fight.” “I know,” Trixie assured, “We’re here.”