Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 6

by TDR

Dungeons and Discords, and Dragons, and Daggers, and Diners, and Death Traps, and Dives, and Dice, and.... Part 2

Twilight gets a Puppy
Season 6

Dungeons and Discords, and Dragons, and Daggers, and Diners, and Death Traps, and Dives, and Dice, and....
Part 2

[Ponyville, Seshat]

“So setting out you have your first major delivery into a dangerous area as a group. Anything left you need to pick up before you go?” Spike asked.

“Pity we can't afford a car or something.” Scootaloo mentioned.

“The address isn't that far out of town into the Midgar ruins.” Applebloom pointed out.

“I've got enough cash to pick up at least two more Phoenix downs so I'm gonna do that.” Fire Fly pointed out.

“I'll go bother that merchant again see if anything else fell off the truck today.” Discord smirked.

“Ehh.” Starlight added.

“I should be good to go whenever.” Sonata offered,” Though I'm gonna keep note of that car dealer ship for later.”

“ I'm gonna hit that taco cart again before we leave, no telling when we'll get back for some good food.” Sweetiebelle offered.

“Didn't your character just have breakfast?” Scootaloo asked.

“Yes, and?” Sweetiebelle grinned.

“Okay, so you all make your purchases, find the vendor has nothing he didn't have since this morning, and Sweetiebelle gets her tacos, so everyone has everything then? Cool. You set out, you make it about ten minutes from town and every one roll wisdom for me.” Spike smirked.

“Ugh 3”
“Nice 22.”
“Lets see add this... 15 as well.”

“Good. With the exception of Scootaloo, you all realize that none of you picked up the package you need to deliver before you decided to leave.” Spike offered.

“Damn it!”


“Great now that the killer vines are out of the way and we reached this forge place. Who is this package even going to?” Applebloom asked.

“Well the name on the box reads a one Mr. E.E. Freet.” Spike offered.

“Ah gods....” Firefly grumbled.

“One of them, yes.” Discord cackled.

[ Later on]

“Hot sauce... we fought assassin vines, and bombs and a giant murder mantis to deliver Hot SAUCE!?” Starlight demanded.

“Is it at least good hot Sauce?” Sweetiebelle asked.

“The best.” Spike answered in a gargling voice as he pretended to be the massive demonic mini he had placed down on the table.

[ Even later]

“Who would kill our boss?” Scootaloo frowned.

“The same guy who killed my dad evidently.” Discord huffed. “Not cool turning my backstory against me by the way.”

“Then don't give me such an easy plot hook.” Spike smirked.

“I am now suddenly worried about my life choices.” Scootaloo muttered as Spike cackled.

“Told yah.” Applebloom huffed.

[ More Later, Less Now]

“So the turtle guy...” Firefly offered.

“Rasher.” Spike added.

“Rasher, was not dead, just fainted with his head pulled so far into his shell that I couldn't find it with a 30 medical check? HOW?” Firefly snapped. ”We have two medics and both of us thought he was dead.”

"He's getting bettah." Sonata chimed in.

“Glad you didn't spend the money you found on him now?” Spike grinned.

Firefly grumbled. ”That's 500k gil I need to just hand back.”

“Perils of being a hero.” Applebloom offered.

“Reikland is NOT a hero.” Firefly sulked.

[ How much later? Lots.]

“My stealth was perfect how did I get found out?” Sonata frowned.

"You forgot to check for traps dear." Discord added with a giggle.

“Right, so now you, Discord, and Applebloom are coated with a glowing phosphorus paint that you cant seem to wash or scrape off because you tried to break into the car dealer ship.” Spike chuckled.

“I go find the white mage and make him remove this. I'm a rogue who can't hide, the most useless kind of rogue.” Sonata huffed.

“You mean a bard?” Discord asked.

“No spoony bards here.” Sonata huffed.

“Ugh, I'll cast scourgify on them to get rid of the effects, we can't have a glowing neon rogue trying to get past a bunch of giant snakes tomorrow.” Firefly muttered. “ Plus I don't want the car dealer sending the Guards after us because of drunken character nonsense.”

“Who'd ah thought Midgar Serpent was plural.” Applebloom hummed.

[Later Still ]

“Do what Now? A war adamantoise?” Sonata questioned.

“Yep and those of you who passed perception can actually see it from the city it self marching through the mountains, the thing is massive like its own mountain. It's also on a bee line to Midgar, the term not the actual insect. The Shinra remnants you found are working to try and evacuate those in the town, and your big boss in Moogle Mail wants you to go get a package from a contractor on the other side of the mountains. He thinks it might help to slow the creature down.” Spike explained.

“Road trip while imminent doom falls, works for me. I got shot gun!” Sweetiebelle chimed.

“Sweetiebelle your character is the only one that knows how to drive the APC we bought.” Starlight sighed.

“Oh . Right.” Sweetiebelle admitted.

[ And even later]

“... go you have the package, I'll hold these ruffians off while you make your escape.” Spike offered in an old man voice.

“Nope. I cast float, and I'm gonna push the old man away from the power armored raiders. He can cast spells while I'm running away with him.” Firefly stated.

“Uhhhh.” Spike blinked. “Okay. He's not gonna resist that, cause he didn't expect it.”

“Pfft we can take them.” Scootaloo huffed.

“Scoots you went down in the surprise round from these guys and Discord's now carrying you around.” Sweetiebelle pointed out.

“You're heavy for a monkey.” Discord chuckled.

[ Later. Yes, that later.]

“HE'S DEAD?!?” Firefly snapped. “After all that !?”

“He was supposed to die letting you guys escape, but nooooooooooo you had to save his wrinkly butt. “Spike explained. “He made it here, trashed a bar in celebration, and drank himself to death.”

“Awww, poor Grammar.” Sonata frowned.

“Well okay, so he worshiped Ramuh, I suppose we can do last rights.” Applebloom suggested.

“How do the last rights for a Ramuh worshiper go?” Discord asked.

“Those of you who have the skill, roll knowledge religion.” Spike explained.

“18 as well.”

“Okay, Firefly and Starlight, Ramuh the god of lightning, comes to collect his most faithful followers personally. Usually when they are outside very shortly after their death.” Spike described.

Starlight and Firefly looked at each other then to Spike with dead pan expressions on their faces.

“So roll reflex since we're all around the body?” Starlight asked.

“Yup. Let's see who gets hit with the fuck all bolt of lightning.” Spike grinned.

“Just a heads up I did tell everyone the phoenix downs were in the right pouch of my pack.” Firefly offered as Spike shook two claw fulls of dice.

[ Later 2, Later Harder]

“You blew up the turtle.” Spike exclaimed in the voice he used for the Moogle Mail big boss.

“It was more of a tortoise.” Discord corrected.

“You were only supposed to distract it, not destroy it!” Spike quoted.

“Well I'd say it's very distracted right now, distracted over there, and over there, and a bit over there, wait is the taco cart okay” Sweetiebelle asked.

Spike rolled behind the screen. “The owner is, but the cart is destroyed.”

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” Sweetiebelle and Sonata cried.

[Later 2, 2 , the Nutcracker version]

“The giant red armored man looks down at all of you, turns to look back up at the sky then back to you.
' Here hold this for me a moment would you?' He states and hands you a massive silvery egg before he continues running, heading down the mountain.” Spike explained.

“What a nice fellow. He gave you a gift.” Sonata stated.

“Everyone roll reflex save for dragon fire.” Spike offered.

[ So much later.]

Right so you tracked the red armored man down, busted his illegal poaching operation, utterly obliterated him, and have brought several missing Wyvern eggs back to the nest of Wyvern that were camped out in the Rathalos mama's territory. She's given you a silver scale from her husband, you got to see the baby hatch and you have a name of the one who's head of the poaching operation, also the boss wants you to come to to Costa Del Sol.” Spike summarized. “Whatcha doing?”

“Well now that we have the airway clear for the goblin balloon we can charter a ride over the mountains to Junon, then hire a boat from there to get to where the big boss is, and we'll get there pretty quick since mama rathalos isn't gonna try to eat us.” Sweetiebelle offered.

“Alright you get underway, the goblins are happy the route is clear and offer you 20 gil off their last price.” Spike explained.

“Oh that's nice, that means we each just pay 80 gil rather than....” Starlight started to say.

“No no, not each , just 20 gil off.” Spike corrected.

“So six hundred and eighty gil then.” Starlight frowned.

[ Later 2 , electric boogaloo]

“So who's on third watch?” Spike asked.

“That would be me.” Firefly offered.” We're still on the balloon, there's goblin Guards, and my MP is good so I don't mind doing a watch for once.

“Alright, roll perception.”


“Alright. You're sitting there on the deck of the airship as it crosses over a section of the ocean on the way to Junon and you hear a voice, that sounds like it's coming from the water far below.” Spike explains.

“A siren?” Firefly questions.

“I didn't say anything.” Sonata offered.

“Not you.” Applebloom sighed.

“You don't know, but listening closer it seems to be trying to invite you to play scrabble.” Spike offered.

“Scrabble?” Firefly questioned.


“Oh yeah it's a siren, the only pony I've met more interested in games than Firefly is Button Mash.” Scootaloo cackled.

“Not a pony.” Firefly huffed.

“Closer than Spike.” Scootaloo counters.

“She's got a point.” Applebloom offered.

“I'm still not calling any one to play scrabble.” Sonata offered.

“Still not you dear.” Discord smirked.

“I ask one of the goblin Guards if they know what it is.” Firefly continued ignoring Scootaloo.

“One of them mentions that they hear it every so often and they simply do their best to ignore it. Nothing bad ever comes from ignoring it until it goes away.” Spike explained.

“Cool I'm going to do that and then not mention a damn thing to any of the party in the morning because I know for a fact they'll want to go check it out and probably get us nearly killed again.” Firefly huffed.

“Spoil sport.” Discord laughed.

[ And then some.]

“Alright lets see. So .. I try to use my drudic powers to see if there are any fish in the sea.” Starlight offered.

There was a moment of silence as every one stared at her.

“What?” Starlight blinked. “ I can't use that to see if this is a good fishing spot?”

The others all broke out laughing and Starlight blinked looking to Spike.

“Okay.” Spike coughed stifling a chuckle. “ I see where you are coming from, I do, but go back and rethink the words you just said.”

“Use my...” Starlight sighed. ”Okay that does sound stupid.”

“Yeah unfortunately it's that sort of stupid that the rest of the group is gonna remember forever.” Spike explained. “ Sorry. Expect it to come up randomly for the rest of your life.”

“Damn it!” Starlight huffed.

[And Finally]

“Whelp that's where I'm gonna call it for the night.” Spike stated.

“OH COME ON!!” The whole table shouted at him, only making Spike's grin wider.

“ My characters family is not responding to any calls and the town where I grew up has gone silent.” Scootaloo snapped.

“I lost an Arm!” Sweetiebelle hissed.

“How the crap am 'I ' a warrior of light!?” Firefly snarled. ”My whole character is based on thinking being a hero is the worst thing ever! And you've got my home town under attack by undead swarms so now we have to rush there after we help Scootaloo's town.”

“I'm a palico now.” Sonata huffed. ”This doesn't even make sense and I'm the one saying that.”

“I'm still trying to figure out how I went from one soul in a suit of power armor, to over a thousand souls in an even bigger suit of power armor.” Discord blinked. ”Also this isn't a proper O&O session without a Moosy Python reference.”

“I made one back when we found out Rasher was alive.” Sonata offered.

“Ahh, okay then, carry on.” Discord hummed.

“Our boss launched a missile at us and blew up our tank after trying to git us all the way out to Costa Del soul.” Applebloom grumbled. ”Also Ah am not happy I'm now addicted to electricity and licking batteries.”

“You failed the rolls.” Spike offered his filly friend and some of the others.

“How did I wind up with the staff of the god Fenrir.” Starlight sighed.” And an entire cult of his worshipers chasing me so they can kill me and be promoted.”

“You decided to beat the guy and take the staff.” Spike stated.

“He was an assassin, this was loot.” Starlight retorted. “Heck why didn't he run off like the other two?”

“The other two were driven away by rolls of 1 and 3 on singing and Kazoo playing from Shade and Riekland.”

“Do not taunt the happy fun time kazoo of war.” Discord offered as Firefly rolled his eyes.

“At any rate, it's late, which means the game is over for now. Next time we can get every one together we'll pick up with it.” Spike stated.”If everyone's okay with that?”

“Of course.”
“I got nothing better to do.”
“Whata you think.”
“Beats twiddling my thumbs. And I'm good at that. Even without thumbs.”
“Of course, but I'm still going to hold off on the augmented reality until Sweetie rolls a new character.”
“Sure why not. This was interesting.”