//------------------------------// // Rennala of the Full Moon // Story: Elden Ring: The Deaths of Tirek // by Blackdrag-rose //------------------------------// After taking a few moments to make sure his Runes were spent, since the red wolf had given him quite a bit to work with, Tirek walked out through the second opening in the lecture hall and found that it lead to what appeared to be a ruined courtyard, due to a wrecked staircase to his left. One thing he discovered while he looked at the area was that there was a curved ramp leading up what to looked like the main building of the Academy, a library or maybe even a home area for the one who ruled over the Sorcerers, meaning Rennala had to be there. The ramp itself was separated from the courtyard that he was in, meaning he would have to jump over to the arches that happened to be connected to the bottom portion, where it was easy for Tirek to see that doing so would be the death of him if he misjudged the distance between the two points. In addition to that he spotted a number of Hollows hanging around the shattered stairs, not to mention some sort of metallic thing that seemed to be rolling around on four wheels in the area beyond the fountain he had stopped at, a device that had two crescent blades that looked like they could be thrown and retracted with ease. He stared at the scene in front of him for a few seconds, coming up with a plan of attack that would allow him to reach his destination without wasting time, and found that there was a way to double back to this area further ahead, he just had to pass through the main building first. With that in mind Tirek walked over to the edge of the courtyard, the shattered edge to be exact, and studied the small gap for a few seconds, allowing him to understand how much power he had to put into his jump, before he nodded his head and jumped across the entire thing. He landed on one of the stone arches and found that he could just climb over a rail to get on the ramp, though he kept his guard up since there was no telling what might happen next, given that he was getting closer and closer to the next Shardbearer. As he did that, however, he heard the sound of something hitting the ground and turned his head towards the uppermost part of the ramp, which was when Tirek noticed that a large round sphere was rolling down the path and was coming towards him. He did discover that it was coming in a diagonal patter, bouncing off the rail on the right side before hitting the one on the left side, repeating the motion with ease, meaning he could either wait until it went by him or he could simply observe it's pattern and hide in the areas it didn't hit. The reason he thought there might be more than one of them was due to the fact that the first orb rolled off the end of the ramp and another one spawned at the top of the path, meaning this was either a closed loop or someone was calling forth multiple spheres to deal with him. As such he carefully studied the pattern, which he was able to do by climbing over the railing when a new one spawned into existence, before making his move as he carefully made his way up the ramp, using all of the safety zones he had spotted previously. He noticed that there was no one at the end of the curved path he was running along, at least up where the spheres were coming from, meaning it was hard to determine what went into the trap he must have triggered, but he decided not to worry about it as he entered the building. From there he found a door to his right, leading to one of the portal devices that he would check out later, a locked door to the left, and an open path in front of him that lead to a small area and, more importantly, a lift that should take him to his final destination, though in front of it stood a knight. Instead of worrying about him Tirek went over to the left and found a covered path leading to a door, one that lead to the area that the Sorcerers were standing in, and once it was open he turned around and returned to the lift area, one more ignoring the knight as he used the lift to reach an area with a large door. He opened the door without delay and walked into the final part of the Academy, which turned out to be a grand library that was protected by all sorts of Sorcerers, not that it mattered since he had been able to bypass them and reach this area without much delay. Tirek could practically feel the power in the air as he made his way into the library, Rennala was here, that much he was sure of, meaning soon he would have a lot more power to add to his own and the journey ahead of him would be even easier, at least until he ran into some stronger foes. As he considered that, however, he felt someone tug on his right leg and glanced down for a moment, where he discovered what appeared to be a child or a really young person trying to nibble on his hoof, likely a student who seemed to have lost his mind in some manner, but before he could say anything he felt something and took a look at the center of the library. In the following moments he heard a lot of giggling as a number of candles were lit by more students, who seemed to be condemned to crawling on the ground by the looks of it, before he felt the arrival of his target, a large lady who happened to be floating in the air, in a laying position, while wearing robes that matched what the students were wearing and an odd crescent shaped magic crown on her head. "Hush, little culver... I will soon birth thee anew, a sweeting fresh and pure..." the figure, Rennala, said, stopping the group of students with her voice, all while Tirek found that she was rubbing what seemed to be an amber egg of some kind, the very thing that possessed the Great Rune's power, which he realized was his true target. Since he knew that the Demigods, and those like them, didn't like to talk Tirek kept his mouth shut as he got ready for a fight, where he quickly discovered that Rennala had a spherical barrier around her and that it was being powered by the students that were around him, the singing ones anyway. He knew that because there were three figures singing while the rest tried to stop him in his tracks, especially since he found that the trio had a ring of golden magic around their heads, an indicator that they were powering the barrier. As such he had to move around the room and attack them before they had a chance to hit him with books, thrown by their magic no less, and even when he killed one he suspected that it was only a temporary death, that they were tied to Rennala's power in some manner and would come back when she wanted to bring them back. Of course, after facing some of the other stronger foes, he suspected that there was another thing he had to keep an eye out for and kept his guard up, only to find that Rennala didn't seem to have any other defenses for him to deal with, and when the third student fell the barrier shattered, dropping his foe to the ground. It turned out to be such an easy fight for him, as he struck her a few times before backing off as she recharged her barrier spell, causing him to repeat the process until he knocked Rennala to the ground, forcing her to drop the amber egg in the process, which she was far more interested in. "Ah, my beloved... do not worry, I will hold you!" Rennala said, showing Tirek that he was nothing to her, in fact he had to wonder if she even knew he was here, beating the stuffing out of her, though as she started to pull herself over to the egg something strange happened, the Great Rune inside the egg reacted to a spell that was left on the amber. A foul darkness was starting to seep out of the amber egg, gathering all over the area they were in while shrouding all the walls in the process, causing Tirek to realize that something was coming for him and caused him to change his stance as everything around him started to change before his eyes. "Upon my name as Ranni the Witch, Mother's rich slumber shall not be disturbed by thee." a familiar voice said, where he realized that the four armed lady he had met earlier had left a spell here, to guard her mother in case someone attacked her, and some of the darkness formed a more confident version of Rennala, who was willing to fight, as they appeared on top of a lake with the full moon glowing behind her, "Foul trespasser, send word far and wide of the last Queen of Caria, Rennala of the Full Moon, and the beauty of the night she conjures." In the following moment Tirek found that he had nothing to fear, the spell was drawing power from Rennala herself, as in it was drawing from her vast reserves to power itself, hence the part about telling the world of her power, to attack him, as it started with a burst of magical energy. Since all of it's attacks were made out of magic he didn't even bother to dodge any of them, instead he devoured them once by one, greedily adding Rennala's power to his own as he slowly weakened the spell that was currently attacking him. Sure, it had the power to create small miniature moons that were launched at him, or sending blasts of energy, or even summoning creatures made of magic to attack him, the 'Oathsworn' as the spell called them, but in the end magic was magic and he devoured all of it. It even summoned a transparent dragon to bring ruin to him and where he was standing, but he grabbed it by the neck and shattered it with ease, drawing in all the power that went into making it, before using one of it's fangs to stab the Fake Rennala in the chest, allowing him to greedily drink in the spell's power and, eventually, shatter it while breaking it's hold over the world. As that happened, however, his head snapped in one direction as he absorbed the second Great Rune into his body, as in the last moments of the spell he had tracked down Ranni's exact location, meaning he had an area to check out before he returned to the Roundtable Hold, causing him to grin as he wondered what might happen next.