//------------------------------// // Chapter 25 // Story: MLP A New Generation 3: The Rise of Armored Hoof // by TwiShine45 //------------------------------// Thinking on her hooves, Sunny ordered everypony on her side to hide within the buildings around them. Scarlet Wing reinforcements had poured in to the point where the Maretime Bay force was severely outnumbered. Sunny saw no other alternative but to try and use some trickery to befuddle the invading marauders. So, she, her friends, and their entire army quickly made their way behind walls, under tables, and some clever ponies even cut out the fabric of furniture, concealing themselves deep within. They left air holes to breathe, of course, but otherwise, they were completely invisible. Sunny was hiding with Hitch inside one of the nearby schools, taking refuge in a back room with a good vantage point of the front door. She wanted to be absolutely sure that, in the extremely likely event of an attack, they would have the element of surprise. Of course, she also knew that, in the same situation, she and Hitch would definitely be outnumbered and in a hoof and nail fight to the death. This concerned her, however she was supremely confident in both her and her stallion’s fighting abilities. They could definitely give Scarlet Wing a scratch or two, even if they both went down. One thing was for sure, neither of them were dying without a struggle. “I don’t suppose this would be a good time to ask you a very serious question,” Hitch ventured, breaking into Sunny’s thoughts. Sunny gave him a look. “Not really, Hitch, no,” she snapped quietly. “Oh, good, because I kinda tend to pick abnormal times to ask such things.” Sunny rolled her eyes. “Oh, for Twilight’s sake, what is it?” “Well-“ Hitch was interrupted as Scarlet Wing’s agents burst through the front door of the schoolhouse. There were three of them, and one seemed to be at the head. This pony directed the other two to search the place thoroughly. Of course, this “thorough” search consisted of knocking tables over, shattering glass, and just generally making as big of a mess of the place as possible. However, all this noise worked to Sunny and Hitch’s advantage, as they were able to sneak out of their hiding spot and attack the two ponies who were engaging in the wanton vandalism. Sunny had one by the throat and slashed with her horn, sharpened to a glinting point. Meanwhile, Hitch pinned the other down and bit and swiped for all he was worth. “Ugh! Maretime Bay interlopers!” The head agent cried. “Kill them!” This command was well received by the enemy agents, as they began to fight back viciously. Sunny and her opponent were writhing in a fierce pile of horns, hooves, wings, and fur. The soon-to-be princess felt chunks of her flesh being ripped out, but was satisfied with the receipts she was giving her assailant. Blood painted the floor beneath them as they went at each other. Hoof-to-hoof, neither of them were willing to back down. After a few moments of this, Sunny finally managed to pin the agent down, holding the enemy unicorn and hissing in her face. “You will not take Maretime Bay, nor will you take Equestria!” Sunny yelled in a voice that she didn’t know she could conjure. The enemy laughed. “Oh, but it’s not our job to do such things,” she growled. “It is our mistress Meadow’s job to ensure Queen Luster’s legacy continues.” “UGH! Luster was no queen!” Sunny barked, swiping a hoof across her enemy’s shoulder and removing more of her pelt. “HA!” The enemy chortled, clearly uninterested in her own pain. “That’s a laugh, coming from you, Sunny Starscout! You’re no princess or queen, either! You certainly aren’t any match for the Alicorns of old! You’re just a worthless copy, a facsimile designed by some invisible overlords to try and recapture the so-called glory days! Well, guess what? Equestria has evolved beyond that! Scarlet Wing are simply here to enforce that evolution!” Sunny gnashed her teeth together and bent down to kill her opponent, but was suddenly stopped by a pair of teeth meeting in the back of her own throat. She whirled around to see Opaline’s harsh blue eyes staring deep into her own. Thinking quickly, Sunny wrenched herself away from Scarlet Wing’s second-in-command and stood to face her. Instantly, all the fighting around them ceased as the ponies became glued to their spots. They were all in pain, with wounds dripping in blood. However, the ensuing fight would, for all intents and purposes, be for the future of Equestria. No words were exchanged between the two, but Sunny howled in a rage and charged first. The two began using their horns as swords, parrying and bashing their way around the schoolroom. They used anything they could levitate as a weapon, tossing sharp pieces of wood and harsh bits of broken glass at each other. Their own crimson flew about the place as they fought, moving in a destructive dance of death. They held their own against each other, putting themselves in harm’s way for the good of their respective sides. After a few moments, Sunny managed to get the upper hoof against the wicked Unicorn. She then bit down hard on Opaline’s shoulder, causing the enemy to cry out in pain. “GO ROT IN TARTARUS, YOU WICKED PIECE OF PONY CRAP!” The evil one howled in agony. “Never!” Sunny growled. “Not so long as my friends are in danger!” “Oh, friendship, friendship!” Opaline shouted back. “When will you ponies learn that hate and vengeance are the only true paths to light?! When will you EVOLVE WITH THE REST OF US?!” “I want no part in such a transformation,” Sunny spat, “for as long as I live, and as long as I am ruler of Equestria, we will remain a nation of friends! We will remain allies to good…and we will remain the bane of evil’s existence!” “UGH! I watched Queen Luster die at your putrid, pitiful, wretched, worthless hooves,” Opaline growled, “…and now she shall have…her…REVENGE!”